525 research outputs found

    Multiperiodic Galactic field RR Lyrae stars in the ASAS catalog

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    The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) monitors bright stars (8 mag < V < 14 mag) south of declination +28 deg. The ASAS Catalogue of Variable Stars (ACVS) presently contains 50,099 objects; among them are 2212 objects classified as RR Lyrae pulsating variables. We use ASAS photometric V band data to search for multiperiodicity in those stars. We find that 73 of 1435 RRab stars and 49 of 756 RRc stars exhibit the Blazhko effect. We observe a deficiency of RRab Blazhko variables with main pulsation periods greater than 0.65 days. The Blazhko periods of RRc stars exhibit a strongly bimodal distribution. During our study we discovered the Blazhko effect with multiple periods in object ASAS 050747-3351.9 = SU Col. Blazhko periods of 89.3 d and 65.8 d and a candidate of 29.5 d were identified with periodogram peaks near the first three harmonics of the main pulsation. These observations may inspire new models of the Blazhko effect, which has eluded a consistent theory since its discovery about one hundred years ago. Long term lightcurve changes were found in 29 stars. We also found 19 Galactic double mode pulsators (RRd), of which 4 are new discoveries, raising the number of ASAS discoveries of such objects to 16, out of 27 known in the field of our Galaxy.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, published in MNRA

    Are the Kepler Near-Resonance Planet Pairs due to Tidal Dissipation?

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    The multiple-planet systems discovered by the Kepler mission show an excess of planet pairs with period ratios just wide of exact commensurability for first-order resonances like 2:1 and 3:2. In principle, these planet pairs could have both resonance angles associated with the resonance librating if the orbital eccentricities are sufficiently small, because the width of first-order resonances diverges in the limit of vanishingly small eccentricity. We consider a widely-held scenario in which pairs of planets were captured into first-order resonances by migration due to planet-disk interactions, and subsequently became detached from the resonances, due to tidal dissipation in the planets. In the context of this scenario, we find a constraint on the ratio of the planet's tidal dissipation function and Love number that implies that some of the Kepler planets are likely solid. However, tides are not strong enough to move many of the planet pairs to the observed separations, suggesting that additional dissipative processes are at play.Comment: 20 pages, including 7 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Rotation Period of the Planet-Hosting Star HD 189733

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    We present synoptic optical photometry of HD 189733, the chromospherically active parent star of one of the most intensively studied exoplanets. We have significantly extended the timespan of our previously reported observations and refined the estimate of the stellar rotation period by more than an order of magnitude: P=11.953±0.009P = 11.953\pm 0.009 days. We derive a lower limit on the inclination of the stellar rotation axis of 56\arcdeg (with 95% confidence), corroborating earlier evidence that the stellar spin axis and planetary orbital axis are well aligned.Comment: To appear in A

    Discerning Exoplanet Migration Models Using Spin-Orbit Measurements

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    We investigate the current sample of exoplanet spin-orbit measurements to determine whether a dominant planet migration channel can be identified, and at what confidence. We use the predictions of Kozai migration plus tidal friction (Fabrycky and Tremaine 2007) and planet-planet scattering (Nagasawa et al. 2008) as our misalignment models, and we allow for a fraction of intrinsically aligned systems, explainable by disk migration. Bayesian model comparison demonstrates that the current sample of 32 spin-orbit measurements strongly favors a two-mode migration scenario combining planet-planet scattering and disk migration over a single-mode Kozai migration scenario. Our analysis indicates that between 34% and 76% of close-in planets (95% confidence) migrated via planet-planet scattering. Separately analyzing the subsample of 12 stars with T_eff > 6250 K---which Winn et al. (2010) predict to be the only type of stars to maintain their primordial misalignments---we find that the data favor a single-mode scattering model over Kozai with 81% confidence. We also assess the number of additional hot star spin-orbit measurements that will likely be necessary to provide a more confident model selection, finding that an additional 20-30 measurements has a >50% chance of resulting in a 95%-confident model selection, if the current model selection is correct. While we test only the predictions of particular Kozai and scattering migration models in this work, our methods may be used to test the predictions of any other spin-orbit misaligning mechanism.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, ApJ responded to refere

    ASAS Eclipsing Binaries with Observed High Period Change Rates

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    We present 31 bright eclipsing contact and semi-detached binaries that showed high period change rates in a 5 year interval in observations by the All-Sky Automated Survey (ASAS). The time-scales of these changes range from only 50 up to 400 kyr. The orbital periods of 10 binaries are increasing and of 21 are decreasing, and even a larger excess is seen in contact binaries, where the numbers are 5 and 17, respectively. Period change has previously been noticed for only two of these binaries; our observations confirmed a secular period drift for SV Cen and period oscillations for VY Cet. The spectroscopic quadruple system V1084 Sco shows both period change and brightness modulation. All investigated binaries were selected from a sample of 1711 (1135 contact and 576 semi-detached) that fulfilled all criteria of data quality. We also introduce a "branch" test to check if luminosity changes on part of the binary's photosphere has led to a spurious or poorly characterized period change detection.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Orbital Orientations of Exoplanets: HAT-P-4b is Prograde and HAT-P-14b is Retrograde

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    We present observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for two exoplanetary systems, revealing the orientations of their orbits relative to the rotation axes of their parent stars. HAT-P-4b is prograde, with a sky-projected spin-orbit angle of lambda = -4.9 +/- 11.9 degrees. In contrast, HAT-P-14b is retrograde, with lambda = 189.1 +/- 5.1 degrees. These results conform with a previously noted pattern among the stellar hosts of close-in giant planets: hotter stars have a wide range of obliquities and cooler stars have low obliquities. This, in turn, suggests that three-body dynamics and tidal dissipation are responsible for the short-period orbits of many exoplanets. In addition, our data revealed a third body in the HAT-P-4 system, which could be a second planet or a companion star.Comment: AJ, in press [8 pages

    The Short Rotation Period of Hi'iaka, Haumea's Largest Satellite

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    Hi'iaka is the larger outer satellite of the dwarf planet Haumea. Using relative photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope and Magellan and a phase dispersion minimization analysis, we have identified the rotation period of Hi'iaka to be ~9.8 hrs (double-peaked). This is ~120 times faster than its orbital period, creating new questions about the formation of this system and possible tidal evolution. The rapid rotation suggests that Hi'iaka could have a significant obliquity and spin precession that could be visible in light curves within a few years. We then turn to an investigation of what we learn about the (presently unclear) formation of the Haumea system and family based on this unexpectedly rapid rotation rate. We explore the importance of the initial semi-major axis and rotation period in tidal evolution theory and find they strongly influence the time required to despin to synchronous rotation, relevant to understanding a wide variety of satellite and binary systems. We find that despinning tides do not necessarily lead to synchronous spin periods for Hi'iaka, even if it formed near the Roche limit. Therefore the short rotation period of Hi'iaka does not rule out significant tidal evolution. Hi'iaka's spin period is also consistent with formation near its current location and spin up due to Haumea-centric impactors.Comment: 21 pages with 6 figures, to be published in The Astronomical Journa

    Aircraft System and Product Development: Teaching the Conceptual Phase

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    This paper reports the first offering of a graduate level subject covering the conceptual phase of aircraft product development. The output of the conceptual phase is a system level specification that usually serves as the input for a traditional undergraduate capstone subject on aircraft design. Of critical importance in the conceptual phase is addressing the business case for the candidate product. The conceptual phase spans a much wider range of topics than the technical issues which dominate preliminary design. These include user needs, investment and business requirements, market analysis, operational issues, exogenous constraints (certification, regulation, political, etc.), as well as engineering and manufacturing requirements. Students in the subject were required to Prepare for the Board of Directors of a large aerospace company a compelling business case and specification for a large jet transport product. Three student teams produced original responses to the challenge and have reported their findings in a companion AIAA paper. This paper addresses the pedagogical approaches and outcomes. These encompass the use of distance learning technology and techniques for several off-campus practicing engineering students. Overall, the outcome was very gratifying. The class will be offered in the spring of 2001, focusing on a supersonic business jet

    Transit Timing Observations from Kepler: VII. Confirmation of 27 planets in 13 multiplanet systems via Transit Timing Variations and orbital stability

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    We confirm 27 planets in 13 planetary systems by showing the existence of statistically significant anti-correlated transit timing variations (TTVs), which demonstrates that the planet candidates are in the same system, and long-term dynamical stability, which places limits on the masses of the candidates---showing that they are planetary. %This overall method of planet confirmation was first applied to \kepler systems 23 through 32. All of these newly confirmed planetary systems have orbital periods that place them near first-order mean motion resonances (MMRs), including 6 systems near the 2:1 MMR, 5 near 3:2, and one each near 4:3, 5:4, and 6:5. In addition, several unconfirmed planet candidates exist in some systems (that cannot be confirmed with this method at this time). A few of these candidates would also be near first order MMRs with either the confirmed planets or with other candidates. One system of particular interest, Kepler-56 (KOI-1241), is a pair of planets orbiting a 12th magnitude, giant star with radius over three times that of the Sun and effective temperature of 4900 K---among the largest stars known to host a transiting exoplanetary system.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to MNRA