847 research outputs found

    The quantum unconscious and the observant consciousness

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    Based on the philosophy of Henri Bergson and the contemporary developments of Quantum Physics, I sought to demonstrate how these developments are incompatible with a positivist vision of reality, which is still influential in the scientific community. Specifically, in the field of Psychoanalysis, I have shown how this outdated epistemology has been responsible for a manic denial of the theories of Carl Gustav Jung and Wilfred Bion (later stage) as part of an immobilising allegiance to a schizo-paranoid functional tradition imposed by its founder. Finally, I have proposed that supported by the formulations of these renegade analysts, psychoanalysis can progress to a depressive position, eventually transmitting this integrated perspective of reality to the rest of the scientific community and postmodern society in general

    Visions of the Empire: Religion, Ontology and the 'International' in Early Modernity

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    Journal article, translated from Portuguese and published in English.This paper analyzes the relation between basic religious motifs of theoretical thought, general ontology and their specific use in 'international' political theory at the onset on the Modern Era. The analysis is based on Herman Dooyeweerd's reformational philosophy in identifying the basic assumptions on the origin of life, coherence and diversity of reality in several trends of thought. The Greek and Roman classical legacy, in combination with ancient Christian concepts, is emphasized, namely in terms of motifs such as Nature and Grace, guidelines of scholastic worldview, thus influencing its perspective of Christianity, of the Holy Roman Empire and of the Papacy. Reformed Protestantism adopted a more radically Biblical set of assumptions which culminated in a ontologically plural perspective of social authority and political community, as well as of the empire. Christian humanism, and some Protestant thinkers, was also heavily influenced by the motifs of Nature and Grace, but now with a strict separation between both 'logics'. The theorization of an 'internal logic' for each of these spheres gave origin to a reinterpretation of Nature in classical Humanism, according to a 'mechanistic' perspective of reality with its ideal of control. Another religious motif of this secularized form of humanism was the concept of Liberty and of personality. This geometrical theoretical mode influenced ideas on the social contract and its international analogy, leading theoricians to fiery debates on the classification of the Empire

    The Potential and the Pitfalls of Metatheory in IR

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    publication-status: Publishedtypes: ArticleMetatheory is a type of systematic discourse on theory in a given academic discipline. This article further explores this notion of metatheory and critically discusses a number of views against and in favour of metatheory in International Relations (IR). There are 'strong' and 'mild' claims against metatheoretical IR that should not be ignored. Nevertheless, some of the claims against metatheory in IR contradict themselves. Besides, the 'strong' claim that aims for the complete elimination of metatheoretical discourse in IR depends on metatheory as a presupposition. For this reason, it cannot be maintained. 'Mild' claims, on the other hand, acknowledge to some extent the potential of metatheory in IR, whilst pointing out contingent problems in its current form. Some of these issues are acknowledged and contrasted with a number of claims in favour of metatheory, leading to a moderate defence of metatheoretical discourse in IR

    On the Role of Metatheory in the Academic Discipline of International Relations

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    This thesis investigates in three parts the role played by metatheory in the discipline of International Relations (IR). Part one defines metatheory as 'systematic discourse about theory' and classifies it in a typology combining elements internal or external to the discipline with intellectual or contextual aspects of theorising. Each combination has particular functions. They also add to the roles played by several modes of metatheoretical inquiry (hermeneutical, evaluative, corrective, critical and historical). The typology offered in part one clarifies the general roles of metatheory as a constraining and enabling discursive mechanism. This is also discussed in part two, addressing how IR scholars portray metatheory's role in the discipline. Arguments against and in favour of metatheory are scrutinised, leading to a qualified defence of metatheoretical research in IR. Some of the negative impact of metatheorising in IR is acknowledged, but ultimately a stronger case attempting to eliminate it from the field cannot be sustained for analytical reasons. The merits of metatheory, therefore, will depend on how it operates in particular instances. A selection of illustration cases in part three further develops the argument. The first case stresses how metatheoretical directives shaped 17th century views of the Holy Roman Empire. It indicates that metatheory can frame theoretical claims even in a weak disciplinary context. A stronger disciplinary environment frames the second case, analysing a number of IR theories on the impact of the Peace of Westphalia in the European states-system. This discussion often alludes to the notion of hierarchy. The third case examines the interaction between metatheoretical directives and theories of hierarchy. These arguments are not necessarily compatible with the metatheoretical principles argued by their authors. As a mechanism, therefore, metatheory does not relate to theory in a deterministic way. Part three itself is, of course, a metatheoretical study that further illustrates the thesis.Overseas Research SchemeUniversity of Exete

    Um lugar para a diversidade: a “população LGBT” e constituição mútua do Estado e dos sujeitos

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    This paper presents some reflections on the formation of the Center for the Defense of Sexual Diversity and “Homoaffective Rights” of the General Public Defender of the Rio de Janeiro State (NUDIVERIS/DPGE-RJ). On the one hand, I aim to discuss how the structure of a public service for the so-called “LGBT population” reflects the way in which these people are seen and how their demands are produced and incorporated into the political agendas and administrative apparatuses of the State. On the other hand, I try to reflect on how the professional structure of the institution is guided by certain moral conceptions linked to both the feminine gender and a “human rights” discourse.Este artigo apresenta algumas reflexões sobre o processo de formação do Núcleo de Defesa da Diversidade Sexual e Direitos Homoafetivos da Defensoria Pública Geral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (NUDIVERIS/DPGE-RJ). Por um lado, tenho como objetivo discutir como a estrutura de um serviço público para o atendimento da chamada “população LGBT” espelha a forma pela qual tais pessoas são vistas e como suas demandas são produzidas e incorporadas nas agendas políticas e aparatos administrativos do Estado. Por outro, busco refletir sobre como a estrutura profissional da instituição é orientada por certas concepções morais ligadas tanto ao gênero feminino quanto a um discurso de defesa dos “direitos humanos”

    A Praxiologia como resposta a problemas na filosofia da ciência

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    O objetivo geral deste estudo é examinar como a praxiologia lida com os problemas relacionados ao caráter empirista das formulações do indutivismo, do positivismo lógico e do falsificacionismo na filosofia da ciência. Um objetivo secundário é criticar essas propostas com base na discussão que vem sendo travada na filosofia da ciência há décadas. Outro objetivo secundário é divulgar a proposta metodológica da praxiologia em Economia. Em resposta a problemas diversos na filosofia da ciência que têm inspirado a teorização econômica dominante por muito tempo, a praxiologia apresenta uma alternativa para a Economia. Merece mais consideração por parte dos acadêmicos da área, não porque seja imune a considerações críticas de diversos tipos, mas sim por causa de sua inserção no debate metodológico que demanda atenção mais cuidadosa por parte dos economistas e, principalmente, por causa das novas questões que ela tem estimulado

    DC resistivity near a nematic quantum critical point: Effects of weak disorder and acoustic phonons

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    We calculate the resistivity associated with an Ising-nematic quantum critical point in the presence of disorder and acoustic phonons in the lattice model. We use the memory-matrix transport theory, which has a crucial advantage compared to other methods of not relying on the existence of well-defined quasiparticles in the low-energy effective theory. As a result, we obtain that by including an inevitable interaction between the nematic fluctuations and the elastic degrees of freedom of the lattice (parametrized by the nemato-elastic coupling κlatt\kappa_{\text{latt}}), the resistivity ρ(T)\rho(T) of the system as a function of temperature obeys a universal scaling form described by ρ(T)Tln(1/T)\rho(T)\sim T\ln (1/T) at high temperatures, reminiscent of the paradigmatic strange metal regime observed in many strongly correlated compounds. For a window of temperatures comparable with κlatt3/2εF\kappa^{3/2}_{\text{latt}}\varepsilon_F (where εF\varepsilon_F is the Fermi energy of the microscopic model), the system displays another regime in which the resistivity is consistent with a description in terms of ρ(T)Tα\rho(T)\sim T^{\alpha}, where the effective exponent roughly satisfies the inequality 1α21\lesssim\alpha\lesssim 2. However, in the low-temperature limit (i.e., Tκlatt3/2εFT\ll\kappa^{3/2}_{\text{latt}}\varepsilon_F), the properties of the quantum critical state change in an important way depending on the types of disorder present in the system: It can either recover a conventional Fermi liquid described by ρ(T)T2\rho(T)\sim T^2 or it could exhibit yet another non-Fermi liquid regime characterized by the scaling form ρ(T)ρ0T2lnT\rho(T)-\rho_0\sim T^2\ln T. Our results emphasize the key role played by both phonon and disorder effects in the scenario of nematic quantum criticality and might be fundamental for addressing recent transport experiments in some iron-based superconductors.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    As políticas de segurança alimentar no Brasil: agricultura

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    This paper discusses the theme of fighting hunger and the trajectory of public food security policies in Brazil from the Neomalthusian Theory and the Reformist or Marxist Theory. Considering the need to deepen this theme, it aimed to map the main public policies to fight hunger in the country and their contributions to food security. Specifically, it aimed to identify public policies and programs to combat hunger and food insecurity developed in Brazil, starting with the creation of FAO, as well as to describe experiences of urban agriculture in the country. The research is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive study, based on a qualitative approach, based on data collected through literature review, as well as documentary analysis of reports, documents and legislation available on institutional websites. The result of the research leads us to conclude that hunger today is not the result of scarcity, it presents itself in poverty, malnutrition. To solve it, a new model is needed that presents greater opportunity for access to food. This model must be adapted to the reality of the Brazilian population that lives mostly in urban centers, in addition to the conditions of low environmental impact, sustainability and ecology.Este trabalho discute o tema do combate à fome e a trajetória das políticas públicas de segurança alimentar no Brasil a partir da Teoria Neomalthusiana e Teoria Reformista ou Marxista. Considerando a necessidade de aprofundamento desta temática, objetivou mapear as principais políticas públicas de combate à fome no país e suas contribuições para a segurança alimentar. De modo específico, pretendeu identificar as políticas públicas e programas para o combate à fome e a insegurança alimentar desenvolvidos no Brasil, a partir da criação da FAO, bem como descrever experiências de agricultura urbana no país. A pesquisa se caracteriza como estudo exploratório e descritivo, a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, baseada em dados coletados por meio de revisão da literatura, além de análise documental de relatórios, documentos e legislações disponíveis em sites institucionais. O resultado da pesquisa nos leva a concluir que a fome atualmente, não é resultado de escassez, ela se apresenta na pobreza, na má nutrição. Para resolve-la, é necessário um novo modelo que apresente maior oportunidade de acesso aos alimentos. Este modelo, deve estar adaptado para realidade da população brasileira que vive em sua maioria nos centros urbanos, além das condições de baixo impacto ambiental, sustentabilidade e ecologia

    Práticas da escrita cinematográfica: do texto à produção no Festival Guiões

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    O presente relatório aborda a minha experiência ao colaborar com Luis Campos e sua produtora cinematográfica, a Squatter Factory, entre os meses de agosto de 2017 e março de 2018 em Lisboa, Portugal. A colaboração foi focada primordialmente no projeto Festival Guiões e em segundo plano, nas iniciativas PLOT – Professional Script Lab e no Drama.PT.The report addresses my experience in collaborating with Luis Campos and his production company, Squatter Factory, between August 2017 and March 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal. The collaboration was focused primarily on the Festival Guiões project and additionally in the initiative PLOT - Professional Script Lab and Drama.PT