960 research outputs found

    Anti-cancer potential of Fasciola hepatica extracts

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    Fascioliasis is a food borne disease caused by infection with a liver fluke termed Fasciola (F.) hepatica. Fascioliasis, as a neglected tropical disease, commonly affects poor people from developing countries. It has been estimated that at least 2.6 million people are infected with fascioliasis worldwide. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, two other liver flukes Opistorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis) have been recognized as definitive causes of cancer (IARC, 2012). On the other hand even long-lasting and/ or repeated F. hepatica infections have not been associated with cancer, so far. There are any known causative associations between this parasite and cholangiocarcinoma or liver cancer.N/

    Anti-cancer potential of Fasciola hepatica extracts

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    Fascioliasis is a food borne disease caused by infection with a liver fluke termed Fasciola (F.) hepatica. Fascioliasis, as a neglected tropical disease, commonly affects poor people from developing countries. It has been estimated that at least 2.6 million people are infected with fascioliasis worldwide. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, two other liver flukes Opistorchis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis) have been recognized as definitive causes of cancer (IARC, 2012). On the other hand even long-lasting and/ or repeated F. hepatica infections have not been associated with cancer, so far. There are any known causative associations between this parasite and cholangiocarcinoma or liver cancer.N/

    Pathways of estrogen metabolism underlying the association between Schistosoma haematobium and bladder cancer

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    Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant, poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasm. SCC is the common form of bladder cancer in rural Africa where S. haematobium is prevalent. In contrast, the majority of bladder cancer in developing countries and regions not endemic for urogenital schistosomiasis is transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) that arises from the transitional epithelium lining of the bladder. The parasite eggs trapped in the bladder wall release antigens and other metabolites (presumably evolved to expedite egress to the urine, and hence to the external environment). However, the phenomenon leads to haematuria and to chronic inflammation, in turn increasing risk of SCC of the bladder. In addition to the hormone- -like effects of the parasite estradiol-related molecules on the endocrine and immune system of the host, in relation to cancer initiation metabolites of estrogens can be also considered as carcinogenic chemicals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensory and physicochemical characterization of Citrus, Erica and Lavandula honeys from Castelo Branco

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    In this study samples of the monofloral honeys more common in Castelo Branco region were tested: Eucalyptus ssp., Erica spp. and Lavandula spp. Evaluation of unifloral conformity was carried out by laboratorial pollen analysis

    Expression of angiogenic and inflammation markers in murine schistosomiasis mansoni

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    Aim: to study angiogenesis in the livers of mice infected with S. mansoni.N/

    Effect of sodium and nitrogen on yield function of irrigated maize in Southern Portugal

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    Salinization and nitrate leaching are two of the leading threats to the environment of the European Mediterranean regions. Inefficient use of water and fertilizers has led to a nitrate increase in the aquifers and reduction in crop yields caused by salts. In this study, a triple emitter source irrigation system delivers water, salt (Na+), and fertilizer (N) applications to maize (Zea mays L.). The objective of the study was to evaluate the combined effect of saline water and nitrogen application on crop yields in two different textured soils of Alentejo (Portugal) and to assess if increasing salinity levels of the irrigation water can be compensated by application of nitrogen while still obtaining acceptable crop yield. Maximum yield was obtained from both soils with an application of 13 g m−2 of nitrogen. Yield response to Na+ application was different in the two studied soils and depended on the total amount of Na+ or irrigation water applied. No significant interaction was found between nitrogen and sodium, but a positive effect on maize yield was observed in the medium textured soil for amounts of Na+ less than 905 g m−2 when applied in the irrigation water

    Chitosan as an antimicrobial agent for footwear leather components

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    In the footwear industry, microorganisms’ growth can pose problems of material deterioration with associated unpleasant smell and generate possible infections in susceptible individuals. Generally, footwear presents high relative humidity conditions that enable the growth of bacteria and fungi. Additionally, leather itself and some tannery agents such as oils and greases, provide a substrate where microorganisms can grow. In the foot, microtraumas caused by ingrown nails, abrasions and lacerations can allow microbial invasion through epidermis, resulting in skin infection. In this work, the applicability of chitosan functional coatings to leather was tested, with the purpose to develop new base materials to produce footwear components. The leather treated with chitosan was then studied for its antibacterial properties against 3 different bacteria.COMPETE, QREN and EU (project QREN-ADI-1585-ADVANCEDSHOE)

    i-Farm: A exploração vitícola inteligente da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento

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    www.i-Farm.pt.Neste trabalho iremos explorar o potencial das mais recentes inovações tecnológicas disponíveis no mercado para construir a i-Farm, a exploração vitícola inteligente da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento. O projecto i-Farm foi financiado pelo Programa DEMTEC da Agência de Inovação, apesar de passível de ser aplicado em qualquer actividade agrícola, é apresentado para o caso concreto da vinha, pois a viticultura foi considerada estratégicas no âmbito do Plano Estratégico Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Rural Português (GPP, 2007), numa lógica de aumento da competitividade do sector agrícola, conforme previsto no Eixo 1 da referida estratégia. A viticultura, mais concretamente a viticultura de precisão, tem vindo a receber uma atenção crescente da comunidade científica e empresarial na medida em que é efectivamente uma actividade capital intensivo em que a realização de investimentos em tecnologias de informação e comunicação podem ser justificados numa análise custo/benefício rigorosa. É hoje possível encontrar na literatura científica e nas empresas de prestação de serviços especializados exemplos concretos da aplicação das mais recentes tecnologias de monitorização remota sem fios na vinha (Camilli et al., 2007, Morais et al., 2008, Neto et al. 2007). Neste projecto quisemos ir mais longe na utilização das tecnologias disponíveis para construir um sistema integrado de apoio à decisão numa abordagem de Business Intelligence e estudar a utilização de digital dashboards para suportar a tomada de decisão ao nível da exploraçãoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of a cable speedometer for butterfly evaluation

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    Getting fast results from the evaluation of swimmers is one of the most important goals to achieve with technological development in the field. The purpose of this study was to validate a real-time velocimetric device (speedometer) through the comparison of their results with computer assisted videogrametry. The sample included 7 international level swimmers (3 females and 4 males). Each swimmer performed four 25m trials, two at 200m race pace and two at 50m race pace. For each trial, two stroke cycles were studied, resulting on a total of 28 cycles SWIMMING EVALUATION, ADVICE AND BIOFEEDBACK Rev Port Cien Desp 6(Supl.2) 201–282 237 analysed. Hip v(t) curves obtained from speedometer and videogrametry were compared, as well as the speedometer hip curve with the one of the centre of mass (CM). The higher mean correlation obtained was between vhip1 and vhip2 (0.955±0.028), followed by vhip1 with vCM (0.920±0.049). The lower correlation was vhip2 vs. vCM (0.878±0.053). It was concluded that the speedometer is a reliable, fast and interactive tool for training advice
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