1,533 research outputs found

    The limits of Agrarian reform in Brazil = 巴西土地改革的局限

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    Brazil is probably the only country that experienced a deep and complex process of growth and promote economic development without substantial change on the issue of land ownership. Since the Portuguese colonization, through the Land Act of 1850 and throughout the process of industrialization experienced in the twentieth century and still in progress, the land question remained almost unchanged, despite the advances resulting from the growing social and economic contradictions and the related violence observed in the field. Western Europe and countries like the United States (Homestead Act of 1862), China (the Great Leap Forward of 1959) and USSR (after the Revolution of 1917) at some point, and in different ways, have promoted the massive access population to land, and even Latin American neighbors such as Argentina, have forged more open societies with regard to land ownership (see policies implemented colonization of the territory in the nineteenth century) than the Brazilian

    Approches textuelles pour la traduction du poème au Brésil

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    La traduction du poème au Brésil a connu un grand essor pendant la période appelée par Bassnett « post-coloniale ». Les traducteurs de cette génération, notamment les frères Augusto et Haroldo de Campos, défendent la transcréation et la transculturation, c’est-à-dire, le fait que le traducteur réinvente le poème et devient son co-auteur. En outre, depuis les années 1980, de nouvelles approches que l’on appelle « textuelles » développent d’autres instruments d’analyse et de production textuelle de traductions. Notre objectif est d’analyser cette nouvelle tendance et d’essayer de comprendre son rapport avec ladite génération post-coloniale.The translation of poetry in Brazil saw a remarkable development in a period referred to by Bassnett as “post-colonial”. The translators of this generation, namely the brothers Augusto and Haroldo de Campos, defend transcreation and transculturation, in other words, the fact that the translator reinvents the poem and becomes its co-author. Furthermore, since the 1980s, new approaches called “textual approaches” have developed additional instruments of analysis and textual translation productions. My aim is to analyze this new trend and try to understand their relation with the so-called post-colonial generation


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    Media Outlets and Gender Violence: An abusive relationship?

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    Gender violence in Brazil is a persistent phenomenon It has engaged both public and academic agents in finding solutions and putting them into practice One of the points that draws attention in this regard is the investigation of the role of the media in this fight The current legislation asserts that such outlets must commit to avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes by rethinking their practices and placing themselves as agents of transformation Through literature review this article inquires about possible relations positive or negative between gender violence and the means of communication - with the objective of presenting the pertinent legislation and the scenario of violence in the light of Pierre Bourdieu s symbolic violence In final considerations based on the Argentine legislation this article proposes the inclusion of media violence alongside the other types of violence that are already recognized by the legal framework in order to reframe such relationship as well as to increase its visibilit

    Media Outlets and Gender Violence: An abusive relationship?

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    Gender violence in Brazil is a persistent phenomenon It has engaged both public and academic agents in finding solutions and putting them into practice One of the points that draws attention in this regard is the investigation of the role of the media in this fight The current legislation asserts that such outlets must commit to avoiding the perpetuation of stereotypes by rethinking their practices and placing themselves as agents of transformation Through literature review this article inquires about possible relations positive or negative between gender violence and the means of communication - with the objective of presenting the pertinent legislation and the scenario of violence in the light of Pierre Bourdieu s symbolic violence In final considerations based on the Argentine legislation this article proposes the inclusion of media violence alongside the other types of violence that are already recognized by the legal framework in order to reframe such relationship as well as to increase its visibilit

    JOUVE, Vincent. Por que estudar literatura? Tradução de Marcos Bagno e Marcos Marcio-lino. São Paulo: Parábola editorial, 2012

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências HumanasUNIFESP, Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências HumanasSciEL

    Challenges to care in social work : a critical perspective

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    Este artigo trata das relações entre cuidado, emancipação e Serviço Social, com o objetivo de uma reflexão crítica sobre uma temática que tem ficado obscurecida na discussão profissional. Faz uma análise do conceito de cuidado, enquanto ajuda, trabalho familiar da mulher e ação individual, para situá-lo no contexto das relações de poder, de descaso e abandono, próprio da sociedade capitalista. Considera o cuidar em uma perspectiva teórica e histórica democrática, exigindo a construção de valores éticos e de humanização da atenção profissional articulada à existência de suportes institucionais. Volta-se ao reconhecimento do outro como sujeito individual e coletivo de direitos, na efetivação de sua autonomia, da democracia e da cidadania no contexto da história social, e nas condições do sujeito combinando atenção às suas necessidades, às suas expressões e à inclusão social com valores éticos e processos de atuação profissional explicitados. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article concerns relations between care, emancipation and Social Work. Its objective is to critically reflect on a theme that has been obscured in the professional discussion. It analyzes the concept of care, as help, the family work of women and individual action, to locate them in the context of power relations and the lack of care and abandonment, which is specific to capitalist society. Care is considered from a democratic theoretical and historic perspective, which requires the construction of ethical values and the humanization of professional attention that is articulated to the existence of institutional support. The paper focuses on the recognition of the other as an individual and collective subject of rights, in the effectuation of his autonomy, democracy and citizenship in the context of social history, and as a subject, combines attention to his needs and expressions to social inclusion with ethical values and explicit processes of professional action

    What does social work mean

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    Este artigo trata da concepção/definição do Serviço Social em uma perspectiva histórica e teórica, levando em conta o contexto em que foi formulada e seus pressupostos. Tem como objetivo contrapor, de forma crítica, os enunciados discursivos sobre a profissão, sem nenhum propósito evolutivo ou exaustivo. O método foi de consulta bibliográfica a livros publicados de autores que tenham servido de referência e a definições de associações profissionais. O resultado da pesquisa mostrou uma diversidade de posições a partir do funcionalismo e do marxismo, da história e das práticas de serviço social. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article deals with the conceptions/definitions of social work from a theoretical and historical perspective, taking into account its context and presuppositions. The objective is a critical analysis of the discursive enunciations about the social work profession without any evolutional or exhaustive aim. The research method was a bibliography consultation of recognized authors, as well as of professional organizations. The results show that there is a diversity of positions from functionalism and marxism and from social movements and institutional practice

    Social work in daily life : threads and challenges

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    Este artigo trata dos conflitos entre a estrutura econômica e política neoliberal do capitalismo e a proposta de cidadania e de defesa de direitos do Serviço Social crítico no cotidiano profissional das instituições. Analisa as relações de exploração articuladas às relações de poder e de sobrevivência e às relações entre profissionais e sujeitos demandantes de serviços, para identificar desafios do exercício profissional na reflexão e na aprendizagem da tomada de consciência e construção de estratégias de contra-hegemonia na complexidade do cotidiano.This article deals with the conflicts between the economic and political neoliberal capitalistic structure and the proposal of citizenship and defense of rights of the critical Social Work in the professional daily life of the institutions. It analyzes the relations of exploitation linked with those of power and survival, as well as those between professionals and subjects who order services, so as to identify challenges of the professional work while thinking about and learning how to get awareness and to build up strategies related to counter-hegemony in the complexity of daily life

    The Covariogram and an extension of Siegel's formula

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    We extend a formula of C. L. Siegel in the geometry of numbers, allowing the body to contain an arbitrary number of interior lattice points. Our extension involves a lattice sum of the covariogram of any compact set in Euclidean space. The Fourier methods herein also allow for more general admissible sets, due to the Poisson summation formula. As one of the consequences of these results, we also obtain a new characterization of multi-tilings of Euclidean space by translations, using the lower bound on lattice sums of such covariograms.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure