27 research outputs found

    Noncentral extensions as anomalies in classical dynamical systems

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    A two cocycle is associated to any action of a Lie group on a symplectic manifold. This allows to enlarge the concept of anomaly in classical dynamical systems considered by F. Toppan [in J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 8, no.3 (2001) 518-533] so as to encompass some extensions of Lie algebras related to noncanonical actions.Comment: arxiv version is already officia

    Light Hadron Spectroscopy and Decay at BESIII

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    Light hadron spectroscopy plays an important role in understanding the decay dynamics of unconventional hadronic states, such as strangeonium and glueballs. BESIII provides an ideal avenue to search for these exotic states thanks to a huge amount of data recorded at various energy points in the tau-charm mass region including J/psi resonance. This report summarizes recent results of the BESIII experiment related to the glueballs and strangeonium-like states.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Conference proceeding of FPCP-201

    Trapped interacting two-component bosons

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    In this paper we solve one dimensional trapped SU(2) bosons with repulsive δ\delta-function interaction by means of Bethe-ansatz method. The features of ground state and low-lying excited states are studied by numerical and analytic methods. We show that the ground state is an isospin "ferromagnetic" state which differs from spin-1/2 fermions system. There exist three quasi-particles in the excitation spectra, and both holon-antiholon and holon-isospinon excitations are gapless for large systems. The thermodynamics equilibrium of the system at finite temperature is studied by thermodynamic Bethe ansatz. The thermodynamic quantities, such as specific heat etc. are obtained for the case of strong coupling limit.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Generalized q-Oscillators and their Hopf Structures

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    We study the relationships among the various forms of the qq oscillator algebra and consider the conditions under which it supports a Hopf structure. We also present a generalization of this algebra together with its corresponding Hopf structure. Its multimode extensions are also considered.Comment: 14 page

    Realizations of the qq-Heisenberg and qq-Virasoro Algebras

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    We give field theoretic realizations of both the qq-Heisenberg and the qq-Virasoro algebra. In particular, we obtain the operator product expansions among the current and the energy momentum tensor obtained using the Sugawara construction.Comment: 9 page

    Integrable Spin Chain and Operator Mixing in N=1,2 Supersymmetric Theories

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    We study operator mixing, due to planar one-loop corrections, for composite operators in D=4 supersymmetric theories. We present some N=1,2 Yang-Mills and Wess-Zumino models, in which the planar one-loop anomalous dimension matrix in the sector of holomorphic scalars is identified with the Hamiltonian of an integrable quantum spin chain of SU(3) or SU(2) symmetry, even if the theory is away from the conformal points. This points to a more universal origin of the integrable structure beyond superconformal symmetry. We also emphasize the role of the superpotential in the appearance of the integrable structure. The computations of operator mixing in our examples by solving Bethe Ansatz equations show some new features absent in N=4 SYM.Comment: 30 pages, 3 eps figs, V2: typos corrected and references adde

    Correlation Functions in 2-Dimensional Integrable Quantum Field Theories

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    In this talk I discuss the form factor approach used to compute correlation functions of integrable models in two dimensions. The Sinh-Gordon model is our basic example. Using Watson's and the recursive equations satisfied by matrix elements of local operators, I present the computation of the form factors of the elementary field ϕ(x)\phi(x) and the stress-energy tensor Tμν(x)T_{\mu\nu}(x) of the theory.Comment: 19pp, LATEX version, (talk at Como Conference on ``Integrable Quantum Field Theories''

    Form Factors for Integrable Lagrangian Field Theories, the Sinh-Gordon Model

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    Using Watson's and the recursive equations satisfied by matrix elements of local operators in two-dimensional integrable models, we compute the form factors of the elementary field ϕ(x)\phi(x) and the stress-energy tensor Tμν(x)T_{\mu\nu}(x) of Sinh-Gordon theory. Form factors of operators with higher spin or with different asymptotic behaviour can easily be deduced from them. The value of the correlation functions are saturated by the form factors with lowest number of particle terms. This is illustrated by an application of the form factors of the trace of Tμν(x)T_{\mu\nu}(x) to the sum rule of the cc-theorem.Comment: 40 page

    Path representation of su(2)_k states II: Operator construction of the fermionic character and spin-1/2--RSOS factorization

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    This is the second of two articles (independent of each other) devoted to the analysis of the path description of the states in su(2)_k WZW models. Here we present a constructive derivation of the fermionic character at level k based on these paths. The starting point is the expression of a path in terms of a sequence of nonlocal (formal) operators acting on the vacuum ground-state path. Within this framework, the key step is the construction of the level-k operator sequences out of those at level-1 by the action of a new type of operators. These actions of operators on operators turn out to have a path interpretation: these paths are precisely the finitized RSOS paths related to the unitary minimal models M(k+1,k+2). We thus unravel -- at the level of the path representation of the states --, a direct factorization into a k=1 spinon part times a RSOS factor. It is also pointed out that since there are two fermionic forms describing these finite RSOS paths, the resulting fermionic su(2)_k characters arise in two versions. Finally, the relation between the present construction and the Nagoya spectral decomposition of the path space is sketched.Comment: 28 page

    The XXX spin s quantum chain and the alternating s1s^{1}, s2s^{2} chain with boundaries

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    The integrable XXX spin s quantum chain and the alternating s1s^{1}, s2s^{2} (s1s2=12s^{1}-s^{2}={1\over 2}) chain with boundaries are considered. The scattering of their excitations with the boundaries via the Bethe ansatz method is studied, and the exact boundary S matrices are computed in the limit s,s1,2s, s^{1, 2} \to \infty. Moreover, the connection of these models with the SU(2) Principal Chiral, WZW and the RSOS models is discussed.Comment: 21 pages Latex, one reference added, minor revisions in the title and the text, to appear in Nucl. Phys.