294 research outputs found

    Detection of possible undiagnosed cases of diabetes in customers at a community pharmacy

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    Entre el 28 de marzo y el 28 de junio de 2005 se desarrolló una campaña de detección de posibles diabéticos nodiagnosticados, de excelente aceptación y repercusión entre los usuarios de una ofi cina de farmacia. El Test deRiesgo de Diabetes de la American Diabetes Association (ADA) fue utilizado en la selección de las personas que sesometerían a una determinación de glucemia capilar en ayunas, mediante metodología basada en reacciones colorimétricas.Una puntuación de diez puntos o más en este test, fue el requisito preciso para ello. El 53,0 % de lostest obtuvieron una puntuación igual o superior a diez y el 36,4 % de las determinaciones de glucemia realizadasdieron un resultado mayor o igual a 110 mg/dL, de lo que se deduce la utilidad del test ADA en el enriquecimientode la muestra objeto de estudio. Las personas con estos valores elevados de glucemia, fueron remitidas al médicopara su valoración.As part of a localised health care initiative, a campaign for the detection of possible undiagnosed cases of diabeteswas carried out from the 28th of March to the 28th of June 2005, at a local community pharmacy, giving good resultsand a high level of acceptance from pharmacy customers. The diabetes risk test proposed by the American DiabetesAssociation (ADA) was used in the selection process of persons for blood glucose testing under conditions of previousfasting (8-10 hrs). The ADA test is based on a points scoring system, in which a score of 10 points is considered ascause for recommendation for blood glucose testing. The methodology used for the determination of blood glucoselevels in this research was that based on colorimetric reactions. In the ADA test, 53.0% of cases scored ten points orover, while 36.4% of blood glucose determinations resulted in levels equal to or over 110 mg/dL, thus indicating theusefulness of this tool for the purposes of research. Persons with such high levels of blood glucose were referred to aphysician for analysis

    Short-term effects of traffic noise on suicides and emergency hospital admissions due to anxiety and depression in Madrid (Spain)

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    Studies show a relationship between some mental illnesses and suicides and different environmental variables such as air pollution, characterized by stress at the neuropsychological level. Despite the fact that traffic noise is also a powerful neurological stressor, studies that relate traffic noise to these mental disorders are practically non-existent. The objective is to analyze the short-term impact that chemical air pollution, traffic noise and thermal extremes have on emergency hospital admissions due to anxiety, dementia and suicides in the city of Madrid. This ecological, longitudinal study uses generalized linear models with Poisson link to analyze the short-term impact of the average daily concentrations of chemical pollutants (NO2, PM10, PM2.5, O3), noise pollution indicators (Leqday, Leqnight and Leq24h) and temperatures during heat waves (Theat) and cold waves (Tcold) on daily admissions to emergency services in the city of Madrid from 2010 to 2013 due to anxiety (ICD-10: F32), depression (ICD-10: F40-F42) and suicide (ICD-10: X60-X84). The results show no association between any of the chemical pollutants considered and the dependent variables studied. On the contrary, the values of Leqday are associated with the three variables analyzed in lag 0 for the cases of anxiety and depression and in lag 1 for suicides, with RR: 1.20 (IC95% 1.14 1.26), RR: 1.11 (IC95% 1.06 1.16) and RR: 1.17 (IC95% 1.05 1.30), respectively, for increases of 1 dB(A) in the values of Leqday. An association was also found between Tcold and admissions for anxiety in lag 9 with RR: 1.62 (IC95% 1.18 2.22) for increases of 1 °C in the values of Tcold. Traffic noise can be considered an important risk factor related to the illnesses and anxiety and depression and for suicides in the city of Madrid, although new studies are needed to support the findings shown here.The authors gratefully acknowledge Project ENPY 376/18 and Project ENPY 107/18 grants from the Institute of Health Carlos III.S

    Detection of possible undiagnosed cases of diabetes in customers at a community pharmacy

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    Entre el 28 de marzo y el 28 de junio de 2005 se desarrolló una campaña de detección de posibles diabéticos no diagnosticados, de excelente aceptación y repercusión entre los usuarios de una ofi cina de farmacia. El Test de Riesgo de Diabetes de la American Diabetes Association (ADA) fue utilizado en la selección de las personas que se someterían a una determinación de glucemia capilar en ayunas, mediante metodología basada en reacciones colorimétricas. Una puntuación de diez puntos o más en este test, fue el requisito preciso para ello. El 53,0 % de los test obtuvieron una puntuación igual o superior a diez y el 36,4 % de las determinaciones de glucemia realizadas dieron un resultado mayor o igual a 110 mg/dL, de lo que se deduce la utilidad del test ADA en el enriquecimiento de la muestra objeto de estudio. Las personas con estos valores elevados de glucemia, fueron remitidas al médico para su valoración.As part of a localised health care initiative, a campaign for the detection of possible undiagnosed cases of diabetes was carried out from the 28th of March to the 28th of June 2005, at a local community pharmacy, giving good results and a high level of acceptance from pharmacy customers. The diabetes risk test proposed by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) was used in the selection process of persons for blood glucose testing under conditions of previous fasting (8-10 hrs). The ADA test is based on a points scoring system, in which a score of 10 points is considered as cause for recommendation for blood glucose testing. The methodology used for the determination of blood glucose levels in this research was that based on colorimetric reactions. In the ADA test, 53.0% of cases scored ten points or over, while 36.4% of blood glucose determinations resulted in levels equal to or over 110 mg/dL, thus indicating the usefulness of this tool for the purposes of research. Persons with such high levels of blood glucose were referred to a physician for analysis

    Evolution of the threshold temperature definition of a heat wave vs. evolution of the minimum mortality temperature: a case study in Spain during the 1983–2018 period

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    An area of current study concerns analysis of the possible adaptation of the population to heat, based on the temporal evolution of the minimum mortality temperature (MMT). It is important to know how is the evolution of the threshold temperatures (Tthreshold) due to these temperatures provide the basis for the activation of public health prevention plans against high temperatures. The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal evolution of threshold temperatures (Tthreshold) produced in different Spanish regions during the 1983–2018 period and to compare this evolution with the evolution of MMT. The dependent variable used was the raw rate of daily mortality due to natural causes ICD X: (A00-R99) for the considered period. The independent variable was maximum daily temperature (Tmax) during the summer months registered in the reference observatory of each region. Threshold values were determined using dispersion diagrams (annual) of the prewhitened series of mortality temperatures and Tmax. Later, linear fit models were carried out between the different values of Tthreshold throughout the study period, which permitted detecting the annual rate of change in Tthreshold.This research project was funded by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) under file number ENPY 470/19 and is supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, in addition to the research projects ISCIII: ENPY107/18 and ENPY 376/1

    Muscle characteristics and maximal/explosive force production during isometric/dynamic actions of leg extensor muscles in untrained young men

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    Participaron en el estudio, de forma voluntaria cinco sujetos de sexo masculino, estudiantes de educación Física (22-26 años). El objetivo fue observar las relaciones entre el test de salto horizontal con los tests de salto vertical con contramovimiento y con flexión previa, tests de fuerza isométrica máxima y la distribución de los tipos de fibras musculares. Los resultados en la distancia y altura de vuelo conseguidas en los tests de salto horizontal, salto desde flexión previa sin contramovimiento y salto con contramovimiento fueron respectivamente 2,53 m ± 0,17, 0,32 m ± 0,05 y 0,40 m ± 0,05. No se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las fibras tipo I, tipo IIA y tipo IIB y los tests realizados. Tampoco se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre la máxima fuerza, la pendiente de fuerza isométrica y entre la distancia y alturas de salto. Por otro lado, tampoco se encontraron correlaciones entre la fuerza y la potencia en el salto horizontal (2,53 B W ± 0,17 y 63,4 W/kg ± 5,4, respectivamente) y la distancia lograda. El test de fuerza isométrica máxima se realizó con dos diferentes ángulos de flexión de rodillas: 90" y 120". Tanto el pico de máxima fuerza isométrica como la máxima pendiente de desarrollo de la fuerza fueron superiores al realizar el test con una flexión de rodillas de 120" (2268 N ± 576 y 8962 N/s ± 1945 frente a 1538 N ± 300 y 7398 N/s ± 1557 con 90" de flexión). Por último, no se encontraron relaciones significativas entre la fuerza isométrica máxima y la fuerza explosiva en acciones dinámicas