178 research outputs found

    The school in a globalized world : a literature study about global education.

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    Skolan existerar i en globaliserad värld och eleverna ska utbildas till framgångsrika globala medborgare. Skolans samhällsorienterade ämnen fokuserar bland annat på hur vi människor lever tillsammans, dels i vårt närområde och dels i vår globala värld. Syftet med forskningsöversikten är att undersöka vad som kännetecknar forskningen om global undervisning i grundskolans samhällsorienterade ämnen. Det här är en systematisk litteraturstudie där primärkällorna (sju artiklar och en avhandling) kartläggs, syntetiseras och analyseras. Arbetsprocessen började med litteratursökningar och ett urval av primärkällor. Kartläggning och fördjupad analys av forskningsfältet grundades på kodning och syntetisering av primärkällorna. Kvalitativa metoder används i alla studier och deltagarna är vanligen lärare, i vissa fall i kombination med deras elever. Flera studier i det undersökta forskningsfältet visar att lärare är osäkra på betydelsen av begreppet global undervisning. I det undersökta forskningsfältet är det flera artiklar visar på hur lärares bakgrund, diskurs eller perspektivmedvetenhet påverkar implementerandet av global undervisning. Lärares syn på global undervisning verkar dock inte påverka implementerandet. Ett annat vanligt sätt att närma sig global undervisning i det undersökta forskningsfältet är fallstudier där effekten av ett projekt om internationell kommunikation mellan skolor undersöks. Projektens utfall visar att deltagarna har breddat sina perspektiv och dessutom lärt sig mer om sitt eget närområde och sin egen kultur i samband medgenomförandet av projektet

    Multifaceted place belonging? : For pupils at a Swedish school abroad (the example the Swedish School in Lisbon)

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    Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och på vilket sätt elever på en svensk utlandsskola upplever platstillhörighet. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med en elev per årskurs, i förskoleklass till årskurs 6. Intervjuerna baserades på teckningar forskningsdeltagarna målat som föreställer de platser eleverna själva hade/har starka och positiva band till. Dessutom undersöktes relationen och avstånden mellan dessa platser genom att forskningsdeltagarna fått skapa mentala kartor med hjälp av sina teckningar. Resultaten tyder på att deltagarna i den här studien har en mångfacetterad platstillhörighet på flera sätt. De platser som är mest betydelsefulla för studiens respondenter är placerade i olika länder, vilket alltså pekar på en mångfacetterad platstillhörighet. Flera av de kallar platser i olika länder för hemma och de flesta av respondenterna anger att de tillhör mer än en nationalitet. Det här innebär för flera av deltagarna en viss saknad till sitt födelseland. Endast tre respondenter kallade sitt boende i Portugal för hemma. Två av sju respondenter ansåg att de kunde portugisiska väl och tre av dem kunde kalla sig för portugiser

    The shaping of Preschool : State Regulation 1944–2008

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    Preschool is a central part of Swedish family life. The manner in which the state regulates preschool through laws, ordinances, and various kinds of written objectives has an impact on many people in the Swedish society. The thesis examines the development of preschool state regulation from the 1940s until 2008. The starting point of the study is a draft for a new Education Act, put forward in 2003, which proposed that preschool should be integrated into the school system as a new form of school. The purpose of the study is to generate knowledge about the state regulation of Swedish preschool, and how it has contributed to the shaping of preschool as a societal institution. Questions considered in the analysis are how regulation delimits preschool as a social category, what role this regulation assigns preschool in relation to other actors and societal institutions involved in early childhood education and care, and what principles this regulation is based on. The study has evolved within the research tradition of curriculum theory as developed in studies in educational politics. The analysis is carried out as a text analysis, where the concepts of boundary work, official classification and activity system serve as important analytical tools. Texts produced within the formal chain of decision and legislation: directives for committees, government white papers, ministerial task forces, bills, legislative texts etc., form the empirical foundation for the study. The analysis shows that economic as well as legal and ideological governing instruments are used in the shaping of the framework of preschool. These frameworks are indicated in the form of different boundary markers that delimit preschool as a specific category and arrange it in relation to other categories. The boundaries indicated by these boundary markers have been subject to extensive discussion during the formulation process. Through this boundary work, preschool has been constructed as a full time preschool, commissioned to provide both education and care. The boundaries of this commission are in some respects indistinct and contain several overlapping elements with regards to family, social services and school. At the same time, preschool holds a fixed core with more distinct boundaries, in the form of a part time public preschool delimited by time and age and regulated by far-reaching legislation regarding the rights of children to attend. Owing to this construction, preschool may balance several different and partly contradictory demands placed on it by other institutions and by different interest groups, while at the same time maintaining a core of identity of its own. In that sense, preschool may be described as a boundary object. Thus, when it is suggested that preschool should constitute a form of school and be placed in the more formal regulation structures of the school system, the balance of this construction is challenged

    The shaping of Preschool : State Regulation 1944–2008

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    Preschool is a central part of Swedish family life. The manner in which the state regulates preschool through laws, ordinances, and various kinds of written objectives has an impact on many people in the Swedish society. The thesis examines the development of preschool state regulation from the 1940s until 2008. The starting point of the study is a draft for a new Education Act, put forward in 2003, which proposed that preschool should be integrated into the school system as a new form of school. The purpose of the study is to generate knowledge about the state regulation of Swedish preschool, and how it has contributed to the shaping of preschool as a societal institution. Questions considered in the analysis are how regulation delimits preschool as a social category, what role this regulation assigns preschool in relation to other actors and societal institutions involved in early childhood education and care, and what principles this regulation is based on. The study has evolved within the research tradition of curriculum theory as developed in studies in educational politics. The analysis is carried out as a text analysis, where the concepts of boundary work, official classification and activity system serve as important analytical tools. Texts produced within the formal chain of decision and legislation: directives for committees, government white papers, ministerial task forces, bills, legislative texts etc., form the empirical foundation for the study. The analysis shows that economic as well as legal and ideological governing instruments are used in the shaping of the framework of preschool. These frameworks are indicated in the form of different boundary markers that delimit preschool as a specific category and arrange it in relation to other categories. The boundaries indicated by these boundary markers have been subject to extensive discussion during the formulation process. Through this boundary work, preschool has been constructed as a full time preschool, commissioned to provide both education and care. The boundaries of this commission are in some respects indistinct and contain several overlapping elements with regards to family, social services and school. At the same time, preschool holds a fixed core with more distinct boundaries, in the form of a part time public preschool delimited by time and age and regulated by far-reaching legislation regarding the rights of children to attend. Owing to this construction, preschool may balance several different and partly contradictory demands placed on it by other institutions and by different interest groups, while at the same time maintaining a core of identity of its own. In that sense, preschool may be described as a boundary object. Thus, when it is suggested that preschool should constitute a form of school and be placed in the more formal regulation structures of the school system, the balance of this construction is challenged