114 research outputs found

    Confirmation of emergence of mutations associated with atovaquone-proguanil resistance in unexposed Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Africa

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    BACKGROUND: In vitro and in vivo resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to atovaquone or atovaquone-proguanil hydrochloride combination has been associated to two point mutations in the parasite cytochrome b (cytb) gene (Tyr268Ser and Tyr268Asn). However, little is known about the prevalence of codon-268 mutations in natural populations of P. falciparum without previous exposure to the drug in Africa. METHODS: The prevalence of codon-268 mutations in the cytb gene of African P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria, Malawi and Senegal, where atovaquone-proguanil has not been introduced for treatment of malaria was assessed. Genotyping of the cytb gene in isolates of P. falciparum was performed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism and confirmed by sequencing. RESULTS: 295 samples from Nigeria (111), Malawi (91) and Senegal (93) were successfully analyzed for detection of either mutant Tyr268Ser or Tyr268Asn. No case of Ser268 or Asn268 was detected in cytb gene of parasites from Malawi or Senegal. However, Asn268 was detected in five out of 111 (4.5%) unexposed P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria. In addition, one out of these five mutant Asn268 isolates showed an additional cytb mutation leading to a Pro266Thr substitution inside the ubiquinone reduction site. CONCLUSION: No Tyr268Ser mutation is found in cytb of P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria, Malawi or Senegal. This study reports for the first time cytb Tyr268Asn mutation in unexposed P. falciparum isolates from Nigeria. The emergence in Africa of P. falciparum isolates with cytb Tyr268Asn mutation is a matter of serious concern. Continuous monitoring of atovaquone-proguanil resistant P. falciparum in Africa is warranted for the rational use of this new antimalarial drug, especially in non-immune travelers

    Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi malaria parasites can develop stable resistance to atovaquone with a mutation in the cytochrome b gene

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, has developed resistance to many of the drugs in use. The recommended treatment policy is now to use drug combinations. The atovaquone-proguanil (AP) drug combination, is one of the treatment and prophylaxis options. Atovaquone (ATQ) exerts its action by inhibiting plasmodial mitochondria electron transport at the level of the cytochrome bc1 complex. <it>Plasmodium falciparum in vitro </it>resistance to ATQ has been associated with specific point mutations in the region spanning codons 271-284 of the <it>cytochrome b </it>gene. ATQ -resistant <it>Plasmodium yoelii </it>and <it>Plasmodium berghei </it>lines have been obtained and resistant lines have amino acid mutations in their CYT <it>b </it>protein sequences. <it>Plasmodium chabaudi </it>model for studying drug-responses and drug-resistance selection is a very useful rodent malaria model but no ATQ resistant parasites have been reported so far. The aim of this study was to determine the ATQ sensitivity of the <it>P. chabaudi </it>clones, to select a resistant parasite line and to perform genotypic characterization of the <it>cytb </it>gene of these clones.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To select for ATQ resistance, <it>Plasmodium. chabaudi chabaudi </it>clones were exposed to gradually increasing concentrations of ATQ during several consecutive passages in mice. <it>Plasmodium chabaudi cytb </it>gene was amplified and sequenced.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ATQ resistance was selected from the clone AS-3CQ. In order to confirm whether an heritable genetic mutation underlies the response of AS-ATQ to ATQ, the stability of the drug resistance phenotype in this clone was evaluated by measuring drug responses after (i) multiple blood passages in the absence of the drug, (ii) freeze/thawing of parasites in liquid nitrogen and (iii) transmission through a mosquito host, <it>Anopheles stephensi</it>. ATQ resistance phenotype of the drug-selected parasite clone kept unaltered. Therefore, ATQ resistance in clone AS-ATQ is genetically encoded. The Minimum Curative Dose of AS-ATQ showed a six-fold increase in MCD to ATQ relative to AS-3CQ.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A mutation was found on the <it>P. chabaudi cytb </it>gene from the AS-ATQ sample a substitution at the residue Tyr268 for an Asn, this mutation is homologous to the one found in <it>P. falciparum </it>isolates resistant to ATQ.</p

    LEDGF/p75-Independent HIV-1 Replication Demonstrates a Role for HRP-2 and Remains Sensitive to Inhibition by LEDGINs

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    Lens epithelium–derived growth factor (LEDGF/p75) is a cellular cofactor of HIV-1 integrase (IN) that interacts with IN through its IN binding domain (IBD) and tethers the viral pre-integration complex to the host cell chromatin. Here we report the generation of a human somatic LEDGF/p75 knockout cell line that allows the study of spreading HIV-1 infection in the absence of LEDGF/p75. By homologous recombination the exons encoding the LEDGF/p75 IBD (exons 11 to 14) were knocked out. In the absence of LEDGF/p75 replication of laboratory HIV-1 strains was severely delayed while clinical HIV-1 isolates were replication-defective. The residual replication was predominantly mediated by the Hepatoma-derived growth factor related protein 2 (HRP-2), the only cellular protein besides LEDGF/p75 that contains an IBD. Importantly, the recently described IN-LEDGF/p75 inhibitors (LEDGINs) remained active even in the absence of LEDGF/p75 by blocking the interaction with the IBD of HRP-2. These results further support the potential of LEDGINs as allosteric integrase inhibitors

    Novel therapeutic strategies targeting HIV integrase

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    Integration of the viral genome into host cell chromatin is a pivotal and unique step in the replication cycle of retroviruses, including HIV. Inhibiting HIV replication by specifically blocking the viral integrase enzyme that mediates this step is an obvious and attractive therapeutic strategy. After concerted efforts, the first viable integrase inhibitors were developed in the early 2000s, ultimately leading to the clinical licensure of the first integrase strand transfer inhibitor, raltegravir. Similarly structured compounds and derivative second generation integrase strand transfer inhibitors, such as elvitegravir and dolutegravir, are now in various stages of clinical development. Furthermore, other mechanisms aimed at the inhibition of viral integration are being explored in numerous preclinical studies, which include inhibition of 3' processing and chromatin targeting. The development of new clinically useful compounds will be aided by the characterization of the retroviral intasome crystal structure. This review considers the history of the clinical development of HIV integrase inhibitors, the development of antiviral drug resistance and the need for new antiviral compounds

    HIV-1 IN/Pol recruits LEDGF/p75 into viral particles

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    Background: The dynamic interaction between HIV and its host governs the replication of the virus and the study of the virus-host interplay is key to understand the viral lifecycle. The host factor lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LEDGF/p75) tethers the HIV preintegration complex to the chromatin through a direct interaction with integrase (IN). Small molecules that bind the LEDGF/p75 binding pocket of the HIV IN dimer (LEDGINs) block HIV replication through a multimodal mechanism impacting early and late stage replication including HIV maturation. Furthermore, LEDGF/p75 has been identified as a Pol interaction partner. This raised the question whether LEDGF/p75 besides acting as a molecular tether in the target cell, also affects late steps of HIV replication. Results: LEDGF/p75 is recruited into HIV-1 particles through direct interaction with the viral IN (or Pol polyprotein) and is a substrate for HIV-1 protease. Incubation in the presence of HIV-1 protease inhibitors resulted in detection of full-length LEDGF/p75 in purified viral particles. We also demonstrate that inhibition of LEDGF/p75-IN interaction by specific mutants or LEDGINs precludes incorporation of LEDGF/p75 in virions, underscoring the specificity of the uptake. LEDGF/p75 depletion did however not result in altered LEDGIN potency. Conclusion: Together, these results provide evidence for an IN/Pol mediated uptake of LEDGF/p75 in viral particles and a specific cleavage by HIV protease. Understanding of the possible role of LEDGF/p75 or its cleavage fragments in the viral particle awaits further experimentation

    Space, time, history: The reassertion of space in social theory

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    The reassertion of space is discussed as an analytical awareness of the past obsession with temporal logics. Theorists now understand that social sciences discourses were shaped by a preoccupation with the temporal scales and logics of development considered as natural processes. The spatial turn in social theory is often seen to be a process of de-naturalizing space. The article argues that not only space, but &#039;spacetime&#039; has to be de-naturalized. On that background the current debate between a humanist Marxism and poststructuralism is discussed. To overcome the founding distinctions a number of scholars are trying to model a relational idea of spacetime. With regard to David Harvey&#039;s current work and the work of the Swiss geographer Benno Werlen and the German sociologist Martina Löw, the scope of such an approach in humanities is discussed

    Spacing Social Work? Moglichkeiten und Grenzen des Quartiersansatzes

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