345 research outputs found

    PhĂ©ochromocytome de dĂ©couverte fortuite (Ă  propos d’un cas)

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    Nous rapportons un cas inhabituel d’incidentalome surrĂ©nalien compliquĂ© d’un Ă©tat de choc aprĂšs surrĂ©nalectomie lors d’une intervention pour nĂ©oplasie du bas rectum ; qui s’est avĂ©rĂ© ĂȘtre un phĂ©ochromocytome. Ainsi, cette observation montre la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’une exploration hormonale systĂ©matique de tout incidentalome surrĂ©nalien , afin d'Ă©viter tout incident pouvant ĂȘtre fatal

    Impacts Of Probiotics On The Production Performance And Immune Status Of Broiler Chickens From Arbor Acre Strains

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    The aim of the present research was to evaluate the probiotic activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus in broilers of the ARBOR ACRE strain. The probiotic was administered in drinking water at a rate of 50 ml per 1000 chicks every 7 days during the breeding period. Growth performance, the effect on endogenous flora and on the structure of the gut and the bursa of Fabricius, as well as the immune response, were recorded at 20 and 37 days. We evaluated the effectiveness of Lactobacillus acidophilus added to broiler diets, a zootechnical study (mortality, growth rate, index of growth) and a clinical survey, homogeneity and antibody production. Zootechnical studies revealed that the best growth performances were achieved by the probiotic-treated chickens, with significant differences (p<0.05).  which concluded with a positive effect on zootechnical performance compared with the controls. Similarly, the study of the organism's reaction showed a good response from the birds supplemented with Lactobacillus acidophilus in the animal's digestive tract, with interactions with the endogenous flora, compared with the control subjects (P<0.05). Antibody titration showed that the Lactobacillus acidophilus-based diet had a positive effect on antibody levels, resulting in a coverage rate higher than the average indicated by the baseline (1000-2500) and also higher than the control batch antibodies

    Investigation of genetic variability related to the in vitro floral hermaphrodism induction in Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

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    This paper reports on a molecular analysis study conducted on Date palm flowers from the Deglet Nour cultivar to investigate putative genetic variability related to the in vitro floral hermaphrodism induction. Natural male and female as well as hermaphrodite ones that were produced in vitro through the hormonal treatment of female flowers were submitted to ISSR-PCR analysis. Microsatellite based amplification (ISSR) was applied on genomic DNA from inflorescences taken at different periods of hormonal treatment corresponding to the various deviation stages to search for putative variations that may have occurred on the initial genome due to the application of plant growth regulators. Several amplification bands were purified, cloned, and sequenced. The results revealed that hormonal treatment entailed no detectable genetic variation in the treated Date palm flowers. Two of the selected and ISSR-PCR amplified DNA fragments showed however, possible links with flowering regulation. The findings indicate that these sequences are potential candidate gene markers that may enhance our understanding of flower development and sex identification in this species.Key words: Date palm, female inflorescences, hermaphrodite flowers, in vitro culture, ISSR, sex identification

    Deep Emissions Reductions and Mainstreaming of Mitigation and Adaptation: Key Findings

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    Climate policy "mainstreaming", "proofing" and "integration" are concepts that are increasingly appearing in a range of EU policy discussions, including those concerning the 2014-2020 Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF). They reflect the view that all policy sectors need to play a part in both reducing emissions and increasing resilience to unavoidable climate impacts. Broadly defined, mainstreaming involves including climate considerations in policy processes, improving the consistency among policy objectives, and where necessary, giving priority to climate-related goals above others. Although often couched in technical language, profound political challenges, at multiple levels of governance, lie at the heart of the mainstreaming agenda. The RESPONSES project analysed how far adaptation and mitigation was being mainstreamed in EU policies, and assessed the potential opportunities and limits for the future

    A new experiment for the determination of the 18F(p,alpha) reaction rate at nova temperatures

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    The 18F(p,alpha) reaction was recognized as one of the most important for gamma ray astronomy in novae as it governs the early 511 keV emission. However, its rate remains largely uncertain at nova temperatures. A direct measurement of the cross section over the full range of nova energies is impossible because of its vanishing value at low energy and of the short 18F lifetime. Therefore, in order to better constrain this reaction rate, we have performed an indirect experiment taking advantage of the availability of a high purity and intense radioactive 18F beam at the Louvain La Neuve RIB facility. We present here the first results of the data analysis and discuss the consequences.Comment: Contribution to the Classical Novae Explosions conference, Sitges, Spain, 20-24 May 2002, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Actin modulates shape and mechanics of tubular membranes

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    International audienceThe actin cytoskeleton shapes cells and also organizes internal membranous compartments. In particular, it interacts with membranes for intracellular transport of material in mammalian cells, yeast, or plant cells. Tubular membrane intermediates, pulled along microtubule tracks, are formed during this process and destabilize into vesicles. While the role of actin in tubule destabilization through scission is suggested, literature also provides examples of actin-mediated stabilization of membranous structures. To directly address this apparent contradiction, we mimic the geometry of tubular intermediates with preformed membrane tubes. The growth of an actin sleeve at the tube surface is monitored spatiotemporally. Depending on network cohesiveness, actin is able to entirely stabilize or locally maintain membrane tubes under pulling. On a single tube, thicker portions correlate with the presence of actin. These structures relax over several minutes and may provide enough time and curvature geometries for other proteins to act on tube stability

    Genetic Association of rs1021188 and DNA Methylation Signatures of TNFSF11 in the Risk of Conductive Hearing Loss

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    Otosclerosis (OTSC) is a complex bone disorder of the otic capsule, which causes conductive hearing impairment in human adults. The dysregulation of the signaling axis mediated by the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-B (RANK), RANK ligand (RANKL), and osteoprotegerin has been widely attributed to the context of metabolic bone disorders. While genetic associations and epigenetic alterations in the TNFSF11 gene (RANKL) have been well-linked to metabolic bone diseases of the skeleton, particularly osteoporosis, they have never been addressed in OTSC. This study aimed to assess whether the genetic association of rs1021188 polymorphism in the upstream of TNFSF11 and the DNA methylation changes in its promoter CpG-region reveal the susceptibility of OTSC. Peripheral blood DNA samples were collected from unrelated Tunisian-North African subjects for genotyping (109 cases and 120 controls) and for DNA methylation analysis (40 cases and 40 controls). The gender-stratified analysis showed that the TNFSF11 rs1021188 C/T was associated with OTSC in men (p = 0.023), but not in women (p = 0.458). Individuals with CC genotype were more susceptible to OTSC, suggesting an increased risk to disease development. Using publicly available data, the rs1021188 was within a cluster grouping the subpopulations with African ethnicity. Moreover, 26 loci in the TNFSF11 gene were in linkage disequilibrium with rs1021188, revealing relative similarities between different populations. Significant differences in both DNA methylation and unmethylation status were detected with 4.53- and 4.83-fold decreases in the global DNA methylation levels in female and male OTSC groups, respectively. These changes could contribute to an increased risk of OTSC development. Bioinformatic analyses indicated that each of the rs1021188 variations and the DNA methylation changes in the promoter CpG-sites within TNFSF11 may play an important role in its transcription regulation. To our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates an independent effect of the rs1021188 polymorphism and DNA hypomethylation of TNFSF11 promoter in OTSC. Genetic and epigenetic changes in the regulatory regions of TNFSF11 could offer new molecular insights into the understanding of the complexity of OTSC

    Relative distances of Omega Centauri and 47 Tucanae

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    We present precise optical and near-infrared ground-based photometry of two Globular Clusters (GCs): Omega Cen and 47 Tuc. These photometric catalogs are unbiased in the Red Giant Branch (RGB) region close to the tip. We provide new estimates of the RGB tip (TRGB) magnitudes--m_I(TRGB)=9.84+/-0.05, Omega Cen; m_I(TRGB)=9.46+/-0.06, 47 Tuc--and use these to determine the relative distances of the two GCs. We find that distance ratios based on different calibrations of the TRGB, the RR Lyrae stars and kinematic distances agree with each other within one sigma. Absolute TRGB and RR Lyrae distance moduli agree within 0.10--0.15 mag, while absolute kinematic distance moduli are 0.2--0.3 mag smaller. Absolute distances to 47 Tuc based on the Zero-Age-Horizontal-Branch and on the white dwarf fitting agree within 0.1 mag, but they are 0.1--0.3 mag smaller than TRGB and RR Lyrae distances.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by ApJ

    Contribution Ă  la modĂ©lisation du flux de phosphore dans le barrage de Hammam Boughrara (province de Tlemcen, AlgĂ©rie) : application Ă  la gestion de l’eutrophisation

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    Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude portant sur le barrage de Hammam Boughrara, mis en eau en 1999, nous avons appliquĂ© plusieurs modĂšles de bilan du phosphore, Ă  savoir les modĂšles de Vollenweider (1969), de Dillon & Rigler (1975), de Walker (1977), de Reckhow (1977) et d’Ostrofsky (1978). Afin de prendre en considĂ©ration la vitesse de submersion graduelle des surfaces inondĂ©es, caractĂ©risĂ©e ordinairement par un accroissement trĂšs important de l’état trophique rĂ©sultant des apports endogĂšnes du phosphore par lessivage, nous avons tentĂ© d’adapter le modĂšle d’Ostrofsky (1978) Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© du rĂ©servoir Ă©tudiĂ©, et ce en ajoutant une nouvelle dimension. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que le modĂšle proposĂ© semble pertinent.In the present study, carried out on the Hammam Boughrara dam (impounded in 1999), a number of phosphorus balance models were applied, namely, Vollenweider (1969), Dillon & Rigler (1975), Walker (1977), Reckhow (1977) and Ostrofsky (1978) models. In order to take into account the rate of gradual submergence of flooded surfaces which is ordinarily characterized by an important increase in the trophic status as a result of endogenous inputs of phosphorus by leaching we have tried to adapt the Ostrofsky model (1978) to the reality of studied dam, by adding a new dimension. The obtained results show that the proposed model seems relevant
