462 research outputs found

    Direito da mineração

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 347.249 D598mOrganizado por: William Freir

    Mapping recreational ecosystem services from stakeholders' perspective in the Azores

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    Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES) in Europe’s Outermost Regions (ORs) and Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) is still underdeveloped compared to the European mainland. Most of those territories are small islands for which Marine and Coastal Ecosystems (MCE) constitute a significant resource and provide important provisioning, regulating and cultural Ecosystem Services (ES). Understanding the cultural dimension of ecosystems and considering the cultural benefits and values associated with them, demands methodological plurality, flexibility and creativity. This study focused on two activities related to recreational ES (recreational fishing and recreational SCUBA diving) that are particularly relevant to São Miguel Island (Archipelago of the Azores, Portugal). Stakeholders were interviewed using SeaSketch, a participatory mapping tool in which they indicated where they conduct recreational fishing and scuba diving, the relative value of those areas, in terms of preference over other areas and their willingness to relinquish them for the purpose of conservation. Responses were aggregated and represented in maps showing key areas for the provision of recreational ES around São Miguel. This approach can be used in the Azorean Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) process and other on-going conservation initiatives, to better understand the trade-offs between relevant socio-economic activities and to support negotiations between the government and groups of stakeholders.Data collection and analysis for this article were done as part of a Master's thesis in Maritime Spatial Planning, funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), with an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship and by the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), through the mobility fund Crossing the Atlantic. Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso (FGF) financed the work of Cristina Seijo as MSC-level grant researcher (002/BI/2020) and the work of Catarina Fonseca as Post-doc grant researcher (003/BIPD/2020), during the elaboration of the manuscript. The publication charges for this article were funded by cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes & ABG - Azorean Biodiversity Group (SRMC-M1.1.a/042/Funcionamento/2018-Apoio à manutenção e gestão do GBA/cE3c – 2018-2020). We would like to thank all of them for the economic support, the McClintock Lab for the technical support and all the participants in this study for their thoughtful contribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Black esophagus

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    Realistic simulation as educational strategy on integral care to trauma victims

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    Objective: To report the experience of using realistic simulation as way of teaching and training medical students on the polytraumatized care. Methods: The simulation ambience consisted on a scenery with multiple victims in a collision of a car crash versus car versus obstacle. The students performed functions that are compatible with their knowledge (first aid, prehospital care or intrahospitalar care). The realistic scenery was assembled with clinical cases, makeup and appropriate material. For each victim there was a monitor who filled checklists containing the main points that should be addressed by the students.Afterwards a questionnaire was applied to evaluate the learning process. Result: Among the 55 students that participated, 32 answered the questionnaire. 97,75% of them are medical students and 6,25%, nursing students. Concerning the content of the simulation, 53,1% of the students reported they were exposed to new topics and 96,9% believe the simulation helped to fix the content learned during the course. Conclusion: The use of realistic simulation as a teaching methodology provides positive impact, once it is an early insertion on the clinic-surgical practices, diagnostic induction and development of trauma care.Keywords: Teaching; Training medical students; Traume; Victim; Medical students

    Desigualdades sociales y en salud en adultos mayores ecuatorianos

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    Mientras aumenta el número y la proporción de adultos mayores como producto de la transición demográfica y epidemiológica, es cada vez más importante reconocer la heterogeneidad de este grupo. Los determinantes socioeconómicos de salud afectan a los adultos mayores de varias maneras, generando desigualdades socioeconómicas y de salud. Este estudio analiza el estado de salud, acceso a servicios, grupo de edad, sexo, raza/etnia y nivel educativo para comprender las desigualdades en salud en este grupo de población en Ecuador. Se concluye que las condiciones de salud y los factores socioeconómicos reflejan desigualdades entre los ecuatorianos mayores

    Unexpected distribution of the fluoroquinolone-resistance gene qnrB in Escherichia coli isolates from different human and poultry origins in Ecuador

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    Fluoroquinolone resistance can be conferred through chromosomal mutations or by the acquisition of plasmids carrying genes such as the quinolone resistance gene (qnr). In this study, 3,309 strains of commensal Escherichia coli were isolated in Ecuador from: (i) humans and chickens in a rural northern coastal area (n = 2368, 71.5%) and (ii) chickens from an industrial poultry operation (n = 827, 25%). In addition, 114 fluoroquinolone-resistant strains from patients with urinary tract infections who were treated at three urban hospitals in Quito, Ecuador were analyzed. All of the isolates were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility screening. Fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates (FRIs) were then screened for the presence of qnrB genes. A significantly higher phenotypic resistance to fluoroquinolones was determined in E. coli strains from chickens in both the rural area (22%) and the industrial operation (10%) than in strains isolated from humans in the rural communities (3%). However, the rates of qnrB genes in E. coli isolates from healthy humans in the rural communities (11 of 35 isolates, 31%) was higher than in chickens from either the industrial operations (3 of 81 isolates, 6%) or the rural communities (7 of 251 isolates, 2.8%). The occurrence of qnrB genes in human FRIs obtained from urban hospitals was low (1 of 114 isolates, 0.9%). These results suggested that the qnrB gene is more widely distributed in rural settings, where antibiotic usage is low, than in urban hospitals and industrial poultry operations. The role of qnrB in clinical resistance to fluoroquinolones is thus far unknown. [Int Microbiol 2015; 18(2):85-90]Keywords: Escherichia coli · gene qnrB · quinolone resistance · urban hospitals · industral poultry operation

    El comercio informal como factor predominante en la economía local: Fecha de recepción: 24/5/2018 - Fecha de aprobación: 24/9/2018

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    El estudio identifica la importancia del comercio informal en relación con la economía local. Por las repercusiones sociales y económicas del comercio, al estar constituido por personas que enfrentan el desempleo, la crisis económica y la falta de oportunidades, crean plazas de trabajo para generar ingresos para las familias, a través de actividades económicas fuera de las regulaciones u ordenanzas y que afectan al comercio formal. El objetivo es identificar en los comerciantes formales de los mercados de abastos de la ciudad, cómo la presencia de los comerciantes informales ha incidido en la cantidad de ventas realizadas en los puestos de productos orgánicos de las plazas y mercados de la ciudad de Ambato. Nos basamos en la pregunta ¿el incremento en el número de comerciantes informales influye en la reducción de ventas formales de productos orgánicos dentro de plazas y mercados de la ciudad de Ambato? El método de investigación utilizado es con enfoque en análisis de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos, a través de cifras económicas y cualidades de factores socioeconómicos. La muestra está constituida por 326 personas a quienes se les aplica un cuestionario. Los resultados demuestran que el incremento del comercio informal es causado por la crisis económica; que quienes se dedican a esta actividad dañan los espacios públicos. La creación de un plan de publicidad y promoción ayudará a mitigar este problema. Se determina que el comercio informal afecta a la economía local por incumplimiento de disposiciones legales y por obtener ingresos que no son declarados. Palabras clave: Calidad de vida, comercio informal, economía, mercados de abastos, regulaciones.  Abstract The study identifies the importance of informal commerce in the local economy, due to the social and economic repercussions of trade, as it is made up of people facing unemployment, the economic crisis and lack of opportunities, generating work to earn income for their families, developing economic activities outside of regulations or ordinances and affecting formal trade. The objective is to identify in the formal traders of the city’s supply markets, how the presence of informal merchants has affected the amount of sales made in the organic product stalls of the squares and markets of Ambato City. Based on the question, does the increase in the number of informal merchants influence the reduction of formal sales of organic products within squares and markets of Ambato City? The research method used is focused on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, requiring the measurement of economic figures and the qualities of socioeconomic factors. The sample is made up of 326 people to whom a questionnaire is applied. The results show that the increase in informal commerce is due to the economic crisis, and that those who engage in this activity damage public spaces. The creation of an advertising and promotion plan will help mitigate this problem. It is determined that informal trade affects directly the local economy for breach of legal provisions and obtain income that is not declared. Keywords: Quality of life, informal commerce, economy, markets of supplies, regulations

    Uso de Tics para disminuir el desinterés en estudiantes de educación superior

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue crear una página web que haga las funciones de un centro de capacitación para proponer, difundir e impulsar el uso de herramientas de enseñanza didáctica de tipo multimedia como video clases, material digital en varios formatos Windows, y el uso de diferentes aplicaciones y plataformas por parte de los docentes para disminuir el desinterés en estudiantes de educación superior y lograr un mejoramiento pedagógico docente. En una primera fase se exploró las causas que originan, desmotivación, desinterés, y desgano en estudiantes universitarios mediante un cuestionario de preguntas aplicado a jóvenes adultos de 19 a 22 años, hombres y mujeres, en una segunda fase los productos de dicha exploración permitieron formular el análisis de alternativas o herramientas pedagógicas a utilizar con lo cual se pasó a estructurar dichas herramientas que se aplicaron a una materia netamente teórica, luego en una tercera fase se procedió a realizar una evaluación de la efectividad de las herramientas en la materia aplicada con lo que se hicieron los ajustes finales necesarios. Se obtuvo como resultado que a mayor utilización de medios audiovisuales utilizados por los maestros, mayor es la curiosidad y el interés estudiantil por aprender de qué se tratan las tecnologías aplicadas por lo que se logró un mayor aprendizaje. Se hizo una comparación de un estudio aplicado a estudiantes de menor edad cursantes de estudios secundarios, lo que determinó que las ocupaciones, situación laboral e intereses son distintos a los estudiantes de educación superior por lo que la estrategia a aplicar en la utilización de tics también es diferente.The objective of this study was to create a website that makes the functions of a training center to propose, disseminate and promote the use of multimedia teaching tools such as video classes, digital material in various Windows formats, and the use of different applications and platforms by teachers to reduce the disinterest in higher education students and achieve a pedagogical improvement teacher. In a first phase the causes that cause, demotivation, disinterest, and reluctance in university students were explored through a questionnaire applied to young adults from 19 to 22 years old, men and women, in a second phase the products of this exploration allowed to formulate the analysis of alternatives or pedagogical tools to be used, with which the tools that were applied to a purely theoretical subject were structured, then in a third phase an evaluation of the effectiveness of the tools in the applied subject was carried out. that the necessary final adjustments were made. It was obtained as a result that the greater the use of audiovisual media used by teachers, the greater the curiosity and student interest in learning what the applied technologies are about, so that greater learning was achieved. A comparison was made of a study applied to younger students attending high school, which determined that occupations, employment status and interests are different from students of higher education so the strategy to apply in the use of tics also is different

    Caracterización de la producción en el sector cuero a través de estadística descriptiva: Caso Quisapincha-Tungurahua

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    El estudio identifica la importancia de la caracterización de la produción y las restricciones tanto internas como externas en el Sector del Cuero en la parroquia Quisapincha, localizada en la provincia de Tungurahua perteneciente a Ecuador. Por los efectos negativos económicos que generan al no planificar la producción, las empresas en estudio presentan pérdidas de clientes, desorganización en la entrega de pedidos, baja productividad y rendimientos bajos.  El objetivo es diagnosticar la situación actual del sector cuero en la parroquia de Quisapincha referente a la planificación de la producción. La pregunta que se plantea frente al problema es ¿qué tan importante es la caracterización de la planificación de la producción del sector cuero en Quisapincha? El método de investigación utilizado es con enfoque exploratorio y descriptivo, el primero para identificar el problema y recolectar información que permite resolver el problema, y el segundo para caracterizar la situación real del sector. La muestra está constituida por 204 personas a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta. Los resultados demuestran que los fabricantes de artículos de cuero cuentan con un nivel de educación superior, los productos de mayor aceptación son chompas y carteras, las ventas promedio son de 1000 y 2000 dólares, el pronóstico de la producción es empírica, el tiempo para elaborar chompas y carteras es semanal en un rango 1 a 10 unidades, los colores de mayor preferencia son el negro y café. Se determina que la falta de planificación en la producción genera riesgos en el rendimiento y por ende en las fuentes de trabajo. Finalmente, la variable de la utilidad analiza en este sector es la del promedio.ABSTRACT The study identifies the importance of  the characterization of the production and the internal and external restrictions in the Leather Sector in the Quisapincha parish, located in the province of Tungurahua belonging to Ecuador. Due to the negative economic effects generated by not planning production, the companies under study show losses of customers, disorganization in the delivery of orders, low productivity and low yields. The objective is to diagnose the current situation of the leather sector in the parish of Quisapincha regarding the planning of production. The question that arises in front of the problem is: How important is the characterization of the production planning of the leather sector in Quisapincha?  The research method used is with exploratory and descriptive approach, the first to identify the problem and collect information to solve the problem, and the second to characterize the real situation of the sector. The sample consists of 204 people to whom a survey was applied. The results show that the leather goods manufacturers have a higher level of education, the most accepted products are sweaters and portfolios, the average sales are 1000 and 2000 dollars, the production forecast is empirical, the time for making sweaters and purses is weekly in a range of 1 to 10 units, the colors of greatest preference being black and brown. It is determined that the lack of planning in the production generates risks in the yield and therefore in the sources of work. Finally, the utility variable analyzes in this sector on average