586 research outputs found

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Perkalian Array dan Booth

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    Di era komputasi digital sekarang ini, optimasi sistem komputasi yang terdiri dari berbagai operasi matematika merupakan salah satu topik bahasan yang penting. Diantara operasi matematika, perkalian merupakan operasi dasar yang memiliki komplesitas, area, dan konsumsi daya paling tinggi dibandingkan operasi lainnya. Pada makalah ini, dibandingkan dua jenis teknik implementasi perkalian yang sampai saat ini masih terus dikembangkan, yaitu perkalian array dan perkalian Booth. Perbandingkan keduanya meliputi frekuensi clock maksimum yang dapat diterapkan, komplesitas, dan kecepatan proses komputasi. Perbandingan dilakukan dengan acuan perkalian signed binary dengan lebar data 4 bit dan 8 bit. Hasil analisa dan implementasi pada FPGA menunjukkan hasil bahwa perkalian array mempunyai keunggulan pada kecepatan proses komputasi, sedangkan perkalian Booth mempunyai kelebihan dalam hal komplesitas rangkaian

    Comment on "Quantum Key Distribution in the Holevo Limit"

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    In a Letter, Cabello proposed a quantum key distribution (QKD) Protocol which attended to Holevo limit. In this comment, we show that Eve could use a simple plan to distinguish among quantum keys, without being detected by Alice and Bob. In following, we show that our approach is not restricted to Cabello Protocol. With attention to our Eavesdropping approach, it seems that Mor's arguments for no-cloning principal for orthogonal states is not general enough to avoid eavesdropping.Comment: REVTeX4, 1 page, no figure, A. Cabello Reply, Physical Review Letters 100, 018902 (2008

    Studying the Formulation of Shallot (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Ethanol Extract Gel as Treatment of Excision Wounds in Rats

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    Onion bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) contain alkaloid compounds and saponins which can accelerate the wound healing process. Therefore, a study was conducted on the wound healing effect of excision of ethanol extract of onion bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) in the form of a gel against mice (Rattus novergicus). The purpose of this research was to study the stability of the preparation as well as the effectiveness and optimum concentration in excision wound healing from the ethanolic extract of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) in gel dosage form. The concentration variants used were 5%, 10%, and 20%. The method used was sample extraction by maceration and wound gel was made in 3 concentrations, namely 5%, 10%, and 20% then a stability test was carried out on the preparation by cycling test method at 4ā°C and 40ā°C for 6 cycles. Besides that, gel base was also used as a negative control and octadineĀ® gel as a positive control, then the back skin of a rat (Rattus novergicus) was injured using a surgical knife. The results of the observation of the stability of the wound gel preparation were stable both at 4ā°C and at 40ā°C. Reduction of the length of the wound at the beginning of the treatment until the wound was completely closed showed that the ethanol extract gel preparation of shallot bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) could reduce and heal cuts in rats with a concentration of 20% which showed the most effective wound healing effect.Onion bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) contain alkaloid compounds and saponins which can accelerate the wound healing process. Therefore, a study was conducted on the wound healing effect of excision of ethanol extract of onion bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) in the form of a gel against mice (Rattus novergicus). The purpose of this research was to study the stability of the preparation as well as the effectiveness and optimum concentration in excision wound healing from the ethanolic extract of shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.) in gel dosage form. The concentration variants used were 5%, 10%, and 20%. The method used was sample extraction by maceration and wound gel was made in 3 concentrations, namely 5%, 10%, and 20% then a stability test was carried out on the preparation by cycling test method at 4ā°C and 40ā°C for 6 cycles. Besides that, gel base was also used as a negative control and octadineĀ® gel as a positive control, then the back skin of a rat (Rattus novergicus) was injured using a surgical knife. The results of the observation of the stability of the wound gel preparation were stable both at 4ā°C and at 40ā°C. Reduction of the length of the wound at the beginning of the treatment until the wound was completely closed showed that the ethanol extract gel preparation of shallot bulbs (Allium ascalonicum L.) could reduce and heal cuts in rats with a concentration of 20% which showed the most effective wound healing effect

    Magnetic properties and relaxation of the magnon populations in the super lattice [Fe/GaAs]

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    In the present work we study the properties of elementary excitations in a magnetic super lattice [Fe/GaAs] which is described in framework of the ferromagnetic Heisenberg system where the exchange and the dipolar interactions, the magneto-crystalline and surface anisotropies are all taking into account. The corresponding Hamiltonian is treated by the Greenā€™s function method. The analytical expressions of the excitation spectrum and the magnetization per spin are obtained when the exchange is present alone. A good adjustment of calculated magnetization with the experimental results is obtained for various magnetic layer thickness . The deduced exchange integrals are in agreement with previous studies. The combined effect of dipolar interactions and surface anisotropy is studied numerically


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    Currently being implemented under the Merdeka Curriculum as a character education initiative is The Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening initiative. Finding out how the Pancasila Student Profile may promote national character and the methods teachers use to implement it to assist students develop moral character are the goals of this research. Class V of SDN Pasirkamuning I Kec. Telagasari Kab. Karawang was the site of this study. This kind of investigate, which portrays how teaches actualized the Pancasila Understudy Profile and the methodologies they utilized to do so, is subjective in nature. Three methods of gathering data are employed: documentation, interviews, and observation. The Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles employed project-based learning and habituation, which emphasizes character development in students, as techniques employed by instructors, according to observational data. Teachers have done a good job of implementing the strategy, according to research findings. Teachers must be imaginative in their lesson planning in order to apply this strategy effectively. The family and social surroundings, in addition to the function of the instructor, have a significant effect in how children grow as individuals

    Sintesis Film Kemasan Ramah Lingkungan dari Ampas Tapioka Asam Polilaktat dan Pemlastik Gliserol ,Kajian Karakteritik Mekanik

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    Di Indonesia penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi kemasan plastik biodegradable masih sangat terbatas. Hal ini terjadi karena se lain kemampuan sumber dayamanusia dalam penguasaan ilmu dan teknologi bahan, juga dukungan dana penelitian yang terbatas. Dipahami bahwa penelitian dalam bidang ilmu dasar memerlukan waktu lama dan dana yang besar. Sebenarnya prospek pengembangan biopolimer untuk kemasan plastik biodegradable di Indonesia sangat potensial.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah , untuk mempelajari waktu degradasi dan karakteristik mekanik film kemasan ramah lingkungan dari ampas tapioca,kitosan dan asam poli laktat.Tujuan khusus menelaah aktivitas asam polilaktat dan untuk melihat produktivitas film kemasan. Optimalisasi kondisi operasi proses terhadap produktifitas film kemasan ramah lingkungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 3 formula film kemasan yang dirancang dengan komposisi beragam, formula II yang disintesis dari komposit pati-gliserol- APL yang mengandung gliserol 10 mL (1% dari total aquades) memiliki karakteristik mekanik yang relatif lebih baik dari formula lainnya. Filmkemasan (formula II) memiliki karakteristik mekanik lebih tinggi dibanding formula lainnya yang dapat dilihat pada nilai kuat tarik, elongasi dan modulusnya. Formula II memiliki kuat tarik: 104,42 N/m2, elongasi: 33,8%, dan modulus 327,31 N/m

    Kajian Ovetopping Akibat Run-up Gelombang Pada Breakwater Di Perairan Balongan Indramayu, Jawa Barat

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    Breakwater merupakan infrastruktur penting di daerah pantai yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung pantai dari berbagai faktor fisis laut yang bersifat merusak, salah satunya gelombang laut. Breakwater yang berada di PT. Pertamina RU VI balongan yang biasa disebut Jetty Cargo, berfungsi sebagai sarana jasa angkut dan perlindungan kapal-kapal tunda milik PT. Pertamina RU IV balongan. Overtopping akibat run-up gelombang merupakan masalah terjadi akibat kurang efektifitasnya breakwater yang berdampak merusak daerah belakang perlindungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji overtopping akibat run-up gelombang yang terjadi pada breakwater sambung pantai milik PT.PertaminaRU VI Balongan Indramayu, Jawa Barat.Penelitian dilaksanakan diperairan balongan yang lokasinya berada pada area PT. Pertamina RU VI Balongan Indramayu, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif dengan lokasi pengambilan data gelombang disebelah timur Jetty Cargo.Hasil perhitungan run-up gelombang diperoleh tiap musim yang digunakan sebagai masukan perhitungan overtopping yang menyimpulkan bahwa breakwater tersebut cukup efektif karena tidak terjadi overtopping di setiap musimnya, berdasarkan persamaan (H-ds) ā‰„ R yaitu, musim barat 3,45 meter, peralihan I 3,16 meter, timur 3,07 meter, peralihan II 3,15 meter dan gelombang ulang 100 Tahun yaitu 3,5 meter. Syarat ini memenuhi karena nilai terebut lebih besar dari run-up gelombang

    Multi-sector Partnerships For Sustainable Business Development: Lessons Learned From Round Table Indonesia

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    Over a period of three years, Bogor Agricultural University/Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and Maastricht School of Management (MsM) have been executing the multi-annual project Round Table Indonesia, www.roundtableindonesia.net. This project aimed at contributing to the improvement of a sustainable business and investment climate in the Indonesian agricultural sector, by strengthening the knowledge capacity, formulating concrete investment opportunities, and facilitating partnerships. As a result, IPB and MsM have developed courses on sustainable business development and facilitated business projects in poultry, mangosteen, palm oil, shrimps, and tourism. All projects are based on in-depth value chain analyses and roundtable meetings with key stakeholders of government, private sector, academia, and civil society. Linking education and applied research with business development will lead to a stronger and more sustainable Indonesian agricultural sector, being of crucial importance for the Indonesian development as a whole
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