13 research outputs found

    Ultrafast high power fiber laser systems

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    Fiber laser systems offer unique properties for the amplification of ultrashort pulses to high powers. Two approaches are discussed, the amplification of linearly chirped parabolic pulses and a fiber based chirped pulse amplification system. Using the first method, we succeeded to generate 17-W average power of linearly chirped parabolic pulses at 75 MHz repetition rate and diffraction-limited beam quality in a large-mode-area ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier. The recompression of these pulses with an efficiency of 60% resulted in 80-fs pulses with a peak power of 1.7 MW. Furthermore, we report on a diode-pumped ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber based chirped pulse amplification system delivering 220-fs pulses, at 1040 nm wavelength, 73 MHz repetition rate and up to 131 W average power, corresponding to a peak power of 8 MW. Key element is a diffraction grating compressor consisting of highly efficient transmission gratings in fused silica allowing the recompression at this high power. To cite this article: J. Limpert et al., C. R. Physique

    Building an Optical Free-Electron Laser in the Traveling-Wave Thomson-Scattering Geometry

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    We show how optical free-electron lasers and enhanced incoherent Thomson scattering radiation sources can be realized with Traveling-Wave Thomson-Scattering (TWTS) today. Emphasis is put on the realization of optical free-electron lasers (OFELs) with existing state-of-the-art technology for laser systems and electron accelerators. The conceptual design of optical setups for the preparation of laser pulses suitable for TWTS OFELs and enhanced Thomson sources is presented. We further provide expressions to estimate the acceptable alignment tolerances of optical components for TWTS OFEL operation. Examples of TWTS OFELs radiating at 100 nm, 13.5 nm and 1.5 Å as well as an incoherent source producing 30 keV photons highlight the feasibility of the concept and detail the procedure to determine the optical components parameters of a TWTS setup

    MHz Repetion Rate Yb:YAG and Yb:CaF2 Regenerative Picosecond Laser Amplifiers with a BBO Pockels Cell

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    We present picosecond Yb:YAG and Yb:CaF2 regenerative laser amplifiers with ultra-high repetition rates in the MHz range. A maximum pulse energy of 40 μJ was obtained at 20 kHz while we achieved around 1 μJ at 1 MHz. We demonstrated a pulse duration of 2.1 ps for Yb:YAG and 4.8 ps for Yb:CaF2 when seeded by a mode-locked Yb:KGW fs-oscillator without pulse stretching or phase compensation

    Validation of the Structural-Thermal Model of the Small Earth Observation Satellite Flying Laptop

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    Thorough thermal design and testing is compulsory for every satellite mission. A well-known thermal behavior of the entire satellite system is therefore indispensable and needs to be verified during the spacecraft development. A Structural-Thermal-Model (STM) was constructed for the Flying Laptop, a satellite currently being developed at the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart, which enables the validation of mechanical and thermal simulations for the satellite’s Flight-Model. The STM was vibration and thermal-vacuum tested at the Centre Spatial Liège (CSL). This paper will de-scribe the design and construction of the STM as well as the facilities and test equipment used for the tests. Conclusions will be drawn from the actual test results

    High energy Yb:YAG active mirror laser system for transform limited pulses bridging the picosecond gap

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    A diode-pumped Yb:YAG MOPA-System for the unprecedented generation of transform limited pulses with variable pulse duration in the range between 10 ps and 100 ps is presented. First applications relying on unique pulse parameters as modulation free spectrum, tunability and coherence length, namely the direct laser interference patterning (DLIP) and laser cooling of stored relativistic ion beams are highlighted. Pulses are generated by a mode-locked fs-oscillator while the spectral bandwidth is narrowed in the subsequent regenerative amplifier by an intra-cavity grating monochromator. Two alternative booster amplifiers were added to increase the pulse energy to 100 μJ and 10 mJ, respectively