1,538 research outputs found

    Variation of hydraulic properties due to dynamic fracture damage: Implications for fault zones

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    High strain rate loading causes pervasive dynamic microfracturing in crystalline materials, with dynamic pulverization being the extreme end-member. Hydraulic properties (permeability, porosity, and storage capacity) are primarily controlled by fracture damage and will therefore change significantly by intense dynamic fracturing—by how much is currently unknown. Dynamic fracture damage observed in the damage zones of seismic faults is thought to originate from dynamic stresses near the earthquake rupture tip. This implies that during an earthquake, hydraulic properties in the damage zone change early. The immediate effect this has on fluid-driven coseismic slip processes following the rupture, and on postseismic and interseismic fault zone processes, is not yet clear. Here, we present hydraulic properties measured on the full range of dynamic fracture damage up to dynamic pulverization. Dynamic damage was induced in quartz-monzonite samples by performing uniaxial high strain rate (> 100 s−1) experiments in compression using a split-Hopkinson pressure bar. Hydraulic properties were measured on samples subjected to single and successive loadings, the latter to simulate cumulative damage from repeated rupture events. We show that permeability increases by 6 orders of magnitude and porosity by 15% with dissipated energy up to dynamic pulverization, for both single and successive loadings. We present damage zone permeability profiles induced by earthquake rupture and how it evolves with repeated ruptures. We propose that the enhanced hydraulic properties measured for pulverized rock decrease the efficiency of thermal pressurization, when emplaced adjacent to the principal slip zone

    The role of primary care in cancer diagnosis via emergency presentation: qualitative synthesis of significant event reports

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    Background: Patients diagnosed with cancer in the context of an emergency presentation (EP) have poorer outcomes. It is often assumed that such patients present to the emergency department without consulting their general practitioner (GP). Little work has been done to identify primary care involvement before hospital attendance. Methods: Participating primary care practices completed a significant event audit (SEA) report for the last patient diagnosed with cancer as a result of an EP. Accounts were synthesised and a qualitative approach to analysis undertaken. Results: SEAs for 222 patients were analysed. A range of cancers were included, the most common being lung (32.4%) and upper gastrointestinal (19.8%). In most cases, patients had contact with their practice before diagnosis, primarily in the period immediately before admission. In only eight cases had there been no input from primary care. Accounts of protracted primary care contact generally demonstrated complexity, often related to comorbidity, patient-mediated factors or reassurance provided by negative investigations. Learning points identified by practices centred on the themes of presentation and diagnosis, consultation and safety-netting, communication and system issues, patient factors and referral guidelines. Conclusions: There is extensive primary care input into patients whose diagnosis results from EP, and for the most part potential ‘delay’ in referral can be reasonably explained by the complexity of the presentation or by coexisting patient factors

    Rupture Energetics in Crustal Rock From Laboratory‐Scale Seismic Tomography

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    The energy released during earthquake rupture is partly radiated as seismic waves and mostly dissipated by frictional heating on the fault interface and by off‐fault fracturing of surrounding host rock. Quantification of these individual components is crucial to understand the physics of rupture. We use a quasi‐static rock fracture experiment combined with a novel seismic tomography method to quantify the contribution of off‐fault fracturing to the energy budget of a rupture and find that this contribution is around 3% of the total energy budget and 10% of the fracture energy Gc. The off‐fault dissipated energy changes the physical properties of the rock at the early stages of rupture, illustrated by the 50% drop in elastic moduli of the rock near the fault, and thus is expected to greatly influence later stages of rupture and slip. These constraints are a unique benchmark for calibration of dynamic rupture models

    Automated Analysis of Cryptococcal Macrophage Parasitism Using GFP-Tagged Cryptococci

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    The human fungal pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii cause life-threatening infections of the central nervous system. One of the major characteristics of cryptococcal disease is the ability of the pathogen to parasitise upon phagocytic immune effector cells, a phenomenon that correlates strongly with virulence in rodent models of infection. Despite the importance of phagocyte/Cryptococcus interactions to disease progression, current methods for assaying virulence in the acrophage system are both time consuming and low throughput. Here, we introduce the first stable and fully characterised GFP–expressing derivatives of two widely used cryptococcal strains: C. neoformans serotype A type strain H99 and C. gattii serotype B type strain R265. Both strains show unaltered responses to environmental and host stress conditions and no deficiency in virulence in the macrophage model system. In addition, we report the development of a method to effectively and rapidly investigate macrophage parasitism by flow cytometry, a technique that preserves the accuracy of current approaches but offers a four-fold improvement in speed

    Protocol for the 'e-Nudge trial' : a randomised controlled trial of electronic feedback to reduce the cardiovascular risk of individuals in general practice [ISRCTN64828380]

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (including coronary heart disease and stroke) is a major cause of death and disability in the United Kingdom, and is to a large extent preventable, by lifestyle modification and drug therapy. The recent standardisation of electronic codes for cardiovascular risk variables through the United Kingdom's new General Practice contract provides an opportunity for the application of risk algorithms to identify high risk individuals. This randomised controlled trial will test the benefits of an automated system of alert messages and practice searches to identify those at highest risk of cardiovascular disease in primary care databases. Design: Patients over 50 years old in practice databases will be randomised to the intervention group that will receive the alert messages and searches, and a control group who will continue to receive usual care. In addition to those at high estimated risk, potentially high risk patients will be identified who have insufficient data to allow a risk estimate to be made. Further groups identified will be those with possible undiagnosed diabetes, based either on elevated past recorded blood glucose measurements, or an absence of recent blood glucose measurement in those with established cardiovascular disease. Outcome measures: The intervention will be applied for two years, and outcome data will be collected for a further year. The primary outcome measure will be the annual rate of cardiovascular events in the intervention and control arms of the study. Secondary measures include the proportion of patients at high estimated cardiovascular risk, the proportion of patients with missing data for a risk estimate, and the proportion with undefined diabetes status at the end of the trial

    The smoking cessation in pregnancy incentives trial (CPIT): study protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Eighty per cent of UK women have at least one baby, making pregnancy an opportunity to help women stop smoking before their health is irreparably compromised. Smoking cessation during pregnancy helps protect infants from miscarriage, still birth, low birth weight, asthma, attention deficit disorder and adult cardiovascular disease. UK national guidelines highlight lack of evidence for effectiveness of financial incentives to help pregnant smokers quit. This includes a research recommendation: within a UK context, are incentives an acceptable, effective and cost-effective way to help pregnant women who smoke to quit? Methods: The Cessation in Pregnancy Incentives Trial (CPIT) III is a pragmatic, 42-month, multi-centre, parallel-group, individually randomised controlled superiority trial of the effect on smoking status of adding to usual Stop Smoking Services (SSS) support, the offer of up to £400 of financial voucher incentives, compared with usual support alone, to quit smoking during pregnancy. Participants (n = 940) are pregnant smokers (age > 16 years, < 24 weeks pregnant, English speaking), who consent via telephone to take part and are willing to be followed-up in late pregnancy and 6 months after birth. The primary outcome is cotinine/anabasine-validated abstinence from smoking in late pregnancy. Secondary outcomes include engagement with SSS, quit rates at 4 weeks from agreed quit date and 6 months after birth, and birth weight. Outcomes will be analysed by intention to treat, and regression models will be used to compare treatment effects on outcomes. A meta-analysis will include data from the feasibility study in Glasgow. An economic evaluation will assess cost-effectiveness from a UK NHS perspective. Process evaluation using a case-study approach will identify opportunities to improve recruitment and learning for future implementation. Research questions include: what is the therapeutic efficacy of incentives; are incentives cost-effective; and what are the potential facilitators and barriers to implementing incentives in different parts of the UK? Discussion: This phase III trial in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland follows a successful phase II trial in Glasgow, UK. The participating sites have diverse SSS that represent most cessation services in the UK and serve demographically varied populations. If found to be acceptable and cost-effective, this trial could demonstrate that financial incentives are effective and transferable to most UK SSS for pregnant women. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials, ISRCTN15236311. Registered on 9 October 2017

    Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete - Roles of osmotic suction

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    Plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete occurs when the stresses arising in the concrete, due to a combination of suction and restraints of deformation such as reinforcement or formwork, equal its strength. However, three different types of suctions should be distinguished, namely total, matric and osmotic suctions. Although the total suction comprises matric and osmotic suctions, it is often used interchangeably with matric suction, with the underlying unconfirmed assumption that either the osmotic suction or its effect is negligible. In this paper, after a discussion of the pore moisture suctions and strength of unsaturated early-age concrete, experimental investigations of the suctions arising in, and the tensile strength and shear strength of, fly ash mixed with solutions of different osmotic suctions are described. It was found that osmotic suction has negligible effect on the shear and tensile strength, and hence, by inference, the inter-particle stresses in the fly ash mixture and early-age concrete. This strongly suggests that the role played by osmotic suction in the plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete is minimal and, accordingly, justifies the focus of earlier researchers on matric suction only

    Radioprotectors and Mitigators of Radiation-Induced Normal Tissue Injury

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    The article reviews agents in clinical use or in development as radioprotectors and mitigators of radiation-induced normal tissue injury

    Complex patterns of human antisera reactivity to novel 2009 H1N1 and historical H1N1 influenza strains

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    Background: During the 2009 influenza pandemic, individuals over the age of 60 had the lowest incidence of infection with approximately 25% of these people having pre-existing, cross-reactive antibodies to novel 2009 H1N1 influenza isolates. It was proposed that older people had pre-existing antibodies induced by previous 1918-like virus infection(s) that cross-reacted to novel H1N1 strains. Methodology/Principal Findings: Using antisera collected from a cohort of individuals collected before the second wave of novel H1N1 infections, only a minority of individuals with 1918 influenza specific antibodies also demonstrated hemagglutination-inhibition activity against the novel H1N1 influenza. In this study, we examined human antisera collected from individuals that ranged between the ages of 1 month and 90 years to determine the profile of seropositive influenza immunity to viruses representing H1N1 antigenic eras over the past 100 years. Even though HAI titers to novel 2009 H1N1 and the 1918 H1N1 influenza viruses were positively associated, the association was far from perfect, particularly for the older and younger age groups. Conclusions/Significance: Therefore, there may be a complex set of immune responses that are retained in people infected with seasonal H1N1 that can contribute to the reduced rates of H1N1 influenza infection in older populations. © 2012 Carter et al