2,035 research outputs found

    Pleasure And Danger: Situating Debates And Linkages Between Gender And Sexuality

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)The present article contextualizes and presents some reflections submitted to “Pleasure and Danger: 30 Years of Debate”, a round table organized during the “Rethinking Gender and Feminisms” International Seminar, which took place in September 2014 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Nucleus for Gender Studies Pagu at Unicamp. It attempts to describe, in broad sweeps, the main lines of gender and sexuality studies in Brazil, focusing on how links between gender and sexuality intertwine in socioanthropological research, indicating specific traits that characterize the studies carried out by the Nucleus along these lines and, finally, connecting these to reflections made by other authors invited for the event. This contextualization is undertaken through research into the recent development of the field of studies on women, sexuality, gender and/or feminisms in Brazil. It draws its quantitative data from a survey about research groups in the country, situated according to their bibliographic production and interviews with professors and researchers from different generations who have played significant roles in the construction and development of this field of studies. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.201647#309474/2014-0, CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico#402556/2010-0, CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Experimental study of vapor-cell magneto-optical traps for efficient trapping of radioactive atoms

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    We have studied magneto-optical traps (MOTs) for efficient on-line trapping of radioactive atoms. After discussing a model of the trapping process in a vapor cell and its efficiency, we present the results of detailed experimental studies on Rb MOTs. Three spherical cells of different sizes were used. These cells can be easily replaced, while keeping the rest of the apparatus unchanged: atomic sources, vacuum conditions, magnetic field gradients, sizes and power of the laser beams, detection system. By direct comparison, we find that the trapping efficiency only weakly depends on the MOT cell size. It is also found that the trapping efficiency of the MOT with the smallest cell, whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the trapping beams, is about 40% smaller than the efficiency of larger cells. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the importance of two factors: a long coated tube at the entrance of the MOT cell, used instead of a diaphragm; and the passivation with an alkali vapor of the coating on the cell walls, in order to minimize the losses of trappable atoms. These results guided us in the construction of an efficient large-diameter cell, which has been successfully employed for on-line trapping of Fr isotopes at INFN's national laboratories in Legnaro, Italy.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    CN rings in full protoplanetary disks around young stars as probes of disk structure

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    Bright ring-like structure emission of the CN molecule has been observed in protoplanetary disks. We investigate whether such structures are due to the morphology of the disk itself or if they are instead an intrinsic feature of CN emission. With the intention of using CN as a diagnostic, we also address to which physical and chemical parameters CN is most sensitive. A set of disk models were run for different stellar spectra, masses, and physical structures via the 2D thermochemical code DALI. An updated chemical network that accounts for the most relevant CN reactions was adopted. Ring-shaped emission is found to be a common feature of all adopted models; the highest abundance is found in the upper outer regions of the disk, and the column density peaks at 30-100 AU for T Tauri stars with standard accretion rates. Higher mass disks generally show brighter CN. Higher UV fields, such as those appropriate for T Tauri stars with high accretion rates or for Herbig Ae stars or for higher disk flaring, generally result in brighter and larger rings. These trends are due to the main formation paths of CN, which all start with vibrationally excited H2* molecules, that are produced through far ultraviolet (FUV) pumping of H2. The model results compare well with observed disk-integrated CN fluxes and the observed location of the CN ring for the TW Hya disk. CN rings are produced naturally in protoplanetary disks and do not require a specific underlying disk structure such as a dust cavity or gap. The strong link between FUV flux and CN emission can provide critical information regarding the vertical structure of the disk and the distribution of dust grains which affects the UV penetration, and could help to break some degeneracies in the SED fitting. In contrast with C2H or c-C3H2, the CN flux is not very sensitive to carbon and oxygen depletion.Comment: New version of paper, correcting too high H2 excitation rates and consequently too high CN column densities. Qualitative conclusions of the paper remain unchanged. Quantitatively, the CN column densities are an order of magnitude lower whereas fluxes decrease by a factor of 3-4. Rings are larger by up to a factor of 2. 13 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Urban Metabolism of Lima: Perspectives and Policy Indications for GHG Emission Reductions

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    The urban metabolism of Metropolitan Lima, the largest urban agglomeration in Peru, which has recently surpassed 10 million inhabitants, was analyzed in this study. This coastal megacity, located within the Rimac, Chillón, and Lurin watersheds constitutes the socioeconomic center of the country and is the hub of the main import and export routes. A multi-layer approach was used to explore material and energy flows in the Peruvian capital for a 10-year timeframe. Results show that in 2006 the GDP of the 49 districts that shape the metropolitan area of Lima was 105.2 billion USD-PPP, while in 2014 it reached about 200 billion USD-PPP. Based on this growth, we highlight that energy, electricity and water flows experienced a linear increase with respect to GDP, being the electricity consumption in years 2006, 2011 and 2014, 7295, 10,112, and 11,465 GWh, respectively. Regarding demographics, population growth ratios of GDP (650%), electricity consumption (400%), solid waste production (250%), and water (100%) confirm the results of super linear scaling found by Kennedy et al. (2015) for the other megacities. Finally, the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was computed following an important shift in the primary energy sources to produce electricity. The most important change was linked to the shift from hydropower to natural gas, a trend that initiated in 2006. For instance, in 2001 79% of the total electricity production came from hydropower, whereas in 2014 69% was linked to natural gas. This shift produced an increase of GHG emissions of more than 200% in 2014 when compared to the electricity generation mix of 2001. Following these results, we strongly encourage policies for the decarbonization of the electricity production sector, as well as for mobility infrastructures, e.g., electric public and transport sector, with a progressive shift toward electric mobility

    Exploring the dimming event of RW Aur A through multi-epoch VLT/X-Shooter spectroscopy

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    RW Aur A is a CTTS that has suddenly undergone three major dimming events since 2010. We aim to understand the dimming properties, examine accretion variability, and derive the physical properties of the inner disc traced by the CO ro-vibrational emission at NIR wavelengths (2.3 mic). We compared two epochs of X-Shooter observations, during and after the dimming. We modelled the rarely detected CO bandhead emission in both epochs to examine whether the inner disc properties had changed. The SED was used to derive the extinction properties of the dimmed spectrum and compare the infrared excess between the two epochs. Lines tracing accretion were used to derive the mass accretion rate in both states. The CO originates from a region with physical properties of T=3000 K, NCO_{CO}=1x1021^{21} cm2^{-2} and vsini=113 km/s. The extinction properties of the dimming layer were derived with the effective optical depth ranging from teff 2.5-1.5 from the UV to the NIR. The inferred mass accretion rate Macc is 1.5x1081.5x 10^{-8} Msun/yr and 2x108\sim 2x 10^{-8} Msun/yr after and during the dimming respectively. By fitting the SED, additional emission is observed in the IR during the dimming event from dust grains with temperatures of 500-700K. The physical conditions traced by the CO are similar for both epochs, indicating that the inner gaseous disc properties do not change during the dimming events. The extinction curve is flatter than that of the ISM, and large grains of a few hundred microns are thus required. When we correct for the observed extinction, Macc is constant in the two epochs, suggesting that the accretion is stable and therefore does not cause the dimming. The additional hot emission in the NIR is located at about 0.5 au from the star. The dimming events could be due to a dust-laden wind, a severe puffing-up of the inner rim, or a perturbation caused by the recent star-disc encounter.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic


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    Abstract. The castle of Pescopagano, a small village located on the border between Basilicata and Campania, is a complex of great historical and landscape value, for the inseparable combination that binds its stones to the rock where it stands. Founded perhaps in the Byzantine times, but certainly renovated and built in its current forms between the 11th and 12th century, the castle had considerable military importance under Frederick II of Swabia. Seriously damaged by the earthquake of 1694, the fortress underwent a partial reconstruction, but ended up suffering further collapses caused by the Irpinia earthquake of 1980, such as to motivate the first interventions of securing and, above all, the application of the listing process. Today the castle is still largely in ruins and is only partially accessible thanks to a limited intervention on the paths. The present research aims at deepening the knowledge of the state of conservation, the damage mechanisms and the previous restoration interventions of the castle, in order to define possible strategies for its restoration and enhancement. The analysis work uses the most advanced laser scanning and drone detection systems, in order to document, as accurately as possible, the complex patrimonial system of the castle. Thanks to the combined use of these techniques, the objective is also to define methods that can be replicated in other contexts where the relationship between geomorphology and construction is so relevant that it jeopardizes the use of any other traditional survey system

    Does exist a correlation between endometriosis and thrombophilic disorders? A pilot study

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    OBJECTIVE: At present, there is growing evidence of the existence of a genetic predisposition in both thrombophilic disorders and endometriosis. The aim of our study was to evaluate for the first time the prevalence of some thrombophilic disorders in patients with endometriosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study on 138 patients with endometriosis and 278 healthy control women. All women were subjected to a blood examination testing for thrombophilic screening and the variables examinated were: hyperhomocysteinemia, factor V Leiden and factor II prothrombin G20210A mutations in heterozygosis and homozigosis. RESULTS: A significant reduced prevalence (p < 0.05) of factor V Leiden mutation in endometriosis patients was found, whereas no significant differences (p = NS) for factor II and hyperhomocysteinemia were observed. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary data do not show any association between thrombophilic condition and endometriosis. Before assuming hormonal therapies, a thrombophilic plasmatic screening seems to be unnecessary in patients affected by endometriosis