702 research outputs found

    The Importance of Nutrition in Hypertension

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    Arterial hypertension (AH) is considered to be one of the most relevant cardiovascular risk factors, and its wide prevalence in all age ranges makes it necessary to analyse all the possible causes and treatments. In this special issue, nutritional interventions are examined either as causes or as treatments of AH. [...]

    Characteristics of vertebral osteomyelitis after liver transplantation

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    AbstractWe performed a retrospective single-centre 1:3 case–control study to investigate the characteristics of vertebral osteomyelitis (VO) occurring in orthotopic liver transplant (OLT) recipients between 2000 and 2012. Nine cases were identified in 752 OLT recipients (1.2%), with a median time from OLT to VO of 12 weeks. In comparison with 27 VO not occurring in OLT patients (controls), VO occurring in OLT recipients was characterized by decreased levels of inflammation biomarkers (average C-reactive protein 65.1 mg·L−1 vs. 167 mg·L−1, p 0.02; average white blood cell count 4.8 × 109·L−1 vs. 12.9 × 109·L−1, p < 0.001), higher rate of fungal infections (3/9 vs. 0/27, p 0.01), lower rate of bacterial infections (3/9 vs. 25/27, p 0.001) and decreased proportion of positive blood cultures (1/9 vs. 16/27, p 0.02) despite a trend towards higher rate of multifocal infection. Microbiologic outcomes were similar between the two groups. Overall, VO in OLT patients was more difficult to diagnose as a result of altered inflammation response and specific microbial epidemiology of causal microorganisms

    Tritonia nilsodhneri marcus Ev., 1983 (Gastropoda, heterobranchia, tritoniidae): First records for the adriatic sea and new data on ecology and distribution of mediterranean populations

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    The nudibranch Tritonia nilsodhneri, usually feeding on a variety of gorgoniacean species, is known from different localities of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Knowledge of the host preferences of the Mediterranean populations is still scarce. Few records of this nudibranch have been reported from the eastern Mediterranean basin. With this report, the occurrence of T. nilsodhneri within the Mediterranean basin is extended to the Adriatic Sea. Furthermore, the list of the host species associated to the Mediterranean populations for feeding habits is increased from two up to five. Mediterranean specimens of T. nilsodhneri were observed for the first time feeding and spawning on Leptogorgia sarmentosa, Eunicella cavolini and E. labiata. Finally, these last two Gorgoniidae species are also reported here as a new host species for T. nilsodhneri

    Weight Loss and Hypertension in Obese Subjects

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    Arterial hypertension is strongly related to overweight and obesity. In obese subjects, several mechanisms may lead to hypertension such as insulin and leptin resistance, perivascular adipose tissue dysfunction, renal impairment, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system activation and sympathetic nervous system activity. Weight loss (WL) seems to have positive effects on blood pressure (BP). The aim of this review was to explain the mechanisms linking obesity and hypertension and to evaluate the main studies assessing the effect of WL on BP. We analysed studies published in the last 10 years (13 studies either interventional or observational) showing the effect of WL on BP. Different WL strategies were taken into account-diet and lifestyle modification, pharmacological intervention and bariatric surgery. Although a positive effect of WL could be identified in each study, the main difference seems to be the magnitude and the durability of BP reduction over time. Nevertheless, further follow-up data are needed: there is still a lack of evidence about long term effects of WL on hypertension. Hence, given the significant results obtained in several recent studies, weight management should always be pursued in obese patients with hypertension

    Selfie acustiche con il progetto selfear: un&apos;applicazione mobile per l&apos;acquisizione a basso costo di pinna-related transfer function

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    Le esperienze di realta virtuale e aumentata stanno riscontrando una grande diffusione e le tecnologie per la spazializzazione del suono in cuffia saranno fondamentali per la diffusione di scenari applicativi immersivi in supporti mobile. Questo articolo affronta le problematiche legate alla acquisizione di head-related tranfer function (HRTF) con dispositivi a basso costo, accessibili a chiunque, in qualsiasi luogo e che forniscano delle misurazioni fruibili in tempi brevi. In particolare la soluzione proposta denominata "the SelfEar project" si focalizza sull'acquisizione delle trasformazioni spettrali ad opera dell'orecchio esterno contenute nella pinna-related transfer function (PRTF); l'utente viene guidato nella misurazione di HRTF in ambiente non anecoico attraverso una procedura auto-regolabile. Le informazioni acustiche sono infatti acquisite tramite un headset per la realt`a acustica aumentata che include un set di microfoni posizionati in prossimit\ue0 dei canali uditivi dell'ascoltatore. Proponiamo una sessione di misurazione con l'obiettivo di acquisire le caratteristiche spettrali della PRTF di un manichino KEMAR, confrontandoli con i risultati che si otterrebbero con una procedura in ambiente anecoico. In entrambi i casi i risultati dipendono fortemente dalla posizione dei microfoni, senza considerare in questo scenario il problema legato ai movimenti di un eventuale soggetto umano. Considerando la qualit\ue0 generale e la variabilit\ue0 dei risultati, cos\uec come le risorse totali necessarie, il progetto SelfEar propone una promettente soluzione per una procedura a basso costo di acquisizione di PRTF, e pi\uf9 in generale di HRTF

    Effect of moderate weight loss on hepatic, pancreatic and visceral lipids in obese subjects

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of weight loss on visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, liver and pancreas lipid contentand to test the effects of these changes on metabolic improvement observed after weight loss.DESIGN: Weight-loss program designed to achieve a loss of 7--10% of the initial weight.SUBJECTS: 24 obese subjects (13 males and 11 females) with age ranging from 26 to 69 years and body mass index (BMI)30.2 -- 50.5 kgm2. Measurements: weight, BMI, waist circumference, body composition as assessed by dual-energy X-rayabsorptiometry, metabolic variables, leptin, adiponectin, visceral and subcutaneous abdominal fat, liver and pancreas lipidcontent as assessed by magnetic resonance were evaluated before and after weight loss achieved by hypocaloric diet.RESULTS: After a mean body weight decrease of 8.9%, BMI, waist circumference, fat mass, all metabolic variables, homeostasismodel assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA), alanine amino transferase, gamma glutamyl transpeptidase, high-sensitivityC-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and leptin, but not adiponectin and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, significantly decreased (allPo0.01). Visceral and subcutaneos abdominal fat, liver and pancreas lipid content significantly decreased (all Po0.01). Percentchanges in liver lipid content were greater (84.1\ub13%) than those in lipid pancreas content (42.3\ub129%) and visceral abdominalfat (31.9\ub115.6%). After weight loss, percentage of subjects with liver steatosis decreased from 75 to 12.5%. Insulin resistanceimprovement was predicted by changes in liver lipid content independently of changes in visceral fat, pancreas lipid content,systemic inflammation, leptin and gender.CONCLUSION: Moderate weight loss determines significant decline in visceral abdominal fat, lipid content in liver andpancreas. Reduction of liver lipid content was greater than that of pancreas lipid content and visceral fat loss. Liver lipidcontent is the strongest predictor of insulin resistance improvement after weight loss

    An update on methods for Sarcopenia Diagnosis: From bench to bedside

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    Sarcopenia has been recognized as an age-related syndrome characterized by low muscle mass, low muscle strength, and low physical performance that is associated with increased likelihood of adverse outcomes including falls, fractures, hospitalization, frailty and mortality. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the condition early for applying intervention and prevention of the disastrous consequences of sarcopenia if left untreated. Clinical definition and diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia have been developed in the last years and different tools have been proposed for screening subjects with sarcopenia, evaluating the muscle mass, the muscle strength and the physical performance. In this review we analyzed the diagnostic criteria of sarcopenia and examined the current assessment tools used for the diagnosis and screening of sarcopenia

    The non-convex shape of (234) Barbara, the first Barbarian

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    Asteroid (234) Barbara is the prototype of a category of asteroids that has been shown to be extremely rich in refractory inclusions, the oldest material ever found in the Solar System. It exhibits several peculiar features, most notably its polarimetric behavior. In recent years other objects sharing the same property (collectively known as "Barbarians") have been discovered. Interferometric observations in the mid-infrared with the ESO VLTI suggested that (234) Barbara might have a bi-lobated shape or even a large companion satellite. We use a large set of 57 optical lightcurves acquired between 1979 and 2014, together with the timings of two stellar occultations in 2009, to determine the rotation period, spin-vector coordinates, and 3-D shape of (234) Barbara, using two different shape reconstruction algorithms. By using the lightcurves combined to the results obtained from stellar occultations, we are able to show that the shape of (234) Barbara exhibits large concave areas. Possible links of the shape to the polarimetric properties and the object evolution are discussed. We also show that VLTI data can be modeled without the presence of a satellite.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure