130 research outputs found

    Plant biodiversity drivers in Brazilian campos rupestres : insights from phylogenetic structure

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    MMwas funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP 2013/15280–9) at the initial stages of this work.Old, climate-buffered infertile landscapes (Ocbils) have attracted increasing levels of interest in recent years because of their exceptionally diverse plant communities. Brazil’s campos rupestres (rupestrian grasslands) are home to almost 15% of Brazil’s native flora in less than 0.8% of Brazil’s territory: an ideal study system for exploring variation in floristic diversity and phylogenetic structure in sites differing in geology and phytophysiognomy. We found significant differences in floristic diversity and phylogenetic structure across a range of study sites encompassing open vegetation and forest on quartzite and on ironstone substrates, commonly termed canga. Substrate was key in structuring floristic diversity with physiognomy having a secondary effect. In contrast physiognomy was more important than substrate in structuring phylogenetic diversity, with neither substrate nor its interaction with physiognomy accounting for significant variation in phylogenetic structure. Phylogenetic clustering was significant in open vegetation on both canga and quartzite, reflecting the potential role of environmental filtering in these exposed montane communities adapted to multiple environmental stressors. In forest communities, phylogenetic clustering was significant only at relatively deep nodes of the phylogeny in forest on quartzite while no significant phylogenetic clustering was detected across forest on canga, which may be attributable to proximity to the megadiverse Atlantic forest biome and/or comparatively benign environmental conditions in forest on canga with relatively deep, nutrient-rich soils and access to edaphic water reliable in comparison to those for open vegetation on canga and open or forest communities on quartzite. Clades representing relatively old lineages are significantly over-represented in campos rupestres on quartzite, consistent with the Gondwanan Heritage Hypothesis of Ocbil theory. In contrast, forested sites on canga are recognized as Yodfels. To be effective, conservation measures must take account of the distinct communities which are encompassed within the broad term campos rupestres, and the differing vulnerabilities of Ocbils and Yodfels.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    An Italian expert consensus on the use of opioids for the management of chronic non-oncological pain in clinical practice: focus on buprenorphine

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    Purpose: The aim of the present work was to evaluate the knowledge and prescriptive habits of clinicians involved in the management of chronic non cancer pain (CNCP), with a special focus on the use of opioids. Methods: A Delphi method was used. A Board of specialists elaborated and discussed a series of statements, based on available literature and personal clinical expertise, about particularly controversial topics on pain pathophysiology and treatment. A Panel of experts in the field of pain management, selected by the Board, was invited to vote the proposed statements, indicating the level of agreement on a 5-point Likert scale (1: strongly disagree; 2: disagree; 3: partially agree; 4: agree; 5: strongly agree). The threshold for consensus was set at minimum 66.6% of the number of respondents with a level of agreement ≥4 (Agree or Strongly agree). Results: The Board included 5 pain therapists, 1 pharmacologist and 1 methodology expert and drew up a total of 36 statements (for a total of 40 requested answers)”. A total of 100 clinicians were included in the Expert Panel. Respondents were 89 (89%). Consensus was achieved for 32 out of 40 answers. Most of the lack of consensus was recorded for statements regarding opioids use, and resulted from a low level of agreement (3 on the Likert scale), suggesting a neutral position deriving from a lack of knowledge rather than a strong contrary opinion. Conclusion: Most of the proposed items reached consensus, suggesting a generally homogeneous approach to CNCP management. However, the lack of consensus recorded for several items regarding opioid use confirms the need to fill important gaps in the knowledge of available agents. A clear explanation of the peculiar pharmacological properties of drugs associated with potential clinical advantages (such as buprenorphine) will help optimize pain treatment in both primary care and hospital settings and improving pain control in CNCP patients

    Small structure, big significance: seed morphology of South American species of M itracarpus (Rubiaceae - Spermacoceae)

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    Mitracarpus Zuce, ex Schult. & Schult.f. comprises about 50 species distributed mainly throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the New World, from Southern United States to central Argentina. Considering the importance of micromorphological characters for the taxonomy of Spermacoceae s.s. (Rubiaceae), the present study aimed to analyse the taxonomic significance of seed micromorphology in Mitracarpus species from South America. The seeds of 29 species were analysed through light microscopy and scanning electrón microscopy (SEM). For SEM analyses the seeds were mounted on stubs, air dried, covered with gold-palladium. The analyses revealed four pattems and eight subtypes in Mitracarpus, based mainly on the shape of the ventral groove and exotesta features: (1) X-shaped groove: 1.1. reticulate-areolate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M eritricoides, M. parvulus, M. longicalyx, M. nitidus)', 1.2. reticulate-areolate exotesta, with cruciform depression (M. albomarginatus, M. bacigalupoae, M. femandesii); 1.3. reticulate-foveate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. brasiliensis, M. federalensis, M. hirtus, M. microspermus, M. nitidus, M. polygonifolius); 1.4. papillate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. pusillus, M. recurvatus, M. steyermarkii); 1.5. reticulate-foveate exotesta, with cruciform depression (M. anthospermoides,M. carajasensis,M. baturitensis,M. bicrucis,M. frigidus); (2) Inverted-Y-shaped groove, reticulate-foveate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. eichleri, M. salzmannianus, M. semirianus); (3) Rectangularquadrangular-shaped groove, reticulate-areolate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M hasslerianus, M. Ihotzkyanus, M. megapotamicus, M. rigidifolius); (4) Oblong-shaped groove, reticulate-foveate exotesta, without cruciform depression (M. diversifolius). The data obtained here have shown the systematic importance o f seed characteristics in Mitracarpus, as well their valué to indicate affinities among species. It is expected that this study regarding the seed characters in Mitracarpus can provide a potential source o f apomorphies to discem the clades in future molecular phylogenetic analyses. Acknowledgements: FUNCAP (Process BP5-0197-00136.01.00/22); Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; KLARF (Kew Latín American Research Fellowships Programme); CONICET

    Optimization of a Monobromobimane (MBB) Derivatization and RP-HPLC-FLD Detection Method for Sulfur Species Measurement in Human Serum after Sulfur Inhalation Treatment

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    (1) Background: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a widely recognized gasotransmitter, with key roles in physiological and pathological processes. The accurate quantification of H2S and reactive sulfur species (RSS) may hold important implications for the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. However, H2S species quantification in biological matrices is still a challenge. Among the sulfide detection methods, monobromobimane (MBB) derivatization coupled with reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) is one of the most reported. However, it is characterized by a complex preparation and time-consuming process, which may alter the actual H2S level; moreover, a quantitative validation has still not been described. (2) Methods: We developed and validated an improved analytical protocol for the MBB RP-HPLC method. MBB concentration, temperature and sample handling were optimized, and the calibration method was validated using leave-one-out cross-validation and tested in a clinical setting. (3) Results: The method shows high sensitivity and allows the quantification of H2S species, with a limit of detection of 0.5 mu M. Finally, it can be successfully applied in measurements of H2S levels in the serum of patients subjected to inhalation with vapors rich in H2S. (4) Conclusions: These data demonstrate that the proposed method is precise and reliable for measuring H2S species in biological matrices and can be used to provide key insights into the etiopathogenesis of several diseases and sulfur-based treatments. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Plotting a future for Amazonian canga vegetation in a campo rupestre context

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    This work was supported by CNPq project (455505/2014-4) to all authors; The MPEG/ITVDS/FADESP Term of Agreement (01205.000250/2014-10); DCZ – CNPq productivity grant; NFOM - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (BR- 88887/130640/2016-00).In order to establish effective conservation strategy, drivers of local and regional patterns of biodiversity need to be understood. The composition of local biodiversity is dependent on a number of factors including evolution and redistribution of lineages through dispersal and environmental heterogeneity. Brazilian canga is characterised by a ferrugineous substrate, found both in the Iron Quadrangle of Minas Gerais and in the Carajás mountains in Amazonia. Canga is one of several specialised habitat types comprising Brazilian campo rupestre, a montane vegetation found within or adjacent to several major Brazilian bioregions, including the Atlantic Forest and Amazonia, with exceptionally high levels of diversity and endemism arising from both history of dispersal and environmental variation. In order to inform biodiversity conservation for canga, and more broadly for campo rupestre, we performed floristic and phylogenetic analyses investigating affinities between 28 sites on different substrates (canga and quartzite) and geographic locations (Carajás, Pará [Amazonia]; Cadeia do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais; Chapada Diamantina, Bahia). Through analysis of 11204 occurrences of 4705 species of angiosperms, we found that Amazonian Carajás canga plant communities formed a cohesive group, distinct from species assemblages found in Eastern Brazil (Minas Gerais, Bahia), either on canga or quartzite. The phylogenetic megatree of species across all sites investigated shows associations between certain clades and Amazonian canga, with few shared species between the Amazonian Carajás and Eastern Brazil sites, while the floristic comparison shows high levels of heterogeneity between sites. The need for reserves for Amazonian Carajás canga has been recognized and addressed by the creation of a national park. However, current sampling does not provide sufficient reassurance that the canga areas now benefitting from full legal protection adequately represent the regional canga flora.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    New Brazilian Floristic List Highlights Conservation Challenges

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    A comprehensive new inventory of Brazilian plants and fungi was published just in time to meet a 2010 Convention on Biological Diversity target and offers important insights into this biodiversity's global significance. Brazil is the home to the world's richest flora (40,989 species; 18,932 endemic) and includes two of the hottest hotspots: Mata Atlantica (19,355 species) and Cerrado (12,669 species). Although the total number of known species is one-third lower than previous estimates, the absolute number of endemic vascular plant species is higher than was previously estimated, and the proportion of endemism (56%) is the highest in the Neotropics. This compilation serves not merely to quantify the scale of the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique flora but also serves as a key resource to direct action and monitor progress. Similar efforts by other megadiverse countries are urgently required if the 2020 targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation are to be attained.Ministerio do Meio AmbienteMinisterio do Meio AmbienteCentro Nacional de Conservacao da FloraCentro Nacional de Conservacao da FloraNational Council for Scientific and Technological DevelopmentNational Council for Scientific and Technological DevelopmentBentham and Moxon TrustBentham and Moxon Trus