773 research outputs found

    The Gravitational Lensing in Redshift-space Correlation Functions of Galaxies and Quasars

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    The gravitational lensing, as well as the velocity field and the cosmological light-cone warp, changes the observed correlation function of high-redshift objects. We present an analytical expression of 3D correlation function, simultaneously including those three effects. When two objects are separated over several hundreds Mpc along a line of sight, the observed correlation function is dominated by the effect of gravitational lensing rather than the intrinsic clustering. For a canonical lambda-CDM model, the lensing signals in the galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-QSO correlations are beyond noise levels in large-scale redshift surveys like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, submitted to ApJ

    Photoprocesses in protoplanetary disks

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    Circumstellar disks are exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation from the young star. In the inner disks, the UV radiation can be enhanced by more than seven orders of magnitude compared with the average interstellar field, resulting in a physical and chemical structure that resembles that of a dense photon-dominated region (PDR). This intense UV field affects the chemistry, the vertical structure of the disk, and the gas temperature, especially in the surface layers of the disk. The parameters which make disks different from traditional PDRs are discussed, including the shape of the UV radiation field, grain growth, the absence of PAHs, the gas/dust ratio and the presence of inner holes. New photorates for selected species, including simple ions, are presented. Also, a summary of available cross sections at Lyman alpha 1216 A is made. Rates are computed for radiation fields with color temperatures ranging from 4000 to 30,000 K, and can be applied to a wide variety of astrophysical regions including exo-planetary atmospheres. The importance of photoprocesses is illustrated for a number of representative disk models, including disk models with grain growth and settling.Comment: A website with the final published version and all photodissociation cross sections and rates can be found at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ewine/phot

    The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and analytic radial velocity curves for transiting extrasolar planetary systems

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    A transiting extrasolar planet sequentially blocks off the light coming from the different parts of the disk of the host star in a time dependent manner. Due to the spin of the star, this produces an asymmetric distortion in the line profiles of the stellar spectrum, leading to an apparent anomaly of the radial velocity curves, known as the Rossiter - McLaughlin effect. Here, we derive approximate but accurate analytic formulae for the anomaly of radial velocity curves taking account of the stellar limb darkening. The formulae are particularly useful in extracting information of the projected angle between the planetary orbit axis and the stellar spin axis, \lambda, and the projected stellar spin velocity, V sin I_s. We create mock samples for the radial curves for the transiting extrasolar system HD209458, and demonstrate that constraints on the spin parameters (V sin I_s, \lambda) may be significantly improved by combining our analytic template formulae and the precision velocity curves from high-resolution spectroscopic observations with 8-10 m class telescopes. Thus future observational exploration of transiting systems using the Rossiter - McLaughlin effect is one of the most important probes to better understanding of the origin of extrasolar planetary systems, especially the origin of their angular momentum.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures, Accepted to ApJ. To match the published version (ApJ 623, April 10 issue

    The Correlation Function in Redshift Space: General Formula with Wide-angle Effects and Cosmological Distortions

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    A general formula for the correlation function in redshift space is derived in linear theory. The formula simultaneously includes wide-angle effects and cosmological distortions. The formula is applicable to any pair with arbitrary angle θ\theta between lines of sight, and arbitrary redshifts, z1z_1, z2z_2, which are not necessarily small. The effects of the spatial curvature both on geometry and on fluctuation spectrum are properly taken into account, and thus our formula holds in a Friedman-Lema\^{\i}tre universe with arbitrary cosmological parameters Ω0\Omega_0 and λ0\lambda_0. We illustrate the pattern of the resulting correlation function with several models, and also show that validity region of the conventional distant observer approximation is θ10\theta \le 10^\circ.Comment: 45 pages including 9 figures, To Appear in Astrophys. J. 535 (2000

    Large Scale Clustering of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasars: Impact of the Baryon Density and the Cosmological Constant

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    We report the first result of the clustering analysis of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasars. We compute the two-point correlation function (2PCF) of SDSS quasars in redshift space at 8h1Mpc<s<500h1Mpc8h^{-1}{\rm Mpc} < s < 500h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}, with particular attention to its baryonic signature. Our sample consists of 19986 quasars extracted from the SDSS Data Release 4 (DR4). The redshift range of the sample is 0.72z2.240.72 \le z \le 2.24 (the mean redshift is zˉ=1.46\bar z = 1.46) and the reddening-corrected ii-band apparent magnitude range is 15.0mi,rc19.115.0 \le m_{i,{\rm rc}} \le 19.1. Due to the relatively low number density of the quasar sample, the bump in the power spectrum due to the baryon density, Ωb\Omega_{\rm b}, is not clearly visible. The effect of the baryon density is, however, to distort the overall shape of the 2PCF.The degree of distortion makes it an interesting alternate measure of the baryonic signature. Assuming a scale-independent linear bias and the spatially flat universe, i.e., Ωb+Ωd+ΩΛ=1\Omega_{\rm b} + \Omega_{\rm d} + \Omega_\Lambda =1, where Ωd\Omega_{\rm d} and ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda denote the density parameters of dark matter and the cosmological constant, we combine the observed quasar 2PCF and the predicted matter 2PCF to put constraints on Ωb\Omega_{\rm b} and ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda. Our result is fitted as 0.802.8Ωb<ΩΛ<0.901.4Ωb0.80- 2.8\Omega_{\rm b} < \Omega_\Lambda < 0.90 - 1.4\Omega_{\rm b} at the 2σ\sigma confidence level, which is consistent with results from other cosmological observations such as WMAP. (abridged)Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in the PAS

    Demonstrating Discreteness and Collision Error in Cosmological N-body Simulations of Dark Matter Gravitational Clustering

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    Two-body scattering and other discreteness effects are unimportant in cosmological gravitational clustering in most scenarios, since the dark matter has a small particle mass. The collective field should determine evolution: Two-body scattering in simulations violates the Poisson-Vlasov equations. We test this in PM, P3^3M, Tree, and NGPM codes, noting that a collisionless code will preserve the one-dimensional character of plane wave collapse. We find collisionality vanishing as the softening parameter approaches the mean interparticle separation. Solutions for the problem are suggested, involving greater computer power, PM-based nested grid codes, and a more conservative approach to resolution claims.Comment: Final version accepted for ApJ Letters. Minor revisions, including due to bug fix in tree code. Uses aasms4.sty. 15 pages. Higher resolution figures available at ftp://kusmos.phsx.ukans.edu/preprints/discret

    Perturbative analysis of disordered Ising models close to criticality

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    We consider a two-dimensional Ising model with random i.i.d. nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic couplings and no external magnetic field. We show that, if the probability of supercritical couplings is small enough, the system admits a convergent cluster expansion with probability one. The associated polymers are defined on a sequence of increasing scales; in particular the convergence of the above expansion implies the infinite differentiability of the free energy but not its analyticity. The basic tools in the proof are a general theory of graded cluster expansions and a stochastic domination of the disorder

    The Prograde Orbit of Exoplanet TrES-2b

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    We monitored the Doppler shift of the G0V star TrES-2 throughout a transit of its giant planet. The anomalous Doppler shift due to stellar rotation (the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) is discernible in the data, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 2.9, even though the star is a slow rotator. By modeling this effect we find that the planet's trajectory across the face of the star is tilted by -9 +/- 12 degrees relative to the projected stellar equator. With 98% confidence, the orbit is prograde.Comment: ApJ, in press [15 pages

    Two-Dimensional Molecular Patterning by Surface-Enhanced Zn-Porphyrin Coordination

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    In this contribution, we show how zinc-5,10,15,20-meso-tetradodecylporphyrins (Zn-TDPs) self-assemble into stable organized arrays on the surface of graphite, thus positioning their metal center at regular distances from each other, creating a molecular pattern, while retaining the possibility to coordinate additional ligands. We also demonstrate that Zn-TDPs coordinated to 3-nitropyridine display a higher tendency to be adsorbed at the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) than noncoordinated ones. In order to investigate the two-dimensional (2D) self-assembly of coordinated Zn-TDPs, solutions with different relative concentrations of 3-nitropyridine and Zn-TDP were prepared and deposited on the surface of HOPG. STM measurements at the liquid-solid interface reveal that the ratio of coordinated Zn-TDPs over noncoordinated Zn-TDPs is higher at the n-tetradecane/HOPG interface than in n-tetradecane solution. This enhanced binding of the axial ligand at the liquid/solid interface is likely related to the fact that physisorbed Zn-TDPs are better binding sites for nitropyridines.

    Probability Distribution Function of Cosmological Density Fluctuations from Gaussian Initial Condition: Comparison of One- and Two-point Log-normal Model Predictions with N-body Simulations

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    We quantitatively study the probability distribution function (PDF) of cosmological nonlinear density fluctuations from N-body simulations with Gaussian initial condition. In particular, we examine the validity and limitations of one-point and two-point log-normal PDF models against those directly estimated from the simulations. We find that the one-point log-normal PDF describes very accurately the cosmological density distribution even in the nonlinear regime (the rms variance \sigma_{nl} \simlt 4 and the over-density \delta \simlt 100). Furthermore the two-point log-normal PDFs are also in good agreement with the simulation data from linear to fairly nonlinear regime, while slightly deviate from them for \delta \simlt -0.5. Thus the log-normal PDF can be used as a useful empirical model for the cosmological density fluctuations. While this conclusion is fairly insensitive to the shape of the underlying power spectrum of density fluctuations P(k), models with substantial power on large scales, i.e., n\equiv d\ln P(k)/d \ln k \simlt -1, are better described by the log-normal PDF. On the other hand, we note that the one-to-one mapping of the initial and the evolved density fields consistent with the log-normal model does not approximate the broad distribution of their mutual correlation even on average. Thus the origin of the phenomenological log-normal PDF approximation still remains to be understood.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap