50 research outputs found

    Incidence of postpartum depression and associated risk factors in mothers from Córdoba (Argentina)

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    El presente trabajo, actualmente en curso, busca conocer la prevalencia de la depresión postparto (DPP) en un hospital público de la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina) identificando factores de riesgo asociados. A las madres se les aplicó la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo y una entrevista semiestructurada para recolectar información sociodemográfica y de factores de riesgo. La prevalencia de la DPP en la muestra recolectada fue del 42 %, y entre los factores de riesgo primaron las problemáticas sociales y familiares. La identificación de factores de riesgo asociados a DPP permitiría elaborar un perfil psicosocial que, al usarse desde las primeras consultas obstétricas, podría ser útil para prevenir la incidencia de esta psicopatología. Se discuten la prevalencia observada hasta el momento y factores de riesgo en relación con los encontrados en otros países con distintos niveles de desarrollo, así como la importancia del abordaje de la salud maternoinfantil en el postparto como temática relevante para la salud pública.Este projeto de pesquisa em andamento busca conhecer a prevalência de depressão pós-parto (DPP) em um hospital público da cidade de Córdoba (Argentina) e identificar os fatores de risco associados. Foram aplicadas às mães a Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo e uma entrevista semiestruturada para coletar informações sociodemográficas e de fatores de risco. A prevalência de DPP na amostra foi de 42 % e os problemas sociais e familiares prevaleceram entre os fatores de risco. A identificação dos fatores de risco associados à DPP permitiria elaborar um perfil psicossocial que, quando utilizado desde as primeiras consultas obstétricas, poderia ser útil para prevenir a incidência desta psicopatologia. A prevalência observada até o momento e os fatores de risco são discutidos em relação aos encontrados em outros países com diferentes níveis de desenvolvimento, bem como a importância de abordar a saúde materno-infantil no puerpério como tema relevante para a saúde pública.This ongoing research project seeks to know the prevalence of postpartum depression (PPD) in a public hospital in the city of Córdoba (Argentina) and to identify associated risk factors. The Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale and a semi-structured interview to collect sociodemographic and risk factor information were applied to mothers. The prevalence of PPD in the sample was 42 % and social and family problems prevailed among the risk factors. The identification of risk factors associated with PPD might allow to elaborate a psychosocial profile that, when applied from the first obstetric consultations, could be useful to prevent the incidence of this psychopathology. The prevalence observed up to the moment and risk factors are discussed in relation to those found in other countries with different levels of socioeconomic development, as well as the importance of addressing maternal and child health in the postpartum period as a relevant topic for public health.Facultad de Psicologí

    Extranjeros y diferentes: las formas de la discriminación en la escuela

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    Uno de los efectos más deletéreos del actual proceso de globalización de los capitales es el conflicto que surge, para poblaciones migrantes, de la necesidad de asimilarse a sociedades ajenas. Este es el escenario donde los derechos de los extranjeros, de los extraños, están en permanente riesgo de violación. Además de la dominante tendencia de las migraciones, con dirección sur-norte, aumentan los desplazamientos entre países “del sur”. Las asimetrías en el desarrollo sumadas a las crecientes restricciones para el ingreso a los países centrales, hacen prever que en las próximas décadas algunos países de América Latina –con Argentina como polo regional de importancia- seguirán consolidándose como destino para los extranjeros tanto regionales como extraregionales. Este trabajo se ocupa de la necesidad de identificar los prejuicios y desconocimientos que sostienen las actitudes discriminatorias y las justifican de manera espuria, en el particular ámbito de la escuela. La escuela, como microcosmos donde se reproducen las prácticas de la sociedad en su conjunto, es un espacio fértil para la transmisión de las actitudes prejuiciosas y excluyentes de lo diferente. Los docentes de nivel primario se encuentran en una posición en la que pueden contribuir a atenuar así como a exacerbar la discriminación. Esto sucede tanto por su función simbólica “ejemplar” como por su rol de mediador de las relaciones entre alumnos. Además, los prejuicios de los docentes sobre las diferentes potencialidades de los alumnos -ligadas a rasgos étnicos o raciales- tienen altas posibilida- des de incidir en su rendimiento efectivo (efecto Pigmalión). Cuando es considerada en el aula, debe destacarse que la discriminación reconoce un doble efecto: directo e indirecto. El primero, al tratar de manera diferencial a los alumnos sobre la base de representaciones prejuiciosas (rasgos físicos, origen nacional o étnico, religión o extracción social), a veces de manera explícita, pero con mucha más frecuencia implícitamente se afecta el derecho a la igualdad. El efecto indirecto es la reproducción del prejuicio entre los alumnos, la posición simbólica –de poder- que el docente ocupa, dota de autoridad no solo a sus expresiones, sino también a sus actitudes. Desde esa posición no solo se enseña a través de las palabras, los prejuicios se transmiten con actos, gestos, silencios, no necesariamente conscientes para quien los protagoniza, pero indudablemente legibles y efectivos.Fil: Bologna, Eduardo León. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Faas, Ana Eugenia. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; Argentin

    Integration of Aspergillus niger transcriptomic profile with metabolic model identifies potential targets to optimise citric acid production from lignocellulosic hydrolysate

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    BACKGROUND: Citric acid is typically produced industrially by Aspergillus niger-mediated fermentation of a sucrose-based feedstock, such as molasses. The fungus Aspergillus niger has the potential to utilise lignocellulosic biomass, such as bagasse, for industrial-scale citric acid production, but realising this potential requires strain optimisation. Systems biology can accelerate strain engineering by systematic target identification, facilitated by methods for the integration of omics data into a high-quality metabolic model. In this work, we perform transcriptomic analysis to determine the temporal expression changes during fermentation of bagasse hydrolysate and develop an evolutionary algorithm to integrate the transcriptomic data with the available metabolic model to identify potential targets for strain engineering. RESULTS: The novel integrated procedure matures our understanding of suboptimal citric acid production and reveals potential targets for strain engineering, including targets consistent with the literature such as the up-regulation of citrate export and pyruvate carboxylase as well as novel targets such as the down-regulation of inorganic diphosphatase. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we demonstrate the production of citric acid from lignocellulosic hydrolysate and show how transcriptomic data across multiple timepoints can be coupled with evolutionary and metabolic modelling to identify potential targets for further engineering to maximise productivity from a chosen feedstock. The in silico strategies employed in this study can be applied to other biotechnological goals, assisting efforts to harness the potential of microorganisms for bio-based production of valuable chemicals

    Accessory enzymes of hypercellulolytic Penicillium funiculosum facilitate complete saccharification of sugarcane bagasse

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    BACKGROUND: Sugarcane bagasse (SCB) is an abundant feedstock for second-generation bioethanol production. This complex biomass requires an array of carbohydrate active enzymes (CAZymes), mostly from filamentous fungi, for its deconstruction to monomeric sugars for the production of value-added fuels and chemicals. In this study, we evaluated the repertoire of proteins in the secretome of a catabolite repressor-deficient strain of Penicillium funiculosum, PfMig188, in response to SCB induction and examined their role in the saccharification of SCB. RESULTS: A systematic approach was developed for the cultivation of the fungus with the aim of producing and understanding arrays of enzymes tailored for saccharification of SCB. To achieve this, the fungus was grown in media supplemented with different concentrations of pretreated SCB (0-45 g/L). The profile of secreted proteins was characterized by enzyme activity assays and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). A total of 280 proteins were identified in the secretome of PfMig188, 46% of them being clearly identified as CAZymes. Modulation of the cultivation media with SCB up to 15 g/L led to sequential enhancement in the secretion of hemicellulases and cell wall-modifying enzymes, including endo-β-1,3(4)-glucanase (GH16), endo-α-1,3-glucanase (GH71), xylanase (GH30), β-xylosidase (GH5), β-1,3-galactosidase (GH43) and cutinase (CE5). There was ~ 122% and 60% increases in β-xylosidase and cutinase activities, respectively. There was also a 36% increase in activities towards mixed-linked glucans. Induction of these enzymes in the secretome improved the saccharification performance to 98% (~ 20% increase over control), suggesting their synergy with core cellulases in accessing the recalcitrant region of SCB. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide an insight into the enzyme system of PfMig188 for degradation of complex biomass such as SCB and highlight the importance of adding SCB to the culture medium to optimize the secretion of enzymes specific for the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse

    FTIR Screening to Elucidate Compositional Differences in Maize Recombinant Inbred Lines with ContrastingSaccharification Efficiency Yields

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    With a high potential to generate biomass, maize stover arises as an outstanding feedstock for biofuel production. Maize stover presents the added advantage of being a multiple exploitation of the crop as a source of food, feed, and energy. In this study, contrasting groups of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a maize multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population that showed variability for saccharification efficiency were screened by FTIR-ATR spectroscopy to explore compositional differences between high and low saccharification yielders. High and low saccharification efficiency groups differed in cell wall compositional features: high saccharification RILs displayed higher proportions of S subunits, aromatic compounds, and hemicellulose as opposed to low saccharification efficiency groups in which FTIR predicted higher proportions of lignin, more precisely lignin being richer in subunits G, and greater proportions of crystalline cellulose and acetyl methyl esters. The application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy in this material allowed us to obtain a rapid and broad vision of cell wall compositional features in contrasting groups of saccharification efficiency. These results helped us to deepen our knowledge into the relationship between cell wall composition and biorefining potential; they also allowed us to establish new targets for future research regarding lignocellulosic bioconversion

    Cdx ParaHox genes acquired distinct developmental roles after gene duplication in vertebrate evolution

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    BACKGROUND: The functional consequences of whole genome duplications in vertebrate evolution are not fully understood. It remains unclear, for instance, why paralogues were retained in some gene families but extensively lost in others. Cdx homeobox genes encode conserved transcription factors controlling posterior development across diverse bilaterians. These genes are part of the ParaHox gene cluster. Multiple Cdx copies were retained after genome duplication, raising questions about how functional divergence, overlap, and redundancy respectively contributed to their retention and evolutionary fate. RESULTS: We examined the degree of regulatory and functional overlap between the three vertebrate Cdx genes using single and triple morpholino knock-down in Xenopus tropicalis followed by RNA-seq. We found that one paralogue, Cdx4, has a much stronger effect on gene expression than the others, including a strong regulatory effect on FGF and Wnt genes. Functional annotation revealed distinct and overlapping roles and subtly different temporal windows of action for each gene. The data also reveal a colinear-like effect of Cdx genes on Hox genes, with repression of Hox paralogy groups 1 and 2, and activation increasing from Hox group 5 to 11. We also highlight cases in which duplicated genes regulate distinct paralogous targets revealing pathway elaboration after whole genome duplication. CONCLUSIONS: Despite shared core pathways, Cdx paralogues have acquired distinct regulatory roles during development. This implies that the degree of functional overlap between paralogues is relatively low and that gene expression pattern alone should be used with caution when investigating the functional evolution of duplicated genes. We therefore suggest that developmental programmes were extensively rewired after whole genome duplication in the early evolution of vertebrates

    Valorisation of natural resources and the need for economic and sustainability assessment: The case of cocoa pod husk in Indonesia

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    The uptake of innovative technologies and practices in agriculture aimed at the valorisation of natural resources can be scant in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). Integration of financial viability assessments with farmers and environmental evaluations can help to understand some aspects of the low uptakes of innovations. Using the case study of Cocoa Pod Husk (CPH) valorisation in Indonesia, we provide insights into (i) a choice modelling method to assess the economic viability of CPH valorisation and (ii) an agronomic trial assessing the consequences on soil quality of diverting CPH from its role as a natural fertilizer. The economic viability assessment suggested that farmers require higher levels of compensation than might be expected to collect or process CPH (a small proportion of farmers would undertake all processing activities for 117 GBP/t CPH). The agronomic trial concluded that CPH plays only a minor role in the maintenance of soil phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, but it plays an important role for crop potassium. CPH removal would reduce the partial balances for carbon and nitrogen by 15.6% and 19.6%, respectively. Diversion of CPH from current practices should consider the long-term effects on soil quality, especially because it might create increased reliance on mineral fertilizers