608 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana hakekat dari doktrin culpa in causa dan bagaimana pengaruh doktrin culpa in causa pada alasan pembelaan terpaksa, yang dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Culpa in causa sebagai penyebab kesalahan barangsiapa yang berada dalam situasi darurat dapat dicelakan kepadanya tetap bertanggungjawab. yaitu tidak dapat dibenarkan untuk membela diri dengan menggunakan alasan pembelaan terpaksa 2. Pengaruh doktrin culpa in causa terhadap alasan pembelaan terpaksa, yaitu berfungsi sebagai pengecualian terhadap alasan pembelaan terpaksa

    Review Jurnal Makna Metodelogi Dalam Penelitian

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    Penelitian yang kita lakukan tidak serta merta mengerjakan dengan begitu saja, melainkan terdapat metode – metode atau aturan-aturan yang berlaku untuk memudahkan kita mendapatkan suatu penelitian yang valid, yaitu menggunakan pendekatan Positivist social science, Interpretative social science,Critical social science, dan juga menggunakan dua metode, yaitu metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Untuk menggabungkan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif kita bisa menggunakan pendekatan Mixed Methods Approach

    The pertinence and opportunities of including design thinking in Healthcare courses

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    Aceitando a natureza complexa da Saúde e dos problemas que lhe estão associados, propomos a utilização de ferramentas de design centrado na pessoa, nomeadamente o Design Thinking, por forma a gerar soluções inovadoras que possam responder a esses mesmos problemas. O presente trabalho demonstra a pertinência da inclusão do Design Thinking em cursos de saúde, evidenciando a complementaridade que o método pode oferecer a uma necessária perspectiva sistémica, bem como ao essencial alargar da abrangência curricular dos mesmos cursos. Os atuais exemplos de integração de Design Thinking em projetos ligados ao sector, os profissionais consultados e a análise realizada a diversos planos curriculares relevam essa pertinência, bem como as oportunidades para que se verifique de facto. A nossa análise quantitativa não mostrou qualquer diferença estatisticamente significativa entre profissionais de saúde e alunos de design em termos de Empatia, Criatividade ou outras características consideradas essenciais ao processo e, como tal, confirma a aptidão dos primeiros para participar nesses mesmos projetos, verificado o necessário treino.Acknowledging the complex nature of health and health-related problems, we propose borrowing human-centred design tools, namely Design Thinking to generate new innovative solutions to tackle them. The present work demonstrates the pertinence of including Design Thinking in healthcare courses, highlighting the method’s complementarity to a systemic perspective of reasoning, and its usefulness when answering to the claimed necessity of those courses to broad their scope and focus. Present examples of integration of Design Thinking in health projects; the experts consulted and the analysis of current curricular plans emphasise this pertinence and at the same unveil several opportunities to do so. Our quantitative approach showed no significant difference between healthcare professionals and design students in terms of Empathy, Creativity and other traits considered essential to the process and, thus, confirming the first’s aptitude to participate in such projects given the proper coaching

    Car accidents: How much is due to external factors and conditions? A data science approach for the Portuguese road network

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    The main objective of this research is to find out which and what weight external factors have in accidents and victims resulting from them. Within the variable accidents, all accidents that happened in Mainland Portugal in 2018 are counted, according to INE, as the victims include all victims, in Mainland Portugal in 2018 resulting from an accident. The data used was taken from several sources, namely, PORDATA, IPMA, INE, DGTerritório and Here. After collecting the data, the data was thoroughly analyzed and new variables were created with the help of QGIS and SPSS Statistics software, all of them organized by municipalities belonging to the country under study. After all the analysis and selection of variables with the Geoda software and the literature, different models were performed in order to draw conclusions about the selected variables. For this study, two different models were made, for accidents and victims (per 1000 meters and per 1000 inhabitants respectively), because these two variables (targets) didn’t have a strong linear correlation, presenting a value of 0.036 (Pearson correlation) since there was no relationship between the variables. In order to generalize to Portuguese road structures and to other countries with similar characteristics to Portugal, the bootstrap method was used as a simulation strategy, thus generating 300,000 new data. After evaluation the data, it was found that the external factors used in these models have an explanatory capacity of less than 50%, but spatial dependence is a key and very important factor in geospatial problems.O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é encontrar quais e qual o peso dos fatores externos nos acidentes e das vítimas que resultam do mesmo. A variável dos acidentes contém todos os acidentes que aconteceram em Portugal Continental em 2018, de acordo com o INE e a variável das vítimas contém todas as vítimas desde ligeiras, graves e mortais em Portugal Continental em 2018 resultantes de acidentes. Os dados foram retirados de fontes como a IPMA, PORDATA, INE e Here (rede viária de Portugal). Após a recolha dos dados, a análise dos mesmos e a criação de novas variáveis, com a ajuda dos softwares QGIS e SPSS Statistics, foram todas organizas por município pertencentes ao país em estudo. Após toda a seleção das variáveis, de acordo com a literatura, foram criados diferentes modelos de forma a retirar conclusões sobre as varáveis (fatores externos). Para este estudo foram criados dois modelos diferentes, para acidentes e vítimas pois estas duas variáveis (targets) não tinham uma forte correlação linear apresentando um valor de Sig de 0,554. De modo a generalizar para as estruturas rodoviárias portuguesas e para outros países com características semelhantes a Portugal, foi utilizado o método de bootstrap como uma estratégia de simulação, deste modo gerou-se 300000 novos dados. Após a avaliação dos dados verificou-se que os fatores externos, utilizados nestes modelos têm uma capacidade explicativa inferior a 50%, mas a dependência espacial é um fator chave e muito importante em problemas geo-espaciais


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    Every parent must have a goal to give the best to their son/daughter, one of which is in motor growth through sports. Parents will prioritize the desires and development of their children's talents in optimizing growth and development so that their children feel happy and comfortable in doing activities. Therefore, this study aims to identify the motivation of parents to include their sons/daughters in the sidoarjo jaya bolavoli coaching. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The data analysis technique is manual analysis with Likert scale technique. Data collection using a mixed questionnaire, namely open and closed to parents of sons / daughters who follow the coaching of sidoarjo jaya. The subjects taken in the study were 32 people. The results of this study show that parents prioritize children's needs. Based on the results of the data, on average, parents include their sons / daughters aiming for children's motor development, children's social development and children's fitness and health. Parents want their children to be happy and comfortable in doing sports at an early age. So it can be concluded that the motivation of parents to include their sons / daughters in sidoarjo jaya bolavoli coaching is to meet the needs of their sons / daughters in terms of physical, social and health

    Penyimpangan Maksim Kuantitas dalam Lakon Kethoprak Rara Mendhut Karya Siswo Budoyo

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    Penggunaan bahasa di setiap harinya menunjukkan bahwa, bahasa merupakan ilmu yang penting, salah satunya adalah bahasa di dalam seni pagelaran kethoprak dengan lakon Rara Mendhut karya Siswo Budoyo. Di dalam lakon tersebut, ditemukan wujud dan penyimpangan percakapan mengenai maksim kuantitas. Penelitian ini, mempunyai tujuan, yaitu: (1) Menjelaskan wujud dan ciri-ciri maksim kuantitas yang digunakan dalam percakapan pada Lakon Kethoprak Rara Mendhut, dan (2) Menjelaskan penyimpangan kuantitas yang digunakan dalam percakapan pada Lakon Kethoprak Rara Mendhut. Penelitian ini, dianalisis menggunakan kajian pragmatik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data dan data penelitian berasal dari percakapan Lakon Kethoprak Rara Mendhut. Selama penelitian ini berlangsung, peneliti menggunakan dua teknik studi pustaka, menyimak dan mencatat. Dalam penelitian yang telah dianalisis ditemukan data yang berjumlah 51, yaitu 20 jenis wujud maksim kuantitas dalam dialog kethoprak, serta 31 jenis wujud penyimpangan maksim kuantitas dalam dialog kethoprak. Kata Kunci: Penyimpangan Maksim, Pragmatik, Dialog, Kethoprak

    Kuasai Literasi Menulis Melalui Inovasi Metode Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition Pada Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas Di Era Merdeka Belajar

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan referensi strategi pengajaran literasi menulis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen kuantitatif. Berdasarkan data analisis, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan melalui penerapan metode pembacaan dan komposisi terpadu. Peneliti menarik beberapa kesimpulan bahwa terbukti pada kelas eksperimen terdapat perbedaan skor yang signifikan. Kelas eksperimen memiliki berbagai macam skor yang menunjukkan peningkatan dari perlakuan. Peneliti menyadarkan responden bahwa menulis tidak begitu sulit untuk dikuasai dengan menggunakan teknik ini. Setelah peneliti memberikan perlakuan, peneliti memberikan post test dan mendapat skor tertinggi 80 dan skor terendah adalah 60 yang mana memiliki rata-rata 70,36. Dari data tersebut terlihat bahwa mereka memiliki dorongan dalam menulis, dari 63 menjadi 70,36. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode ini memberikan efek yang sangat baik dan pasti mempengaruhi kemampuan responden dalam menguasai keterampilan menulis di era normal baru

    A model on tourist behaviour: destination image, visitor satisfaction and loyalty

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    In what concerns tourism research, there is an increasing interest in areas of investigation as destination image, visitor satisfaction and loyalty, for both scholars and practitioners. The present research goal was to develop a conceptual model for destination image, visitor satisfaction and loyalty and validate its structure, as to gain insights on visitors’ perceptions of destination image, its satisfaction and loyalty, having both theoretical and managerial implications. With this aim, a web review collection approach was selected and online reviews on the University of Coimbra and some of its buildings (Joanine Library, Old Church of Coimbra, and Botanical Gardens) were manually gathered from TripAdvisor. Two hypotheses were presented and tested through qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. The notion that destination image influences visitor satisfaction, which in turn influences loyalty, in a positive manner was statistically proven. Hence, the link between the variables is in accordance with the literature. For practitioners, one of the main objectives of understanding the links between the referred variables, is to understand how they are applicable to the destination itself. As such, knowledge on destination image, its dimensions and its relationship with satisfaction and loyalty is crucial so they can act upon that data. This research provides a practical way to identify each monument image perception, as each monument set of themes provides a general overview of the issues that matter the most to reviewers and their experiences. Moreover, managers can understand which issues are seen as negative and vice versa and act upon.No que respeita a investigação em turismo, existe um interesse crescente em áreas de investigação como imagem de destino, satisfação e lealdade do visitante, tanto para académicos como para profissionais. O objetivo do presente estudo passou por desenvolver um modelo conceptual com bases nessas áreas em investigação e validar a sua estrutura a fim de obter uma maior clareza quanto às perceções dos visitantes e consequentes implicações teóricas e práticas. Nesse sentido, foi adotada uma abordagem de recolha manual de comentários online, recolha essa de comentários relativos à Universidade de Coimbra e alguns dos seus edifícios como a Biblioteca Joanina, a Sé Velha, e o Jardim Botânico retirados do TripAdvisor. Duas hipóteses foram apresentadas e testadas através de métodos qualitativos e quantitativos. A noção de que a imagem de destino influencia positivamente a satisfação do visitante, e que esta influencia positivamente a lealdade, foi estatisticamente comprovada. Assim, a relação entre as variáveis encontra-se de acordo com a literatura. Para os profissionais, um dos principais objetivos da compreensão destas relações é entender como aplicá-la ao destino turístico. Como tal, conhecimento sobre a imagem de destino, as suas dimensões e relação com satisfação e lealdade são cruciais para que estes possam atuar com base nesses dados. O estudo providencia uma forma prática de identificar a perceção da imagem de cada monumento, assim como a opinião geral, experiências e problemas mais identificados pelos visitantes. Os gestores podem ainda perceber quais as experiências que são vistas como negativas e vice-versa e atuar sobre elas


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    The purpose of this study: 1) To analyze the regulation of the state's preemptive rights over the payment of tax debts in Commercial Court Decisions. 2) To explore the basis for the judge's consideration in applying the state's preemptive right to payment of tax debt in the Supreme Court's jurisprudence Number 116 PK/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2013 3) To formulate legal reasoning the judge did not apply the state's preemptive right to payment of tax debt in decision No. 116 PK/Pdt.Sus-Bankrupt/2013 This type of research is normative juridical with the statute approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. Legal materials were analyzed using 5 (five) theories, namely: the theory of legal reform, the theory of tax collection, the theory of legal protection, the theory of legal objectives, and the theory of ratio decidendi. The results of this study: (1) a) The unclear and incomplete definition of "preferred creditor" in the Elucidation allows for multiple interpretations by judges. b) This interpretation is detrimental to the state's preemptive rights, that is, it cannot be applied when faced with debts others in bankruptcy proceedings. (2) a) The state has the right to collect taxes on goods belonging to the taxpayer. b) KPP which is a state representative that cannot be positioned as a creditor based on Article 1 paragraph 2, 3, 6 and 11 of the KPKPU Law. (3) a) Judges recognize the right to precede the state, but judges must also comply with the principle of administering judicial power. b) In carrying out its authority, KPP was also proven to have committed negligence: KPP could not prove that the assets it argued were non-bankrupt assets; KPP submits a bill to the curator after 2 years of insolvency; KPP submits billing only in the form of estimates based on assumptions calculated before the taxpayer is declared bankrupt; The results of the settlement of bankruptcy assets are not sufficient, so that the distribution is carried out according to the principles of justice and balance; The renvoi procedure proposed by KPP is not in accordance with the correct stages.  Keywords : preemptive rights, taxes, bankruptc

    Simulasi Cycle Tempo 5.0 Dampak Variasi Rasio Co-Firing Batubara dan Biomassa Jenis Tongkol Jagung terhadap Performa PLTU 400 MW

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    Co-firing adalah proses pembakaran dengan dua jenis bahan bakar yang berbeda untuk mengurangi emisi gas buang. Penelitian ini menggunakan software Cycle Tempo 5.0 dengan objek penelitian PLTU 400 MW dengan batubara HHV 4200 kcal/kg dan pembebanan 100%, 75%, 50%, 30%. Biomassa yang digunakan adalah tongkol jagung karena tidak adanya sulfur, dengan rasio campuran batubara dan biomassa 0%, 1%, 2,5%, 5%, 7,5%, dan 10%. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis terhadap Daya Pemakaian Sendiri (DPS), Net Plant Heat Rate, Efisiensi Boiler, dan ekonomi pembangkit. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan DPS seiring dengan peningkatan rasio co-firing. Pada pembebanan 100%, DPS meningkat dari 12.774,972 kW menjadi 12.861,25 kW saat co-firing 10%. Terjadi penurunan efisiensi termal dan peningkatan Net Plant Heat Rate (NPHR). Efisiensi dan NPHR pada pembebanan 100% batubara adalah 36,21% dan 2609,77 kcal/kWh, sedangkan pada co-firing 90% batubara dan 10% biomassa, nilai tersebut menjadi 36,158% dan 2612,96 kcal/kWh. Meskipun efisiensi menurun dan Net Plant Heat Rate meningkat, penggunaan co-firing dengan biomassa tongkol jagung dapat menghemat biaya bahan bakar karena harga biomassa lebih rendah daripada batubara. Penggunaan rasio 90% batubara dan 10% biomassa dapat menghemat biaya sekitar Rp9.856.253.665 per bulan. Studi ini juga memberikan gambaran tentang performa dan dampak ekonomi pembangkit tersebut