96 research outputs found

    Role of movement in long-term basal ganglia changes: implications for abnormal motor responses

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    Abnormal involuntary movements (AIMs) and dyskinesias elicited by drugs that stimulate dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia are a major issue in the management of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Preclinical studies in dopamine-denervated animals have contributed to the modeling of these abnormal movements, but the precise neurochemical and functional mechanisms underlying these untoward effects are still elusive. It has recently been suggested that the performance of movement may itself promote the later emergence of drug-induced motor complications, by favoring the generation of aberrant motor memories in the dopamine-denervated basal ganglia. Our recent results from hemiparkinsonian rats subjected to the priming model of dopaminergic stimulation are in agreement with this. These results demonstrate that early performance of movement is crucial for the manifestation of sensitized rotational behavior, indicative of an abnormal motor response, and neurochemical modifications in selected striatal neurons following a dopaminergic challenge. Building on this evidence, this paper discusses the possible role of movement performance in drug-induced motor complications, with a look at the implications for PD management

    Antiproliferative effects of bioaccessible fractions of honeys from Sicilian black honeybee (Apis mellifera ssp. sicula) on human colorectal carcinoma cells

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative activity of bioaccessible fractions (BFs) obtained by the internationally standardized INFOGEST static digestion method to Sicilian honeys of three distinct floral origins (Sulla, Thistle and Dill) and the Manuka honey (gold standard), and to compare their effects based on total polyphenol content (TPC). Differentiated CaCo-2 cells (intestinal-like) and non-differentiated CaCo-2 and HCT-116 colonic tumour-like cells were incubated for 24 h with BFs of honeys to test viability, apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), ROS and cell cycle. TPC after digestion ranked in the following order: Dill > Thistle > Sulla > Manuka. No decrease in cell viability in differentiated CaCo-2 cells was observed, while a reduction to 25\u201385% (CaCo-2) and 20\u201380% (HCT-116) of viability was obtained. This descent in viability was caused by a cell cycle block with an increase in apoptosis through dissipation of MMP and raise in ROS levels, being Thistle and Dill the most effective honeys followed by Sulla and finally Manuka, in agreement with TPC after digestion

    Mechanical energy recovery during walking in patients with Parkinson disease

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    The mechanisms of mechanical energy recovery during gait have been thoroughly investigated in healthy subjects, but never described in patients with Parkinson disease (PD). The aim of this study was to investigate whether such mechanisms are preserved in PD patients despite an altered pattern of locomotion. We consecutively enrolled 23 PD patients (mean age 64\ub19 years) with bilateral symptoms (H&Y 65II) if able to walk unassisted in medication-off condition (overnight suspension of all dopaminergic drugs). Ten healthy subjects (mean age 62\ub13 years) walked both at their 'preferred' and 'slow' speeds, to match the whole range of PD velocities. Kinematic data were recorded by means of an optoelectronic motion analyzer. For each stride we computed spatio-temporal parameters, time-course and range of motion (ROM) of hip, knee and ankle joint angles. We also measured kinetic (Wk), potential (Wp), total (WtotCM) energy variations and the energy recovery index (ER). Along with PD progression, we found a significant correlation of WtotCM and Wp with knee ROM and in particular with knee extension in terminal stance phase. Wk and ER were instead mainly related to gait velocity. In PD subjects, the reduction of knee ROM significantly diminished both Wp and WtotCM. Rehabilitation treatments should possibly integrate passive and active mobilization of knee to prevent a reduction of gait-related energetic components

    Dopamine replacement therapy, learning and reward prediction in Parkinson’s disease: Implications for rehabilitation

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    The principal feature of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the impaired ability to acquire and express habitual-automatic actions due to the loss of dopamine in the dorsolateral striatum, the region of the basal ganglia associated with the control of habitual behavior. Dopamine replacement therapy (DRT) compensates for the lack of dopamine, representing the standard treatment for different motor symptoms of PD (such as rigidity, bradykinesia and resting tremor). On the other hand, rehabilitation treatments, exploiting the use of cognitive strategies, feedbacks and external cues, permit to “learn to bypass” the defective basal ganglia (using the dorsolateral area of the prefrontal cortex) allowing the patients to perform correct movements under executive-volitional control. Therefore, DRT and rehabilitation seem to be two complementary and synergistic approaches. Learning and reward are central in rehabilitation: both of these mechanisms are the basis for the success of any rehabilitative treatment. Anyway, it is known that “learning resources” and reward could be negatively influenced from dopaminergic drugs. Furthermore, DRT causes different well-known complications: among these, dyskinesias, motor fluctuations, and dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS) are intimately linked with the alteration in the learning and reward mechanisms and could impact seriously on the rehabilitative outcomes. These considerations highlight the need for careful titration of DRT to produce the desired improvement in motor symptoms while minimizing the associated detrimental effects. This is important in order to maximize the motor re-learning based on repetition, reward and practice during rehabilitation. In this scenario, we review the knowledge concerning the interactions between DRT, learning and reward, examine the most impactful DRT side effects and provide suggestions for optimizing rehabilitation in PD. � 2016 Ferrazzoli, Carter, Ustun, Palamara, Ortelli, Maestri, Y�cel and Frazzitta

    Exploring Decisions to Undertake a Marathon and Adherence Challenges in a Novice Runner With Parkinson

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    Evidence endorses the benefits of more vigorous exercise for people with Parkinson’s, particularly following diagnosis, yet is not clear which style is optimal. The authors share perspectives and decisions made as a physiotherapist (assisted by a sports and exercise science student) and a novice runner with Parkinson’s in his late 50s, respectively. The exercise goal chosen by the runner (the case report participant) to minimize the degenerative effects of the progressive condition was to complete a marathon. Methods: This coauthored report evaluates the participant’s progress utilizing physical fitness assessment data plus reflections on his training regime and notes from training diaries for the year before and after the marathon. Results: The participant received nutritional advice for weight management as exercise increased and physiotherapy for injuries from mounting activity level on Parkinsonian muscle tone. Fitness and function improved or were maintained (leg power, flexibility, timed functional walking, and balance). Most, however, returned to baseline within 6 months following the marathon as training intensity dropped. Conclusions: Physical function can be improved or maintained in individuals with neurodegenerative conditions with correct exercise and nutritional advice. The participant’s choice of running was based on recommendations for condition maintenance and not enjoyment, so adherence and completion of the marathon goal required professional, family, and technological support

    Optimization of cognitive assessment in Parkinsonisms by applying artificial intelligence to a comprehensive screening test.

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    The assessment of cognitive deficits is pivotal for diagnosis and management in patients with parkinsonisms. Low levels of correspondence are observed between evaluations assessed with screening cognitive tests in comparison with those assessed with in-depth neuropsychological batteries. A new tool, we named CoMDA (Cognition in Movement Disorders Assessment), was composed by merging Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB). In total, 500 patients (400 with Parkinson's disease, 41 with vascular parkinsonism, 31 with progressive supranuclear palsy, and 28 with multiple system atrophy) underwent CoMDA (level 1-L1) and in-depth neuropsychological battery (level 2-L2). Machine learning was developed to classify the CoMDA score and obtain an accurate prediction of the cognitive profile along three different classes: normal cognition (NC), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and impaired cognition (IC). The classification accuracy of CoMDA, assessed by ROC analysis, was compared with MMSE, MoCA, and FAB. The area under the curve (AUC) of CoMDA was significantly higher than that of MMSE, MoCA and FAB (p < 0.0001, p = 0.028 and p = 0.0007, respectively). Among 15 different algorithmic methods, the Quadratic Discriminant Analysis algorithm (CoMDA-ML) showed higher overall-metrics performance levels in predictive performance. Considering L2 as a 3-level continuous feature, CoMDA-ML produces accurate and generalizable classifications: micro-average ROC curve, AUC = 0.81; and AUC = 0.85 for NC, 0.67 for MCI, and 0.83 for IC. CoMDA and COMDA-ML are reliable and time-sparing tools, accurate in classifying cognitive profile in parkinsonisms.This study has been registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04858893)
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