75 research outputs found

    NSAIDs, fatty acids and cholesterol as modifiers of pathology in rodent models of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of senile dementia, is characterised by p-amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal loss. Amyloid plaques are associated with the increased inflammation and oxidative stress. Rodent models overexpressing APP are a useful tool to investigate both the processes and the consequences of amyloid generation, and are crucial for developing and testing hypotheses about treatments and risk factors. Tg2576 transgenic mice overexpress human "Swedish" mutated APP and show memory impairment followed by amyloid plaques pathology. GP56 rats also overexpress human "Swedish" mutated APP, but show no signs of AD-like pathology. In this thesis, I explored the influence of dietary and pharmacological modifications on pathogenesis of AD as tested in rodent models. As epidemiological data implicated the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in reducing the risk of AD, I investigated the role of ibuprofen as either prevention or treatment in transgenic mice. The results indicated that ibuprofen delayed the onset of behavioural impairment but only when it was administered early during the evolution of their pathology. Levels of Ap and plaque pathology were not affected. Also consumption of n-3 fatty acids seemed to reduce the risk of AD, possibly by acting as an anti-oxidant. Thus I investigated the effect of DHA on learning ability and pathology in AD mice. Administration of DHA to young mice reduced the impairment in learning but did not alter Ap levels or plaque pathology. Finally the role of high cholesterol diet was investigated in GP56 rats. Feeding rats for 8 weeks did not induce any amyloid-connected pathology. The results indicate that modulation of inflammatory processes, or lipids can have modest ameliorating effects on behavioural impairments in rodent AD models, provided intervention is undertaken early, but suggest these may not be the most efficacious targets for therapeutic intervention.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mengenai social media marketing activity pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore, mengetahui gambaran mengenai purchase intention pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore, dan menguji pengaruh social media marketing activity terhadap purchase intention produk Erigo pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore. Variabel pada penelitian ini terdiri dari satu variabel independen yaitu social media marketing activity (X) dan satu variabel dependent yaitu purchase intention (Y). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pengikut dari Instagram Erigostore. Metode penarikan sampel penelitian ini dengan cara non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner pada pengikut Instagram Erigostore sebanyak 400 responden. Hasilnya yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa social media marketing activty berada di kategori tinggi dan purchase intention berada di kategori netral. Pada penelitian terdapat juga adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara social media marketing activity terhadap purchase intention. Kedepannya Erigo diharapkan dapat membuat invoasi terhadap social media marketing agar dapat meningkatkan purchase intention dari pengikut Instagram Erigostore. Kata Kunci: social media marketing activity, purchase intention, Erigo This study aims to determine the description of social media marketing activity on Erigostore Instagram followers, determine the description of purchase intention on Erigostore Instagram followers, and examine the effect of social media marketing activity on purchase intention of Erigo products on Erigostore Instagram followers. The variables in this study consist of one independent variable, namely social media marketing activity (X) and one dependent variable, namely purchase intention (Y). The sample in this study were followers of Erigostore Instagram. The method of drawing samples in this study was by means of non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. While data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 400 Erigostore Instagram followers. The results obtained show that social media marketing activty is in the high category and purchase intention is in the neutral category. In the study there was also a positive and significant influence between social media marketing activity on purchase intention. In the future, Erigo is expected to make innovations to social media marketing in order to increase the purchase intention of Erigostore Instagram followers. Keywords: social media marketing activity, purchase intention, Erig

    NSAIDs, fatty acids and cholesterol as modifiers of pathology in rodent models of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of senile dementia, is characterised by p-amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal loss. Amyloid plaques are associated with the increased inflammation and oxidative stress. Rodent models overexpressing APP are a useful tool to investigate both the processes and the consequences of amyloid generation, and are crucial for developing and testing hypotheses about treatments and risk factors. Tg2576 transgenic mice overexpress human "Swedish" mutated APP and show memory impairment followed by amyloid plaques pathology. GP56 rats also overexpress human "Swedish" mutated APP, but show no signs of AD-like pathology. In this thesis, I explored the influence of dietary and pharmacological modifications on pathogenesis of AD as tested in rodent models. As epidemiological data implicated the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in reducing the risk of AD, I investigated the role of ibuprofen as either prevention or treatment in transgenic mice. The results indicated that ibuprofen delayed the onset of behavioural impairment but only when it was administered early during the evolution of their pathology. Levels of Ap and plaque pathology were not affected. Also consumption of n-3 fatty acids seemed to reduce the risk of AD, possibly by acting as an anti-oxidant. Thus I investigated the effect of DHA on learning ability and pathology in AD mice. Administration of DHA to young mice reduced the impairment in learning but did not alter Ap levels or plaque pathology. Finally the role of high cholesterol diet was investigated in GP56 rats. Feeding rats for 8 weeks did not induce any amyloid-connected pathology. The results indicate that modulation of inflammatory processes, or lipids can have modest ameliorating effects on behavioural impairments in rodent AD models, provided intervention is undertaken early, but suggest these may not be the most efficacious targets for therapeutic intervention.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    NSAIDs, fatty acids and cholesterol as modifiers of pathology in rodent models of Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of senile dementia, is characterised by p-amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and neuronal loss. Amyloid plaques are associated with the increased inflammation and oxidative stress. Rodent models overexpressing APP are a useful tool to investigate both the processes and the consequences of amyloid generation, and are crucial for developing and testing hypotheses about treatments and risk factors. Tg2576 transgenic mice overexpress human 'Swedish' mutated APP and show memory impairment followed by amyloid plaques pathology. GP56 rats also overexpress human 'Swedish' mutated APP, but show no signs of AD-like pathology. In this thesis, I explored the influence of dietary and pharmacological modifications on pathogenesis of AD as tested in rodent models. As epidemiological data implicated the role of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in reducing the risk of AD, I investigated the role of ibuprofen as either prevention or treatment in transgenic mice. The results indicated that ibuprofen delayed the onset of behavioural impairment but only when it was administered early during the evolution of their pathology. Levels of Ap and plaque pathology were not affected. Also consumption of n-3 fatty acids seemed to reduce the risk of AD, possibly by acting as an anti-oxidant. Thus I investigated the effect of DHA on learning ability and pathology in AD mice. Administration of DHA to young mice reduced the impairment in learning but did not alter Ap levels or plaque pathology. Finally the role of high cholesterol diet was investigated in GP56 rats. Feeding rats for 8 weeks did not induce any amyloid-connected pathology. The results indicate that modulation of inflammatory processes, or lipids can have modest ameliorating effects on behavioural impairments in rodent AD models, provided intervention is undertaken early, but suggest these may not be the most efficacious targets for therapeutic intervention

    Eсonomic essence and the analysis of the material resources efficient use

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    Розглянуто проблемні питання визначення сутності поняття "матеріальні ресурси" та засади аналізу їх придбання й ефективності використання на підприємствах. На основі опрацювання спеціальної літератури наведено трактування зазначеного терміну різними авторами. Обґрунтовано, що потреба в матеріальних ресурсах поповнюється не тільки додатковим придбанням сировини, матеріалів і т.д., але й їх економним витрачанням. Тому найважливішою умовою збільшення обсягу промислової продукції є комплексне і раціональне використання матеріальних ресурсів. У підвищенні ефективності використання матеріальних ресурсів велике значення відіграє економічний аналіз, який дозволяє відшукувати внутрішньогосподарські резерви скорочення матеріальних витрат.The problem aspects of defining the notion "material resources" and the principles of the analysis of their acquisition and the efficiency of use in the enterprises were examined. On the basis of the special literature analysis the definitions of the mentioned notion by different authors were presented. It was justified that the need in material resources is supplemented not only with the additional acquisition of raw materials etc. but also with its economical consumption. Therefore, the most important condition for increasing the amount of business products is the comprehensive and rational use of material resources. An important role in the increase of the efficient use of material resources is given to economic analysis that allows to find the internal reserves of financial costs reduction. Under the market principles of management forming high labor productivity and the reduction of the materials use in the production are the basis of the stable work of enterprises and allow to obtain the maximum profit. As the material resources are the basis of any production process the emphasis should be placed on the efficient way of their use. The attention is paid to the research of problems of improving the material resources use methods at all stages of economic development. The study of economic literature demonstrates that this problem is one of the main ones. The analysis of many publications allows to state that the terminological confusion between such notions as "tangible assets", "objects of labor", "material resources", "materials", "productive funds" and "funds" exists

    Stamcellsterapi : En teknik som räddar synen?!

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    Introduktion: Synen är det viktigaste mediet genom vilket människan uppfattar omgivningen. Degenerativa processer som försämrar synen kan förbindas till ärftligt betingade eller degenerativa processer och mutationsfaktorer eller multifaktoriella degenerativa näthinnesjukdomar: retinitis pigmentosa, glaukom och åldersrelaterad makula degeneration. Forskarna har försökt förhindra utveckling av näthinnedegenerationen genom användning av stam- eller progenitorceller. Under differentiering och självförnyande processer utsöndrar dessa celler olika endogena tillväxtfaktorer: substanser som är aktiva vid cellens mognads- och reparationsprocesser. Att rädda och skydda celler från apoptos eller återskapa nya fotoreceptorer eller nervceller är forskarnas mål. Under de senaste 10 åren har man provat att ersätta förlorad syn med synproteser (biomimetisk utrustning). Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att jämföra olika typer av terapier och beskrivna forskningsmetoder över stamcellsterapi vid diverse sjukliga tillstånd i ögat. Resultat: Stam- och progenitorceller kan skydda fotoreceptorer och nervceller från apoptos. De kan ha förmildrande effekt vid olika degenerativa tillstånd i ögat. Det finns fortfarande osäkerhet över möjligheten att transplanterade celler kan bilda tumörliknande strukturer. Det krävs mer forskning för att utesluta detta. I samodling med humana neurala progenitorceller (hNPC) var yttre nukleära lagret (ONL) mellan 10 % och 40 % tjockare, antalet fotoreceptorer som har överlevt signifikant större i båda testade grupper än vid kontrollen. Fotoreceptorers dödlighet har minskat med 30 % till över 50 % . Det är enormt svårt att kunna skapa från stamceller neuronceller som t.ex. Amakrina celler, bipolära celler och ganglionceller. Humana embryonala stamceller (hESC) differentierar bättre än vad musembryonala celler gjorde. Med synproteser som baseras på kvarstående näthinnemöjligheter har man kunnat återskapa en del av synen. Diskussion: Terapin med stamceller kan ha förmildrande effekter vid glaukomatösa förluster av ganglionceller. Närvaro av humana neurala progenitorceller (hNPC) minskar signifikant dödlighet hos fotoreceptorer och neuronceller men möjligheterna att återskapa redan förlorade näthinneceller är begränsade. Det finns fortfarande risk att transplanterade celler bildar tumörliknande strukturer i ögat. Plats och utvecklingsfas där transplantat hamnar spelar stor roll vid lyckad behandling. Det krävs mer forskning innan dessa terapier blir klinisk tillåtna