377 research outputs found

    The contribution of cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific paper—The role of Semantic Link Network

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    The Semantic Link Network is a general semantic model for modeling the structure and the evolution of complex systems. Various semantic links play different roles in rendering the semantics of complex system. One of the basic semantic links represents cause-effect relation, which plays an important role in representation and understanding. This paper verifies the role of the Semantic Link Network in representing the core of text by investigating the contribution of cause-effect link to representing the core of scientific papers. Research carries out with the following steps: (1) Two propositions on the contribution of cause-effect link in rendering the core of paper are proposed and verified through a statistical survey, which shows that the sentences on cause-effect links cover about 65% of key words within each paper on average. (2) An algorithm based on syntactic patterns is designed for automatically extracting cause-effect link from scientific papers, which recalls about 70% of manually annotated cause-effect links on average, indicating that the result adapts to the scale of data sets. (3) The effects of cause-effect link on four schemes of incorporating cause-effect link into the existing instances of the Semantic Link Network for enhancing the summarization of scientific papers are investigated. The experiments show that the quality of the summaries is significantly improved, which verifies the role of semantic links. The significance of this research lies in two aspects: (1) it verifies that the Semantic Link Network connects the important concepts to render the core of text; and, (2) it provides an evidence for realizing content services such as summarization, recommendation and question answering based on the Semantic Link Network, and it can inspire relevant research on content computing

    A Semantic Grid Oriented to E-Tourism

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    With increasing complexity of tourism business models and tasks, there is a clear need of the next generation e-Tourism infrastructure to support flexible automation, integration, computation, storage, and collaboration. Currently several enabling technologies such as semantic Web, Web service, agent and grid computing have been applied in the different e-Tourism applications, however there is no a unified framework to be able to integrate all of them. So this paper presents a promising e-Tourism framework based on emerging semantic grid, in which a number of key design issues are discussed including architecture, ontologies structure, semantic reconciliation, service and resource discovery, role based authorization and intelligent agent. The paper finally provides the implementation of the framework.Comment: 12 PAGES, 7 Figure

    Spatial organization of RYRs and BK channels underlying the activation of STOCs by Ca2+ sparks in airway myocytes

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    Short-lived, localized Ca2+ events mediate Ca2+ signaling with high efficiency and great fidelity largely as a result of the close proximity between Ca2+-permeable ion channels and their molecular targets. However, in most cases, direct evidence of the spatial relationship between these two types of molecules is lacking, and, thus, mechanistic understanding of local Ca2+ signaling is incomplete. In this study, we use an integrated approach to tackling this issue on a prototypical local Ca2+ signaling system composed of Ca2+ sparks resulting from the opening of ryanodine receptors (RYRs) and spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs) caused by the opening of Ca2+-activated K+ (BK) channels in airway smooth muscle. Biophysical analyses of STOCs and Ca2+ sparks acquired at 333 Hz demonstrate that these two events are associated closely in time, and approximately eight RYRs open to give rise to a Ca2+ spark, which activates ∼15 BK channels to generate a STOC at 0 mV. Dual immunocytochemistry and 3-D deconvolution at high spatial resolution reveal that both RYRs and BK channels form clusters and RYR1 and RYR2 (but not RYR3) localize near the membrane. Using the spatial relationship between RYRs and BK channels, the spatial-temporal profile of [Ca2+] resulting from Ca2+ sparks, and the kinetic model of BK channels, we estimate that an average Ca2+ spark caused by the opening of a cluster of RYR1 or RYR2 acts on BK channels from two to three clusters that are randomly distributed within an ∼600-nm radius of RYRs. With this spatial organization of RYRs and BK channels, we are able to model BK channel currents with the same salient features as those observed in STOCs across a range of physiological membrane potentials. Thus, this study provides a mechanistic understanding of the activation of STOCs by Ca2+ sparks using explicit knowledge of the spatial relationship between RYRs (the Ca2+ source) and BK channels (the Ca2+ target)

    The fibrinolytic system facilitates tumor cell migration across the blood-brain barrier in experimental melanoma brain metastasis

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with metastatic tumors to the brain have a very poor prognosis. Increased metastatic potential has been associated with the fibrinolytic system. We investigated the role of the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin in tumor cell migration across brain endothelial cells and growth of brain metastases in an experimental metastatic melanoma model. METHODS: Metastatic tumors to the brain were established by direct injection into the striatum or by intracarotid injection of B16F10 mouse melanoma cells in C57Bl mice. The role of plasminogen in the ability of human melanoma cells to cross a human blood-brain barrier model was studied on a transwell system. RESULTS: Wild type mice treated with the plasmin inhibitor epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) and plg(-/- )mice developed smaller tumors and survived longer than untreated wild type mice. Tumors metastasized to the brain of wild type mice treated with EACA and plg(-/- )less efficiently than in untreated wild type mice. No difference was observed in the tumor growth in any of the three groups of mice. Human melanoma cells were able to cross the human blood-brain barrier model in a plasmin dependent manner. CONCLUSION: Plasmin facilitates the development of tumor metastasis to the brain. Inhibition of the fibrinolytic system could be considered as means to prevent tumor metastasis to the brain

    Prospects for gravitational-wave observations of neutron-star tidal disruption in neutron-star/black-hole binaries

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    For an inspiraling neutron-star/black-hole binary (NS/BH), we estimate the gravity-wave frequency f_td at the onset of NS tidal disruption. We model the NS as a tidally distorted, homogeneous, Newtonian ellipsoid on a circular, equatorial geodesic around a Kerr BH. We find that f_td depends strongly on the NS radius R, and estimate that LIGO-II (ca. 2006-2008) might measure R to 15% precision at 140 Mpc (about 1 event/yr under current estimates). This suggests that LIGO-II might extract valuable information about the NS equation of state from tidal-disruption waves.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 2 EPS figures. Revised slightly, corrected typo

    Binary Neutron-Star Systems: From the Newtonian Regime to the Last Stable Orbit

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    We report on the first calculations of fully relativistic binary circular orbits to span a range of separation distances from the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO), deeply inside the strong field regime, to a distance (\sim 200 km) where the system is accurately described by Newtonian dynamics. We consider a binary system composed of two identical corotating neutron stars, with 1.43 MM_\odot gravitational mass each in isolation. Using a conformally flat spatial metric we find solutions to the initial value equations that correspond to semi-stable circular orbits. At large distance, our numerical results agree exceedingly well with the Newtonian limit. We also present a self consistent determination of the ISCO for different stellar masses.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures. Data points added to fig 2; some issues clarified; references adde

    In-situ STEM imaging of growth and phase change of individual CuAlX precipitates in Al alloy

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    Age-hardening in Al alloys has been used for over a century to improve its mechanical properties. However, the lack of direct observation limits our understanding of the dynamic nature of the evolution of nanoprecipitates during age-hardening. Using in-situ (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) while heating an Al-Cu alloy, we were able to follow the growth of individual nanoprecipitates at atomic scale. The heat treatments carried out at 140, 160, 180 and 200 degrees C reveal a temperature dependence on the kinetics of precipitation and three kinds of interactions of nano-precipitates. These are precipitate-matrix, precipitate-dislocation, and precipitate-precipitate interactions. The diffusion of Cu and Al during these interactions, results in diffusion-controlled individual precipitate growth, an accelerated growth when interactions with dislocations occur and a size dependent precipitateprecipitate interaction: growth and shrinkage. Precipitates can grow and shrink at opposite ends at the same time resulting in an effective displacement. Furthermore, the evolution of the crystal structure within an individual nanoprecipiate, specifically the mechanism of formation of the strengthening phase,theta', during heat-treatment is elucidated by following the same precipitate through its intermediate stages for the first time using in-situ S/TEM studies

    Truncated post-Newtonian neutron star model

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    As a preliminary step towards simulating binary neutron star coalescing problem, we test a post-Newtonian approach by constructing a single neutron star model. We expand the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkov equation of hydrostatic equilibrium by the power of c2c^{-2}, where cc is the speed of light, and truncate at the various order. We solve the system using the polytropic equation of state with index Γ=5/3,2\Gamma=5/3, 2 and 3, and show how this approximation converges together with mass-radius relations. Next, we solve the Hamiltonian constraint equation with these density profiles as trial functions, and examine the differences in the final metric. We conclude the second `post-Newtonian' approximation is close enough to describe general relativistic single star. The result of this report will be useful for further binary studies. (Note to readers) This paper was accepted for publication in Physical Review D. [access code dsj637]. However, since I was strongly suggested that the contents of this paper should be included as a section in our group's future paper, I gave up the publication.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX, 3 eps figs, epsf.sty, accepted for publication in PRD (Brief Report), but will not appea

    Gravitational radiation from corotating binary neutron stars of incompressible fluid in the first post-Newtonian approximation of general relativity

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    We analytically study gravitational radiation from corotating binary neutron stars composed of incompressible, homogeneous fluid in circular orbits. The energy and the angular momentum loss rates are derived up to the first post-Newtonian (1PN) order beyond the quadrupole approximation including effects of the finite size of each star of binary. It is found that the leading term of finite size effects in the 1PN order is only O(GM/c2a)O(GM_{\ast}/c^2 a_{\ast}) smaller than that in the Newtonian order, where GM/c2aGM_{\ast}/c^2 a_{\ast} means the ratio of the gravitational radius to the mean radius of each star of binary, and the 1PN term acts to decrease the Newtonian finite size effect in gravitational radiation.Comment: 26 pages, revtex, 9 figures(eps), accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Radiation from the Coalescence of Binary Neutron Stars: Effects Due to the Equation of State, Spin, and Mass Ratio

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    We calculate the gravitational radiation produced by the coalescence of inspiraling binary neutron stars in the Newtonian regime using 3-dimensional numerical simulations. The stars are modeled as polytropes and start out in the point-mass regime at wide separation. The hydrodynamic integration is performed using smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) with Newtonian gravity, and the gravitational radiation is calculated using the quadrupole approximation. We have run a number of simulations varying the neutron star radii, equations of state, spins, and mass ratio. The resulting gravitational waveforms and spectra are rich in information about the hydrodynamics of coalescence, and show characteristic dependence on GM/Rc^2, the equation of state, and the mass ratio.Comment: 39 pages, uses Latex 2.09. To be published in the Dec. 15, 1996 issue of Physical Review D. 16 Figures (bitmapped). Originals available in compressed Postscript format at ftp://zonker.drexel.edu/papers/PAPER2