137 research outputs found

    PT-Scotch: A tool for efficient parallel graph ordering

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    The parallel ordering of large graphs is a difficult problem, because on the one hand minimum degree algorithms do not parallelize well, and on the other hand the obtainment of high quality orderings with the nested dissection algorithm requires efficient graph bipartitioning heuristics, the best sequential implementations of which are also hard to parallelize. This paper presents a set of algorithms, implemented in the PT-Scotch software package, which allows one to order large graphs in parallel, yielding orderings the quality of which is only slightly worse than the one of state-of-the-art sequential algorithms. Our implementation uses the classical nested dissection approach but relies on several novel features to solve the parallel graph bipartitioning problem. Thanks to these improvements, PT-Scotch produces consistently better orderings than ParMeTiS on large numbers of processors

    Multifractality of wavefunctions at the quantum Hall transition revisited

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    We investigate numerically the statistics of wavefunction amplitudes ψ(r)\psi({\bf r}) at the integer quantum Hall transition. It is demonstrated that in the limit of a large system size the distribution function of ψ2|\psi|^2 is log-normal, so that the multifractal spectrum f(α)f(\alpha) is exactly parabolic. Our findings lend strong support to a recent conjecture for a critical theory of the quantum Hall transition.Comment: 4 pages Late

    INTEGRAL/SPI data segmentation to retrieve sources intensity variations

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    International audienceContext. The INTEGRAL/SPI, X/γ-ray spectrometer (20 keV–8 MeV) is an instrument for which recovering source intensity variations is not straightforward and can constitute a difficulty for data analysis. In most cases, determining the source intensity changes between exposures is largely based on a priori information.Aims. We propose techniques that help to overcome the difficulty related to source intensity variations, which make this step more rational. In addition, the constructed “synthetic” light curves should permit us to obtain a sky model that describes the data better and optimizes the source signal-to-noise ratios.Methods. For this purpose, the time intensity variation of each source was modeled as a combination of piecewise segments of time during which a given source exhibits a constant intensity. To optimize the signal-to-noise ratios, the number of segments was minimized. We present a first method that takes advantage of previous time series that can be obtained from another instrument on-board the INTEGRAL observatory. A data segmentation algorithm was then used to synthesize the time series into segments. The second method no longer needs external light curves, but solely SPI raw data. For this, we developed a specific algorithm that involves the SPI transfer function.Results. The time segmentation algorithms that were developed solve a difficulty inherent to the SPI instrument, which is the intensity variations of sources between exposures, and it allows us to obtain more information about the sources’ behavior

    A unified approach for a posteriori high-order curved mesh generation using solid mechanics

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    The paper presents a unified approach for the a posteriori generation of arbitrary high-order curvilinear meshes via a solid mechanics analogy. The approach encompasses a variety of methodologies, ranging from the popular incremental linear elastic approach to very sophisticated non-linear elasticity. In addition, an intermediate consistent incrementally linearised approach is also presented and applied for the first time in this context. Utilising a consistent derivation from energy principles, a theoretical comparison of the various approaches is presented which enables a detailed discussion regarding the material characterisation (calibration) employed for the different solid mechanics formulations. Five independent quality measures are proposed and their relations with existing quality indicators, used in the context of a posteriori mesh generation, are discussed. Finally, a comprehensive range of numerical examples, both in two and three dimensions, including challenging geometries of interest to the solids, fluids and electromagnetics communities, are shown in order to illustrate and thoroughly compare the performance of the different methodologies. This comparison considers the influence of material parameters and number of load increments on the quality of the generated high-order mesh, overall computational cost and, crucially, the approximation properties of the resulting mesh when considering an isoparametric finite element formulation

    A stabilized finite element method for finite-strain three-field poroelasticity

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    We construct a stabilized finite-element method to compute flow and finitestrain deformations in an incompressible poroelastic medium. We employ a three- field mixed formulation to calculate displacement, fluid flux and pressure directly and introduce a Lagrange multiplier to enforce flux boundary conditions. We use a low order approximation, namely, continuous piecewise-linear approximation for the displacements and fluid flux, and piecewise-constant approximation for the pressure. This results in a simple matrix structure with low bandwidth. The method is stable in both the limiting cases of small and large permeability. Moreover, the discontinuous pressure space enables efficient approximation of steep gradients such as those occurring due to rapidly changing material coefficients or boundary conditions, both of which are commonly seen in physical and biological applications

    Thermal fracture as a framework for quasi-static crack propagation

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    We address analytically and numerically the problem of crack path prediction in the model system of a crack propagating under thermal loading. We show that one can explain the instability from a straight to a wavy crack propagation by using only the principle of local symmetry and the Griffith criterion. We then argue that the calculations of the stress intensity factors can be combined with the standard crack propagation criteria to obtain the evolution equation for the crack tip within any loading configuration. The theoretical results of the thermal crack problem agree with the numerical simulations we performed using a phase field model. Moreover, it turns out that the phase-field model allows to clarify the nature of the transition between straight and oscillatory cracks which is shown to be supercritical.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Structural shape optimization using Cartesian grids and automatic h-adaptive mesh projection

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    [EN] We present a novel approach to 3D structural shape optimization that leans on an Immersed Boundary Method. A boundary tracking strategy based on evaluating the intersections between a fixed Cartesian grid and the evolving geometry sorts elements as internal, external and intersected. The integration procedure used by the NURBS-Enhanced Finite Element Method accurately accounts for the nonconformity between the fixed embedding discretization and the evolving structural shape, avoiding the creation of a boundary-fitted mesh for each design iteration, yielding in very efficient mesh generation process. A Cartesian hierarchical data structure improves the efficiency of the analyzes, allowing for trivial data sharing between similar entities or for an optimal reordering of thematrices for the solution of the system of equations, among other benefits. Shape optimization requires the sufficiently accurate structural analysis of a large number of different designs, presenting the computational cost for each design as a critical issue. The information required to create 3D Cartesian h- adapted mesh for new geometries is projected from previously analyzed geometries using shape sensitivity results. Then, the refinement criterion permits one to directly build h-adapted mesh on the new designs with a specified and controlled error level. Several examples are presented to show how the techniques here proposed considerably improve the computational efficiency of the optimization process.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad for the financial support received through the project DPI2013-46317-R and the FPI program (BES-2011-044080), and the Generalitat Valenciana through the project PROMETEO/2016/007.Marco, O.; Ródenas, J.; Albelda Vitoria, J.; Nadal, E.; Tur Valiente, M. (2017). Structural shape optimization using Cartesian grids and automatic h-adaptive mesh projection. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-017-1875-1S121MATLAB version (R2014a) (2014) Documentation. The Mathworks, Inc., Natick, MassachusettsAbel JF, Shephard MS (1979) An algorithm for multipoint constraints in finite element analysis. Int J Numer Methods Eng 14(3):464–467Amestoy P, Davis T, Duff I (1996) An approximate minimum degree ordering algorithm. SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl 17(4):886–905Barth W, Stürzlinger W (1993) Efficient ray tracing for Bezier and B-spline surfaces. Comput Graph 17 (4):423–430Bennett J A, Botkin M E (1985) Structural shape optimization with geometric problem description and adaptive mesh refinement. AIAA J 23(3):459–464Braibant V, Fleury C (1984) Shape optimal design using b-splines. 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    Estrategias inclusivas en diversidad cultural para la promoción de la salud en proyectos de extensión

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    El proyecto propone promocionar y atender la Salud bucodental en un sector vulnerable de la población que concurre al centro de Extensión Comunitaria N°7 de la UNLP Néstor del Sur, situado en el barrio Villa Elvira de la ciudad de La Plata, en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Las referentes del Centro de Extensión comunitaria servirán como nexo entre el personal del lugar, la población y el equipo extensionista que abordarán las actividades con énfasis en la multiculturalidad, ya que muchas familias del lugar son de origen paraguayo. El objetivo fue generar herramientas para lograr promocionar la salud bucal en esta comunidad donde la diversidad cultural es uno de los obstáculos, teniendo en cuenta la barrera lingüística y costumbrista de esta población.Facultad de Odontologí