94 research outputs found

    Critical properties of 1-D spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model

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    We discuss numerical results for the 1-D spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with next-to-nearest neighbour coupling and in the presence of an uniform magnetic field. The model develops zero frequency excitations at field dependent soft mode momenta. We compute critical quantities from finite size dependence of static structure factors.Comment: talk given by H. Kr{\"o}ger at Heraeus Seminar Theory of Spin Lattices and Lattice Gauge Models, Bad Honnef (1996), 20 pages, LaTeX + 18 figures, P

    Low-lying dipole response of 64Ni

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    Two complementary real-photon scattering experiments were conducted on the proton-magic 64 Ni nucleus to study the dipole response up to its neutron-separation energy of S n = 9.7 MeV . By combining both measurements, 87 E 1 and 23 M 1 transitions were identified above 4.3 MeV. The results of the observed M 1 transitions were compared to shell-model calculations using two different model spaces. It was found that the inclusion of excitations across the Z = 28 shell gap in the calculations has a large impact. Furthermore, average cross sections for decays to the ground state (elastic transitions) as well as to lower-lying excited states (inelastic decays) were determined. The corresponding E 1 channel was compared to calculations within the relativistic equation of motion (REOM) framework. Whereas the calculations of highest possible complexity reproduce the fragmentation and overall behavior of the E 1 average elastic cross section well, the predicted absolute cross sections are approximately twice as high as the experimental upper limits even though the latter also include an estimate of the inelastic-decay channel

    Smoothed universal correlations in the two-dimensional Anderson model

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    We report on calculations of smoothed spectral correlations in the two-dimensional Anderson model for weak disorder. As pointed out in (M. Wilkinson, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 21, 1173 (1988)), an analysis of the smoothing dependence of the correlation functions provides a sensitive means of establishing consistency with random matrix theory. We use a semiclassical approach to describe these fluctuations and offer a detailed comparison between numerical and analytical calculations for an exhaustive set of two-point correlation functions. We consider parametric correlation functions with an external Aharonov-Bohm flux as a parameter and discuss two cases, namely broken time-reversal invariance and partial breaking of time-reversal invariance. Three types of correlation functions are considered: density-of-states, velocity and matrix element correlation functions. For the values of smoothing parameter close to the mean level spacing the semiclassical expressions and the numerical results agree quite well in the whole range of the magnetic flux.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Membrane-mediated interactions

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    Interactions mediated by the cell membrane between inclusions, such as membrane proteins or antimicrobial peptides, play important roles in their biological activity. They also constitute a fascinating challenge for physicists, since they test the boundaries of our understanding of self-assembled lipid membranes, which are remarkable examples of two-dimensional complex fluids. Inclusions can couple to various degrees of freedom of the membrane, resulting in different types of interactions. In this chapter, we review the membrane-mediated interactions that arise from direct constraints imposed by inclusions on the shape of the membrane. These effects are generic and do not depend on specific chemical interactions. Hence, they can be studied using coarse-grained soft matter descriptions. We deal with long-range membrane-mediated interactions due to the constraints imposed by inclusions on membrane curvature and on its fluctuations. We also discuss the shorter-range interactions that arise from the constraints on membrane thickness imposed by inclusions presenting a hydrophobic mismatch with the membrane.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, pre-submission version. In: Bassereau P., Sens P. (eds) Physics of Biological Membranes. Springer, Cha

    Different standards: engineers’ expectations and listener adoption of digital and FM radio broadcasting

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    As digital radio broadcasting enters its third decade of operation, few would argue that it has met all expectations expressed at the time of its launch in the mid-1990s. Observers are now more circumspect, with views divided on the pace of transition to an all-digital future. In exploring this mismatch between expectation and actuality, this article considers the introduction of FM radio from the 1950s. It too was expected to replace its forebear (AM) but, like digital radio, its adoption by listeners was slower than anticipated. An examination of published literature, in particular engineering and technical documents, reveals a number of similarities in the development of digital radio and FM. Assumptions about listeners’ needs and preferences appear to have been based on little actual audience research and, with continual reference in the literature to the supposed deficiencies of the predecessor technology, suggest an emphasis in decision making on the technical qualities of radio broadcasting over an appreciation of actual audience preferences


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    Der Weg zum Silizium

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