111 research outputs found

    TRPM2-mediated rise in mitochondrial Zn2+ promotes palmitate-induced mitochondrial fission and pancreatic ÎČ-cell death in rodents

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    Rise in plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) represents a major risk factor for obesity-induced type 2 diabetes. Saturated FFAs cause a progressive decline in insulin secretion by promoting pancreatic ÎČ-cell death through increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recent studies have demonstrated that palmitate (a C16-FFA)-induced rise in ROS causes ÎČ-cell death by triggering mitochondrial fragmentation, but the underlying mechanisms are unclear. Using the INS1-832/13 ÎČ-cell line, here we demonstrate that palmitate generates the ROS required for mitochondrial fission by activating NOX (NADPH oxidase)-2. More importantly, we show that chemical inhibition, RNAi-mediated silencing and knockout of ROS-sensitive TRPM (transient receptor potential melastatin)-2 channels prevent palmitate-induced mitochondrial fission. Although TRPM2 activation affects the intracellular dynamics of Ca2+ and Zn2+, chelation of Zn2+ alone was sufficient to prevent mitochondrial fission. Consistent with the role of Zn2+, palmitate caused a rise in mitochondrial Zn2+, leading to Zn2+-dependent mitochondrial recruitment of Drp-1 (a protein that catalyses mitochondrial fission) and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. In agreement with the previous reports, Ca2+ caused Drp-1 recruitment, but it failed to induce mitochondrial fission in the absence of Zn2+. These results indicate a novel role for Zn2+ in mitochondrial dynamics. Inhibition or knockout of TRPM2 channels in mouse islets and RNAi-mediated silencing of TRPM2 expression in human islets prevented FFA/cytokine-induced ÎČ-cell death, findings that are consistent with the role of abnormal mitochondrial fission in cell death. To conclude, our results reveal a novel, potentially druggable signalling pathway for FFA-induced ÎČ-cell death. The cascade involves NOX-2-dependent production of ROS, activation of TRPM2 channels, rise in mitochondrial Zn2+, Drp-1 recruitment and abnormal mitochondrial fission

    Intraperitoneal but Not Intravenous Cryopreserved Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Home to the Inflamed Colon and Ameliorate Experimental Colitis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were shown to have immunomodulatory activity and have been applied for treating immune-mediated disorders. We compared the homing and therapeutic action of cryopreserved subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT-MSCs) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) in rats with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis. METHODS: After colonoscopic detection of inflammation AT-MSCs or BM-MSCs were injected intraperitoneally. Colonoscopic and histologic scores were obtained. Density of collagen fibres and apoptotic rates were evaluated. Cytokine levels were measured in supernatants of colon explants. For cell migration studies MSCs and skin fibroblasts were labelled with Tc-99m or CM-DiI and injected intraperitonealy or intravenously. RESULTS: Intraperitoneal injection of AT-MSCs or BM-MSCs reduced the endoscopic and histopathologic severity of colitis, the collagen deposition, and the epithelial apoptosis. Levels of TNF-α and interleukin-1ÎČ decreased, while VEGF and TGF-ÎČ did not change following cell-therapy. Scintigraphy showed that MSCs migrated towards the inflamed colon and the uptake increased from 0.5 to 24 h. Tc-99m-MSCs injected intravenously distributed into various organs, but not the colon. Cm-DiI-positive MSCs were detected throughout the colon wall 72 h after inoculation, predominantly in the submucosa and muscular layer of inflamed areas. CONCLUSIONS: Intraperitoneally injected cryopreserved MSCs home to and engraft into the inflamed colon and ameliorate TNBS-colitis

    The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response in Neuroprogressive Diseases: Emerging Pathophysiological Role and Translational Implications

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the main cellular organelle involved in protein synthesis, assembly and secretion. Accumulating evidence shows that across several neurodegenerative and neuroprogressive diseases, ER stress ensues, which is accompanied by over-activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Although the UPR could initially serve adaptive purposes in conditions associated with higher cellular demands and after exposure to a range of pathophysiological insults, over time the UPR may become detrimental, thus contributing to neuroprogression. Herein, we propose that immune-inflammatory, neuro-oxidative, neuro-nitrosative, as well as mitochondrial pathways may reciprocally interact with aberrations in UPR pathways. Furthermore, ER stress may contribute to a deregulation in calcium homoeostasis. The common denominator of these pathways is a decrease in neuronal resilience, synaptic dysfunction and even cell death. This review also discusses how mechanisms related to ER stress could be explored as a source for novel therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative and neuroprogressive diseases. The design of randomised controlled trials testing compounds that target aberrant UPR-related pathways within the emerging framework of precision psychiatry is warranted

    Mouse mesenchymal stem cells inhibit high endothelial cell activation and lymphocyte homing to lymph nodes by releasing TIMP-1.

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a promising therapeutic approach in many diseases in view of their potent immunomodulatory properties, which are only partially understood. Here, we show that the endothelium is a specific and key target of MSC during immunity and inflammation. In mice, MSC inhibit activation and proliferation of endothelial cells in remote inflamed lymph nodes (LNs), affect elongation and arborization of high endothelial venules (HEVs) and inhibit T-cell homing. The proteomic analysis of the MSC secretome identified the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) as a potential effector molecule responsible for the anti-angiogenic properties of MSC. Both in vitro and in vivo, TIMP-1 activity is responsible for the anti-angiogenic effects of MSC, and increasing TIMP-1 concentrations delivered by an Adeno Associated Virus (AAV) vector recapitulates the effects of MSC transplantation on draining LNs. Thus, this study discovers a new and highly efficient general mechanism through which MSC tune down immunity and inflammation, identifies TIMP-1 as a novel biomarker of MSC-based therapy and opens the gate to new therapeutic approaches of inflammatory diseases

    Partners No More: Relational Transformation and the Turn to Litigation in Two Conservationist Organizations

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    The rise in litigation against administrative bodies by environmental and other political interest groups worldwide has been explained predominantly through the liberalization of standing doctrines. Under this explanation, termed here the floodgate model, restrictive standing rules have dammed the flow of suits that groups were otherwise ready and eager to pursue. I examine this hypothesis by analyzing processes of institutional transformation in two conservationist organizations: the Sierra Club in the United States and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI). Rather than an eagerness to embrace newly available litigation opportunities, as the floodgate model would predict, the groups\u27 history reveals a gradual process of transformation marked by internal, largely intergenerational divisions between those who abhorred conflict with state institutions and those who saw such conflict as not only appropriate but necessary to the mission of the group. Furthermore, in contrast to the pluralist interactions that the floodgate model imagines, both groups\u27 relations with pertinent agencies in earlier eras better accorded with the partnership-based corporatist paradigm. Sociolegal research has long indicated the importance of relational distance to the transformation of interpersonal disputes. I argue that, at the group level as well, the presence or absence of a (national) partnership-centered relationship determines propensities to bring political issues to court. As such, well beyond change in groups\u27 legal capacity and resources, current increases in levels of political litigation suggest more fundamental transformations in the structure and meaning of relations between citizen groups and the state

    Wertigkeit des 18F-FDG-PET/CT beim Staging von primÀren Kopf-Hals-Lymphomen

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    EinfĂŒhrung: Ziel der Studie war die Beschreibung der Wertigkeit der 18F-FDG-PET/CT-Untersuchung als primĂ€res Staging sowie zur Verlaufs- resp. Therapiekontrolle bei primĂ€r extranodalen Lymphompatienten. Des Weiteren wurde die Aussagekraft des SUV (standardized uptake value) untersucht. Methoden: Insgesamt wurden 26 Patienten mit einem primĂ€r extranodalen Lymphom im Hals-Kopf-Bereich in die Studie eingeschlossen (22 diffus grosszellige B-Zell-Lymphome, 1 Hodgkin-Lymphom, 3 maligne T-Zell-Lymphome). Der mediane SUVmax wurde als Grenzwert bestimmt. Die Patienten wurden in die Guppen hoher SUV-Wert resp. tiefer SUV-Wert aufgeteilt und die kumulative ereignisfreie Zeit als Endpunkt gewĂ€hlt. Resultate: 19 Patienten (73%) waren Ă€lter als 60 Jahre, wĂ€hrend der mediane Wert bei 70 Jahren lag (28–87). Am hĂ€ufigsten war der Waldeyer’sche Rachenring betroffen. In einem Fall (3,8%) zeigten weitere AbklĂ€rungen bei einer fokal-intestinalen FDG-Mehranreicherung ein zökales Adenokarzinom. Ein hoher SUVmax ging mit einer höheren Überlebensrate einher (p = 0,044). Tendenziell fand sich ein besseres Überleben in derjenigen Gruppe, welche zur Verlaufs-/Therapiekontrolle eine PET/CT-Untersuchung aufwies. Diskussion: Die 18F-FDG-PET/CT-Untersuchung eignet sich nicht nur zum primĂ€ren Staging und zur Verlaufsund Therapiekontrolle bei Patienten, welche unter einem primĂ€r extranodalen Lymphom im Kopf-Hals-Bereich leiden, sondern nimmt auch einen hohen Stellenwert in der Detektion von Zweitkarzinomen ein. Des Weiteren zeigt sich eine Korrelation zwischen dem klinischen Ergebnis und der 18F-FDG-Anreicherung im PrimĂ€rherd
