47 research outputs found

    Aspek Pengaruh Naik Turunnya Harga Saham Premier LQ-45

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    This study aims to determine the factors thas influence the shelf-decline of stock price in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. To do this writing, the analyst wants to change how the variable interest rate (SBI), kurs and inflation on the share price of primier LQ-45. This research examines the relationship between levels interest rate (SBI), exchange rate, inflation against LQ-45 share price. This study uses the ECM (Error Correction Model) method which begins with a unit root test with the results of the LQ-45 stock price and interest rate (SBI) at the 1st difference level while the exchange rate and inflation are at the level. This study uses secondary data type with a time series January 2015 – December 2020. The result show that in the long and short term the exchange rate has a negative effect on LQ-45 stock prices while inflation has a positive effect on LQ-45 stock price and interest rate have a positive effect on LQ-45 stock price short term while the long term produces a negative effect on the stock price of LQ-45


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    Abstract: This research is to produce learning tools in the form of Student Worksheets oriented towards higher order thinking skills that are valid, practical and effective. The research subjects in this study were biology teachers and students of class VIII E and VIII F of SMPN 1 Sungguminasa. Class VIII E as a control class and class VIII F as an experimental class taught using a product that is developed namely the Student Worksheet oriented towards higher order thinking skills. This type of study is research and development (R&D) that adapts the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The validity data was obtained through validation sheets of research instruments on the material of the human respiratory system, practicality data was obtained through teacher and student response questionnaires, and effectiveness data was obtained through student learning outcomes tests. Data obtained from the results of the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the average value of total validity of product development was in the very valid category (3.5). The results of the responses of teachers and students meet the practicality criteria because they are in the very positive category of 91.2% and 85.8%. Product development also meets the effectiveness criteria because the average N-gain value of students in the experimental class is in the high category of 0.72 while the control class is in the moderate category of 0.35. student worksheets oriented to higher order thinking skills that are valid and practical have an influence on student learning outcomes, this is indicated by the value of the fisher's exact test tins at values of 0.019 and 0.031 which means it is smaller than the value of α = 0.05. The results showed that LKPD oriented to the ability to think high minded had fulfilled the eligibility requirements that were valid, practical and effective so that it was feasible to be used in the science learning process, namely on the material of the human respiratory system. Furthermore, the product that has been developed is LKPD which is oriented to the ability to think at a high level, distributed in a limited number, namely to the science teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa. Keywords: Learning outcomes, Student Worksheets, higher order thinking skills Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk perangkat pembelajaran berupa LKPD berorientasi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang bersifat valid, praktis dan efektif. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah guru IPA dan peserta didik kelas VIIIE dan VIIIF SMPN 1 Sungguminasa. Kelas VIIIE sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas VIIIF sebagai kelas eksperimen yang diajar menggunkan produk yang dikembangkan yaitu LKPD berorientasi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang mengadaptasi model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Data kevalidan diperoleh melalui lembar validasi instrumen penelitian pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia, data kepraktisan diperoleh melalui angket respon guru dan angket respon peserta didik, dan data keefektifan diperoleh melalui tes hasil belajar peserta didik. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata total kevalidan pengembangan produk berada pada kategori sangat valid (3,5). Hasil respon guru dan peserta didik memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan karena berada pada kategori sangat positif yaitu 91,2% dan 85,8%. Pengembangan produk juga memenuhi kriteria keefektifan karena rata-rata nilai N-gain peserta didik pada kelas eksperimen berada pada kategori tinggi yaitu 0,72 sedangkan pada kelas kontrol berada dalam kategori sedang yaitu 0,35. LKPD berorientasi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang bersifat valid dan praktis memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai fisher’s exact test tersebut perada pada nilai 0.019 dan 0.031 yang berarti lebih kecil dari nilai α = 0.05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LKPD berorientasi kemampuan berpikir tingat tinggi telah memenuhi syarat kelayakan yaitu valid, praktis dan efektif sehingga layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran IPA yaitu pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia. Selanjutnya, produk yang telah dikembangkan yaitu LKPD berorientasi kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi didistribusikan dalam jumlah terbatas yaitu kepada guru IPA SMP Negeri 1 Sungguminasa. Kata kunci: Hasil belajar, Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik, kemampuan berpikir tingkat tingg


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    This research is aimed to developing instructional English materials for the students of the seventh grade especially in basic competencies 3.1, 4.1, 3.2, and 4.2 at MTs Madani Pao-pao based on 2013 curriculum supported by using inquiry learning model and using the concept of HOTS in indicators achieved. The research design used in this study was Research and Development (R&D). The development model used was ADDIE model. It consists of need analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The procedures included analyzing materials needed by spreading questionnaire to the students and analyzing the basic competencies used, designing a blueprint of materials and the instructional materials, and validating the material by the expert. There were 146 students as the respondents of 26 questionnaire questions. The instruments used in this research were the documents, questionnaire, and validation checklist. In this research, the expert was involved in order to validate the product. There were three systematic aspects that they validated of the product: Materials Systematic Organization, Systematic English Teaching and Systematic Content of English. Therefore, the result indicated that based on experts judgment as well as product development result, the developed basic competency 3.1 & 4.1 and basic competency 3.2 & 4.2 were applicable to be taught at the seventh grade students of Junior High School as topic in English for them


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    Abstrak. Komposit hidroksiapatit-kolagen-kitosan sebagai bahan material bonegraft telah berhasil disintesis menggunakan metode ex-situ. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposit terhadap karakteristik kimia dari komposit. Komposit disintesis dengan perbandingan massa 7:2:1. Perbandingan tersebut disesuaikan dengan komposisi tulang manusia. Karakterisasi kimia dilakukan dengan uji FTIR yang menunjukan gugus OH-, PO43-, dan CO32- yang berasal dari hidroksiapatit, serta –NH2, C=O dan C-H yang berasal dari kolagen dan kitosan beserta pergeserannya serta menggunakan XRD yang menujukan fasa hidroksiapatit, fasa apatit karbonat dan kitosan pada komposit. Fasa kolagen tidak dapat teramati karena tumpang tindih dengan fasa kitosan. Kata Kunci : Hidroksiapatit,kolagen,kitosan, FTIR, XRD Abstract composite of hydroxyapatite-collagen-chitosan as bone graft materials has been synthesized used ex-situ method. The main of this reason is to determine the chemical characteristics and physics characteristics from the composites. The composites being synthetized with mass comparison 7:2:1. The mass comparsion is adjusted with human bone composition. The chemical characteristics using FTIR indicates ribbon adsorption OH-, PO43- and carbonate from hydroxyapatite, also –NH2, C=O and C-H from collagen and chitosan along with the peak shifting. Also instrument XRD indicates phase hydroxyapatite, apatite carbonate and chitosan from composite. The collagen phase cannot be identified because it is overlapping with chitosan. Keywords : Hydroxyapatite ,collagen ,chitosan, FTIR, XR


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    Penilaian merupakan proses pengumpulan data dan pengolahan informasi untuk menentukan tingkat pencapaian perkembangan anak dan pengambilan keputusan, pengakuan ataupun ketetapan tentang kemampuan anak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui cara guru, pemahaman guru serta  faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi guru dalam proses penilaian perkembangan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian yang dilakukan melibatkan sebanyak tiga orang guru. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasilnya mengungkapkan bahwa guru hanya melakukan dua (2) tahap proses penilaian yaitu pengamatan dan pelaporan kemudian tingkat pemahaman guru dalam proses penilaian berada pada tingkat menafsirkan, menyimpulkan dan menjelaskan, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi guru dalam melakukan proses penilaian perkembangan anak yaitu masih rendahnya minat, motivasi, kualifikasi jenjang pendidikan, dan pengalaman guru.Kata kunci : Pemahaman Guru, Penilaian, Anak Usia Din

    Optimasi Kecepatan dan Lama Pengadukan dalam Preparasi Microspheres Metformin Hidroklorida Menggunakan Polimer Etil Selulosa (Optimization of Stirring Speed and Time on Preparation of Metformin Hydrochloride Microspheres Using Ethyl Cellulose Polymer)

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    Metformin hydrochloride (MH) is a first line therapy in the treatment of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. However, MH has a very short half-life, relatively low bioavailability, and gastrointestinal adverse effects. Controlled released formulations can overcome this problem by increasing gastro retention time (GRT). Drug delivery systems aimed at improving GRT can be designed in a single units (eg, tablets) and multiple unit (eg, microspheres). Stirring speed and time affect several aspects such as shape, size, and particle size distribution, the release rate, and entrapment efficiency (EE) of the microspheres.. This research was aimed to find the stirring speed and time to produce MH microspheres having high EE. The result showed that the microspheres stirred at 1,000 rpm for 2 hours produced the highest EE, 84.792 ± 0.975 %; had the drug loading of 12.067 ± 0.0649 %; and yield of 99.44 ± 0.123 % with the particle size 157.5 ± 1.007 μm, has the spheres shape and a relatively smooth and bright surface morphology. FTIR analysis results indicated that there were no changes in the functional groups on MH as an active ingredient.   Keywords: metformin hydrochloride-ethyl cellulose microspheres, non-aquoeous solvent evaporation, stirring speed, stirring time, factorial design &nbsp


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    Indonesia as a maritime country has abundant fish product but has the lowest fish consumption among ASEAN country. FAO annual report describes that Indonesian consumption 29, 08 kg/person/year in 2009 and 30,48 kg/person/year in 2010. The lowest consumption of fish is caused by technical factors, such as the distance distribution of fish from fisherman to consumers takes time and fresh fish become expensive. Psychological factors, such as bones and smell of fish, time to cook and preparing fish, lack of consumer awareness about fish as a source of health proteins, make fish an unpleasant food. This research conducted to explain factors that influenced consumer`s perceive importance of fish consumption of fish Palembang. From the traditional Theory of Planed Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior can be implemented to predict how consumer’s attitude in consumption of fish. The study was conducted by analyzing the consumer survey data that involved 100 respondents from traditional shop markets, analysis and multiple regressions analysis was used to obtain the importance factor that influence consumers to consume fish. Variables in this research were marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion), consumer involvement and decision making to consume fish product.. The dominant factor affecting the decision making is consumer involvement, product and price. To change people's attitudes to rely more like fish can be used a functional approach, which can be enhanced by the effect of the benefits of fish consumption in consuming the fish and make a positive belief becomes more mainstream by extended the believed that fish a source of protein-rich nutrition to the fish consumption will make the brain more intelligent and avoid malnutrition


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    Indonesia as a maritime country has abundant fish product but has the lowest fish consumption among ASEAN country. FAO annual report describes that Indonesian consumption 29, 08 kg/person/year in 2009 and 30,48 kg/person/year in 2010. The lowest consumption of fish is caused by technical factors, such as the distance distribution of fish from fisherman to consumers takes time and fresh fish become expensive. Psychological factors, such as bones and smell of fish, time to cook and preparing fish, lack of consumer awareness about fish as a source of health proteins, make fish an unpleasant food. This research conducted to explain factors that influenced consumer`s perceive importance of fish consumption of fish Palembang. From the traditional Theory of Planed Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) that attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior can be implemented to predict how consumer’s attitude in consumption of fish. The study was conducted by analyzing the consumer survey data that involved 100 respondents from traditional shop markets, analysis and multiple regressions analysis was used to obtain the importance factor that influence consumers to consume fish. Variables in this research were marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion), consumer involvement and decision making to consume fish product.. The dominant factor affecting the decision making is consumer involvement, product and price. To change people's attitudes to rely more like fish can be used a functional approach, which can be enhanced by the effect of the benefits of fish consumption in consuming the fish and make a positive belief becomes more mainstream by extended the believed that fish a source of protein-rich nutrition to the fish consumption will make the brain more intelligent and avoid malnutrition


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    Perkembangan perbankan di Palembang menunjukkan perkembangan yang cukup signifikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kualitas jasa perbankan serta untuk mengetahui dimensi kualitas jasa apakah yang dominan mempengaruhi kepuasan nasabah sehingga dapat ditingkatkan dalam memasuki persaingan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner pada 98 orang responden nasabah tabungan Bank Mandiri Cabang XYZ Palembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas serta uji korelasi dan regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelima dimensi kualitas jasa cukup kuat berhubungan dengan kepuasan nasabah dimana angka R sebesar 0,594. Dimensi bukti fisik (tangible) merupakan dimensi yang paling erat mempengaruhi kepuasan nasabah