7,963 research outputs found

    Maternal short stature does not predict their children's fatness indicators in a nutritional dual-burden sample of urban Mexican Maya.

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    The co-existence of very short stature due to poor chronic environment in early life and obesity is becoming a public health concern in rapidly transitioning populations with high levels of poverty. Individuals who have very short stature seem to be at an increased risk of obesity in times of relative caloric abundance. Increasing evidence shows that an individual is influenced by exposures in previous generations. This study assesses whether maternal poor early life environment predicts her child's adiposity using cross sectional design on Maya schoolchildren aged 7-9 and their mothers (n = 57 pairs). We compared maternal chronic early life environment (stature) with her child's adiposity (body mass index [BMI] z-score, waist circumference z-score, and percentage body fat) using multiple linear regression, controlling for the child's own environmental exposures (household sanitation and maternal parity). The research was performed in the south of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, a low socioeconomic urban area in an upper middle income country. The Maya mothers were very short, with a mean stature of 147 cm. The children had fairly high adiposity levels, with BMI and waist circumference z-scores above the reference median. Maternal stature did not significantly predict any child adiposity indicator. There does not appear to be an intergenerational component of maternal early life chronic under-nutrition on her child's obesity risk within this free living population living in poverty. These results suggest that the co-existence of very short stature and obesity appears to be primarily due to exposures and experiences within a generation rather than across generations

    Rotor redesign for a highly loaded 1800 ft/sec tip speed fan. 3: Laser Doppler velocimeter report

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    Laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV) techniques were employed for testing a highly loaded, 550 m/sec (1800 ft/sec) tip speed, test fan stage, the objective to provide detailed mapping of the upstream, intrablade, and downstream flowfields of the rotor. Intrablade LDV measurements of velocity and flow angle were obtained along four streamlines passing through the leading edge at 45%, 69%, 85%, and 95% span measured from hub to tip, at 100% of design speed, peak efficiency; 100% speed, near surge; and 95% speed, peak efficiency. At the design point, most passages appeared to have a strong leading edge shock, which moved forward with increasing strength near surge and at part speeds. The flow behind the shock was of a complex mixed subsonic and supersonic form. The intrablade flowfields were found to be significantly nonperiodic at 100% design speed, peak efficiency

    Search for a Radio Pulsar in the Remnant of Supernova 1987A

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    We have observed the remnant of supernova SN~1987A (SNR~1987A), located in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), to search for periodic and/or transient radio emission with the Parkes 64\,m-diameter radio telescope. We found no evidence of a radio pulsar in our periodicity search and derived 8σ\sigma upper bounds on the flux density of any such source of 31μ31\,\muJy at 1.4~GHz and 21μ21\,\muJy at 3~GHz. Four candidate transient events were detected with greater than 7σ7\sigma significance, with dispersion measures (DMs) in the range 150 to 840\,cm3^{-3}\,pc. For two of them, we found a second pulse at slightly lower significance. However, we cannot at present conclude that any of these are associated with a pulsar in SNR~1987A. As a check on the system, we also observed PSR~B0540-69, a young pulsar which also lies in the LMC. We found eight giant pulses at the DM of this pulsar. We discuss the implications of these results for models of the supernova remnant, neutron star formation and pulsar evolution.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Agent-based homeostatic control for green energy in the smart grid

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    With dwindling non-renewable energy reserves and the adverse effects of climate change, the development of the smart electricity grid is seen as key to solving global energy security issues and to reducing carbon emissions. In this respect, there is a growing need to integrate renewable (or green) energy sources in the grid. However, the intermittency of these energy sources requires that demand must also be made more responsive to changes in supply, and a number of smart grid technologies are being developed, such as high-capacity batteries and smart meters for the home, to enable consumers to be more responsive to conditions on the grid in real-time. Traditional solutions based on these technologies, however, tend to ignore the fact that individual consumers will behave in such a way that best satisfies their own preferences to use or store energy (as opposed to that of the supplier or the grid operator). Hence, in practice, it is unclear how these solutions will cope with large numbers of consumers using their devices in this way. Against this background, in this paper, we develop novel control mechanisms based on the use of autonomous agents to better incorporate consumer preferences in managing demand. These agents, residing on consumers' smart meters, can both communicate with the grid and optimise their owner's energy consumption to satisfy their preferences. More specifically, we provide a novel control mechanism that models and controls a system comprising of a green energy supplier operating within the grid and a number of individual homes (each possibly owning a storage device). This control mechanism is based on the concept of homeostasis whereby control signals are sent to individual components of a system, based on their continuous feedback, in order to change their state so that the system may reach a stable equilibrium. Thus, we define a new carbon-based pricing mechanism for this green energy supplier that takes advantage of carbon-intensity signals available on the internet in order to provide real-time pricing. The pricing scheme is designed in such a way that it can be readily implemented using existing communication technologies and is easily understandable by consumers. Building upon this, we develop new control signals that the supplier can use to incentivise agents to shift demand (using their storage device) to times when green energy is available. Moreover, we show how these signals can be adapted according to changes in supply and to various degrees of penetration of storage in the system. We empirically evaluate our system and show that, when all homes are equipped with storage devices, the supplier can significantly reduce its reliance on other carbon-emitting power sources to cater for its own shortfalls. By so doing, the supplier reduces the carbon emission of the system by up to 25% while the consumer reduces its costs by up to 14.5%. Finally, we demonstrate that our homeostatic control mechanism is not sensitive to small prediction errors and the supplier is incentivised to accurately predict its green production to minimise costs

    Does risk aversion affect transmission and generation planning? A Western North America case study

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    We investigate the effects of risk aversion on optimal transmission and generation expansion planning in a competitive and complete market. To do so, we formulate a stochastic model that minimizes a weighted average of expected transmission and generation costs and their conditional value at risk (CVaR). We show that the solution of this optimization problem is equivalent to the solution of a perfectly competitive risk-averse Stackelberg equilibrium, in which a risk-averse transmission planner maximizes welfare after which risk-averse generators maximize profits. This model is then applied to a 240-bus representation of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council, in which we examine the impact of risk aversion on levels and spatial patterns of generation and transmission investment. Although the impact of risk aversion remains small at an aggregate level, state-level impacts on generation and transmission investment can be significant, which emphasizes the importance of explicit consideration of risk aversion in planning models

    Constraining the coalescence rate of supermassive black-hole binaries using pulsar timing

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    Pulsar timing observations are used to place constraints on the rate of coalescence of supermassive black-hole (SMBH) binaries as a function of mass and redshift. In contrast to the indirect constraints obtained from other techniques, pulsar timing observations provide a direct constraint on the black-hole merger rate. This is possible since pulsar timing is sensitive to the gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by these sources in the final stages of their evolution. We find that upper bounds calculated from the recently published Parkes Pulsar Timing Array data are just above theoretical predictions for redshifts below 10. In the future, with improved timing precision and longer data spans, we show that a non-detection of GWs will rule out some of the available parameter space in a particular class of SMBH binary merger models. We also show that if we can time a set of pulsars to 10ns timing accuracy, for example, using the proposed Square Kilometre Array, it should be possible to detect one or more individual SMBH binary systems

    A possible signature of cosmic neutrino decoupling in the nHz region of the spectrum of primordial gravitational waves

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    In this paper we study the effect of cosmic neutrino decoupling on the spectrum of cosmological gravitational waves (GWs). At temperatures T>>1 MeV, neutrinos constitute a perfect fluid and do not hinder GW propagation, while for T<<1 MeV they free-stream and have an effective viscosity that damps cosmological GWs by a constant amount. In the intermediate regime, corresponding to neutrino decoupling, the damping is frequency-dependent. GWs entering the horizon during neutrino decoupling have a frequency f ~ 1 nHz, corresponding to a frequency region that will be probed by Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs). In particular, we show how neutrino decoupling induces a spectral feature in the spectrum of cosmological GWs just below 1 nHz. We briefly discuss the conditions for a detection of this feature and conclude that it is unlikely to be observed by PTAs.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. V2: References Adde

    Behaviour of piles driven in chalk

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    Driving resistance is difficult to predict in chalk strata, with both pile free-fall self-weight ‘runs’ and refusals being reported. Axial capacity is also highly uncertain after driving. This paper reviews recent research that has explored these topics. Programmes of onshore tests and novel, high-value offshore, experiments involving static, dynamic and cyclic loading are described. The key findings form the basis of the Chalk ICP-18 approach for estimating the driving resistance and axial capacity of piles driven in low-to medium-density chalk. The new approach is presented and the highly significant impact of set-up after driving is emphasised. It is shown that Chalk ICP-18 overcomes the main limitations of the industry’s current design guidelines by addressing the underlying physical mechanisms. While further tests are required to enlarge the available test database, the new approach is able to provide better predictions for tests available from suitably characterised sites. A new Joint Industry Project is outlined that extends the research to cover further axial, lateral, static and cyclic loading cases