31 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses dalam Pembelajaran IPA Kelas IV Sdn 02 Beduai

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    Kata Kunci: Hasil belajar, Keterampilan Proses, Pembelajaran IPA SD Abstrak: Judul penelitian ini adalah Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan pendekatan keterampilan proses dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Kelas IV SDN 02 Beduai. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena perlu adanya rancangan strategi pembelajaran sebagai alternatif baru dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan menggunakan pendekatan keterampilan proses untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar pada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri No. 02 Beduai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian Tindakan Kelas bersifat penelitian kolaboratif. Hasil penelitian penilaian kinerja guru pada IPKG I siklus I dengan rata-rata 2,94, meningkat pada siklus II dengan rata-rata 3,74. IPKG II siklus I dengan rata-rata 3,07 meningkat pada siklus II dengan rata-rata 3,74. Peningkatan keterampilan proses siswa pada siklus I dengan perolehan rata-rata 47,36 dan siklus II dengan rata-rata 89,47. Hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I rata-rata 50,79 meningkat pada siklus II dengan rata-rata 75,52. Hal ini berarti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan keterampilan proses dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar pembelajaran IPA kelas IV SDN 02 Beduai. Keyword : Learning Outcomes, Proces of learning skills, Natural Sciences SD Abstract: The title of this research is "Improving student learning outcomes approach in the process of learning the skills of Natural Sciences IV Class SDN 02 Beduai". This study was conducted because of the need for the design of new learning strategies as an alternative to the Natural Sciences learning using process skills approach to improving student learning outcomes in the classroom Primary School. IV. 02 Beduai. The method used is descriptive method of action research is a form of collaborative research. Results of research on teacher performance assessment IPKG I cycle I with an average of 2.94, an increase in cycle II with an average of 3.74. IPKG II first cycle with an average 3.07 increase in cycle II with an average of 3.74. Impact on increasing students' process skills acquisition in the first cycle with an average of 47.36 and a second cycle with an average of 89.47. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle an average of 50.79 increase in cycle II with an average of 75.52. This suggests that the use of process pf learning skills can improve learning outcomes two grade students of SDN 02 Beduai

    The Gastropods Diversity in Mangrove of the Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak as Media Learning the Concept of Biodiversity Senior High School Class X

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    To investigate the diversity of gastropods in the mangrove of the Kecamatan Sungai Apit Kabupaten Siak in April to December 2014. The results are used for the development of instructional media in the form of media objects directly in the form of wet preservation of the species are found. This research was carried out with 2 phases: phase field research and media development. Determination of the research station by purposive sampling to establish three research stations. Each station consists of two transects and on each transect consists of 3 plots. Biological parameters observed that diversity index and the physical and chemical parameters include salinity, pH, temperature, organic content of the substrate and the texture class. The results showed that the diversity of gastropods in the mangrove forest area Apit Siak River District ranged from 1,73 to 1,82 which is relatively moderate range. The results of the research can be used as a medium of learning in the from of media preservation of biodiversity of the material wet grade ten senior high school

    Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) dan Kadmium (Cd) pada Anadara Granosa di Pantai Nongsa Kota Batam untuk Penyusunan Lembar Tugas Siswa pada Konsep Pencemaran Air di SMA

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    Nongsa is Batam eastern coastal area which is crowded with a variety of industrial activities, transportation and domesti. The waste products of these activities will result in waste of heavy metals Pb and Cd which can pollute the surrounding waters. In order to investigate the quality of coastal waters in the nongsa beach, Batam city, the measurement of heavy metals lead and cadmium in sea water, sediment and Anadara granosa has been done in June 2014 with a survey method. Results of measurement used for the preparation of the student assignment sheet on the concept of water pollution through the stages of analysis, design, and development. The average heavy metal Pb content in sea water is 2,760 ppm, in sediment is 3,870 ppm and in Anadara granosa is 1,460 ppm. While the average heavy metal content of Cd in seawater is 0,032 ppm, in sediments is 0,029 ppm and in Anadara granosa is 0,081 ppm. The results of research can be used as material for the preparation of the student assignment sheet on the concept of water pollution in high school with category Very Good. Meanwhile, to ensure the quality of this product, the testing steps still need to be followed up to the stage of Implementation dan Evaluation

    Struktur Komunitas Serangga Polinator di Kebun Buah Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Riau sebagai Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa Konsep Interaksi dalam Ekosistem Kelas X SMA

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    The aim of this research was to determine community structure of pollinator insects in fruit garden Agribusiness Agriculture Faculty University of Riau in March to April 2015, for development of Student Worksheet (LKS) interactions the ecosystem concept. The research was conducted with 2 phases of field research and the development of learning worksheets. Determining the location of the observation by purposive sampling to establish the location of the observation at 5 fruit garden Agribusiness Agriculture Faculty University of Riau. Biological parameters observed that the abundance of species, dominance index and preferences visits, while the environmental physical parameters include temperature, humidity and light intensity. The results showed the highest relative abundance is Apis cerana, insect pollinators dominance index was low (0,189 to 0,363) and the highest preference insect pollinators in the afternoon (15:00 to 17:00). Results of research for the development of learning materials LKS interactions the ecosystem in class X SMA


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    Secretarial administration means the entire process of implementing a series of structuring activities for office work and other assistance tasks, in order to support the smooth achievement of organizational goals. Secretarial administration has the objective of securing company secrets. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method using data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data processing techniques are carried out by presenting data related to the role of the corporate secretary as the organizer of secretarial administration at PT INKA Multi Solusi Madiun. The results obtained show that the corporate secretary has the role of organizing secretarial administration at PT INKA Multi Solusi Madiun in accordance with Gaol's theory (2015) covering five things. First, the recording of management activities, namely the recording of correspondence, guest books, disposition of incoming mail, internal document expeditions, telephone books. Second, implementing the administrative center, carrying out collection, recording, sending, duplicating, archiving activities. Third, as a corporate communication tool, the corporate secretary acts as an intermediary for conveying information. Fourth, executors who hold company secrets, use filing cabinets, filing cabinets, computers as media. Fifth, as a documentation center, recording, compiling, archiving important company files.Administrasi kesekretarisan berarti keseluruhan proses pelaksanaan rangkaian kegiatan penataan terhadap pekerjaan perkantoran dan tugas-tugas bantuan lainnya, dalam rangka menunjang kelancaran pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Administrasi kesekretarisan mempunyai tujuan antara lain mengamankan rahasia perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengolahan data dilakukan dengan memaparkan data yang terkait dengan peran sekretaris perusahaan sebagai penyelenggara administrasi kesekretarisan di PT INKA Multi solusi Madiun. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa sekretaris perusahaan berperan sebagai penyelenggara administrasi kesekretarisan di PT INKA Multi Solusi Madiun sesuai dengan teori Gaol (2015) meliputi lima hal. Pertama, pencatatan kegiatan manajemen yaitu pencatatan surat-menyurat, buku tamu, disposisi surat masuk, ekspedisi dokumen internal, buku telepon. Kedua, pelaksana pusat ketatausahaan, melakukan kegiatan penghimpunan, pencatatan, pengiriman, penggandaan, pengarsipan. Ketiga, sebagai alat komunikasi perusahaan, sekretaris perusahaan berperan sebagai perantara penyampaian informasi. Keempat, pelaksana pemegang rahasia perusahaan, menggunakan media lemari arsip, filling cabinet, komputer. Kelima, sebagai pusat dokumentasi, melakukan pencatatan, penghimpunan, pengarsipan berkas penting perusahaa

    On the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectra of complete multipartite graphs

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    Let G be a finite simple graph with vertex set V(G) = {v1, v2, v3, …, vn} and edge set E(G). The adjacency matrix of G is an (nn)-matrix A(G) = [aij] where aij = 1 if vivj E(G) and aij = 0 elsewhere, and the degree matrix of G is a diagonal (nn)-matrix D(G) = [dij] where dii = degG(vi) and dij = 0 for i ≠ j. The Laplacian matrix of G is L(G) = D(G) – A(G) and the signless Laplacian matrix of G is Q(G) = D(G) + A(G). The study of spectrum of Laplacian and signless Laplacian matrix of graph are interesting topic till today. In this paper, we determine the Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectra of complete multipartite graphs

    Spektrum Adjacency, Spektrum Laplace, Spektrum Signless-Laplace, dan Spektrum Detour Graf Multipartisi Komplit

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    Penelitian ini menentukan pola umum spektrum Adjacency, spektrum Laplace, spektrum Signless-Laplace, dan spektrum Detour pada graf multipartisi kompli

    Antidesma montanum: biochemistry and bioactive compounds

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    Antidesma montanum is commonly known as a mountain currant tree. Its fruits and leaves are utilized locally for food and traditional medicine, meanwhile the stem is used as source of wood. The fruit contains bioactive constituents of steroid glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols and tannins that exhibited higher antioxidant activity than at certain concentrations of standard antioxidants (i.e. vitamin E, ascorbic acid, and trolox). The leave extracts known to inhibit the activities of α-amylase and α-glucosidase in diabetic therapy. Furthermore, the leave extracts also possessed scavenging activity against both hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals, and inhibited the nitric oxide production. Meanwhile, another studies reported on the anti-inflammatory effect of Antidesma montanum, being used to treat eye diseases, and relieving chest pain. The leaves are used externally against headache and thrush in children, for diuretic and removing kidney stone, anti-dermatitis and skin disease curing effect. A tea from the leaves is used as a tonic for mothers after giving birth and applied topically to ulcers and lumbar pains. The roots are used to treat measles, chickenpox, malaria, and stomach ache. Nevertheless, extensive research is needed to confirm the reputed beneficial effects of Antidesma montanum in traditional medicine