127 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to characterize the diurnal patterns ofactivity of Hippocampus reidi and determine its behavioral repertoire during this period of activity. Behavioral observations were made between 07:00h and 19:30h at five different sites in Rio de Janeiro state, during whichall recorded behaviors of each observed individual were quantified over one hour. A total of 90h of observation were made, 30h for females, 30h for pregnant males and 30h for non-pregnant males. The results suggest thatseahorses are very active during the day. Swimming and foraging were the most frequent behaviors observed. Non-pregnant males presented a similar behavioral repertoire to females, while pregnant males were lessactive during the day.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar el patrón de actividaddiurno de la especie de caballito de mar Hippocampus reidi, si la esta presenta picos de actividad y cuáles son los comportamientos relacionados a la actividad diurna. Fueron realizadas observaciones del comportamiento entre las 07:00h y las 19:30h en cinco playas del estado de Rio de Janeiro, observando los comportamientos presentes y la duración de cada comportamiento a lo largo de una hora para cada individuo observado. Fueron realizadas un total de 90h, siendo 30 para hembras, 30 para machos incubando y 30 para machos no incubando. Los caballitos de mar presentaron un comportamiento bastante activo a lo largo de todo o período de observación, siendo los comportamientos de natación y alimentación los más frecuentes. Los machos que no estaban en estado de incubación mostraron un comportamiento activo similar al de las hembras. Por otro lado los machos en estado de incubación se mostraron poco activos a lo largo de todo el día.O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar o padrão de atividade durante o período diurno da espécie de cavalo-marinho Hippocampus reidi, se a mesma apresenta picos de atividade e quais são os comportamentos relacionados a esta atividade diurna. Foram realizadas observações comportamentais de 07:00h às 19:30h em cinco praias do estado do Rio de Janeiro, observando os comportamentos presentes e a duração de cada comportamento ao longo de uma hora para cada indivíduo observado. Foi realizado um total de 90h, sendo 30 para fêmeas, 30 para machos incubando e 30 para machos não incubando. Os cavalos-marinhos apresentaram comportamento bastante ativo ao longo de todo o período de observação, sendo os comportamentos de natação e alimentação os mais freqüentes. Os machos que não estavam em estado de incubação mostraram comportamento ativo similar ao das fêmeas. Por outro lado os machos em estado de incubação mostraram-se pouco ativos ao longo de todo o dia

    Turbulent Combustion of Polydisperse Evaporating Sprays with Droplet Crossing: Eulerian Modeling and Validation in the Infinite Knudsen Limit

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    The accurate simulation of the dynamics of polydisperse evaporating sprays in unsteady gaseous flows with large-scale vortical structures is both a crucial issue for industrial applications and a challenge for modeling and scientific computing. The difficulties encountered by the usual Lagrangian approaches make the use of Eulerian models attractive, aiming at a lower cost and an easier coupling with the carrier gaseous phase. Among these models, the multi-fluid model allows for a detailed description of the polydispersity and size-velocity correlations for droplets of various sizes. The purpose of the present study is twofold. First, we extend the multi-fluid model in order to cope with crossing droplet trajectories by using the quadrature method of moments in velocity phase space conditioned by size. We identify the numerical difficulties and provide dedicated numerical schemes in order to preserve the velocity moment space. Second, we conduct a comparison study and demonstrate the capability of such an approach to capture the dynamics of an evaporating polydisperse spray in a 2-D free jet configuration. We evaluate the accuracy and computational cost of Eulerian models and related discretization schemes vs. Lagrangian solvers and show that, even for finite Stokes number, the standard Eulerian multi-fluid model can be accurate at reasonable cost

    Examples of multi-sensor determination of eruptive source parameters of explosive events at mount etna

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    International audienceMulti-sensor strategies are key to the real-time determination of eruptive source parameters (ESPs) of explosive eruptions necessary to forecast accurately both tephra dispersal and deposition. To explore the capacity of these strategies in various eruptive conditions, we analyze data acquiredby two Doppler radars, ground- and satellite-based infrared sensors, one infrasound array, visible video-monitoring cameras as well as data from tephra-fallout deposits associated with a weak and a strong paroxysmal event at Mount Etna (Italy). We find that the different sensors provide complementary observations that should be critically analyzed and combined to provide comprehensive estimates of ESPs. First, all measurements of plume height agree during the strong paroxysmal activity considered, whereas some discrepancies are found for the weak paroxysm due to rapid plume and cloud dilution. Second, the event duration, key to convert the total erupted mass (TEM) in the mass eruption rate (MER) and vice versa, varies depending on the sensor used, providing information on different phases of the paroxysm (i.e., unsteady lava fountaining, lava fountain-fed tephra plume, waning phase associated with plume and cloud expansion in the atmosphere). As a result, TEM and MER derived from different sensors also correspond to the different phases of the paroxysms. Finally, satellite retrievals for grain-size can be combined with radar data to provide a first approximation of total grain-size distribution (TGSD) in near real-time. Such a TGSD shows a promising agreement with the TGSD derived from the combination of satellite data and whole deposit grain-size distribution (WDGSD)

    A model for buoyant tephra plumes coupled to lava fountains with an application to the 29th of August 2011 paroxysmal eruption at Mount Etna, Italy

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    Explosive basaltic eruptions pose significant threats to local communities, regional infrastructures and international airspace. They produce tephra plumes that are often associated with a lava fountain, complicating their dynamics. Consequently, source parameters cannot be easily constrained using traditional formulations. Particularly, mass flow rates (MFRs) derived from height observations frequently differ from field deposit‐derived MFRs. Here, we investigate this discrepancy using a novel integral plume model that explicitly accounts for a lava fountain, which is represented as a hot, coarse‐grained inner plume co‐flowing with a finer‐grained outer plume. The new model shows that a plume associated with a lava fountain shows higher variability in rise height than a standard plume for the same initial MFR depending on initial conditions. The initial grain‐size distribution and the relative size of the lava fountain compared to the surrounding plume are primary controls on the final plume height as they determine the strength of coupling between the two plumes. We apply the new model to the 29th of August 2011 paroxysmal eruption of Mount Etna, Italy. The modelled MFR profile indicates that the field‐derived MFR does not correspond to that at the vent, but rather the MFR just above the lava fountain top. High fallout from the lava fountain results in much of the erupted solid material not reaching the top of the plume. This material deposits to form the proximal cone rather than dispersing in the atmosphere. With our novel model, discrepancies between the two types of observation‐derived MFR can be investigated and understood

    On the importance of long-term functional assessment after stroke to improve translation from bench to bedside

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    Despite extensive research efforts in the field of cerebral ischemia, numerous disappointments came from the translational step. Even if experimental studies showed a large number of promising drugs, most of them failed to be efficient in clinical trials. Based on these reports, factors that play a significant role in causing outcome differences between animal experiments and clinical trials have been identified; and latest works in the field have tried to discard them in order to improve the scope of the results. Nevertheless, efforts must be maintained, especially for long-term functional evaluations. As observed in clinical practice, animals display a large degree of spontaneous recovery after stroke. The neurological impairment, assessed by basic items, typically disappears during the firsts week following stroke in rodents. On the contrary, more demanding sensorimotor and cognitive tasks underline other deficits, which are usually long-lasting. Unfortunately, studies addressing such behavioral impairments are less abundant. Because the characterization of long-term functional recovery is critical for evaluating the efficacy of potential therapeutic agents in experimental strokes, behavioral tests that proved sensitive enough to detect long-term deficits are reported here. And since the ultimate goal of any stroke therapy is the restoration of normal function, an objective appraisal of the behavioral deficits should be done

    Early castration in foals: consequences on physical and behavioural development.

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    [en] BACKGROUND: The impact of very early castration of foals has not yet been studied despite the many positive effects observed in dogs and cats. OBJECTIVES: To compare castration at 3 days and 18 months and assess their subsequent morphological and behavioural development. STUDY DESIGN: Randomised, blinded clinical study. METHODS: Twenty-two Welsh ponies underwent either early (3 days old, EC group, n=11) or traditional (18 months old, TC group, n=11) castration. Animals were followed up to three years of age. All ponies were castrated using a primary closure technique under general anaesthesia. Weight and morphometric measurements were monitored monthly from birth until 8 months of age in both groups. Then, measurements were taken every 3 months until 2 years of age and then every 6 months until 3 years of age. Temperament tests were performed on all animals when they were 1 and 3 years old. RESULTS: No differences were observed between the EC and TC groups in terms of physical development from birth until 40 months of age, or in terms of temperament and behaviour at either 1 or 3 years of age. MAIN LIMITATIONS: The study included only one breed (Welsh ponies) and only 22 animals that were castrated before 2 years of age, precluding comparison with castration performed at older ages. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that early castration at three days does not interfere with morphological or behavioural development

    Tephra sedimentation and grainsize associated with pulsatory activity: the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Long-lasting eruptions are of complex characterization and are typically associated with challenging risk assessment and crisis management due to the usual occurrence of multiple interacting hazards evolving at different temporal and spatial scales (e.g., lava, tephra, and gas). The 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja (La Palma) demonstrated how even hybrid events that are mostly effusive can be associated with widespread and impacting tephra deposits as a result of a complex interplay among gas flux, conduit geometry, and magma feeding rate. In this novel study, direct observations, syn-eruptive and post-eruptive sampling, and statistical analysis of pulsatory activity have been combined to provide new insights into eruption dynamics. They show how rapid gas segregation and high magma ascent rate modulated the gas flux at multiple vents, resulting in short-time fluctuations among the different explosive styles (ash-poor gas puffing, Strombolian, violent Strombolian, and lava fountaining) and unsteady tephra ground accumulation. Various size-selective sedimentation processes were also observed, including particle aggregation and ash fingers, which have impacted the overall tephra dispersal. In fact, even though both local and total grainsize distributions of selected layers, units, and of the whole tephra blanket are unimodal with a low fine-ash content, grainsize analysis of 154 samples suggests no correlation of particles <63 μm with distance from vents. Our analyses demonstrate the need to include a detailed characterization of all products of hybrid eruptions for a comprehensive interpretation of eruptive dynamics and to use multiple classification strategies that can capture eruptive styles at different temporal scales

    Superior Neuroprotective Efficacy of LAU-0901, a Novel Platelet-Activating Factor Antagonist, in Experimental Stroke

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    Platelet-activating factor (PAF) accumulates during cerebral ischemia, and inhibition of this process plays a critical role in neuronal survival. Recently, we demonstrated that LAU-0901, a novel PAF receptor antagonist, is neuroprotective in experimental stroke. We used magnetic resonance imaging in conjunction with behavior and immunohistopathology to expand our understanding of this novel therapeutic approach. Sprague–Dawley rats received 2 h middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo) and were treated with LAU-0901 (60 mg/kg) or vehicle 2 h from MCAo onset. Behavioral function, T2-weighted imaging (T2WI), and apparent diffusion coefficients were performed on days 1, 3, and 7 after MCAo. Infarct volume and number of GFAP, ED-1, and NeuN-positive cells were conducted on day 7. Behavioral deficit was significantly improved by LAU-0901 treatment compared to vehicle on days 1, 3, and 7. Total lesion volumes computed from T2WI were significantly reduced by LAU-0901 on days 1, 3, and 7 (by 83%, 90%, and 96%, respectively), which was consistent with decreased edema formation. Histopathology revealed that LAU-0901 treatment resulted in significant reduction of cortical and subcortical infarct volumes, attenuated microglial infiltration, and promoted astrocytic and neuronal survival. These findings suggest LAU-0901 is a promising neuroprotectant and provide the basis for future therapeutics in patients suffering ischemic stroke

    Early detection of secondary damage in ipsilateral thalamus after acute infarction at unilateral corona radiata by diffusion tensor imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Traditional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging can identify abnormal changes in ipsilateral thalamus in patients with unilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarcts. However, it is difficult to demonstrate these early changes quantitatively. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) are potentially sensitive and quantitative methods of detection in examining changes of tissue microstructure and metabolism. In this study, We used both DTI and MRS to examine possible secondary damage of thalamus in patients with corona radiata infarction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twelve patients with unilateral corona radiata infarction underwent MR imaging including DTI and MRS at one week (W1), four weeks (W4), and twelve weeks (W12) after onset of stroke. Twelve age-matched controls were imaged. Mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), N-acetylaspartate (NAA), choline(Cho), and creatine(Cr) were measured in thalami.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>T1-weighted fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR), T2-weighted, and T2-FLAIR imaging showed an infarct at unilateral corona radiate but no other lesion in each patient brain. In patients, MD was significantly increased at W12, compared to W1 and W4 (all <it>P</it>< 0.05). NAA was significantly decreased at W4 compared to W1, and at W12 compared to W4 (all <it>P</it>< 0.05) in the ipsilateral thalamus. There was no significant change in FA, Cho, or Cr in the ipsilateral thalamus from W1 to W12. Spearman's rank correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between MD and the peak area of NAA, Cho, and Cr at W1, W4, and W12 and a significant positive correlation of FA with NAA at W1.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These findings indicate that DTI and MRS can detect the early changes indicating secondary damage in the ipsilateral thalamus after unilateral corona radiata infarction. MRS may reveal the progressive course of damage in the ipsilateral thalamus over time.</p

    Differential Effects of HIF-1 Inhibition by YC-1 on the Overall Outcome and Blood-Brain Barrier Damage in a Rat Model of Ischemic Stroke

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    Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a master regulator of cellular adaptation to hypoxia and has been suggested as a potent therapeutic target in cerebral ischemia. Here we show in an ischemic stroke model of rats that inhibiting HIF-1 and its downstream genes by 3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzylindazole (YC-1) significantly increases mortality and enlarges infarct volume evaluated by MRI and histological staining. Interestingly, the HIF-1 inhibition remarkably ameliorates ischemia-induced blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption determined by Evans blue leakage although it does not affect brain edema. The result demonstrates that HIF-1 inhibition has differential effects on ischemic outcomes and BBB permeability. It indicates that HIF-1 may have different functions in different brain cells. Further analyses show that ischemia upregulates HIF-1 and its downstream genes erythropoietin (EPO), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and glucose transporter (Glut) in neurons and brain endothelial cells and that YC-1 inhibits their expression. We postulate that HIF-1-induced VEGF increases BBB permeability while certain other proteins coded by HIF-1's downstream genes such as epo and glut provide neuroprotection in an ischemic brain. The results indicate that YC-1 lacks the potential as a cerebral ischemic treatment although it confers certain protection to the cerebral vascular system