4,523 research outputs found

    Vivências de integraçâo curricular na metodologia de trabalho de projecto

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    [Resumo] A integração curricular oferece-se como uma possibilidade de educação escolar que, podendo ser concretizada através da utilização da metodologia de trabalho de projecto, proporciona mais condições pedagógicas para uma aprendizagem integrada, com mais sentido e utilidade para os alunos. Deste modo, o presente artigo pretende descrever e reflectir sobre uma experiência de integração curricular com a utilização da metodologia de trabalho de projecto que, desde há alguns anos, tem vindo a ser desenvolvida na formação de futuros professores do 1º ciclo do ensino básico português da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.Abstract] Curricular integration comes as a posibility of school education that, by being realized through the use of work project methodology, allows more pedagogical conditions for an integrated apprenticeship, with more meaning and value to the students. This way the present article aims to describe and reflect on an experience of curricular integration with the use of the work project methodology that has being developed, a few years from now, in the primary school teachers-in training program in the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Dour

    Contributes for an evaluative practice regulative of the learning

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    A regulação da aprendizagem constitui um processo que decorre da prática da avaliação formativa e que se traduz na adaptação da ação pedagógica aos diferentes percursos de aprendizagem dos alunos. A prática da regulação da aprendizagem pressupõe que, a partir do diagnóstico elaborado sobre o processo de aprendizagem dos alunos no contexto da avaliação formativa, seja proporcionado, ou construído com o aluno, um feedback descritivo das aprendizagens feitas e das dificuldades encontradas. Pressupõe, também, que, em função desse feedback, se decida sobre o tipo de regulação mais adequado aos alunos. Verificando-se que os professores realizam, sobretudo, práticas de avaliação formativa pontual e regulam a aprendizagem com estratégias corretivas, pretendemos aqui refletir sobre outros possíveis contributos para uma prática da avaliação reguladora da aprendizagem dos diferentes alunos.Apprentice regulation constitutes a process that comes from formative evaluation practice and translates in the adoption of the pedagogical action of the different learning paths of students. The apprenticeship regulation practice assumes that, from the diagnostic on the apprenticeship process of the students in the context of formative assessment be allowed or constructed with the student, a descriptive feedback of the apprenticeships done and found difficulties and, function of it, be decided about the type of regulation more adequate to the students. As teachers do, mainly, punctual formative assessment practices and regulate the apprenticeship with corrective strategies we would like to reflect on possible others contributes for an regulative assessment practice of the apprenticeship of the different studentsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Verilog implementation of the VESA DSC compression algorithm

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    O trabalho consiste em implementar em verilog o Standard de compressão VESA DSC v1.1. O projecto está na fase de teste e optimização para cumprir restrições de timming. É esperado estar concluido nos inicios de Junho. Feito isto será feita uma comparação entre uma abordagem usando ferramentes de síntese de alto nível e a abordagem "manual" (RTL

    Does public debt ownership structure matter for a borrowing country?

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    We assess the investor base impact on government borrowing costs and examine how investors react to shocks in sovereign bond yields, across 24 countries and 3 maturities between 2004Q1-2019Q2. Our VAR approach has the advantage of modelling bidirectional causality between yields and investor base. We find that higher foreign holdings are associated with lower yields but link these effects exclusively to foreign banks and mainly to 10-years maturity. Yields in GIIPS and EA core countries react in opposite directions to foreign holdings shocks. Foreign investment is procyclical, namely at the long end and where fundamentals are weaker. Thus, an EA sovereign debt crisis re-run cannot be dismissed requiring readiness to use supporting mechanisms to prevent contagion and an escalation that may jeopardize the monetary union itself. Yields’ response to domestic investment shocks is heterogeneous and seems to bear no significant relation with home bias. No cyclical trading pattern can be clearly associated to each type of domestic investor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Revisiting the determinants of sovereign bond yield volatility

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    Although there is an extensive literature regarding volatility in the financial markets, to our knowledge, few empirical studies specifically focus on the drivers of volatility of sovereign bond yields. This empirical paper aims to fill part of this gap and to provide more up to date empirical insights. We add to previous work by examining the issue simultaneously in a broad number of advanced economies. Our analysis shows that sovereign bond unconditional volatility exhibits mean-reversion and persistence. Bond yield volatility responds to proximate market movements and global risk. However, that response is found to be uneven across geographies, asymmetric in some cases and possibly time-varying. Macro and policy uncertainty impact depends on the specific uncertainty measures used and rarely is very meaningful.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drivers of sovereign bond demand : the case of Japan

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    The aim of this empirical paper is to understand the portfolio decisions of banks regarding their asset allocation to sovereign bonds applied to the case of Japan, over the period 2002-21. The issue is relevant because globally central banks are moving to a passive holder or even net seller stance, raising the question of whether banks can be counted among the investors which will replace them. Japan makes an interesting case since Japanese banks are among the banks in advanced economies with a larger share of non-official holdings of domestic sovereign debt, their mean ratio of gross claims on the central government to total assets is about three times above average values in the United States or in the Euro Area, and government portfolios are relatively more homogeneous. We contribute to the existing literature by exploring the impact of unconventional monetary policy on sovereign bond bank demand and putting to test the significance of risk on banks´ asset portfolio decisions using a dynamic rather than a static setting. Our results show that banks struggling to grow, more diversified, better capitalized, or larger banks during expansion periods tend to hold relatively fewer sovereign bonds. On the contrary, past higher profitability, higher economic volatility and funding risk encourage relatively greater holdings. Though less clearly, data also suggests that banks facing weaker loan performance and regional banks with more significant need of collateral hold a higher proportion of sovereign bonds. Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing had a major disruptive effect over banks’ government bond demand. Excess reserves at the Bank of Japan became a low risk/low return alternative to government bonds, as banks with relatively higher excess reserves have relatively less government bond holdings in their assets. Going forward, only a reversion of the monetary base expansion may help government bonds regain their role of the single riskless asset for Japanese banks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Promoting School Inclusion by The Pedagogical Coordinator: Perceptions of Teachers and Educational Coordinators

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    As escolas têm de proporcionar uma educação de qualidade a todos os alunos, independentemente da sua condição física, cognitiva, cultural, étnica e religiosa. Pelas funções supervisivas que desempenha, o coordenador pedagógico pode ter um papel importante no apoio aos professores na promoção da inclusão escolar de todos os alunos na escola. Daí ter sido nossa intenção compreender as perceções de coordenadores pedagógicos e de professores do ensino fundamental sobre a ação supervisiva do coordenador pedagógico na promoção da inclusão escolar dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais. Para isso realizámos uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, concretizada por entrevistas semi-estruturadas a coordenadores pedagógicos e a professores do referido nível de ensino. Através delas foi possível verificar as limitações da ação do coordenador pedagógico na inclusão escolar devido à falta de formação e à ausência de um modelo de supervisão pedagógica para a implementação de práticas de inclusão escolar pelos professores. Palavras-chave: inclusão escolar; coordenador pedagógico;Schools have to provide a quality education to all students, regardless of their physical, cognitive, cultural, ethnic and religious condition. The pedagogical coordinator have the functions it performs, the pedagogical coordinator can play an important role in supporting teachers in the promotion of school inclusion of all students in school. It was our intention to understand the perceptions of coordinators and teachers of elementary school on the supervisive action pedagogical coordinator in promoting school inclusion of students with special needs. For this we conducted a qualitative research, accomplished by semi-structured interviews with coordinators and teachers of that grade level. Through them it was possible to verify the limitations of the pedagogical coordinator action in school inclusion due to lack of training and lack of a pedagogical supervision model for the implementation of school inclusion practices by teachers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Taming hot-spots in DHT inverted indexes

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    DHT systems are structured overlay networks capable of using P2P resources as a scalable platform for very large data storage applications. However, their efficiency expects a level of uni- formity in the association of data to index keys that is often not present in inverted indexes. Index data tends to follow non- uniform distributions, often power law distributions, creating in- tense local storage hotspots and network bottlenecks on specific hosts. Current techniques like caching cannot, alone, cope with this issue. We propose a new distributed data structure based on a decen- tralized balanced tree to balance storage data and network load more uniformly across all hosts. The approach is stackable with standard DHTs and ensures that the DHT storage subsystem re- ceives an uniform load by assigning fixed sized, or low variance, blocks

    Search optimizations in structured peer-to-peer systems

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    DHT systems are structured overlay networks capable of using P2P resources as a scalable platform for very large data storage applications. However, their efficiency expects a level of uniformity in the association of data to index keys that is often not present in inverted indexes. Index data tends to follow non-uniform distributions, often power law distributions, creating intense local storage hotspots and network bottlenecks on specific hosts. Current techniques like caching cannot, alone, cope with this issue. We propose a distributed data structure based on a decentralized balanced tree to balance storage data and network load more uniformly across hosts. The results show that the data structure is capable of balancing resources, in particular when performing multiple keyword searches

    Exploring the pedagogical supervision of curriculum department coordinators of the portuguese basic education system

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    [Resumo] A supervisão pedagógica vem adquirindo uma expressão cada vez mais consistente no quadro da regulação das práticas pedagógicas e no âmbito do desenvolvimento profissional, através de práticas de reflexão sistemática, de partilha, de cooperação e de qualificação dos indivíduos, com vista à melhoria da qualidade da educação escolar. Assumindo a supervisão pedagógica relevante importância no quadro da gestão intermédia das escolas, realizámos uma investigação sobre a acção supervisiva de coordenadores de departamentos curriculares do ensino básico. Desta investigação pudemos verificar a complexidade da supervisão levada a cabo por aqueles actores e as dificuldades com que se deparam no exercício do seu papel supervisivo, resultantes de diversos obstáculos com que se confrontaram. Deste modo, as dinâmicas criadas surgem fortemente ligadas a práticas burocráticas e administrativas.[Abstract] Pedagogical supervision is acquiring an increasingly consistent expression under the regulation of pedagogical practices and as part of their professional development through systematic reflection practices, sharing, cooperation and qualification of individuals, to improve the quality of school education. Assuming the pedagogical supervision a relevant importance in the framework of intermediate management of schools, we conducted an investigation into the supervisive action of coordinators of curriculum departments of primary education. From this research we can conclude on the complexity of the supervision carried out by those actors and the difficulties they face in exercising their supervising role, due to several faced obstacles. Thus, the created dynamics appear strongly linked to bureaucratic and administrative practices