410 research outputs found

    Attitudes and reported practice of paediatricians and child psychiatrists regarding the assessment and treatment of ADHD in Ireland

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    Objectives. This mixed-method national survey has obtained original data on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) attitudes, assessment and treatment regimes reported by paediatricians and child psychiatrists; and has compared their clinics. It has examined the extent of involvement of Irish paediatricians in the management of ADHD. Methods. A questionnaire was designed, based on a review of literature and ADHD guidelines, and piloted by expert clinicians. Universal recruitment was conducted among Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) consultants (n = 71) and community/general paediatric consultants (n = 72). Quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analysed. Results. There was an overall response rate of 43%. A dedicated ADHD clinic is offered in 79% of CAMHS services, but only in one paediatric service. Participants reported that the assessment of ADHD involves multidisciplinary work and this was only established in CAMHS clinics. Medication is initiated by 82% of child psychiatrists and only 22% of paediatricians. Conclusions. This first national study of ADHD attitudes and practices presents comprehensive data regarding the management of children with ADHD in CAMHS and paediatric settings in Ireland. Paediatricians reported a minor role in managing ADHD. Study limitations are related to subjective reporting rather than case note audit, and a moderate response rate for the paediatricians’ participants

    Flexural Properties of Lumber from a 50-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Plantation

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    Flexural properties of dimension lumber from a 50-year-old loblolly pine plantation stand were evaluated. The results indicate very impressive visual grade recovery, particularly No. 1, which amounted to about 44% yield. The results also indicate that the overall degrees of compliance of visually graded lumber to standard SPIB requirements of strength and stiffness are 99 and 94%, respectively

    Flexural Properties of Lumber from Two 40-Year-Old Loblolly Pine Plantations with Different Stand Densities

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    The effects of stand density on the flexural properties and compliance-to-grade requirements of lumber from two 40-year-old loblolly pine plantations were evaluated. The results indicate that stand density is positively influencing the flexural stiffness and grade compliance of the lumber produced from these plantations. On the other hand, stand density had no effect on the flexural strength of the lumber from these plantations. The lumber from the denser 40-year-old stand, which had 28 m/50 yr site index, 2.4-by 2.4-m original spacing, never thinned, with 679 trees/ha and 11.4-sq m basal area at harvest, has 96% and 66% compliance to required flexural strength and stiffness values, respectively. The lumber from the thinned 40-year-old stand, with 28 m/50 yr site index, 2.4-by 2.4-m original spacing, thinned at age 25, with 450 trees/ha and 10.2-sq m basal area at harvest, has 96% and 53% compliance to required flexural strength and stiffness values, respectively. It is now evident from the results of these studies that even dense stands must be older than 40 years of age before they can be harvested for lumber production to ensure attainment of at least 95% lumber grade compliance, i.e., strength and stiffness values that are consistent with assigned visual grades

    Ficus insipida subsp. insipida (Moraceae) reveals the role of ecology in the phylogeography of widespread Neotropical rain forest tree species

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    Aim: To examine the phylogeography of Ficus insipida subsp. insipida in order to investigate patterns of spatial genetic structure across the Neotropics and within Amazonia. Location: Neotropics. Methods: Plastid DNA (trnH-psbA; 410 individuals from 54 populations) and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS; 85 individuals from 27 populations) sequences were sampled from Mexico to Bolivia, representing the full extent of the taxon's distribution. Divergence of plastid lineages was dated using a Bayesian coalescent approach. Genetic diversity was assessed with indices of haplotype and nucleotide diversities, and genetic structure was examined using spatial analysis of molecular variance (SAMOVA) and haplotype networks. Population expansion within Amazonia was tested using neutrality and mismatch distribution tests. Results: trnH-psbA sequences yielded 19 haplotypes restricted to either Mesoamerica or Amazonia; six haplotypes were found among ITS sequences. Diversification of the plastid DNA haplotypes began c. 14.6 Ma. Haplotype diversity for trnH-psbA was higher in Amazonia. Seven genetically differentiated SAMOVA groups were described for trnH-psbA, of which two were also supported by the presence of unique ITS sequences. Population expansion was suggested for both markers for the SAMOVA group that contains most Amazonian populations. Main conclusions: Our results show marked population genetic structure in F. insipida between Mesoamerica and Amazonia, implying that the Andes and seasonally dry areas of northern South America are eco-climatic barriers to its migration. This pattern is shared with other widespread pioneer species affiliated to wet habitats, indicating that the ecological characteristics of species may impact upon large-scale phylogeography. Ficus insipida also shows genetic structure in north-western Amazonia potentially related to pre-Pleistocene historical events. In contrast, evident population expansion elsewhere in Amazonia, in particular the presence of genetically uniform populations across the south-west, indicate recent colonization. Our findings are consistent with palaeoecological data that suggest recent post-glacial expansion of Amazonian forests in the south

    How proteolytic inhibitors interact with dentin on glass-fiber post luting over 6 months

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    Objectives: Enzyme inhibitors minimize the degradation of unprotected collagen of dentin promoted by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cysteine cathepsins (CCs). As the evidence of their effect on the root canal is limited, this study aimed to evaluate the role of EDTA, chlorhexidine and E-64 as antiproteolytic agents on the bond strength (BS) of glass-fiber posts in root canals. Materials and methods: Ninety-six bovine roots were distributed in groups for each time point (n = 8). Adper Scotchbond Multipurpose (MP)/ RelyX ARC system was used to lute the post according to the treatment: negative control (NC)- water, EDTA- 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, CHX- 2% digluconate chlorhexidine, E-64-5- 5 mu M E-64, E-64-10- 10 mu M E-64 and positive control (PC)- MP associated with activator/ catalyst. Then, slices were subjected to push-out test (0.5 nun/min) after 24 h/6 mons. Data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA/Tukey tests. Failure modes were analyzed (40 x). Results: The factors treatment, time, root canal third and the interaction between treatment and time were statistically significant. At 24 h, no negative interactions were observed among the root dentin, bonding system and post At 6 mons, CHX improved the BS for middle and apical root thirds. Conclusions: CHX was able to promote beneficial BS after 6 mons, which was not noted for any other tested enzyme inhibitors.Peer reviewe

    The heme-based oxygen sensor Rhizobium etli FixL: influence of auxiliary ligands on heme redox potential and implications on the enzyme activity

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    Conformational changes associated to sensing mechanisms of heme-based protein sensors are a key molecular event that seems to modulate not only the protein activity but also the potential of the Fe redox couple of the heme domain. In this work, midpoint potentials (E) assigned to the Fe redox couple of the heme domain of FixL from Rhizobium etli (ReFixL) in the unliganded and liganded states were determined by spectroelectrochemistry in the presence of inorganic mediators. In comparison to the unliganded ReFixL protein (+ 19 mV), the binding to ligands that switch off the kinase activity induces a negative shift, i. e. E = − 51, − 57 and − 156 mV for O, imidazole and CN, respectively. Upon binding to CO, which does not affect the kinase active, E was observed at + 21 mV. The potential values observed for Fe of the heme domain of ReFixL upon binding to CO and O do not follow the expected trend based on thermodynamics, assuming that positive potential shift would be expected for ligands that bind to and therefore stabilize the Fe state. Our results suggest that the conformational changes that switch off kinase activity upon O binding have knock-on effects to the local environment of the heme, such as solvent rearrangement, destabilize the Fe state and counterbalances the Fe-stabilizing influence of the O ligand

    Forest fire history in Amazonia inferred from intensive soil charcoal sampling and radiocarbon dating

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    This study was supported by funding from the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, NE/N011570/1 and NE/R017980/1) and a radiocarbon dating allocation (allocation 2122.0818) from the NERC-funded NEIF Radiocarbon Laboratory.Fire has a historical role in tropical forests related to past climate and ancient land use spanning the Holocene; however, it is unclear from charcoal records how fire varied at different spatiotemporal scales and what sampling strategies are required to determine fire history and their effects. We evaluated fire variation in structurally intact, terra-firme Amazon forests, by intensive soil charcoal sampling from three replicate soil pits in sites in Guyana and northern and southern Peru. We used radiocarbon (14C) measurement to assess (1) locally, how the timing of fires represented in our sample varied across the surface of forest plots and with soil depth, (2) basin-wide, how the age of fires varies across climate and environmental gradients, and (3) how many samples are appropriate when applying the 14C approach to assess the date of last fire. Considering all 14C dates (n = 33), the most recent fires occurred at a similar time at each of the three sites (median ages: 728–851 cal years BP), indicating that in terms of fire disturbance at least, these forests could be considered old-growth. The number of unique fire events ranged from 1 to 4 per pit and from 4 to 6 per site. Based upon our sampling strategy, the N-Peru site—with the highest annual precipitation—had the most fire events. Median fire return intervals varied from 455 to 2,950 cal years BP among sites. Based on available dates, at least three samples (1 from the top of each of 3 pits) are required for the sampling to have a reasonable likelihood of capturing the most recent fire for forests with no history of a recent fire. The maximum fire return interval for two sites was shorter than the time since the last fire, suggesting that over the past ∼800 years these forests have undergone a longer fire-free period than the past 2,000–3,500 years. Our analysis from terra-firme forest soils helps to improve understanding of changes in fire regime, information necessary to evaluate post-fire legacies on modern vegetation and soil and to calibrate models to predict forest response to fire under climate change.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Predição do florescimento do arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Este estudo visa à compreensão dos impactos das variáveis climáticas e geográficas no florescimento do arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul

    Dra. Nállarett Marina Dávila Cardozo, 1980-2022

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    Nállarett, conocida en varios paı́ses de forma cariñosa como Gigi, era una gran botánica y cientı́fica, además de ser una persona dulce, empática, creativa y brillante. Ella deja un gran legado cientı́fico en sus docenas de artı́culos, sus miles de especı́menes botánicos colectados y sus descripciones de varias especies nuevas para la ciencia. Será recordada por todos los botánicos que cruzan caminos con Caraipa davilae y Compsoneura nallarettiana, ambas especies endémicas del Perú, nombradas en su honor. Nállarett era una especialista y apasionada en bosques de arena blanca, hábitats de suelos pobres dentro de la cuenca amazónica que para ella resultaron áreas fértiles para estudiar la evolución de las maravillosas plantas que los habitan. Igualmente, deja un gran legado humano por su bella forma de ser, su generosidad y su sonrisa luminosa, marcando la vida de sus amigos y colegas de forma profunda. Nállarett es y será extrañada entrañablemente por todos quienes tuvimos la suerte de conocerla. Que descanse en paz