91 research outputs found

    Development of Fatigue Reliability Model Using Spreadsheet (Steel Structures)

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    Accurate predictions of failure probability is very useful in manufacturing and building sector when aiming at the most cost effective maintenance strategy which can be determine by predicting the time need to do inspection and maintenance on steel equipments, machines and steel structures so loss of profit can be minimize and control. In this study, we will focus more on steel structures, rather than steel equipments and machines

    Numerical study of circle fractal grid perforated plate as a turbulent generator in combustion chamber

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    Fractal grids can be used to design turbulent flows with low power losses and high turbulence intensities for intense yet economic mixing over a region of designed length and location. The introducing circle grid perforated plate is the main aim of this present paper. In this numerical work, we want to ascertain a new approach in turbulence generators on the structure of premixes flames using perforated plate fractal-grids pattern. In this paper, we compared circle grid perforated plate by varies using its diameters, spacing and number of holes on the plate. The result showed good perceptivity of the fractal generated turbulence and the fractal flow physics. The turbulent intensity can be increased by a grid with higher blockage ratio

    Hubungan Antara Gaya Kepemimpinan Demokratis Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Pada Organisasi Pecinta Alam Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Kepuasan kerja adalah salah satu aspek psikologis yang mencerminkan perasaan seseorang terhadap pekerjaannya, ia akan merasa puas dengan adanya kesesuaian antara kemampuan, keterampilan dan harapannya dengan pekerjaan yang ia hadapi. Kepuasan kerja sangat dibutuhkan dan penting dalam organisasi pecinta alam, hal ini disebabkan karena dengan adanya rasa kepuasan kerja diharapkan anggota akan lebih giat lagi dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugasnya dan dapat meningkatkan produktivias yaitu dapat menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang lebih berkualitas dan juga dapat menurunkan tingkat absensi pada rapat – rapat ataupun kegiatan yang dilaksanakan. Disamping itu kepuasan kerja sangat penting karena dapat meningkatkan komitmen organisasi dan prestasi kerja. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja adalah gaya kepemimpina demokratis. Gaya kepemimpinan demokratis yang rendah akan menimbulkan rasa ketidakpuasan kerja dalam organisasi. Namun, gaya kepemimpinan demokratis yang tinggi akan menimbulkan rasa kepuasan kerja yang tinggi pula. Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya kepemimpinan demokratis dengan kepuasan kerja. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ada hubungan positif antara gaya kepemimpinan demoktratis dengan kepuasan kerja pada mahasiswa pecinta alam di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh organisasi pecinta alam (MAPALA) di Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta yang meliputi Corps Psychopala, Metala, Dinamik, Mpa Sangguru, Rechta Mahupala, Giri Bahama, Malimpa. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive non random sampling yaitu tidak semua individu mempunyai peluang yang sama untuk menjadi anggota sampel, sampel yang dipilih berdasarkan ciri-ciri atau karakteristik yang telah ditentukan terlebih dahulu oleh peneliti. Jumlah subjek yang digunakan 60 orang. Alat pengumpulan data menggunakan skala gaya kepemmpinan demokratis dan skala kedisiplinan kerja. Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan hipotesis ditolak, diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0,197 dengan p = 0,127 (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah tidak ada hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan demokratis dengan kepuasan kerja.Sumbangan efektif variabel gaya kepemimpinan demokratis dengan kepuasan kerja sebesar 3,9%. ditunjukkan oleh koefisien determinan (r2) = 0,039. Rerata empirik variabel gaya kepemimpinan demokratis = 106.950 dan rerata hipotetik = 90 yang berarti gaya kepemimpinan demokratis tergolong tinggi. Rerata empirik variabel kepuasan kerja 47.433 dan rerata hipotetik = 40 yang berarti kepuasan kerja pada subyek tergolong sedang

    Development of Fatigue Reliability Model Using Spreadsheet (Steel Structures)

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    Accurate predictions of failure probability is very useful in manufacturing and building sector when aiming at the most cost effective maintenance strategy which can be determine by predicting the time need to do inspection and maintenance on steel equipments, machines and steel structures so loss of profit can be minimize and control. In this study, we will focus more on steel structures, rather than steel equipments and machines

    Polyamide 66 microspheres metallised with in situ synthesised gold nanoparticles for a catalytic application

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    A simple concept is proposed to metallise polyamide 66 (PA66) spherulite structures with in situ synthesised gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) using a wet chemical method. This cost-effective approach, applied to produce a PA66/Au NP hybrid material, offers the advantages of controlling the nanoparticle size, the size distribution and the organic-inorganic interactions. These are the key factors that have to be controlled to construct consistent Au nanostructures which are essential for producing the catalytic activities of interest. The hybrid materials obtained are characterised by means of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction spectrometry. The results show that PA66 microspheres obtained via the crystallisation process are coated with Au NPs of 13 nm in size. It was found that controlling the metal coordination is the key parameter to template the Au NPs on the spherulite surfaces. The preparation processes and the key factors leading to the formation of PA66 spherulites coated with Au NPs are discussed. Moreover, the efficiency of the coated spherulites as a potential catalyst is proved by demonstrating the reduction of methylene blue via UV-visible spectrometry

    Training on the Utilization of Local Microorganisms as Liquid Organic Fertilizer in Sungai Pangeran Village, Ilir Timur I District, Palembang City

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    Organic fertilizers are fertilizers that primarily consist of organic materials derived from plant or animal residues converted in solid or liquid form. Household waste, especially vegetable waste, is usually dumped directly into the environment, even though this waste can still be used, for example, made as liquid organic fertilizer by utilizing local microorganisms (MOL). The mole contains micro and macronutrients and contains bacteria that can decompose organic matter. This Community Service aims to provide motivation and knowledge, and skills to the community about the technique of making liquid organic fertilizer from household waste by utilizing local microorganisms. Community Service held in Sungai Pangeran Village, Ilir Timur I District, Palembang City, on February 19, 2019. The method used was counseling and training participants on the use of local microorganisms as liquid organic fertilizer. Thirty-five participants attended the implementation of the activity. This activity continued with discussions and questions and answers during the training. The results of this Community Service show that the service method in the form of counseling, training, and question and answer is very appropriate in motivating the community to remodel household waste

    DISKURSUS PENAFSIRAN AYAT AL-HURÛF AL-MUQATHTHA‘AH: Studi Analisis Tekstual dan Kontekstual

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    Abstrak: Al-Hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah di dalam al-Qur’an dipandang oleh sebagian umat Islam tekstualis hanya sebagai simbol yang sakral tanpa makna, sehingga tidak menunjukkan sisi kemanfatannya sebagai pedoman. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna ayat al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah dalam Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 1., dengan menggunakan metode kajian literatur yang meliputi tafsir, sastra bahasa Arab dan sejarah. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan gramatikal bahasa Arab secara tekstual dan historis secara kontekstual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah menjadi potret bagi sumber dan proses turunnya al-Qur’an secara autentik yang menunjukkan kelemahan sastra Arab saat berhadapan dengan wahyu. Keistimewaan al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah terletak pada nilai sastra dan kedalaman makna yang seyogianya dapat berperan aktif sebagai perekat ayat-ayat al-Qur’an lainnya secara holistik.Abstract: The Interpretation Discourse of Verses of al-Hurûf al-Muqaththa‘ah: Textual and Contextual Analysis. This article aims to reveal the meaning of the verse al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah in the Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 1 by employing a historical and literature review method with textual and historical context grammatical approaches data analysis. The results of the study show that it portray the source and process of authentic Qur’an revelation. The mysterious eloquence of al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah lies in the literary value and the depth of meaning even though it consists only of a series of letters. The effort of the commentator to uncover the meaning of the verses of al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah should be able to play an active role as the uniting factor for other Qur’anic verses holistically. Therefore, a set of methods or approaches is required that is adequate to uncover the meaning that is in accordance with the thematic contexts of the verse.Kata Kunci: al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘âh, pendekatan tekstual, pendekatan kontekstual, penafsiran, al-Qur’a

    Analisis Tokoh Utama Dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Novel Anak Sejuta Bintang Karya Akmal Nasery Basral

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tokoh utama dalam mendukung keutuhan karya sastra, nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter, dan penggunaan hasil kajian novel Anak Sejuta Bintang karya Akmal Nasery Basral sebagai bahan ajar bagi siswa SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis isi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut ini. Pertama, tokoh Ical sebagai tokoh utama digambarkan melalui 3 dimensi, yaitu dimensi fisiologis sebagai sosok anak laki-laki berusia 3-12 tahun, berperawakan ramping, dan gagah; dimensi sosiologis, Ical merupakan keturunan Lampung dan Batak yang mudah bergaul dan memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan di masyarakat; dimensi psikologis, Ical mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik di keluarga dan terbuka menceritakan permasalahan kepada orangtua. Kedua, novel Anak Sejuta Bintang mengandung 13 nilai karakter, yaitu religius, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, demokratis, rasa ingin tahu, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi bersahabat/komunikatif, cinta damai, peduli sosial, dan tanggung jawab. Ketiga, novel Anak Sejuta Bintang dapat dijadikan bahan pembelajaran sastra novel di SMA

    DISKURSUS PENAFSIRAN AYAT AL-HURÛF AL-MUQATHTHA‘AH: Studi Analisis Tekstual dan Kontekstual

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    Abstrak: Al-Hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah di dalam al-Qur’an dipandang oleh sebagian umat Islam tekstualis hanya sebagai simbol yang sakral tanpa makna, sehingga tidak menunjukkan sisi kemanfatannya sebagai pedoman. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna ayat al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah dalam Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 1., dengan menggunakan metode kajian literatur yang meliputi tafsir, sastra bahasa Arab dan sejarah. Analisis data menggunakan pendekatan gramatikal bahasa Arab secara tekstual dan historis secara kontekstual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah menjadi potret bagi sumber dan proses turunnya al-Qur’an secara autentik yang menunjukkan kelemahan sastra Arab saat berhadapan dengan wahyu. Keistimewaan al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah terletak pada nilai sastra dan kedalaman makna yang seyogianya dapat berperan aktif sebagai perekat ayat-ayat al-Qur’an lainnya secara holistik.Abstract: The Interpretation Discourse of Verses of al-Hurûf al-Muqaththa‘ah: Textual and Contextual Analysis. This article aims to reveal the meaning of the verse al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah in the Q.S. al-Baqarah/2: 1 by employing a historical and literature review method with textual and historical context grammatical approaches data analysis. The results of the study show that it portray the source and process of authentic Qur’an revelation. The mysterious eloquence of al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah lies in the literary value and the depth of meaning even though it consists only of a series of letters. The effort of the commentator to uncover the meaning of the verses of al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘ah should be able to play an active role as the uniting factor for other Qur’anic verses holistically. Therefore, a set of methods or approaches is required that is adequate to uncover the meaning that is in accordance with the thematic contexts of the verse.Kata Kunci: al-hurûf al-muqaththa‘âh, pendekatan tekstual, pendekatan kontekstual, penafsiran, al-Qur’a

    Hubungan Antara Beban Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi

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    Research aims to ( 1. Know relations workload with a commitment organization.( 2. Know contributions effective workload to commitment organization.( 3. ) know the level workload in employees.( 4. ) know the level commitment organization on employees.The subject of this research is employees islamic modern boarding school Assalaam kesantrian assalaam division.The determination of the subject is done with study population, consisting of 60 people employees kesantrian divison of islamic modern boarding School Assalaam.Technique data collection in this research was use scale workload, and scale of commitment organization. according the results of the analysis use pearson’s product moment obtained value a correlation coefficient ( from of 0,240 with the economic situation of significance of 0,032 ( p-value & lt; 0.05 ).Showed that the positive significant connection between workload and a commitment organization employees. The results showed that categorisation workload employees ppmi assalaam included in medium category, and commitment organization employees ppmi assalaam included in medium category. Effective contributions given workload to commitment organization in this research is 68,33