351 research outputs found

    Comunicando violencia contra las mujeres.

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    Música y diálogo cultural en la Valencia de la Renaixença entre los siglos XIX y XX

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    El movimiento conocido como la Renaixença supuso un importante impulso de renovación en la lengua, cultura y sociedad catalana, mallorquina y valenciana. El fenómeno ha sido ampliamente estudiado desde las áreas de la historia y la filología y, sin embargo, todavía está poco investigado en musicología. En este artículo ofrecemos una aproximación a la influencia de las ideas de la Renaixença en música en la ciudad de Valencia, fundamentalmente a través de la zarzuela y de la música sacra. Mostramos la colaboración de los músicos con entidades culturales y nos centramos en algunos ejemplos sobre la utilización del texto en el idioma autóctono y la recuperación de la música del pasado. También aportamos noticias inéditas sobre varios compositores, intérpretes y archivos valencianos. Los objetivos son señalar el intercambio que se estableció entre los artistas literatos y músicos, mostrar el reflejo en música del diálogo y la convivencia entre las culturas presentes en Valencia -la propiamente autóctona y la adoptada castellana- y valorar la incidencia de las ideas de la Renaixença en el movimiento de recuperación de la música del pasado.El trabajo realizado muestra un fluido intercambio interdisciplinar, una convivencia pacífica entre la bi-culturalidad valenciana y un proceso de recuperación de la música del pasado -con algunas particularidades- en sintonía a con los que tuvieron lugar en la España y Europa entre los siglos XIX y XX. The movement known as the Renaixença gave an important impetus to the renewal of the language, culture and society in Catalonia, Majorca and Valencia. The phenomenon has been extensively studied from the areas of history and philology, however, is still poorly investigated in musicology. This paper is an initial approach to the influence of the Renaixença ideas in music, specifically in which took place in the city of Valencia, basically through the zarzuela and sacred music. We show the collaboration of musicians with cultural institutions and focus our attention on some examples with text in the native language and on the recovery of earlier music. Also we bring unprecedented news on several composers, performers and Valencian archives. The objectives are to note the exchange and collaboration established among literary artists and musicians, show the reflection in music of the dialogue and coexistence cultures in Valencia -proper native and adopted Castillian- and evaluate the impact of the ideas of the Renaixença in the recovery of earlier Valencian music. The work shows a fluid interdisciplinary exchange, a peaceful coexistence between the bi-culturalism in Valencia and recovery process of past music -with some particularities- similar to those that took place in Spain and Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries

    Assessing Master Students' Competencies Using Rubrics: Lessons Learned from Future Secondary Education Teachers

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    The aim of this paper is to provide insights into the appropriateness of teaching-learning and evaluation processes using rubrics, for student self-assessments. We studied students enrolled on the Master's in Secondary Education Teaching¿Music Specialism course. In the Spanish secondary education system, music is seen as increasing equity and improving student performance in line with the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The training of new teachers and the ongoing professional development of the current teaching force are critical for improving the quality of education. We adopted an action-research approach and obtained feedback from the Masters' students via questionnaires administered at the start and end of the process (pre- and post-test). Our results show that using rubrics as formative and shared assessment tools has a positive influence on students' perceptions of their acquisition of both transversal and specific competencies, as well as demonstrating the utility of rubrics for their future professional practice. However, rubrics on their own are not sufficient to increase the facility for learning and awareness among students

    Descripción de los reales sitios de San Ildefonso, Valsaín y Riofrío : hechos célebres ocurridos en ellos, con otras noticias útiles y curiosas

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 201

    Ontogenic Development of Th1 and Th2 Cytokine Capabilities in Random Bred Mice

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    Neonatal mouse Th1 capabilities mature by postnatal day 5. Neonatal T cells have been reported to exhibit a bias towards Th2 cytokine production when co-cultured with adult antigen presenting cells (APC). We studied mouse T cells co-cultured with contemporary APC to evaluate neonatal cytokine production capabilities. In response to allogeneic stimulation, T cells co-cultured with contemporary APC from day 5 pups produced 37-fold greater IFNγ and 1.4-fold greater IL-2 levels than day 20 weanling mice. After CD3 ligation, cells from day 5 pups produced 4- (IL-2) and 10-fold (IFNγ) greater levels than adults (day 45), and concentrations were 27- (IL-2) and 18-fold (IFNγ) higher than with allogeneic stimulation alone. On average, the percent difference in concentrations was 418 (IL-4), 286 (IL-2) and 1140% (IFNγ) higher in unseparated spleen cells than in isolated splenic CD4 cells and APC. These results demonstrate that, in response to allogeneic stimulation with or without CD3 ligation, lymphocytes of neonatal mice (day 5) have the capacity to produce equivalent or greater TcR-dependent Th1 cytokine (IL-2 and IFNγ) levels than adult mice. Findings also support the idea that the reported Th2 bias of neonatal T cells may be the result of in vitro manipulation and choice of mouse strain, not of an inherent bias

    Maternal Modulation of Neonatal Immune System Development

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    Changes in programming of neonatal immune development were effected through maternal immune modulation (Leishmania major inoculation). In progeny of these dams, immune profiles in both blood and spleen were changed throughout the neonatal period and were pronounced after weaning. White blood cell (WBC) and lymphocyte counts in blood of 45-day-old progeny were two-fold less than control animals. In blood, proportions of B cells were greater, while T helpers, Tc/s and NK cells were less than in controls. In contrast, proportions of splenic B and NK cells were greater than controls. But, proportions of all T and Tc/s cells on d20 and 45 were lower than controls. In blood, absolute numbers of all T, Th naïve and Th memory cells were lower than in controls. In contrast, in the spleen, numbers of NK, T and Th naïve and memory cells were up to 200% greater than in control pups. Cytokine responses of splenic lymphocytes stimulated through CD3 ligation revealed no difference in IL-4 production. In contrast, IL-2 and IFNγ were lower on d45 and 5, respectively, in the experimental compared to control mice. These data support the hypothesis that maternal immune events during gestation can modulate the pattern of immune development in offspring

    Pere Rabassa: an innovator in Spanish religious music of the 18 th century

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    La obra de Pere Rabassa se nos presenta muy interesante no sólo por ser inédita hasta el momento, sino también por múltiples rasgos innovadores que al cotejar con otras composiciones de la época, contribuirán al mejor conocimiento de la teoría y la música española del s. xv111 . Respecto a los rasgos innovadores que anuncia su obra musical, cabe destacar la presencia de formas italianas en una fecha bastante temprana en la música religiosa española. Estas formas de importación italiana que se difundieron por toda Europa ya empezaron a ser adaptadas al gusto español a través de la música teatral y las zarzuelas de la segunda mitad del s. xv11 con el nombre de Recitado y Area, hasta dejarse oír en el templo a lo largo del s. xv111. Rabassa, del que también se conserva untratado de composición, introdujo un impulso musical renovador en aquellas catedrales donde ejerció el magisterio de capilla, como fueron las de Vic, Valencia y Sevilla.We feel that it is interesting to discuss the works of Pere Rabassa, not only because they were previously unpublished but also because of the many innovatory features which, together with a comparative study of the works of contemporary composers, help us to achieve a better understanding of Spanish musical theory and practice in the 1 8th century. Among these innovatory features we should mention the presence of Italian forms at a fairly early date in Spanish religious music. These forms exported from Italy ali over Europe were beginningto be adapted to Spanish taste through theatre music and «zarzuelas» throughout the second half of the 17th century and were given the names Recitado and Area, until they were finally heard in churches during the 18th century. Rabassa, who also wrote a treatise on composition, was responsible for introducing new and innovatory techniques and forms in those cathedrals where he held posts as musical Kapellmeister, notably in Vic, Valencia and Seville

    La representación de la violencia

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