49,751 research outputs found

    HLA Class I or Class II and Disease Association: Catch the Difference if You Can

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    The association of autoimmune diseases with HLA has been known for many decades. To date, however, the underlying mechanisms have not been fully understood. The recently introduced genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have suggested that several genes converging in common pathways contribute to the genetic susceptibility in such disorders. Nevertheless, for most autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases, the HLA genes are by far the strongest risk factors. The basis of some associations has now been elucidated, particularly in those cases in which exogenous factors are involved

    Ankylosing Spondylitis: a trade Off of HLA-B27, ERAP, and pathogen interconnections? Focus on Sardinia

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    The frequency of HLA-B27 in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is over 85%. There are more than 170 recognized HLA-B27 alleles but the majority of them is not sufficiently represented for genetic association studies. So far only two alleles, the HLA-B*2706 in Asia and the HLA-B*2709 in Sardinia, have not been found to be associated with AS. The highly homogenous genetic structure of the Sardinian population has favored the search of relevant variants for disease-association studies. Moreover, malaria, once endemic in the island, has been shown to have contributed to shape the native population genome affecting the relative allele frequency of relevant genes. In Sardinia, the prevalence of HLA-B*2709, which differs from the strongly AS-associated B*2705 prototype for one amino acid (His/Asp116) in the F pocket of the peptide binding groove, is around 20% of all HLA-B27 alleles. We have previously hypothesized that malaria could have contributed to the establishment of this allele in Sardinia. Based on our recent findings, in this perspective article we speculate that the Endoplasmic Reticulum Amino Peptidases, ERAP1 and 2, associated with AS and involved in antigen presentation, underwent co-selection by malaria. These genes, besides shaping the immunopeptidome of HLA-class I molecules, have other biological functions that could also be involved in the immunosurveillance against malaria

    An experimental and computational analysis of buoyancy driven flows by laser sheet tomography, particle image velocimetry and computational fluid dynamics

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    This paper contains details of a three pronged investigation into the development of a buoyant jet impinging on a wall in a closed vessel. The development of the flow was measured experimentally by particle image velocimetry (PIV) and laser sheet tomography. The experimental results are compared with a computational model of the flow calculated by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package PHOENICS

    Thermometry of ultracold atoms via non-equilibrium work distributions

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    Estimating the temperature of a cold quantum system is difficult. Usually, one measures a well-understood thermal state and uses that prior knowledge to infer its temperature. In contrast, we introduce a method of thermometry that assumes minimal knowledge of the state of a system and is potentially non-destructive. Our method uses a universal temperature-dependence of the quench dynamics of an initially thermal system coupled to a qubit probe that follows from the Tasaki-Crooks theorem for non-equilibrium work distributions. We provide examples for a cold-atom system, in which our thermometry protocol may retain accuracy and precision at subnanokelvin temperatures.Comment: Updated to published version. 6 pages plus 11 pages of supplemental material, and some numerical dat

    Micro-arcsecond light bending by Jupiter

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    The detectors designed for Gaia, the next ESA space astrometry mission to be launched in 2011, will allow to observe repeatedly stars very close to Jupiter's limb. This will open a unique opportunity to test General Relativity by performing many Eddington-like experiments through the comparison between the pattern of a starfield observed with or without Jupiter. We have derived the main formulas relevant for the monopole and quadrupole light deflection by an oblate planet and developed a simulator to investigate the processing of the Gaia astrometric observation in the vicinity of the planet. The results show that such an experiment carried out with the Gaia data will provide a new fully independent determination of the PPN parameter gamma by means of differential astrometric measurements and, more importantly, for the first time will evidence the bending effect due to the quadrupole moment with a 3-sigma confidence level. Given the accuracy of the experiment for the monopole deflection, this will permit to test alternative modelling of the light bending by moving masses.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures. submitted to Class. Quantum Gra

    Perbandingan Keausan Rubber Roll Rice Huller Dengan Produk Di Pasaran

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    Penelitian tentang pembuatan rubber roll rice huller ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai keausan dan membandingkannya dengan produk di pasaran Indonesia. Rubber roll rice huller dibuat dari campuran bahan karet alam jenis RSS dan SBR dengan tambahan sulfur, stearic acid, white carbon, zinc oxide dan PEG. Proses pembuatan kompon dilakukan dengan mesin two roll mill, sedangkan vulkanisasi dengan alat press molding pada suhu 150 ÂșC, selama ± 3-4 jam. Pengujian yang dilakukan berupa uji keausan karet yang didasarkan pada berkurangnya volume karet karena gesekan. Benda uji diputar langsung pada mesin pengupas gabah dengan waktu putaran 10 menit. Dari penelitian diketahui prosentase keausan terbesar pada karet buatan dimana volume rata-rata yang berkurang sebesar 468772,06 cm3, sedangkan rol di pasaran 39534,011 cm3 atau menunjukkan perbandingan keausan volume karet 1 : 12 lebih besar karet buatan

    Pengaruh Suhu Sintering Pada Pembuatan Kampas Rem Dengan Resin Serbuk Sebagai Pengikat

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    Kampas rem merupakan salah satu komponen dari kendaraan bermotor yang berfungsi menghentikan laju kendaraan sepeda motor. Saat laju kendaraan berkecepatan tinggi kampas rem memiliki peranan penting, bahkan keselamatan pengendara tergantung dari kualitas kampas rem tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kampas rem variasi suhu sintering dengan kampas pasaran merk Yamahapart. Peneliti akan mengadakan penelitian diawali dengan pembuatan kampas bervariasi suhu sintering dengan bahan yaitu fiberglass, alumunium, kuningan, graphite, kalsium karbonat, barium sulfat, silika, phenol kristal dan resin paraformaldehyde. Setelah itu mencampur bahan kampas rem sesuai dengan komposisi yang telah ditentukan. Kemudian diberi tekanan sekaligus dipanaskan (sintering) dengan beban 2 ton selama 60 menit dengan variasi suhu 140ÂșC, 145ÂșC dan 150ÂșC. Kemudian diuji gesek dengan beban 18 kg selama 3 jam dengan uji kering, penyemprotan air, air garam, oli, dan minyak rem dengan standart pengujian SNI 09-2663-1992 lalu dihitung keausan dan koefisien geseknya, dan diuji kekerasan brinell dengan gaya 613 Newton dengan standart ASTM E 10-01. Dari hasil penelitian keausan rata-rata bahwa kampas rem yamaha lebih rendah dan lebih baik dari kampas rem variasi suhu sintering pada uji gesek selama 3 jam, tetapi pada uji gesek pengaruh oli kampas rem variasi suhu sintering 150⁰C lebih baik dari kampas rem yamaha dengan nilai sebesar 28,175 mm3/jam sedangkan yamaha sebesar 31,25 mm3/jam. Koefisien gesek kampas rem yamaha lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kampas rem variasi suhu sintering pada uji gesek selama 3 jam, nilai koefisien gesek yamaha tertinggi sebesar 0,6159 sedangkan yang mendekati sebesar 0,602 pada kampas rem suhu sintering 150⁰C pada pengaruh air garam. Nilai kekerasan brinnel kampas rem yamaha lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kampas rem variasi suhu sintering sebesar 23,962 BHN sedangkan nilai kekerasan yang mendekati pada kampas rem variasi suhu sintering 145⁰C sebesar 20,739 BHN

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Perekatan Celup Dan Non Celup Terhadap Kekuatan Impak Pada Pembuatan Batu Grinda 4’inch

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    Burrs is a tool that serves to grind the workpiece at first grinding to grind bend shown only work in the form of hard metal such as iron and stainless steel. Grinding may also aim to hone workpieces such as knives and chisels, or can also be used as smoothing results sebagaibenda work cutting, smoothing welds, forming an arch on the workpiece is angled, prepare the surface of the workpiece to weld, and so forth. In this study, using a grinding own design that aims to determine how much kekeuatan homemade grinding with grinding stone in the market. After the manufacture of grinding to a size of 4 inches gengan composition as it has been determined that the slag coarse mesh to 12-50 g adhesive epoxy resin composition 2.5G, Hardener 2.5 g fiber together weighing 3.1 to mix well then fine slag mesh 40- 30 g, adhesive epoxy resin composition 2.5 g, 2.5 g hardener together weighed 3.1 g fiber mix well. Furthermore, the composition of the mixture is inserted into the mold (mold) which is then compacted in a press machine with a force of 3 tons for 1 jam.Sesudah was done sintering temperature 140o C for 1 hour with a drying machine (oven). After grinding stone so then do impact test of each millstone were then performed the analysis of the test results. Testing was conducted on the impact testing and obtained results impact the average value of a millstone manufacturer LIPPRO has the highest value that is equal to 0.0342 joules / mm2. While millstone result of the design himself with adhesive non dye method has a lower value is 0.0125 joule / mm2 and millstones were using dye has a value of 0.0188 joule / mm2

    Pengaruh Ukuran Serbuk Kuningan Terhadap Ketahanan Aus, Koefisien Gesek, Dan Kekerasan Kampas Rem

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    Kampas rem merupakan salah satu komponen dari kendaraan bermotor yang berfungsi menghentikan laju kendaraan sepeda motor. Pada penelitian ini pembuatan kampas rem dengan variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan bertujuan untuk meneliti performakampas rem dengan perekat resin ripoxy r-802 dibandingkan dengan kampas rem indopart. Proses pembuatan kampas rem diawali dengan persiapanbahan yang akan digunakan yaitu fiberglass, serbuk kuningan mesh 30,40 atau 50, serbuk alumunium, serbuk kalsium karbonat, serbuk barium sulfat, serbuk silika, resin ripoxy r-802 dan katalis. Setelah itu bahan kampas remdicampur sesuai komposisi. Selanjutnya dipres dengan gaya 2 ton selama 30 menit. Kemudian disintering dengan suhu 80ÂșC selama 20 menit. Pengujian spesimen yang dilakukan adalah uji gesek dengan standar SNI 09-2663-1992. Lalu dihitung keausan dan koefisien geseknya, dan diuji kekerasan Brinell dengan gaya 613 N,mengacu standar ASTM E 10-01. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketahanan aus pada pengujian gesek kering, uji oli dan uji minyak rem, tingkat ketahanan aus kampas rem indopart masih lebih baik dibandingkan kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan. Untuk pengujian gesek pengaruh air, kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan mesh 40 memiliki tingkat ketahanan aus yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kampas rem indopart sebesar 29,44 mmÂł/jam, untuk indopart sebesar 32,12 mmÂł/jam. Untuk pengujian gesek pengaruh air garam, kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan mesh 40 memiliki ketahanan aus yang sama dengan kampas rem indopart yaitu 34,79 mmÂł/jam. Koefisien gesek pada pengujian gesek disemua kondisi, kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan mesh 40 memiliki koefisien gesek yang paling mendekati kampas rem indopart. Nilai kekerasan brinnel kampas rem indopart lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan sebesar 23,532 BHN sedangkan nilai kekerasan yang mendekati pada kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan mesh 40 sebesar 20,743 BHN. Untuk hasil dari foto mikro kampas rem variasi ukuran serbuk kuningan mesh 30 dan mesh 40 terjadi fenomena kegagalan bonding kohesive. Sedangkan pada kampas rem variasi kuningan mesh 50 terjadi fenomena kegagalan bonding adhesive
