152 research outputs found

    ChatGPT Outperforms Crowd-Workers for Text-Annotation Tasks

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    Many NLP applications require manual data annotations for a variety of tasks, notably to train classifiers or evaluate the performance of unsupervised models. Depending on the size and degree of complexity, the tasks may be conducted by crowd-workers on platforms such as MTurk as well as trained annotators, such as research assistants. Using a sample of 2,382 tweets, we demonstrate that ChatGPT outperforms crowd-workers for several annotation tasks, including relevance, stance, topics, and frames detection. Specifically, the zero-shot accuracy of ChatGPT exceeds that of crowd-workers for four out of five tasks, while ChatGPT's intercoder agreement exceeds that of both crowd-workers and trained annotators for all tasks. Moreover, the per-annotation cost of ChatGPT is less than $0.003 -- about twenty times cheaper than MTurk. These results show the potential of large language models to drastically increase the efficiency of text classification

    ChatGPT outperforms crowd workers for text-annotation tasks

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    Many NLP applications require manual text annotations for a variety of tasks, notably to train classifiers or evaluate the performance of unsupervised models. Depending on the size and degree of complexity, the tasks may be conducted by crowd workers on platforms such as MTurk as well as trained annotators, such as research assistants. Using four samples of tweets and news articles (n = 6,183), we show that ChatGPT outperforms crowd workers for several annotation tasks, including relevance, stance, topics, and frame detection. Across the four datasets, the zero-shot accuracy of ChatGPT exceeds that of crowd workers by about 25 percentage points on average, while ChatGPT’s intercoder agreement exceeds that of both crowd workers and trained annotators for all tasks. Moreover, the per-annotation cost of ChatGPT is less than $0.003—about thirty times cheaper than MTurk. These results demonstrate the potential of large language models to drastically increase the efficiency of text classification

    Modelling and long-time behaviour for phase transitions with entropy balance and thermal memory conductivity

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    This paper deals with a thermomechanical model describing phase transitions with thermal memory in terms of balance and equilibrium equations for entropy and microforces, respectively. After a presentation and discussion of the model, the large time behaviour of the solutions to the related integro-differential system of PDE\u27s is investigated

    Issue Ownership and Agenda Setting in the 2019 Swiss National Elections

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    The 2019 Swiss national elections were characterized by the unusual prominence of two issues, environment and gender, whereas two staples of Swiss politics, immigration and Europe, were less dominant compared to previous elections. We study how, in this context, the media and party agenda were linked to issue ownership. Specifically, we consider whether political parties that own an issue could lead the media agenda and the agenda of other parties. Our analysis relies on all tweets and press releases of major Swiss political parties from January to October 2019 and 37,225 newspaper articles published during the same period. Results show, first, that the agenda-setting capacity of parties was restricted to the gender issue, and second, that the link between issue ownership and agenda setting is ambiguous. These findings suggest that during election campaigns, agenda setting may be largely exogenous to both parties and media

    Existence and boundedness of solutions for a singular phase field system

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    This paper is devoted to the mathematical analysis of a thermomechanical model describing phase transitions in terms of the entropy and order structure balance law. We consider a macroscopic description of the phenomenon and make a presentation of the model. Then, the initial and boundary value problem is addressed for the related PDE system, which contains some nonlinear and singular terms with respect to the temperature variable. Existence of the solution is shown along with the boundedness of both phase variable χ\chi and absolute temperature Ξ\theta. Finally, uniqueness is proved in the framework of a source term depending Lipschitz continuously on Ξ\theta

    Social media and policy responses to the COVID‐19 pandemic in Switzerland

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    We study the role of social media in debates regarding two policy responses to COVID-19 in Switzerland: face-mask rules and contact-tracing apps. We use a dictionary classifier to categorize 612'177 tweets by parties, politicians, and the public as well as 441'458 articles published in 76 newspapers between February and August 2020. We distinguish between “problem” (COVID-19) and “solutions” (face masks and contact-tracing apps) and, using a vector autoregression approach, we analyze the relationship between their salience on social and traditional media, as well as among different groups on social media. We find that overall attention to COVID-19 was not driven by endogenous dynamics between the different actors. By contrast, the debate on face masks was led by the attentive public and by politicians, whereas parties and newspapers followed. The results illustrate how social media challenge the capacity of party and media elites to craft a consensus regarding the appropriateness of different measures as responses to a major crisis. Wir analysieren die Funktion sozialer Medien in Debatten ĂŒber zwei politische Strategien zur EindĂ€mmung von COVID-19 in der Schweiz: das Maskenpflicht und die Kontaktverfolgungs-App. Wir verwenden einen stichwortbasierten Klassifikationsalgorithmus, um 612177 Tweets von Parteien, Politiker:innen und der Öffentlichkeit sowie 441458 Artikel aus 76 Zeitungen zu kategorisieren, die von Februar bis August 2020 veröffentlicht wurden. Wir unterscheiden zwischen „Problem’“ (COVID-19) und „Lösungen“ (Maskenpflicht und Kontaktverfolgungs-App). Mittels eines Vektor-Autoregressions-Modelles analysieren wir die Wechselbeziehung zwischen der PrĂ€valenz dieser Themen in sozialen und traditionellen Medien sowie zwischen verschiedenen Gruppen in den sozialen Medien. Wir zeigen, dass der Fokus auf COVID-19 nicht von endogenen Dynamiken zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren angetrieben wurde. Vielmehr wurde die Debatte ĂŒber Gesichtsmasken von der interessierten Öffentlichkeit und von Politiker:innen angefĂŒhrt. Die Ergebnisse veranschaulichen, wie soziale Medien die FĂ€higkeit von Partei- und Medieneliten herausfordern, einen Konsens ĂŒber die Angemessenheit verschiedener Massnahmen als Reaktion auf eine Krise zu schaffen

    The surge in women's representation in the 2019 Swiss federal elections

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    In the 2019 Swiss federal elections, women's representation increased more than at any time before, reaching an all-time high at 42%. In this article, we offer several explanations for this. First, in almost all parties, the percentage of female candidates was significantly larger than in the previous elections. Second, on average female candidates held better positions on party lists, both compared to men and to the previous election. Third, in 2019 (but not in 2015) women were about one percentage-point more likely to be elected than men, controlling for many relevant factors. Fourth, about one third of the surge was linked to the fact that parties that won seats in 2019 (the Greens, especially) had more women on their lists compared to the parties that lost seats. Fifth, in 2019 voters (women in particular) perceived female candidates as more fit for a political office compared to 2015

    Does exposure to gender role models increase women’s political ambition? A field experiment with politicians

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    There is a persistent gender gap in motivations to run for political office. While exposure to role models is widely believed to increase women’s political ambition, there is little field experimental evidence on whether exposure to female politicians in realistic settings can increase political ambition. We conducted a field experiment in which a sample of 612 female students was randomly assigned to receive emails inviting them to an event that included career workshops with female politicians, or no email. The treatment increased interest in the ongoing national election campaign, but, against expectations, did not have any positive effect on political ambition. Our results suggest that female politicians who discuss their experience bluntly, instead of following a motivational script, may fail to motivate other women to pursue a political career. These results highlight the need for more research into the type of events and messages that bring more women into politics

    Global solution to a singular integrodifferential system related to the entropy balance

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    This paper is devoted to the mathematical analysis of a thermomechanical model describing phase transitions with thermal memory in terms of an entropy equation and a momentum balance for the microforces. The initial and boundary value problem is addressed for the related integro-differential system of PDE\u27s. Existence and uniqueness, continuous dependence on the data, and regularity results are proved for the global solution, in a finite time interval
