81 research outputs found

    Ci riguarda : considerazioni non specialistiche su come ragionare di videogiochi

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    Manca oggi un discorso generalista sui videogiochi che \u2013 al di l\ue0 degli specialismi accademici e della partigianeria di \uabsviluppatori\ubb e giocatori \u2013 eviti anche il qualunquismo di certi media, affrontando l\u2019argomento con tono equilibrato per restituire la complessit\ue0 di un settore in rapidissima crescita e indagare l\u2019importanza di scrittura e narrazione al suo interno

    Greater Galagos near Mt. Kasigau, Kenya: Population Density Estimates

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    This study examined population density and habitat use of a species of greater galago, genus Otolemur, around Mt. Kasigau, Kenya. Mt. Kasigau has a unique regional microclimate, a cloud forest, which provides many different flora and fauna a home. To examine population density, two different methods were used. The first method was using line transects and analyzing results using Distance 6.0. These surveys were conducted during both dry and wet season and results were compared after the study. The second method was to trap individuals and use mark-recapture to determine population density. When caught in a trap, individuals were also weighed and measurements were taken. Accurate weight was taken for 17 individuals; ear height, tail length, and hind foot length were recorded for 21 individuals. Mark-recapture data were analyzed using Krebs/WIN 3.0. Population density estimates using both methods were compared and provided similar results; Distance 6.0 estimated 0.62 individuals per hectare and Krebs/WIN 3.0 estimated 0.51 individuals per hectare. Morphological measurements were not consistent with published data of known species of Otolemur garnettii, which is the most common greater galago in East Africa. It is possible the Mt. Kasigau population is reproductively isolated and DNA analysis should be conducted in the future. Habitat usage of greater and lesser galagos and diurnal primates was examined to determine which tree species are commonly used by these individuals

    Libri per far leggere? : vite di lettori, piccole biblioteche, vademecum-manifesto

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    Una serie varia di testi apparsi nell\u2019ultimo anno e mezzo ruotano attorno alla valorizzazione del leggere, in chiave di promozione, orientamento e formazione. Visti nell\u2019insieme, con le scelte di struttura in primo piano, mostrano il rilievo e le contraddizioni del favorire la lettura. E offrono un piccolo inventario di possibili tessere per un discorso critico sulla letteratura che provi a scansare l\u2019attesa di bassa leggibilit\ue0 e alta autoreferenzialit\ue0 che spesso lo accompagnano

    Perceptions of Conservation and Ecotourism in the Taita-Taveta County, Kenya

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    This is a qualitative study examining conservation attitudes and resource use of 63 individuals in Kasigau, Kenya. Community members described their perceptions of conservation, the resources that they use, the location and availability of these, their support for the protection of Mt. Kasigau, their likes and dislikes of plant and animal species, and their support of ecotourism in Kasigau. All individuals listed conservation behaviors and agreed that protecting Mt. Kasigau is important. Many recognized the mountain as the only source of water. Some resources were limited, especially at certain times of the year. All interviewed community members except one would like tourists to visit Kasigau and are interested in cultural exchange. There is an apparent difference between conservation and ecotourism attitudes in Makwasinyi and the other six villages which could be because Makwasinyi has a lower level of education and is isolated on the northeastern side of the mountain. Gender differences between males and females were also present as each gender uses different resources coupled with a division of labor. The main theory that evolved was rational choice theory. People of Kasigau are trying to sustain their livelihoods and will pick conservation activities due to their benefits and chance they will increase income. When developing a community-based conservation model, these attitudes, education level, and gender differences must be considered to make a plan the whole community can agree on and from which it will benefit

    Il disagio del piacere. Effetti di lettura in "Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore" di Italo Calvino

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    Il romanzo del lettore si presenta anche come un ‘inventario di effetti’ del leggere, ritratti nei modi del racconto di diversi stili di lettura (nella cornice, soprattutto) oppure – soprattutto negli incipit – in quelli di una simulazione di esperienze di ricezione (e dell’incubazione, ideazione dello scrivere); secondo una pluralitĂ  di modelli di genere, ma piĂč ancora secondo una pluralitĂ  di tipi di esperienze mentali-sensibili, ossia delle varie forme del coinvolgimento emotivo-razionale del lettore nel lavoro di costruzione dei mondi di finzione. La struttura d’esperienza che Se una notte d’inverno un viaggiatore offre ai suoi diversi tipi di lettori reali Ăš imperniata su un sistema di tensioni binarie (protagonismo/spossessamento, immersione/distacco, corpositĂ /dissolvenza), in alterno equilibrio. Calvino ci mette a disposizione un oggetto estetico ambivalente, marcatamente ambiguo, di una piacevolezza irritante, insoddisfacentemente appassionante, che a fine lettura lasci un disagio del piacere, un nitido senso delle potenzialitĂ  e dei limiti dell’espressione letteraria.The reader’s novel presents itself as an ‘inventory of effects’ of the reading activity, represented through different reading styles (in particular in the frame story) or through the simulation of reading experiences, as in the ten incipits of the novels within the novel. Moreover, the ‘inventory of effects’ is represented through a plurality of literary genres, and especially through a number of mental-sensitive experiences, that is, of the various forms in which the emotional-rational involvement of the reader in constructing fictional worlds takes place. The sort of experience that If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler offers its real readers revolves around a system of binary tensions (protagonism/dispossession, immersion/detachment, embodiedness/ fading out), in alternating balance. Calvino creates an ambivalent aesthetic object, markedly ambiguous, which can be the source of an irritating and unsatisfactorily pleasure. At the end of the novel, the reader feels a sense of both uneasiness and pleasure, experiencing the potential as well as the limits of the literary expression

    Dialogo intorno ai "Racconti" di Italo Calvino

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    Il contributo propone in forma molto fedele, anche sul piano dell’andamento del discorso, quanto Ăš stato presentato oralmente durante l’incontro tenutosi giovedĂŹ 11 aprile 2019 in Biblioteca Ambrosiana a Milano, all’interno del ciclo di “Seminari di «Prassi Ecdotiche della ModernitĂ  Letteraria»” dell’anno 2019, dedicato a Stesure, redazioni, revisioni, riscritture: problemi di definizione. Nel riportare quanto Ăš stato detto in quell’occasione, il titolo del contributo Ăš stato modificato rispetto al titolo del seminario (che era Percorsi di riscrittura e revisione tra i racconti di Italo Calvino), per renderlo piĂč coerente con quanto emerso quel giorno nel corso del dialogo.   Dialogue around Italo Calvino's "Racconti" The contribution proposes in a very faithful way what was orally presented during the meeting held on Thursday 11th April 2019 in Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan), within the cycle of Seminars of «Prassi Ecdotiche della ModernitĂ  Letteraria» of the year 2019, dedicated to Drawing up, editing, revisions, rewrites: definition problems. In reporting what was said on that occasion, the title of the contribution was modified with respect to the title of the seminar (which was Paths of rewriting and revision between Italo Calvino's short stories), to make it more coherent with what emerged that day in the course of dialogue

    La camicia gialla di Tex

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    Neorealismi scritti

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    La scelta di Milano

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    Il manuale e l\u2019esperienza della lettura

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