175 research outputs found

    La via peridurale: confronto tra metodiche di somministrazione.

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    Nel periodo peri-operatorio il controllo del dolore permette di migliorare la qualit\ue0 di vita dei pazienti, riduce le complicanze e permette un pi\uf9 veloce recupero post-operatorio. Un elemento imprescindibile per l\u2019impostazione e il mantenimento di un adeguato trattamento antalgico \ue8 la corretta somministrazione degli analgesici. Il presente lavoro confronta la somministrazione continua e quella intermittente a boli di soluzioni analgesiche per via peridurale. Dai nostri dati emerge che entrambe le modalit\ue0 considerate sono effi caci nel controllo del dolore peri-operatorio nei pazienti affetti da Arteriopatia Ostruttiva Cronica Periferica. Ciononostante, dato che lo schema di somministrazione a boli richiede un impegno organizzativo notevole, si raccomanda l\u2019introduzione dell\u2019analgesia peridurale controllata dal paziente (PCEA, Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesi

    Tofacitinib May Inhibit Myofibroblast Differentiation from Rheumatoid-Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes Induced by TGF-β and IL-6

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    During rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the pathogenic role of resident cells within the synovial membrane is suggested, especially for a population frequently referred to as fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs). In this study, we assess the markers of myofibroblast differentiation of RA-FLSs by ex vivo observations and in vitro evaluations following the stimulation with both TGF-β and IL-6. Furthermore, we investigated the possible inhibiting role of tofacitinib, a JAK inhibitor, in this context. Myofibroblast differentiation markers were evaluated on RA synovial tissues by immune-fluorescence or immune-histochemistry. RA-FLSs, stimulated with transforming growth factor (TGF-β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) with/without tofacitinib, were assessed for myofibroblast differentiation markers expression by qRT-PCR and Western blot. The same markers were evaluated following JAK-1 silencing by siRNA assay. The presence of myofibroblast differentiation markers in RA synovial tissue was significantly higher than healthy controls. Ex vivo, α-SMA was increased, whereas E-Cadherin decreased. In vitro, TGF-β and IL-6 stimulation of RA-FLSs promoted a significant increased mRNA expression of collagen I and α-SMA, whereas E-Cadherin mRNA expression was decreased. In the same conditions, the stimulation with tofacitinib significantly reduced the mRNA expression of collagen I and α-SMA, even if the Western blot did not confirm this finding. JAK-1 gene silencing did not fully prevent the effects of stimulation with TGF-β and IL-6 on these features. TGF-β and IL-6 stimulation may play a role in mediating myofibroblast differentiation from RA-FLSs, promoting collagen I and α-SMA while decreasing E-Cadherin. Following the same stimulation, tofacitinib reduced the increases of both collagen I and α-SMA on RA-FLSs, although further studies are needed to fully evaluate this issue and confirm our results

    Semiconductor-based Geometrical Quantum Gates

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    We propose an implementation scheme for holonomic, i.e., geometrical, quantum information processing based on semiconductor nanostructures. Our quantum hardware consists of coupled semiconductor macroatoms addressed/controlled by ultrafast multicolor laser-pulse sequences. More specifically, logical qubits are encoded in excitonic states with different spin polarizations and manipulated by adiabatic time-control of the laser amplitudes . The two-qubit gate is realized in a geometric fashion by exploiting dipole-dipole coupling between excitons in neighboring quantum dots.Comment: 4 Pages LaTeX, 3 Figures included. To appear in PRB (Rapid Comm.

    Star Clusters in Pseudo-Bulges of Spiral Galaxies

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    We present a study of the properties of the star-cluster systems around pseudo-bulges of late-type spiral galaxies using a sample of 11 galaxies with distances from 17 to 37 Mpc. Star clusters are identified from multiband HST ACS and WFPC2 imaging data by combining detections in 3 bands (F435W and F814W with ACS and F606W with WFPC2). The photometric data are then compared to population synthesis models to infer the masses and ages of the star clusters. Photometric errors and completeness are estimated by means of artificial source Monte Carlo simulations. Dust extinction is estimated by considering F160W NICMOS observations of the central regions of the galaxies, augmenting our wavelength coverage. In all galaxies we identify star clusters with a wide range of ages, from young (age < 8 Myr) blue clusters, with typical mass of 10^3 Msun to older (age > 100-250 Myr), more massive, red clusters. Some of the latter might likely evolve into objects similar to the Milky Way's globular clusters. We compute the specific frequencies for the older clusters with respect to the galaxy and bulge luminosities. Specific frequencies relative to the galaxy light appear consistent with the globular cluster specific frequencies of early-type spirals. We compare the specific frequencies relative to the bulge light with the globular cluster specific frequencies of dwarf galaxies, which have a surface-brightness profile that is similar to that of the pseudo-bulges in our sample. The specific frequencies we derive for our sample galaxies are higher than those of the dwarf galaxies, supporting an evolutionary scenario in which some of the dwarf galaxies might be the remnants of harassed late-type spiral galaxies which hosted a pseudo-bulge.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, AJ accepte

    FRA-1 protein overexpression is a feature of hyperplastic and neoplastic breast disorders

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    BACKGROUND: Fos-related antigen 1 (FRA-1) is an immediate early gene encoding a member of AP-1 family of transcription factors involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and other biological processes. fra-1 gene overexpression has an important role in the process of cellular transformation, and our previous studies suggest FRA-1 protein detection as a useful tool for the diagnosis of thyroid neoplasias. Here we investigate the expression of the FRA-1 protein in benign and malignant breast tissues by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, RT-PCR and qPCR analysis, to evaluate its possible help in the diagnosis and prognosis of breast neoplastic diseases. METHODS: We investigate the expression of the FRA-1 protein in 70 breast carcinomas and 30 benign breast diseases by immunohistochemistry, Western blot, RT-PCR and qPCR analysis. RESULTS: FRA-1 protein was present in all of the carcinoma samples with an intense staining in the nucleus. Positive staining was also found in most of fibroadenomas, but in this case the staining was present both in the nucleus and cytoplasm, and the number of positive cells was lower than in carcinomas. Similar results were obtained from the analysis of breast hyperplasias, with no differences in FRA-1 expression level between typical and atypical breast lesions; however the FRA-1 protein localization is mainly nuclear in the atypical hyperplasias. In situ breast carcinomas showed a pattern of FRA-1 protein expression very similar to that observed in atypical hyperplasias. Conversely, no FRA-1 protein was detectable in 6 normal breast tissue samples used as controls. RT-PCR and qPCR analysis confirmed these results. Similar results were obtained analysing FRA-1 expression in fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) samples. CONCLUSION: The data shown here suggest that FRA-1 expression, including its intracellular localization, may be considered a useful marker for hyperplastic and neoplastic proliferative breast disorders

    Use of a Molecular Diagnostic Test in AFB Smear Positive Tuberculosis Suspects Greatly Reduces Time to Detection of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis

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    Background: The WHO has recommended the implementation of rapid diagnostic tests to detect and help combat M/XDR tuberculosis (TB). There are limited data on the performance and impact of these tests in field settings. Methods: The performance of the commercially available Genotype MTBDRplus molecular assay was compared to conventional methods including AFB smear, culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) using both an absolute concentration method on Löwenstein-Jensen media and broth-based method using the MGIT 960 system. Sputum specimens were obtained from TB suspects in the country of Georgia who received care through the National TB Program. Results: Among 500 AFB smear-positive sputum specimens, 458 (91.6%) had both a positive sputum culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and a valid MTBDRplus assay result. The MTBDRplus assay detected isoniazid (INH) resistanc

    Postoperative Delirium after elective and emergency surgery: analysis and checking of risk factors. A study protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Delirum is common in hospitalized elderly patients and may be associated with increased morbidity, length of stay and patient care costs. Delirium (acute confusional state) is defined as an acute disorder of attention and cognition. In elderly patients, delirium is often an early indicator of patho-physiological disturbances. Despite landmark studies dating back to the 1940s, the pathogenesis of Delirium remains poorly understood. Early investigators noted that Delirium was characterized by global cortical dysfunction that was associated predominantly with specific electroencephalographic changes. It's important to understand the risk factors and incidence of Delirium. Some of the risk factors are already identified in literature and can be summarized in the word "VINDICATE" which stands for: Vascular, Infections, Nutrition, Drugs, Injury, Cardiac, Autoimmune, Tumors, Endocrine. Aims of this study are: to re-evaluate the above mentioned clinical risk factors, adding some others selected from literature, and to test, as risk factors, a pattern of some genes associated to cognitive dysfunction and inflammation possibly related to postoperative Delirium. DESIGN: All patients admitted to our Emergency Unit who are meet our inclusion/exclusion criteria will be recruited. The arising of postoperative Delirium will select incidentally two groups (Delirium/non Delirium) and the forward analysis of correlate risk factors will be performed. As in a typical observational case/control study we will consider all the exposure factors to which our population are submitted towards the outcome (presence of Delirium). Our exposures are the following: ASA, Pain (SVS; VAS), Blood gas analysis (pH; Hb; pO2; pCO2), Residence pharmacological therapy (BDZ; hypnotics; narcotic drugs; alcohol; nitrous derivates), Body temperature, Arterial pressure, Heart frequency, Breath frequency, Na, K, Creatinin, Glicemia, Albumin, Hct, White blood cells, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), Cognitive state (SPMSQ), Functional state (ADL and IADL), Psychological Distress (HADS), Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS), Hypotension (classified in: light; moderate and severe and duration), Blood loss (classified in: < 2 lt and > 2 lt), Blood transfusions (< 2 lt and > 2 lt), Quantity of red cells and plasma transfusions, Visual VAS / SVS (timing: I-II-III post-operative day), Red cells and Plasma transfusions, Blood count evaluation and Saturation (O(2)%), Postoperative analgesia (Emilia-Romagna protocol), Presence of malignant tumoral disease, APACHE Score II. Moreover the presence of some relevant genetic polymorphisms will be studied in different genes such as IL-6, IL-10, TNF-alpha, and IL-1 cluster

    Experimental Assessment of the Water Quality Influence on the Phosphorus Uptake of an Invasive Aquatic Plant: Biological Responses throughout Its Phenological Stage

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    International audienceUnderstanding how an invasive plant can colonize a large range of environments is still a great challenge in freshwater ecology. For the first time, we assessed the relative importance of four factors on the phosphorus uptake and growth of an invasive macrophyte Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John. This study provided data on its phenotypic plasticity, which is frequently suggested as an important mechanism but remains poorly investigated. The phosphorus uptake of two Elodea nuttallii subpopulations was experimentally studied under contrasting environmental conditions. Plants were sampled in the Rhine floodplain and in the Northern Vosges mountains, and then maintained in aquaria in hard (Rhine) or soft (Vosges) water. Under these conditions, we tested the influence of two trophic states (eutrophic state, 100 mu g.l(-1) P-PO43- and hypertrophic state, 300 mu g.l(-1) P-PO43-) on the P metabolism of plant subpopulations collected at three seasons (winter, spring and summer). Elodea nuttallii was able to absorb high levels of phosphorus through its shoots and enhance its phosphorus uptake, continually, after an increase of the resource availability (hypertrophic > eutrophic). The lowest efficiency in nutrient use was observed in winter, whereas the highest was recorded in spring, what revealed thus a storage strategy which can be beneficial to new shoots. This experiment provided evidence that generally, the water trophic state is the main factor governing P uptake, and the mineral status (softwater > hardwater) of the stream water is the second main factor. The phenological stage appeared to be a confounding factor to P level in water. Nonetheless, phenology played a role in P turnover in the plant. Finally, phenotypic plasticity allows both subpopulations to adapt to a changing environment
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