9,125 research outputs found

    Studies of hot B subdwarfs. Part 2: Energy distributions of three bright sdB/sdOB stars in the 950-5500 angstrom range

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    Voyager ultraviolet spectrometer observations of the subdwarf B or OB stars HD 205805, UV 1758+36 and Feige 66 are presented. All three objects display the H I Layman series in absorption. These observations are combined with low dispersion IUE spectrophotometry and with Stroemgren photometry to construct virtually complete energy distributions, which extend over the range 950-5500 angstroms. Effective temperatures based on model atmosphere calculations for high gravity, hydrogen rich stars are determined. Our analyses yield T Sub e 28,200 + or - 1300 K for HD 205805, T sub e 31, 800 + or - 1100 K for UV 1758+36, and T sub e 35,700 + or - 1500 K for Feige 66. The importance of far ultraviolet observations below L sub alpha in reducing the uncertainties associated with the interstellar extinction and the degradation of the IUE sensitivity is emphasized

    Coarse-graining protein energetics in sequence variables

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    We show that cluster expansions (CE), previously used to model solid-state materials with binary or ternary configurational disorder, can be extended to the protein design problem. We present a generalized CE framework, in which properties such as energy can be unambiguously expanded in the amino-acid sequence space. The CE coarse grains over nonsequence degrees of freedom (e.g., side-chain conformations) and thereby simplifies the problem of designing proteins, or predicting the compatibility of a sequence with a given structure, by many orders of magnitude. The CE is physically transparent, and can be evaluated through linear regression on the energies of training sequences. We show, as example, that good prediction accuracy is obtained with up to pairwise interactions for a coiled-coil backbone, and that triplet interactions are important in the energetics of a more globular zinc-finger backbone.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Hybrid expansions for local structural relaxations

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    A model is constructed in which pair potentials are combined with the cluster expansion method in order to better describe the energetics of structurally relaxed substitutional alloys. The effect of structural relaxations away from the ideal crystal positions, and the effect of ordering is described by interatomic-distance dependent pair potentials, while more subtle configurational aspects associated with correlations of three- and more sites are described purely within the cluster expansion formalism. Implementation of such a hybrid expansion in the context of the cluster variation method or Monte Carlo method gives improved ability to model phase stability in alloys from first-principles.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Charge Order in the Falicov-Kimball Model

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    We examine the spinless one-dimensional Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) below half-filling, addressing both the binary alloy and valence transition interpretations of the model. Using a non-perturbative technique, we derive an effective Hamiltonian for the occupation of the localized orbitals, providing a comprehensive description of charge order in the FKM. In particular, we uncover the contradictory ordering roles of the forward-scattering and backscattering itinerant electrons: the latter are responsible for the crystalline phases, while the former produces the phase separation. We find an Ising model describes the transition between the phase separated state and the crystalline phases; for weak-coupling we present the critical line equation, finding excellent agreement with numerical results. We consider several extensions of the FKM that preserve the classical nature of the localized states. We also investigate a parallel between the FKM and the Kondo lattice model, suggesting a close relationship based upon the similar orthogonality catastrophe physics of the associated single-impurity models.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figure

    Multiwavelength Observations of the Hot DB Star PG 0112+104

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    We present a comprehensive multiwavelength analysis of the hot DB white dwarf PG 0112+104. Our analysis relies on newly-acquired FUSE observations, on medium-resolution FOS and GHRS data, on archival high-resolution GHRS observations, on optical spectrophotometry both in the blue and around Halpha, as well as on time-resolved photometry. From the optical data, we derive a self-consistent effective temperature of 31,300+-500 K, a surface gravity of log g = 7.8 +- 0.1 (M=0.52 Msun), and a hydrogen abundance of log N(H)/N(He) < -4.0. The FUSE spectra reveal the presence of CII and CIII lines that complement the previous detection of CII transitions with the GHRS. The improved carbon abundance in this hot object is log N(C)/N(He) = -6.15 +- 0.23. No photospheric features associated with other heavy elements are detected. We reconsider the role of PG 0112+104 in the definition of the blue edge of the V777 Her instability strip in light of our high-speed photometry, and contrast our results with those of previous observations carried out at the McDonald Observatory.Comment: 10 pages in emulateapj, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hot DQ White Dwarfs: Something Different

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    We present a detailed analysis of all the known Hot DQ white dwarfs in the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) recently found to have carbon dominated atmospheres. Our spectroscopic and photometric analysis reveals that these objects all have effective temperatures between ~18,000 and 24,000 K. The surface composition is found to be completely dominated by carbon, as revealed by the absence of Hbeta and HeI 4471 lines (or determination of trace amount in a few cases). We find that the surface gravity of all objects but one seems to be ''normal'' and around log g = 8.0 while one is likely near log g = 9.0. The presence of a weak magnetic field is directly detected by spectropolarimetry in one object and is suspected in two others. We propose that these strange stars could be cooled down versions of the weird PG1159 star H1504+65 and form a new family of hydrogen and helium deficient objects following the post-AGB phase. Finally, we present the results of full nonadiabatic calculations dedicated specifically to each of the Hot DQ that show that only SDSS J142625.70+575218.4 is expected to exhibit luminosity variations. This result is in excellent agreement with recent observations by Montgomery et al. who find that J142625.70+575218.4 is the only pulsator among 6 Hot DQ white dwarfs surveyed in February 2008.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On a Conjecture of Rapoport and Zink

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    In their book Rapoport and Zink constructed rigid analytic period spaces FwaF^{wa} for Fontaine's filtered isocrystals, and period morphisms from PEL moduli spaces of pp-divisible groups to some of these period spaces. They conjectured the existence of an \'etale bijective morphism FaFwaF^a \to F^{wa} of rigid analytic spaces and of a universal local system of QpQ_p-vector spaces on FaF^a. For Hodge-Tate weights n1n-1 and nn we construct in this article an intrinsic Berkovich open subspace F0F^0 of FwaF^{wa} and the universal local system on F0F^0. We conjecture that the rigid-analytic space associated with F0F^0 is the maximal possible FaF^a, and that F0F^0 is connected. We give evidence for these conjectures and we show that for those period spaces possessing PEL period morphisms, F0F^0 equals the image of the period morphism. Then our local system is the rational Tate module of the universal pp-divisible group and enjoys additional functoriality properties. We show that only in exceptional cases F0F^0 equals all of FwaF^{wa} and when the Shimura group is GLnGL_n we determine all these cases.Comment: v2: 48 pages; many new results added, v3: final version that will appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    Lattice-gas model for alkali-metal fullerides: face-centered-cubic structure

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    A lattice-gas model is suggested for describing the ordering phenomena in alkali-metal fullerides of face-centered-cubic structure assuming the electric charge of alkali ions residing in either octahedral or tetrahedral interstitial sites is completely screened by the first-neighbor C_60 molecules. This approximation allows us to derive an effective ion-ion interaction. The van der Waals interaction between the ion and C_60 molecule is characterized by introducing an additional energy at the tetrahedral sites. This model is investigated by using a three-sublattice mean-field approximation and a simple cluster-variation method. The analysis shows a large variety of phase diagrams when changing the site energy parameter.Comment: 10 twocolumn pages (REVTEX) including 12 PS figure

    Thermo-statistical description of gas mixtures from space partitions

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    The new mathematical framework based on the free energy of pure classical fluids presented in [R. D. Rohrmann, Physica A 347, 221 (2005)] is extended to multi-component systems to determine thermodynamic and structural properties of chemically complex fluids. Presently, the theory focuses on DD-dimensional mixtures in the low-density limit (packing factor η<0.01\eta < 0.01). The formalism combines the free-energy minimization technique with space partitions that assign an available volume vv to each particle. vv is related to the closeness of the nearest neighbor and provides an useful tool to evaluate the perturbations experimented by particles in a fluid. The theory shows a close relationship between statistical geometry and statistical mechanics. New, unconventional thermodynamic variables and mathematical identities are derived as a result of the space division. Thermodynamic potentials μil\mu_{il}, conjugate variable of the populations NilN_{il} of particles class ii with the nearest neighbors of class ll are defined and their relationships with the usual chemical potentials μi\mu_i are established. Systems of hard spheres are treated as illustrative examples and their thermodynamics functions are derived analytically. The low-density expressions obtained agree nicely with those of scaled-particle theory and Percus-Yevick approximation. Several pair distribution functions are introduced and evaluated. Analytical expressions are also presented for hard spheres with attractive forces due to K\^ac-tails and square-well potentials. Finally, we derive general chemical equilibrium conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Confinement Effects in Antiferromagnets

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    Phase equilibrium in confined Ising antiferromagnets was studied as a function of the coupling (v) and a magnetic field (h) at the surfaces, in the presence of an external field H. The ground state properties were calculated exactly for symmetric boundary conditions and nearest-neighbor interactions, and a full zero-temperature phase diagram in the plane v-h was obtained for films with symmetry-preserving surface orientations. The ground-state analysis was extended to the H-T plane using a cluster-variation free energy. The study of the finite-T properties (as a function of v and h) reveals the close interdependence between the surface and finite-size effects and, together with the ground-state phase diagram, provides an integral picture of the confinement in anisotropic antiferromagnets with surfaces that preserve the symmetry of the order parameter.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.