2,531 research outputs found

    Discovering Predictive Event Sequences in Criminal Careers

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    In this work, we consider the problem of predicting criminal behavior, and propose a method for discovering predictive patterns in criminal histories. Quantitative criminal career analysis typically involves clustering individuals according to frequency of a particular event type over time, using cluster membership as a basis for comparison. We demonstrate the effectiveness of hazard pattern mining for the discovery of relationships between different types of events that may occur in criminal careers. Hazard pattern mining is an extension of event sequence mining, with the additional restriction that each event in the pattern is the first subsequent event of the specified type. This restriction facilitates application of established time based measures such as those used in survival analysis. We evaluate hazard patterns using a relative risk model and an accelerated failure time model. The results show that hazard patterns can reliably capture unexpected relationships between events of different types

    Stability of the replica-symmetric saddle-point in general mean-field spin-glass models

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    Within the replica approach to mean-field spin-glasses the transition from ergodic high-temperature behaviour to the glassy low-temperature phase is marked by the instability of the replica-symmetric saddle-point. For general spin-glass models with non-Gaussian field distributions the corresponding Hessian is a 2n×2n2^n\times 2^n matrix with the number nn of replicas tending to zero eventually. We block-diagonalize this Hessian matrix using representation theory of the permutation group and identify the blocks related to the spin-glass susceptibility. Performing the limit n0n\to 0 within these blocks we derive expressions for the de~Almeida-Thouless line of general spin-glass models. Specifying these expressions to the cases of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick, Viana-Bray, and the L\'evy spin glass respectively we obtain results in agreement with previous findings using the cavity approach

    Parent and teacher involvement: children with emotional and behavioral disorders

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Family Studies and Human ServicesKaren Myers-BowmanThe reciprocal interaction between children and their environment can affect their development. Certain environmental interactions such as problematic parent-child relationships or peer rejection in school are associated with the development of emotional and behavioral disorders. Children with emotional and behavioral disorders experience difficulties in a variety of areas including academics, social relationships, behaviors, and life outcomes. These emotional and behavioral disorders can progress or regress depending on relationships occurring within the child’s environment. Positive, healthy, and caring parent and teacher involvement in the lives of these children is an important factor. When parents and teachers become involved, especially when they work together to set mutual goals to help with success, children with emotional and behavioral disorders may see improvements in their problem behaviors, experience more successful achievement in academics, and develop in a direction that is more normative rather than problematic. This information can be applied through an online educational module for parents of children with EBD that aims to educate these parents on the avenues to and importance of involvement

    The phase diagram of L\'evy spin glasses

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    We study the L\'evy spin-glass model with the replica and the cavity method. In this model each spin interacts through a finite number of strong bonds and an infinite number of weak bonds. This hybrid behaviour of L\'evy spin glasses becomes transparent in our solution: the local field contains a part propagating along a backbone of strong bonds and a Gaussian noise term due to weak bonds. Our method allows to determine the complete replica symmetric phase diagram, the replica symmetry breaking line and the entropy. The results are compared with simulations and previous calculations using a Gaussian ansatz for the distribution of fields.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    A Comparison of Production and Soils in Modified Mixed Prairie Community

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    This study examined the effects of reseeding a Stipa-Agropyron- Bouteloua community to monocultures of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum (L.) Geartn.), Russian wild rye grass (Elymus junceus Fisch.), and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on above and below ground biomass and indicators of soil quality. Summer fallowed wheat produced 10817 kg ha-1 and 4090 kg ha-1 of above ground below ground biomass respectively whereas the native community produced 3191 kg ha-1 above ground and 13013 kg ha-1 of below ground biomass. However wheat, crested wheatgrass and Russian wildrye grass generally showed a lower biological index, phosphatase and dehydrogenase activity

    Experimental validation of a self-calibrating cryogenic mass flowmeter

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    The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the WEKA AG jointly develop a commercial flowmeter for application in helium cryostats. The flowmeter functions according to a new thermal measurement principle that eliminates all systematic uncertainties and enables self-calibration during real operation. Ideally, the resulting uncertainty of the measured flow rate is only dependent on signal noises, which are typically very small with regard to the measured value. Under real operating conditions, cryoplant-dependent flow rate fluctuations induce an additional uncertainty, which follows from the sensitivity of the method. This paper presents experimental results with helium at temperatures between 30 and 70 K and flow rates in the range of 4 to 12 g/s. The experiments were carried out in a control cryostat of the 2 kW helium refrigerator of the TOSKA test facility at KIT. Inside the cryostat, the new flowmeter was installed in series with a Venturi tube that was used for reference measurements. The measurement results demonstrate the self-calibration capability during real cryoplant operation. The influences of temperature and flow rate fluctuations on the self-calibration uncertainty are discussed

    Pairing in low-density Fermi gases

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    We consider pairing in a dilute system of Fermions with a short-range interaction. While the theory is ill-defined for a contact interaction, the BCS equations can be solved in the leading order of low-energy effective field theory. The integrals are evaluated with the dimensional regularization technique, giving analytic formulas relating the pairing gap, the density, and the energy density to the two-particle scattering length.Comment: 12 pages, 2 EPS-figures, uses psfig.sty, eq.(9) correcte

    Microscopic study of the He2-SF6 trimers

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    The He2-SF6 trimers, in their different He isotopic combinations, are studied both in the framework of the correlated Jastrow approach and of the Correlated Hyperspherical Harmonics expansion method. The energetics and structure of the He-SF6 dimers are analyzed, and the existence of a characteristic rotational band in the excitation spectrum is discussed, as well as the isotopic differences. The binding energies and the spatial properties of the trimers, in their ground and lowest lying excited states, obtained by the Jastrow ansatz are in excellent agreement with the results of the converged CHH expansion. The introduction of the He-He correlation makes all trimers bound by largely suppressing the short range He-He repulsion. The structural properties of the trimers are qualitatively explained in terms of the shape of the interactions, Pauli principle and masses of the constituents.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to PR