1,126 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial natural products

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    Our ethnopharmacological studies, in several Angolan regions, showed that Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf., it´s applied in folk medicine to treat several diseases In order to validate antibacterial activity several studies were performed using 12 bacterial strains. The essencial oil samples of Cymbopogon citratus, obtained by hydro-distillation, were analysed by GC and GC-MS. Constituents were identified and tested for their antimicrobial activity by the disc agar diffusion technique and the dilution technique against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 12228) and other bacterial strains. Broad spectrum antibacterial activity was exhibited by the Cymbopogon citratus essential oil against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria as well as for MRSA that exhibited more sensitive towards the test substance compared to the non-MRSA. Our work was the first to show that Cymbopogon citratus essential oil has higher antibacterial activity against MRSA strains, than commercial antibiotics. These discover opens a new hope to fight against nosocomial infection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conformal Orbifold Partition Functions from Topologically Massive Gauge Theory

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    We continue the development of the topological membrane approach to open and unoriented string theories. We study orbifolds of topologically massive gauge theory defined on the geometry [0,1]×Σ[0,1]\times\Sigma, where Σ\Sigma is a generic compact Riemann surface. The orbifold operations are constructed by gauging the discrete symmetries of the bulk three-dimensional field theory. Multi-loop bosonic string vacuum amplitudes are thereby computed as bulk correlation functions of the gauge theory. It is shown that the three-dimensional correlators naturally reproduce twisted and untwisted sectors in the case of closed worldsheet orbifolds, and Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions in the case of open ones. The bulk wavefunctions are used to explicitly construct the characters of the underlying extended Kac-Moody group for arbitrary genus. The correlators for both the original theory and its orbifolds give the expected modular invariant statistical sums over the characters.Comment: 47 pages LaTeX, 3 figures, uses amsfonts and epsfig; v2: Typos corrected, reference added, clarifying comments on modular invariance inserted; v3: Further comments on modular invariance added; to be published in JHE

    Analysis of customer profiles on an electrical distribution network

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    It has become increasingly important for electrical distribution companies to understand the drivers of demand. The maximum demand at any given substation can vary materially on an annual basis which means it is difficult to create a load related investment plan that is robust and stable. Currently, forecasts are based only on historical demand with little understanding about contributions to load profiles. In particular, the unique diversity of customers on any particular substation can affect load profile shape and future forecasts. Domestic and commercial customers can have very different behaviours generally and within these groups there is room for variation due to economic conditions and building types. This paper analyses customer types associated to substations on a distribution network by way of principal component analysis and identification of substations which deviate from the national demand trend. By examining the variance spread of this deviation, data points can be labelled in the principal component space. Groups of substations can then be categorised as having typical or atypical load profiles. This will support the need for further investigation into particular customer types and highlight the key factors of customer categorisation

    Pro-oxidant Activity And Genotoxicity Of The Astronium Fraxinifolium Using Wing Smart And Allium Cepa Test

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    Astronium fraxinifolium is an arboreal species found throughout the Brazilian Cerrado region and used in folk medicine as antimicrobial, anti-hemorrhagic and healing. Pro-oxidant activity of extracts of fraxinifolium rough Relative Electrophoresis Mobility (REM) of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein in presence of the extract and Cu2+ and also the genotoxic potential through Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test (SMART) and Allium cepa tests has been investigated during this study. In the REM, the extracts acting exclusively on BSA resulted in a band formation with higher molecular weight than BSA, probably due to oxidative action of the extracts. In presence of Cu2+and extracts occurred protein fragmentation due to Cu2+ oxidative action potentiated by the extracts. In SMART test the frequency of mutant spots increases with the increased concentration of extract A. fraxinifolium (50 mg mL-1= 1.40 and 100 mg mL-1 = 2.66). The HB cross shows a decrease in the total of mutant spots frequency for the different treatments (50 mg mL-1 =6.60 and 100 mg mL-1 = 3.25). Evaluation of A cutest demonstrated the following results (concentration extract = chromosomal abnormalities) 1 mg mL-1 = 85,10 mg L-1 = 61 50 mg mL-1 = 53,100 mg mL-1 =33 and MMS 10 mg L-1 = 50. Genotoxic and cytotoxic actions can be explained by the actions of tannins present in its composition. Butthere may be other substances that also act for such results. The genotoxicity in medicinal plants contributes to therapeutic safety warning that although the use of medicinal plants is an inexpensive and non-aggressive method it can cause harmful effects if used incorrectly. © 2016 Rafael Rozolen Teixeria Zafred et al.10427628

    Comparison Of Methanolysis Of A Series Of P-benzyloxybenzoyl Chlorides With That Of Benzoyl, P-phenoxybenzoyl, And P-methoxybenzoyl Chlorides

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    The kinetics of the methanolysis (solvolysis) of a series of p-benzyloxybenzoyl chlorides have been compared with values for benzoyl, p-methoxybenzoyl. and p-phenoxybenzoyl chloride. Small rate differences between benzoyl chloride and the other compounds stem from counterbalancing large changes in enthalpies and entropies of activation, ascribed to different degrees of SN1 character in the reactions. Differences within the benzyloxy-series are ascribed to effects of substituents on the inductive effect of the benzene ring of the benzyloxy-group. Data have been analysed in terms of the Hammett equation. Values of σ for the p-benzyloxy-group were obtained from both kinetic and acidity measurements : both are considerably less than the literature value, which we regard as suspect. A coefficient of transmission of electronic effects across a p-benzyloxy-group was determined as 0.17.141648165

    O Projeto +Pêssego - inovação e desenvolvimento na cultura do pessegueiro nas região da Beira Interior.

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    Comunicação da qual só está disponível o resumo.A região da Beira Interior é a principal região de produção de prunóideas [1], sendo o pessegueiro uma cultura com alguma tradição e com possibilidade de expansão pelas favoráveis condições edafo-climáticas e socioeconómicas existentes, pelo conhecimento técnico associado ao seu cultivo [2] e também pela procura dos seus frutos. O projeto +pêssego, financiado pelo Proder, pretende contribuir para a valorização global da fileira através da atuação a nível de diversas práticas culturais e valorização do seu produto – o pêssego. O projeto engloba sete ações distintas, nomeadamente: Manutenção do solo, Monda de flores, Monda de frutos, Gestão da rega, Fertilização racional, Caracterização da qualidade dos frutos, e Caracterização económica da fileira. O conjunto das diferentes ações abrange o acompanhamento de 12 Unidades de Observação (UO) instaladas em explorações de produtores da região (Figura 1), localizadas desde o concelho de Belmonte, a norte, até ao concelho de Castelo Branco, a sul, incluindo a área de produção de pêssego da região da Beira Interior. O projeto tem um valor global aproximado de 600.000€, em que a ESA-IPCB participa com um investimento elegível aprovado de 116.000€. O projeto foi concebido em 2012, tendo sido submetido em fevereiro de 2013, aprovado em junho de 2014 e com execução nos ciclos de 2015 e 2016.Na ação Manutenção do Solo pretende-se avaliar o efeito da utilização da manta de cobertura do solo Ecoblanket na produção frutícola, nos dois primeiros anos após instalação do pomar. Esta manta foi concebida e produzida pela empresa nacional Multifibras com base na utilização de desperdícios da indústria têxtil. Assim procedese à avaliação da utilização da manta no controlo das infestantes, no crescimento das plantas, no teor de água e no nível da população microbiana do solo e na possível ocorrência de pragas, nomeadamente roedores. Na ação Monda de Flores em pessegueiro pretende-se testar e avaliar a eficácia do equipamento portátil Saflower Electric ® para monda de flores e o seu impacto na produção e qualidade dos frutos. Estando a qualidade dos frutos muito dependente da carga de uma árvore, a monda de flores permite reduzir o número de frutos por planta favorecendo o calibre dos mesmos, parâmetro de qualidade que mais determina a sua valorização económica. A ação Monda de Frutos tem como objetivo conceber um equipamento portátil que permita a mecanização da operação de monda de frutos, contribuindo para a rentabilização da cultura. A ação Rega Deficitária Controlada visa a otimização da gestão da água de rega, contribuindo para fundamentar decisões, quer para situações de escassez de água de rega - situação muito comum a sul da serra da Gardunha - quer para situações de elevada disponibilidade de água, como é característico da área abrangida pelo projeto de regadio da Cova da Beira. A ação Fertilização Racional tem como objetivo contribuir para a determinação dos valores de referência a utilizar na avaliação do estado nutricional das plantas. Procura-se uma gestão de fertilizantes mais racional e respeitadora do ambiente sem condicionar a necessária rentabilidade da cultura, num cenário económico onde imperam baixos preços unitários pagos ao produtor. A ação Caracterização da qualidade dos frutos pretende fazer uma caracterização dos frutos das diferentes cultivares existentes na região de modo a fundamentar um plano de divulgação e um plano para a valorização da produção. O resultado desta ação é essencial não só para o desenvolvimento da campanha de divulgação, como também o desenvolvimento de novos produtos à base de pêssego. A ação Estudo Económico tem como objetivo avaliar o rendimento da cultura sobretudo na avaliação do preço pago ao produtor ao longo de toda a época de produção, mas também contribuir para a avaliação da mais-valia da atividade na região, construindo uma base de planeamento e defesa da fileira. 1.INE.Estatísticas Agrícolas 2014. 2015, www.ine.pt (27-08-2015). 2. Simões, M.P. 2008. A fertilização azotada em pessegueiros: influência no estado de nutrição, produção e susceptibilidade a Phomopsis amygdali. Tese de doutoramento. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa – Instituto Superior de Agronomia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cymbopogon citratus EO antimicrobial activity against multi-drug resistant Gram-positive strains and non-albicans-Candida species

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    We studied the antibacterial and antifungal activity of Cymbopogon citratus. These properties were studied on hospital isolated multidrug resistant strains Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and their respective ATCC control strains. Pathogenic Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, and Candida tropicalis were also tested. Results of the present investigation provide evidence that the EO of Cymbopogon citratus could have a potential application in the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus methicillin-resistant strains and by vancomicin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis. Cymbopogon citratus EO is also effective against Candida albicans as well as the emerging Candida parapsilosis and Candida tropicalis pointing to its usefulness as an antifungal agent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ассоциация аллельных полиморфизмов гена эндотелиальной NO-синтазы с развитием ишемической болезни сердца (литературный обзор)

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    Проведений аналіз вітчизняних та закордонних досліджень стосовно вивчення впливу Т-786С, G894T, 4a/b поліморфізмів гену eNOS на ризик розвитку ІХС у представників різних популяцій. Доведена роль Т-786 С поліморфізма гену eNOS у розвитку ІХС у представників японської, української, італійської популяції, причому в останніх він пов’язаний із багатосудинним ураженням. G894T поліморфізм гену eNOS пов’язаний із підвищеним ризиком розвитку ІХС, ішемічних інсультів в італійській, турецькій, азіатській популяціях, а в російській ─ із рестенозами стентів. Доведений зв’язок 4а/4b поліморфізму гену eNOS із виникненням ІХС у турецькій, японській, корейській, афро-американській, іранській, російській популяціях, а в японській популяції ─ гендерна специфіка даної асоціації. В окремих дослідженнях отримані суперечливі дані щодо впливу Т-786 С поліморфізму гену eNOS в турецькій популяції. Не виявлено асоціації 4а/4b поліморфізму гену eNOS у чоловіків Словенії, Фінляндії, G894T поліморфізму гену eNOS у корейській популяції, а у представників білої австралійської популяцій не виявлено асоціації генотипів 4а/4b, G894T, Т-786С поліморфізму гену eNOS із ризиком розвитку ІХС.В статье проведен анализ отечественных и зарубежных исследований, посвященных изучению влияния Т-786С, G894T, 4a/b полиморфизмов гена eNOS на риск развития ИБС у представителей различных популяций. Доказана роль Т-786 С полиморфизма гена eNOS в развитии ИБС у представителей японской, украинськой, итальянской популяции, причем у последних он связан с многососудистым поражением. G894T полиморфизм гена eNOS связан с повышеным риском развития ИХС, ишемических инсультов в итальянской, турецкой, азиатской популяциях, а в российской ─ с рестенозами стентов. Доказана связь 4а/4b полиморфизма гена eNOS с возникновением ИБС в турецкой, японской, корейской, афро-американской, иранськой, российской популяциях, а в японской популяции ─ гендерная специфика данной ассоциации. В отдельных исследованиях получены противоречивые данные о влиянии Т-786 С полиморфизма гена eNOS в турецкой популяции. Не выявлено ассоциации 4а/4b полиморфизма гена eNOS у мужчин Словении, Финляндии, G894T полиморфизма гена eNOS в корейской популяции, а у представителей белой австралийской популяции не выявлено ассоциации генотипов 4а/4b, G894T, Т-786С полиморфизму гену eNOS с риском развития ИБС.The article analyzed Ukrainian and foreign research on the impact study T-786С, G894T, 4a /b polymorphisms of the eNOS gene on the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) among representatives of different populations. The role of T-786C polimorphism of the eNOS gene was proven in the development of CAD among Japanese, Ukrainian, Italian population, and in the past it is associated with multivessel disease. G894T polymorphism of the eNOS gene is associated with high risk of CAD, ischemic stroke in Italian, Turkish, Asian populations. In the Russian population this polymorphism assotiated with restenosis of stents. The 4a/4b polymorphism of the eNOS gene has significant influence on risk of CAD in Turkish, Japanese, Korean, AfricanAmerican, Iranian and Russian populations. Japanese population has gender specificity of the association. Conflicting data obtained in separate studies of the influence of T-786C polymorphism of the eNOS gene in the Turkish population. There was no association 4a /4b polymorphism of the eNOS gene in men Slovenia’s men and in Finland. Wasn’t identify association of G894T polymorphism of the eNOS gene in Korean population. Wasn’t detected association of genotypes 4a/4b, G894T, T-786S of the eNOS gene polymorphisms with risk of CAD in white Australians. Due to the existence of common pathogenetic mechanisms, involving NO, polymorphism eNOS gene presence may increases the risk of developing COPD. So perspective is study of polymorphisms eNOS gene in patients with COPD and CAD of Ukrainian population. Investigate their role as candidate genes can help to predict and prevent the appearance of comorbid disorders

    Ideal Spin Filters: Theoretical Study of Electron Transmission Through Ordered and Disordered Interfaces Between Ferromagnetic Metals and Semiconductors

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    It is predicted that certain atomically ordered interfaces between some ferromagnetic metals (F) and semiconductors (S) should act as ideal spin filters that transmit electrons only from the majority spin bands or only from the minority spin bands of the F to the S at the Fermi energy, even for F with both majority and minority bands at the Fermi level. Criteria for determining which combinations of F, S and interface should be ideal spin filters are formulated. The criteria depend only on the bulk band structures of the S and F and on the translational symmetries of the S, F and interface. Several examples of systems that meet these criteria to a high degree of precision are identified. Disordered interfaces between F and S are also studied and it is found that intermixing between the S and F can result in interfaces with spin anti-filtering properties, the transmitted electrons being much less spin polarized than those in the ferromagnetic metal at the Fermi energy. A patent application based on this work has been commenced by Simon Fraser University.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 5 figure