2,028 research outputs found

    Olympic legacies The U.S. summer games of 1904, 1932, 1984 and 1996

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    Los académicos olímpicos han comenzado a prestar más atención en los últimos años a los legados olímpicos, es decir, lo que queda de los Juegos Olímpicos después de las ceremonias de clausura. En gran medida, esto es debido a que los crecientes costes de poner en marcha unos Juegos Olímpicos exigen cuentas más claras: los que proporcionan el dinero quieren tener garantías de que no se ha malgastado. Además, el estudio de los legados refuerza la idea de que los Juegos Olímpicos son realmente acontecimientos internacionales importantes, que tienen consecuencias duraderas, especialmente para las ciudades anfitrionas y, en algunos casos, para los países. Los legados pueden ser tangibles e intangibles y todos los Juegos Olímpicos dejan un conjunto de legados que encajan en ambas categorías. Los legados tangibles son aquellos que tienen una presencia física: los estadios y otras instalaciones deportivas, carreteras mejoradas, puentes, aeropuertos y similares, renovación urbana, y desde los años veinte, las villas olímpicas. Por último, hay legados olímpicos que no afectan a la ciudad anfitriona o al país, pero cambian al propio Movimiento Olímpico. Las novedades técnicas, las innovaciones en comunicación, el crecimiento de los intercambios comerciales son ejemplos de esa clase de legados. El Movimiento Olímpico moderno es una maquinaria que funciona constantemente, como cualquier otra actividad cultural en proceso, y los cambios tienen que ocurrir. Cuando se producen cambios significativos en unos juegos olímpicos, ese cambio es parte del legado olímpico. Este artículo se ocupará de los Juegos de Verano celebrados en los EE UU: San Louis 1904, Los Ángeles 1932 y 1984 y los más recientes de Atlanta 1996. Estos juegos ofrecen enseñanzas diferentes en lo que se refiere al impacto en la ciudad anfitriona y la región y por lo tanto nos proporcionan comparaciones interesantesOlympic scholars have in recent years begun to pay more attention to Olympic legacies, that is, what an Olympic Games leaves behind after the closing ceremonies. In large part, this is because the spiraling cost of putting on an Olympic Games demands more accountability; those who provide the money want to be assured that their money has not been wasted. In addition, the study of legacies reinforces the notion that the Olympic Games are truly important world events, with lasting consequences, especially to their host cities and, in some cases, countries. Legacies can be both tangible and intangible, and all Olympic Games leave a complex of legacies that fall into both categories. Tangible legacies are those that have a physical presence: stadia and other sport venues, improved roads, bridges, airports, and the like, urban renewal, and since the 1920s, Olympic villages. Intangible legacies, a bit harder to define or identify, include such things as increased tourism, a friendlier business climate, an enhanced civic pride or self-image, and political reforms. Finally, there are some Olympic legacies that do not affect the host city or country, but change the Olympic movement itself. Technical innovations, communications breakthroughs, and increased commercialism are examples of this kind of legacy. The modern Olympic movement is a continual work in progress, like any other kind of ongoing cultural event, and change is bound to occur. When significant changes take place at one particular Olympic Games, that change becomes part of its legacy. This article will focus on those Summer Games held in the United States, namely the St. Louis Games of 1904, Los Angeles Games of 1932 and 1984, and the more recent Atlanta Games of 1996. Each of these Games offers rather different lessons in terms of their impact on their host city and region and thus provides us with some interesting compariso

    Prácticas preventivas y salud de las mujeres en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires : prevenir es curar

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    Fil: López, Elsa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Argentina.Fil: Findling, Liliana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani; Argentina.Si bien en la actualidad los programas de prevención y salud reproductiva han ganado espacio en las\nagendas oficiales y mediáticas de nuestro país, existen grupos de alto riesgo, como la población de\nmenores recursos y menor nivel educativo. Si se tienen en cuenta enfermedades como el cáncer de\nmama y de cuello de útero, las mujeres mayores son las que menos atención preventiva reciben,\nsiendo relevante el control de los procesos tumorales en edades avanzadas. La cantidad y calidad de\ninformación que se pueda brindar en este aspecto debería funcionar como un deber institucional que\nse tradujera en la práctica de un derecho social prioritario: el derecho a la salud

    ¿Cómo cuidan y cómo se cuidan? : Mujeres de niveles bajos y medios del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires que cuidan a familiares dependientes

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    El cuidado de las personas cobró relevancia luego de las profundas transformaciones demográficas que tuvieron como resultado el envejecimiento de la población, lo cual se acompañó de la persistencia de los roles tradicionales de género. La provisión de cuidados en la sociedad se organiza generalmente en torno a la familia, el mercado, el Estado y las organizaciones no gubernamentales (Razavi, 2007) y tiene fuertes consecuencias para los que acceden a cuidados y para aquellos que se encargan de cuidar.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Changes on the nanostructure of cementitius calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H) induced by aqueous carbonation

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    The nanostructure of the main binding phase of the hydrated cements, the calcium silicate hydrates (C-S-H), and their structural changes due to aqueous carbonation have been characterized using TEM, nitrogen physisorption, and SAXS. Synthetic C-S-H has been used for this purpose. Two different morphologies were identified, similar to the high density and low density C-S-H types. When submitting the sample to a CO 2 flux, the low density phase was completely carbonated. The carbonation by-products, calcium carbonate, and silica gel were also identified and characterized. The precipitation of the silica gel increased the specific surface area from 95 to 132 m 2/g, and its structure, formed by particles of ~5 nm typical radius, was observed by small angle X-ray scattering. In addition, the resistance of the high density C-S-H to carbonation is reported, and the passivating effect of the precipitated calcium carbonate is also discussed. Finally, the results have been compared with carbonation features observed in Portland cement carbonated experimentally at downhole conditions.

    Measurement of late-night salivary cortisol with an automated immunoassay system

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    Background: Measurement of late-night salivary cortisol concentrations is increasingly used as a screening test in suspected Cushing's syndrome. Cortisol concentrations are typically extremely low in late-night samples and discordant assay-specific reference ranges have been reported. Therefore, the aim of our study was to assess the analytical performance of the first automated cortisol immunoassay specified for salivary measurements and to establish late-night sampling reference-range data for this test. Methods: Salivary cortisol was measured using the Roche Cobas Cortisol assay (Roche Diagnostics). Five salivary pools in different concentration ranges were used to assess the inter-assay imprecision of this test in a two-centre evaluation protocol including two reagent lots. Linearity was tested by serial dilution. Salivary samples were obtained at 23:00 h from 100 apparently healthy volunteers using a commercially available salivary sampling device (Salivette, Sarstedt). A subset of 20 samples was used for method comparison with isotope dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Results: Inter-assay coefficients of variation (n=20) between 11.6% and 40.4% were found for mean cortisol concentrations between 12.9 and 2.6 nmol/L, with an estimated functional sensitivity of approximately 5.0 nmol/L. The test also gave linear results in the lowest concentration range between 1.0 and 8.3 nmol/L. Mean late-night salivary cortisol of 5.0 nmol/L was found for healthy individuals; the absolute range was 1.4-16.7 nmol/L, and the 95th percentile was 8.9 nmol/L. Substantially lower concentrations were found with isotope dilution LC-MS/MS compared to immunoassay results (mean concentrations 1.8 and 4.4 nmol/L, respectively). Conclusions: The automated assay investigated was found to offer acceptable analytical performance in the very low concentration range required for late-night salivary cortisol, despite a very short turnaround time. Using this assay, late-night salivary cortisol concentrations below 8.9 nmol/L are typically found in healthy volunteers

    ¿Cómo se cuidan los que cuidan? - Consecuencias de cuidar a otros

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    El cuidado facilita tanto la subsistencia como el bienestar y el desarrollo. Abarca la indispensable provisión cotidiana del bienestar físico, afectivo y emocional a lo largo de todo el ciclo vital y busca conservar las capacidades y la autonomía en el caso de aquellas personas que, por su edad, son más frágiles, y de las que tienen alguna discapacidad (CEPAL, 2013). La gestión del cuidado requiere organizar bienes, recursos (materiales, simbólicos y afectivos), servicios y actividades que hagan viable la alimentación, la salud y la higiene personal así como la estimulación de procesos cognitivos y sociales, tareas que involucran simultaneidad de papeles y responsabilidades dentro de las familias, en espacios y ciclos difíciles de traducir en tiempo, intensidad o esfuerzo. Estas tareas pueden realizarse de manera no remunerada por familiares, delegarse con pago en personas ajenas a la familia mediante relaciones laborales formales e informales o a través de instituciones (CEPAL, 2013; Pautassi, 2013; Martin Palomo, 2009). (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Mesa 41/ El nacimiento de la clínica. Ciencias sociales y saludFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Precipitation of ordered dolomite via simultaneous dissolution of calcite and magnesite: New experimental insights into an old precipitation enigma

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    7International audienceIn the present study, we demonstrate that ordered dolomite can be precipitated via simultaneous dissolution of calcite and magnesite under hydrothermal conditions (from 100 to 200°C). The temperature and high-carbonate alkalinity have significantly co-promoted the dolomite formation. For example, when high-purity water was initially used as interacting fluid, only a small proportion of disordered dolomite was identified at 200°C from XRD patterns and FESEM observations. Conversely, higher proportion of ordered dolomite, i.e. clear identification of superstructure ordering reflections in XRD patterns, was determined when high-carbonate alkalinity solution was initially used in our system at the same durations of reaction. For this latter case, the dolomite formation is favorable therefrom 100°C and two kinetic steps were identified (1) proto-dolomite formation after about five days of reaction, characterized by rounded sub-micrometric particles from FESEM observations and by the absence of superstructure ordering reflections at 22.02 (101), 35.32 (015), 43.80 (021), etc. 2thetha on XRD patterns; (2) proto-dolomite to dolomite transformation, probably produced by a coupled dissolution-recrystallization process. Herein, the activation energy was estimated to 29 kJ/mol by using conventional Arrhenius linear-equation. This study provides new experimental conditions to which dolomite could be formed in hydrothermal systems. Temperature and carbonate alkalinity are particularly key physicochemical parameters to promote dolomite precipitation in abiotic systems

    Rapid precipitation of magnesite micro-crystals from Mg(OH)2-H2O-CO2 slurry enhanced by NaOH and a heat-ageing step (from 20 to 90°C)

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    International audienceThis study proposes a simple and novel synthesis route for rhombohedral single crystals (90°C) and its synthesis requires several days or weeks depending on experimental conditions. For this reason, industrial-scale magnesite production has been limited. The proposed magnesite synthesis method, requiring only 48h and moderate temperature, could easily be extrapolated on an industrial scale. Moreover, a simple and novel synthesis route for the production of fine platy particles of hydromagnesite is reported, with synthesis requiring only 5h. Based on their chemical compositions and textural properties, there are potential applications for both minerals, for example as a mineral filler and/or as a flame-retardant