738 research outputs found

    Ecological Aspects and Conservation of Wild Grapevine Populations in the S.W. of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Populations of wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi, were discovered in S.W. of the Iberian Peninsula over the last years. Location, ecological aspects, sanitary characteristics, including the ELISA test to detect specific virus attack, are described. In vitro propagation and conservation are also considered. The paper also contains a global description of female and male individuals. This material could be used to start breeding programs of cultivated varieties and also to restore riverbank forests, which constitute one of the worst preserved ecosystems in the area

    Hydropedological Map of the Republic of Croatia

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    The project Hydropedological Map of the Republic of Croatia was implemented using the ESRI program package. It includes the Basic Hydropedological Map with the attribute database of hydropedological mapping units, pedological and hydropedological profi les and hydrological and hydropedological parameters. The cartographic attribute database of the Basic Hydropedological Map comprises hydropedological units – types of moistening by surface water and/or ground water. The soil water retention capacity of particular hydropedological units varies from 248 to 635 mm/m, water infiltration into soil ranges from 0.01 to 7.32 m/day, hydraulic conductivity for 1 m soil depth is from 0.01 to 6.84 m/day, and from 0.01 to 15.6 m/day for 2 m depth. Annual effective precipitation of 25% occurrence probability varies from 551 to 2294 mm, and that of 75% occurrence probability is between 272 and 1180 mm. Maximum one-day runoff coefficient in the conditions of different soil texture and different vegetative cover ranges from 0.24 to 0.94 (25% probability) and from 0.02 to 0.89 (75% probability). Water deficit in soils of different texture (25% occurrence probability) varies annually from 0.0 to 513 mm/m, and deficit of 75% occurrence probability varies from 30 to 857 mm/m. Water surplus in soils of different texture (25% occurrence probability) varies annually from 57 do 1686 mm/m, and surplus of 75% occurrence probability ranges from 0.0 to 606 mm/m. The Applied Hydropedological Map of the Republic of Croatia comprises priority amelioration units for agricultural land reclamation and management

    Mulching and soil tillage influence on the thermal behaviour of a Luvisol surfacel layer

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    Important energy exchanges at soil surface regulate the thermal environment within top soil layer and the boundary layer above it. By this reason, the application of mulches or the modelling of micro relief by soil tillage are common practises to modify the thermal regime of a soil. The aim of this study is to compare the effect on thermal behaviour of a Luvisol resulting of soil tillage and the application of stubble mulch and, different amounts of straw mulch. For this purpose, experiments were performed from January to May 2007 in a field sowed with winter wheat. Temperatures were measured with copper-constantan (Type T) thermocouples placed over straw and over stubble, at soil surface and at 2, 4 and 8 cm depth. Temperatures above canopy were also recorded. Daily mean temperatures and temperature amplitudes in the top soil layer covered by straw mulch were smaller than those verified either by stubble mulch or with soil tillage. Daily minimum temperatures in mobilized plots or covered by stubble mulch were smaller than those verified in plots covered by straw mulch, therefore being the former treatments more susceptible to frost than the later ones. Thermal differences between the four plots decreased significantly with wheat growth. Implications of these techniques of soil temperature control for crop growth are also discussed

    The Montado agroforestry system microclimatic specificity in the context of global change

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    The effects of oak trees on microclimatic parameters in Quercus rotundifolia Lam. woodland in the Alentejo, Southern Portugal, are reported. Results show that oak tree create a marked differentiation in the grass matrix, between open and undercanopy areas. Compared to open areas, it presents lower soil moisture beneath the oak canopy, lower soil temperatures and lower photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Soil temperatures outside trees canopy were generally higher than undercanopy areas, reaching twice its values during the winter. The decrease of soil water content is more rapid in areas outside the trees canopy action, but the replenishment starts early and is faster in those areas. PAR intercepted by tree canopy is greater than 60%, and affects dramatically herbaceous production. Different climatic conditions due to the presence of the tree, associated with greater variability in chemistry environment undercanopy, if combined with the IPCC forecasts for Mediterranean region, pose new challenges in the management of the montado areas

    Efectos de la posición fisiográfica en las propiedades hidrofísicas de los suelos de páramo de la microcuenca del Río Zhurucay

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es identificar los efectos de la posición fisiográfica sobre las propiedades hidrofísicas de los suelos de páramo de la microcuenca del río Zhurucay, está ubicada en la zona de Quimsacocha y los suelos que sobresalen son: Andosoles y Histosoles. En la zona de estudio se trazaron 3 transectos transversales y a través del muestreo dirigido se describió 45 perfiles tomando en cuenta la posición fisiográfica, además se tomaron muestras inalteradas y alteras. En campo, se determinó la conductividad hidráulica saturada a través de las pruebas de pozo y pozo invertido. En el laboratorio mediante las muestras inalteradas y alteradas se determinó los contenidos de humedad en seis puntos pF. Además, se determinó los contenidos de agua gravitacional y agua disponible. La densidad aparente se determinó mediante las muestras inalteradas. Debido a la importancia de la materia orgánica se determinó su contenido mediante el método de ignición. Mediante pruebas no paramétricas se comparó la profundidad de los suelos y las propiedades hidrofísicas de los horizontes superficiales de las 6 posiciones fisiográficas identificadas. Los resultados demostraron que la posición fisiográfica afecta significativamente la profundidad de los suelos encontrando en fondo de valle suelos más profundos. En los horizontes superficiales, la mayoría de propiedades hidrofísicas y el contenido de materia orgánica también mostraron ser afectadas significativamente por la posición fisiográfica encontrando diferencias muy marcadas entre los horizontes de fondo de valle con los de ladera media, ladera alta y cumbre. Finalmente se estudió las relaciones existentes entre las propiedades hidrofísicas como también con la materia orgánicaThe aim of this investigation is identify the effects of the physiographic position on the hydrophysical properties of the soil moorland of the watershed of the Zhurucay river, it is located in the area of Quimsacocha and soils that jut are Andosols and Histosols. In the upper part of the watershed of the Zhurucay were delineated 3 transects and were described 45 profiles taking into account the physiographic position. Furthermore in each location were took disturbed and undisturbed samples. A property that was analyzed on field was the saturated hydraulic conductivity across of the auger hole method and inversed auger hole. In laboratory by means of the disturbed and undisturbed samples were determined the moisture contents in 6 points pF. Furthermore, by means of the moisture contents were determined the gravitational water contents and available water. Bulk density was determined with undisturbed samples. Due to the importance of organic matter of the soils was determined the content of organic matter with ignition method By means of the no parametric tests were compared the depth of the soils and hydrophysical properties of the surface horizons of 6 physiographic positions that were identified. The results showed that the physiographic position affect significantly in the depth of the soils where the valley bottom there are of great depth soils. Also in the surface horizons, majority of hydrophysical properties and organic matter contents showed to be affected by physiographic positions where the surface horizons of valley bottom showed differences with middle slope, upper slope and summit. Finally, the relations between hydrophysical properties as also with organic matter were studied.Ingeniero AgrónomoCuenc

    Анализ на ефекта от калиево торене върху добива и износа на общ N, K2O и P2O5 от доматени растения

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    The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a crop that is characterized by considerable nutrient export because of its intensive growth, development, fruiting, and high biomass production. The purpose of this study is to determine how single-dose and split potassium fertilization impact the overall amount of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus exported from soils during crop harvest. A field experiment was carried out on Fluvosol (FAO, ISRIC World Soils) with K2O content of 20.3 mg/100g, P2O5 content of 5.8 mg/100g, and mineral N of 19.6 mg/kg. It was found that the biological yield and N, P2О5 and K2O nutrient export are significantly influenced by planting time and potassium fertilization treatments. Higher tomato fruit and biomass yields (61878.9 and 27184.9 kg/ha), along with higher nutrient export rates were observed in mid-early tomato plants. The highest yield and total N, K2O and P2O5 export from the soil was measured at split potassium (К80+80+80) fertilization treatment. A positive linear correlation between yield quantity and nutrient export was observed. The biological yield and nutrient export were shown to be significantly impacted by potassium fertilization (P<0.05).Доматът (Solanum lycopersicum) е култура, която се характеризира със значителен износ на хранителни вещества, заради интензивния си растеж, развитие, плододаване и високо производство на биомаса. Целта на настоящата работа е да се определи влиянието на калиево торене – еднократно и дробно върху износа на общ азот, калий и фосфор от почвите с прибиране на реколтата. Изведен е полски експеримент върху алувиалноливадна почва – Fluvosol (FAO, ISRIC World Soils), със съдържание на K2O - 20.3 mg/100g, на P2O5 – 5.8 mg/100g и на минерален N - 19.6 mg/kg. Установено е, че биологичният добив и износът на хранителни вещества са значително повлияни от времето на засаждане и начина на внасяне на калиевата норма. По-висок добив на доматени плодове и биомаса (61878.9 и 27184.9 kg/ha), заедно с по-високи нива на износ на хранителни елементи се наблюдават при средно-ранните домати. Износът на хранителни вещества следва положителна линейна връзка с увеличаването на добива. Найвисок добив и съответно най-висок общ N, K2O и P2O5 са изнесени при трикратно калиево торене (К80+80+80). Установена е значителна корелационна зависимост между начина на внасяне на калиевата норма и износа на хранителни вещества с биологичния добив (P<0.05)

    Current status of las tablas de daimiel national park wetland and actions required for conservation

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    Wetlands are complex ecosystems that play multiple roles. ‘Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park’ (TDNP) undoubtedly plays a role in several ecosystem services and provides a connection between nature, farmers, scientists, residents, and other stakeholders. The state of degradation and/or vulnerability of this ecosystem (with a series of socio-economic implications) have led the publication of numerous articles. The work reported here provides a description of the growing importance of this wetland within the rural landscapes of La Mancha and emphasizes its state of degradation, mainly since pedological point of view. In this way, particular attention is required to assure the conservation of the Tablas of Daimiel Wetland; thus, several measures are proposed to improve the conservation of this area as to control and prohibit any dumping of any type of waste in the park or in its vicinityThis Research was funded by Organismo Autonomo Parques Nacionales (Autonomous Organism National Parks) of Spain (OAPN

    Comparison of indices for the prediction of nitrogen mineralization after destruction of managed grassland

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    Intensively managed grasslands are occasionally chemically killed with herbicide and ploughed in order to grow an arable crop. After this management, large N mineralization rates with large losses to the environment are commonly observed. However, it remains to be determined to what extent the chemical killing contribute to increased N mineralization. In this study the potential nitrogen (N) mineralization from grasslands, that were killed with herbicides but otherwise undisturbed, was investigated in a laboratory experiment with undisturbed soil columns. Subsequently we assessed the predictive value of several laboratory indices for N mineralization after chemically killing of the grass. Mineralization rates varied from 0.5 to 3.0 g N m-2 wk-1. The contents of total N, total C, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and hot-KCl extractable NH4 + were best related to N mineralization rates (R2=50, 48, 38 and 47%, respectively). In combination with information on the N content of the roots and stubble and the age of grassland at destruction, up to 62% of the variation in N mineralization rates could be explained. Although previous studies suggested that dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) is a good indicator for mineralization rates, this was not the case after chemically killing grass in the current study

    Influencia del efecto de la humedad del suelo en la emisividad del infrarrojo térmico

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    La influencia del efecto de la humedad del suelo en la emisividad del infrarrojo térmico es un hecho conocido pero poco estudiado en el pasado. Se ha diseñado un experimento para calcular la dependencia de la emisividad respecto a la humedad del suelo. Han sido seleccionadas seis muestras de horizontes superficiales de diferentes tipos de suelos mediterráneos. Su emisividad se ha medido con diferentes contenidos de agua de suelo, utilizando la variante de dos tapas del método de caja, mientras que el método gravimétrico ha sido seleccionado para obtener la humedad del suelo. Como resultado de esto, el estudio muestra que la emisividad aumenta significativamente cuando el contenido de agua se vuelve más alto, especialmente en suelos arenosos en el rango 8.2-9.2 μm. Se han deducido una serie de ecuaciones para obtener la emisividad de la humedad del suelo a distintas bandas espectrales para los tipos de suelo [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]