618 research outputs found

    Water for utilities: climate change impacts on water quality and water availability for utilities in Europe

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    This report provides an assessment of the consequences of changing water availability for production of drinking water, the manufacturing industry and power production in Europe, due to climate change and socio-economic developments. The report is based up on projections of demographic and socio-economic trends and climate change impacts, according to the SRES A2 and B1 scenario’s also used by IPC

    Contrasting indirect effects of an ant host on prey–predator interactions of symbiotic arthropods

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    Indirect interactions occur when a species affects another species by altering the density (density-mediated interactions) or influencing traits (trait-mediated interactions) of a third species. We studied variation in these two types of indirect interactions in a network of red wood ants and symbiotic arthropods living in their nests. We tested whether the ant workers indirectly affected survival of a symbiotic prey species (Cyphoderus albinus) by changing the density and/or traits of three symbiotic predators, i.e., Mastigusa arietina, Thyreosthenius biovatus and Stenus aterrimus, provoking, respectively, low, medium and high ant aggression. An ant nest is highly heterogeneous in ant worker density and the number of aggressive interactions towards symbionts increases with worker density. We, therefore, hypothesized that varying ant density could indirectly impact prey-predator interactions of the associated symbiont community. Ants caused trait-mediated indirect effects in all three prey-predator interactions, by affecting the prey capture rate of the symbiotic predators at different worker densities. Prey capture rate of the highly and moderately aggressed spider predators M. arietina and T. biovatus decreased with ant density, whereas the prey capture rate of the weakly aggressed beetle predator S. aterrimus increased. Ants also induced density-mediated indirect interactions as high worker densities decreased the survival rate of the two predatory spider species. These results demonstrate for the first time that a host can indirectly mediate the trophic interactions between associated symbionts. In addition, we show that a single host can induce opposing indirect effects depending on its degree of aggression towards the symbionts.status: publishe

    FAO's Review on the Future of Root and Tuber Crops, Bananas and Plantains

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    A review of constraints to increased productivity and utilization of roots, tuber crops, bananas, and plantains in developing countries presented at CGIAR International Centers Week in 1987 by FAO Agriculture Department Assistant Director General C.H. Bonte-Friedheim. It addresses the significance of these crops to human nutrition, the displacement of many such traditional crops by green revolution wheat and rice, international production trends, and factors influencing supply and demand. Recommendations are offered to producing countries and their policy makers, research institutions, and donors.Presented at CGIAR International Centers Week 1987, and considered at TAC 45 at the suggestion of CGIAR Chairman W. David Hopper

    Auditory attention influences trajectories of symbol–speech sound learning in children with and without dyslexia

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    The acquisition of letter–speech sound correspondences is a fundamental process underlying reading development, one that could be influenced by several linguistic and domain-general cognitive factors. In the current study, we mimicked the first steps of this process by examining behavioral trajectories of audiovisual associative learning in 110 7- to 12-year-old children with and without dyslexia. Children were asked to learn the associations between eight novel symbols and native speech sounds in a brief training and subsequently read words and pseudowords written in the artificial orthography. We then investigated the influence of auditory attention as one of the putative domain-general factors influencing associative learning. To this aim, we assessed children with experimental measures of auditory sustained selective attention and interference control. Our results showed shallower learning trajectories in children with dyslexia, especially during the later phases of the training blocks. Despite this, children with dyslexia performed similarly to typical readers on the post-training reading tests using the artificial orthography. Better auditory sustained selective attention and interference control skills predicted greater response accuracy during training. Sustained selective attention was also associated with the ability to apply these novel correspondences in the reading tests. Although this result has the limitations of a correlational design, it denotes that poor attentional skills may constitute a risk during the early stages of reading acquisition, when children start to learn letter–speech sound associations. Importantly, our findings underscore the importance of examining dynamics of learning in reading acquisition as well as individual differences in more domain-general attentional factors

    Attentional modulation of neural sound tracking in children with and without dyslexia

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    Auditory selective attention forms an important foundation of children's learning by enabling the prioritisation and encoding of relevant stimuli. It may also influence reading development, which relies on metalinguistic skills including the awareness of the sound structure of spoken language. Reports of attentional impairments and speech perception difficulties in noisy environments in dyslexic readers are also suggestive of the putative contribution of auditory attention to reading development. To date, it is unclear whether non-speech selective attention and its underlying neural mechanisms are impaired in children with dyslexia and to which extent these deficits relate to individual reading and speech perception abilities in suboptimal listening conditions. In this EEG study, we assessed non-speech sustained auditory selective attention in 106 7-to-12-year-old children with and without dyslexia. Children attended to one of two tone streams, detecting occasional sequence repeats in the attended stream, and performed a speech-in-speech perception task. Results show that when children directed their attention to one stream, inter-trial-phase-coherence at the attended rate increased in fronto-central sites; this, in turn, was associated with better target detection. Behavioural and neural indices of attention did not systematically differ as a function of dyslexia diagnosis. However, behavioural indices of attention did explain individual differences in reading fluency and speech-in-speech perception abilities: both these skills were impaired in dyslexic readers. Taken together, our results show that children with dyslexia do not show group-level auditory attention deficits but these deficits may represent a risk for developing reading impairments and problems with speech perception in complex acoustic environments. Research Highlights: Non-speech sustained auditory selective attention modulates EEG phase coherence in children with/without dyslexia Children with dyslexia show difficulties in speech-in-speech perception Attention relates to dyslexic readers’ speech-in-speech perception and reading skills Dyslexia diagnosis is not linked to behavioural/EEG indices of auditory attention

    Development of hierarchy and rank effects in weaned growing rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    [EN] Aggression among growing rabbits reduces production efficiency, and negatively affects the animal s welfare. Understanding hierarchy development may improve its predictive value with regard to differential access to resources and fitness. This could in turn lead to measures to reduce aggression. This study quantifies the development of a hierarchy among small groups of same-age rabbits kept in high density. We describe the development of the hierarchy in four mixed-sex groups formed after weaning at four weeks of age. The relationships between rank and aggressiveness, weight, sex and wound count were examined. To balance possible genetic effects, each group contained four full sibling dyads (N=8) with the male and female coming from the same litter (total N=32). Each group was housed in a wire mesh cage of 0.72 m² and was observed at 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 wk of age. All activities of focal individuals were scored and antagonistic interactions among all group members were sampled continuously. For rank order analysis, submissive behaviours shown after receiving aggression were used. Females were heavier than males (3.2 kg vs 3.0 kg: wk 12); this difference was statistically significant from the sixth week onwards. Two of the four groups developed significantly linear hierarchies from the age of ten and twelve weeks onwards, respectively. In these two groups, rank order did not correlate with body weight, sex or wound count. The group with the steepest hierarchy had the highest number of wounds. The results show that growing rabbits can form linear hierarchies by 10 weeks of age, but this tendency differs strongly among groups. The male and female rabbits did not form separate hierarchies, in contrast to their natural tendencies. This may be due to the high density, and may imply a lack of interaction freedom.Vervaecke, H.; De Bonte, L.; Maertens, L.; Tuyttens, F.; Stevens, J.; Lips, D. (2010). Development of hierarchy and rank effects in weaned growing rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus). World Rabbit Science. 18(3). doi:10.4995/wrs.2010.822918

    Effect of environmental factors on wild strawberry primary metabolic profile

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    Climate factors such as temperature and precipitation vary significantly over continental scales, strongly structuring biomes along latitudinal gradients, and resulting in species differently adapted either genetically or plastically to cope with their local climate. However, climate change will likely alter these biomes. Thus, it is expected that Nordic regions, historically colder and rainier, will tend to have higher temperatures and less rainfall, which might lead to changes in the distribution of plants leading to novel patterns of local adaptation and maladaptation. In this study we aim to study how plant traits vary with latitude and in response to different temperature and drought conditions in order to find genetic determinants of climate adaptation. Our group is focused in determining the role of the metabolic profiling to that adaptation. For that purpose, we use the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) as the model organism. In particular, we have analyzed 16 different genotypes that have been grown in five common gardens located in Belgium, Sweden, Finland, and Spain, in which drought treatments were also performed. Here, we present the chemical analysis (primary metabolism) in leaves of these genotypes in order to better understand how environmental factors can alter the primary metabolic profiles of F. vesca accessions grown in different locations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. BiodivERsA project PlantCline -(PCI2020-120719-2) from “Programación Conjunta Internacional” program, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Microbiome Heritability and Its Role in Adaptation of Hosts to Novel Resources

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    Microbiomes are involved in most vital processes, such as immune response, detoxification, and digestion and are thereby elementary to organismal functioning and ultimately the host’s fitness. In turn, the microbiome may be influenced by the host and by the host’s environment. To understand microbiome dynamics during the process of adaptation to new resources, we performed an evolutionary experiment with the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae. We generated genetically depleted strains of the two-spotted spider mite and reared them on their ancestral host plant and two novel host plants for approximately 12 generations. The use of genetically depleted strains reduced the magnitude of genetic adaptation of the spider mite host to the new resource and, hence, allowed for better detection of signals of adaptation via the microbiome. During the course of adaptation, we tested spider mite performance (number of eggs laid and longevity) and characterized the bacterial component of its microbiome (16S rRNA gene sequencing) to determine: (1) whether the bacterial communities were shaped by mite ancestry or plant environment and (2) whether the spider mites’ performance and microbiome composition were related. We found that spider mite performance on the novel host plants was clearly correlated with microbiome composition. Because our results show that only little of the total variation in the microbiome can be explained by the properties of the host (spider mite) and the environment (plant species) we studied, we argue that the bacterial community within hosts could be valuable for understanding a species’ performance on multiple resources
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