50 research outputs found
Contribution of Candida biomarkers and DNA detection for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in ICU patients with severe abdominal conditions
BACKGROUND: To assess the performance of Candida albicans germ tube antibody (CAGTA), (1 → 3)-ß-D-glucan (BDG), mannan antigen (mannan-Ag), anti-mannan antibodies (mannan-Ab), and Candida DNA for diagnosing invasive candidiasis (IC) in ICU patients with severe abdominal conditions (SAC). METHODS: A prospective study of 233 non-neutropenic patients with SAC on ICU admission and expected stay ≥ 7 days. CAGTA (cutoff positivity ≥ 1/160), BDG (≥80, 100 and 200 pg/mL), mannan-Ag (≥60 pg/mL), mannan-Ab (≥10 UA/mL) were measured twice a week, and Candida DNA only in patients treated with systemic antifungals. IC diagnosis required positivities of two biomarkers in a single sample or positivities of any biomarker in two consecutive samples. Patients were classified as neither colonized nor infected (n = 48), Candida spp. colonization (n = 154) (low-grade, n = 130; high-grade, n = 24), and IC (n = 31) (intra-abdominal candidiasis, n = 20; candidemia, n = 11). RESULTS: The combination of CAGTA and BDG positivities in a single sample or at least one of the two biomarkers positive in two consecutive samples showed 90.3 % (95 % CI 74.2–98.0) sensitivity, 42.1 % (95 % CI 35.2–98.8) specificity, and 96.6 % (95 % CI 90.5–98.8) negative predictive value. BDG positivities in two consecutive samples had 76.7 % (95 % CI 57.7–90.1) sensitivity and 57.2 % (95 % CI 49.9–64.3) specificity. Mannan-Ag, mannan-Ab, and Candida DNA individually or combined showed a low discriminating capacity. CONCLUSIONS: Positive Candida albicans germ tube antibody and (1 → 3)-ß-D-glucan in a single blood sample or (1 → 3)-ß-D-glucan positivity in two consecutive blood samples allowed discriminating invasive candidiasis from Candida spp. colonization in critically ill patients with severe abdominal conditions. These findings may be helpful to tailor empirical antifungal therapy in this patient population
Posaconazole MIC Distributions for Aspergillus fumigatus Species Complex by Four Methods: Impact of cyp51A Mutations on Estimation of Epidemiological Cutoff Values
ABSTRACT Estimating epidemiological cutoff endpoints (ECVs/ECOFFS) may be hindered by the overlap of MICs for mutant and nonmutant strains (strains harboring or not harboring mutations, respectively). Posaconazole MIC distributions for the Aspergillus fumigatus species complex were collected from 26 laboratories (in Australia, Canada, Europe, India, South and North America, and Taiwan) and published studies. Distributions that fulfilled CLSI criteria were pooled and ECVs were estimated. The sensitivity of three ECV analytical techniques (the ECOFFinder, normalized resistance interpretation [NRI], derivatization methods) to the inclusion of MICs for mutants was examined for three susceptibility testing methods (the CLSI, EUCAST, and Etest methods). The totals of posaconazole MICs for nonmutant isolates (isolates with no known cyp51A mutations) and mutant A. fumigatus isolates were as follows: by the CLSI method, 2,223 and 274, respectively; by the EUCAST method, 556 and 52, respectively; and by Etest, 1,365 and 29, respectively. MICs for 381 isolates with unknown mutational status were also evaluated with the Sensititre YeastOne system (SYO). We observed an overlap in posaconazole MICs among nonmutants and cyp51A mutants. At the commonly chosen percentage of the modeled wild-type population (97.5%), almost all ECVs remained the same when the MICs for nonmutant and mutant distributions were merged: ECOFFinder ECVs, 0.5 μg/ml for the CLSI method and 0.25 μg/ml for the EUCAST method and Etest; NRI ECVs, 0.5 μg/ml for all three methods. However, the ECOFFinder ECV for 95% of the nonmutant population by the CLSI method was 0.25 μg/ml. The tentative ECOFFinder ECV with SYO was 0.06 μg/ml (data from 3/8 laboratories). Derivatization ECVs with or without mutant inclusion were either 0.25 μg/ml (CLSI, EUCAST, Etest) or 0.06 μg/ml (SYO). It appears that ECV analytical techniques may not be vulnerable to overlap between presumptive wild-type isolates and cyp51A mutants when up to 11.6% of the estimated wild-type population includes mutants.
KEYWORDS Aspergillus fumigatus, CLSI ECVs, ECVs, EUCAST ECVs, Etest, SYO, cyp51A mutants, posaconazole, triazole resistance, wild typ
Antifungal Testing and High-Throughput Screening of Compound Library against Geomyces destructans, the Etiologic Agent of Geomycosis (WNS) in Bats
Bats in the northeastern U.S. are affected by geomycosis caused by the fungus Geomyces destructans (Gd). This infection is commonly referred to as White Nose Syndrome (WNS). Over a million hibernating bats have died since the fungus was first discovered in 2006 in a cave near Albany, New York. A population viability analysis conducted on little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), one of six bat species infected with Gd, suggests regional extinction of this species within 20 years. The fungus Gd is a psychrophile (“cold loving”), but nothing is known about how it thrives at low temperatures and what pathogenic attributes allow it to infect bats. This study aimed to determine if currently available antifungal drugs and biocides are effective against Gd. We tested five Gd strains for their susceptibility to antifungal drugs and high-throughput screened (HTS) one representative strain with SpectrumPlus compound library containing 1,920 compounds. The results indicated that Gd is susceptible to a number of antifungal drugs at concentrations similar to the susceptibility range of human pathogenic fungi. Strains of Gd were susceptible to amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole and voriconazole. In contrast, very high MICs (minimum inhibitory concentrations) of flucytosine and echinocandins were needed for growth inhibition, which were suggestive of fungal resistance to these drugs. Of the1,920 compounds in the library, a few caused 50% - to greater than 90% inhibition of Gd growth. A number of azole antifungals, a fungicide, and some biocides caused prominent growth inhibition. Our results could provide a theoretical basis for future strategies aimed at the rehabilitation of most affected bat species and for decontamination of Gd in the cave environment
Clinical factors associated with a Candida albicans Germ Tube Antibody positive test in Intensive Care Unit patients
Background: Poor outcomes of invasive candidiasis (IC) are associated with the difficulty in establishing the microbiological diagnosis at an early stage. New scores and laboratory tests have been developed in order to make an early therapeutic intervention in an attempt to reduce the high mortality associated with invasive fungal infections. Candida albicans IFA IgG has been recently commercialized for germ tube antibody detection (CAGTA). This test provides a rapid and simple diagnosis of IC (84.4% sensitivity and 94.7% specificity). The aim of this study is to identify the patients who could be benefited by the use of CAGTA test in critical care setting.
Methods: A prospective, cohort, observational multicentre study was carried out in six medical/surgical Intensive care units (ICU) of tertiary-care Spanish hospitals. Candida albicans Germ Tube Antibody test was performed twice a week if predetermined risk factors were present, and serologically demonstrated candidiasis was considered if the testing serum dilution was >= 1: 160 in at least one sample and no other microbiological evidence of invasive candidiasis was found.
Results: Fifty-three critically ill non-neutropenic patients (37.7% post surgery) were included. Twenty-two patients (41.5%) had CAGTA-positive results, none of them with positive blood culture for Candida. Neither corrected colonization index nor antifungal treatment had influence on CAGTA results. This finding could corroborate that the CAGTA may be an important biomarker to distinguish between colonization and infection in these patients. The presence of acute renal failure at the beginning of the study was more frequent in CAGTA-negative patients. Previous surgery was statistically more frequent in CAGTA-positive patients.
Conclusions: This study identified previous surgery as the principal clinical factor associated with CAGTA-positive results and emphasises the utility of this promising technique, which was not influenced by high Candida colonization or antifungal treatment. Our results suggest that detection of CAGTA may be important for the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis in surgical patients admitted in ICU.This study has been supported by a Pfizer research gran
Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 21 Número 2
Abonado de cultivos de trigo en secano, por Eduardo Esteban.-- Aplicación del método de contraste de fase al estudio de los minerales fibrosos de la arcilla y afines (II), por M. Delgado. Geoquímica: formas y ciclo del manganeso en suelos calizos (IV), por G. González García y C. Mazuelos Vela. Notas. Conferencia del Prof. Dr. A. Van Den Hende. Conferencia del Prof. H. Frese.-- IV Semana de Estudios Cerámicos.-- Junta General Ordinaria de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica.-- Segunda Reunión Argentina y Primer Congreso Latino-Americano de la Ciencia del Suelo.-- Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo y Cimentaciones.-- Instituto Eduardo Torroja.-- Premio Agrícola A. E. D. O. S 1962.--Bibliografía Walton, E. V. y Holt, O. M.: Cosechas productivasPeer reviewe
Oxygen transfer in ferric iron biological production in a packed-bed reactor
In this paper, oxygen transfer in the ferrous iron biooxidation process in a packed-bed reactor is studied. The reactor consists of a polymethyl methacrylate column randomly packed with siliceous stone particles with inlets for liquid medium and air at the bottom from where they flood the reactor. The aim of this work is to determine the parameters that influence the oxygen transfer from air bubbles to the liquid medium, and to characterize the oxygen transport through the bulk liquid medium.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) BIO95 048
Anales de Edafología y Agrobiología Tomo 21 Número 1
Geoquímica, formas y ciclos del manganeso en suelos calizos, por F. González García, G. Paneque Guerrero y C. Mazuelos Vela.-- Efecto de niveles altos de magnesio en 1a absorción del aluminio y en el crecimiento del maíz en soluciones de cultivo, por R. Dios Vidal y T. C. Broyer.-- El método de contraste de fase y algunas de sus posibles aplicaciones en Mineralogía, por M. Delgado. Notas. Necrológica: El profesor Strugger.-- Creación del lnstitutO de Orientación y Asistencia TécnIca del Oeste.-- I Reunión Nacional de Geología Coloquios sobre Fertilidad.-- Cursillo sobre programación lineal aplicada a la fabricación de piensos y a la formulación de raciones.-- Curso sobre.Bioquímica de Microorganismos.-- Congresos, reuniones y visitas a Centros Pensionados. Bibliografía. Saiz del Río, J. F. y Bornemisza, E.: Análisis químico de suelosPeer reviewe