65 research outputs found

    Relationships between Social Entrepreneurship, CSR and Social Innovation: In Theory and Practice

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    The shared goal of social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility and social innovation is the advancement of society. The business model of social enterprises is characterized by unique strategies based on the competencies of the entrepreneurs, and is not aimed primarily at the maximization of profits, but rather at carrying out goals for the benefit of society. Corporate social responsibility refers to the active behavior of a company, by which it can create new solutions to meet the needs of society, either on its own or in cooperation with other social stakeholders. The objectives of this article are to define concepts, describe and integrate relevant theoretical models, develop a model and introduce some examples of international practice that can inspire initiatives for social development

    Emergence of non-Fourier hierarchies

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    The non-Fourier heat conduction phenomenon on room temperature is analyzed from various aspects. The first one shows its experimental side, in what form it occurs and how we treated it. It is demonstrated that the Guyer-Krumhansl equation can be the next appropriate extension of Fourier's law for room temperature phenomena in modeling of heterogeneous materials. The second approach provides an interpretation of generalized heat conduction equations using a simple thermomechanical background. Here, Fourier heat conduction is coupled to elasticity via thermal expansion, resulting in a particular generalized heat equation for the temperature field. Both of the aforementioned approaches show the size dependency of non-Fourier heat conduction. Finally, a third approach is presented, called pseudo-temperature modeling. It is shown that non-Fourier temperature history can be produced by mixing different solutions of Fourier's law. That kind of explanation indicates the interpretation of underlying heat conduction mechanics behind non-Fourier phenomena

    Neutron-gazdag atommagok Coulomb-felbomlási folyamatai dinamikájának vizsgálata = Investigation of the dynamics of Coulomb-breakup of neutron-rich nuclei

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    A kutatómunka egy megfelelően kiválasztott magreakció vizsgálatának segítségével kívánt következtetni a neutron-gazdag atommagok Coulomb-felbomlási folyamatainak részleteire. A Michigan-i Állami Egyetemen lévő Nemzeti Szupravezető Ciklotron Laboratórium K-1200 gyorsítója mellett kísérletet hajtottunk végre 70 és 40 MeV/u energiájú radioaktív 8Li nyalábbal ólom és szén céltárgyakon, amelyben a bombázó részecske 7Li-re és neutronra való felbomlását figyeltük meg. A 7Li fragmentumot mágnessel térítettük az erre a célra kifejlesztett iondetektor-rendszerbe, a neutronokat a repülési-idő technikával detektáltuk. A több bonyolult részfeladat megoldása után minden megfigyelt bomlásra meghatároztuk a felbomló 8Li izotóp, valamint a felhasadáskor keletkezett neutron és 7Li ion impulzusát. A szén targeten végrehajtott kísérlet lehetővé tette, hogy a Coulomb- és a nukleáris felbomlást mindkét bombázó energiánál az ólomtargettel mért adatoknál elválasszuk. Az eredményekből a 8Li Coulomb-felbomlása hatáskeresztmetszetét meghatároztuk a bomlási energia függvényében. Az előzetes eredmények szerint a 8Li felbomlási hatáskeresztmetszete összhangban van a 7Li(n,?)8Li inverz reakció korábban kísérletileg meghatározott hatáskeresztmetszetével. Kísérleti eredményeink lehetővé teszik a 8Li Coulomb-felbomlásának ütközési paraméter szerinti vizsgálatát és a felbomlási folyamatoknak a két különböző bombázó energiánál való összehasonlítását. Az eredmények véglegesítése és publikálása folyamatban van. | The research work focused on the details of Coulomb-breakup processes of neutron-rich nuclei by means of the investigation of a selected nuclear reaction. Experiments have been performed on lead and carbon targets with 8Li beams of 70 and 40 MeV/u energies at the K-1200 cyclotron of NSCL at Michigan State University. The breakup of 8Li ions into neutrons and 7Li ions was observed. The 7Li fragments were deflected by a sweeper magnet into a detector system. The neutrons from the breakup processes were detected by time-of-flight technique. The evaluation of the experimental data required the development of several sophisticated methods. In the analysis of the data the momenta of the incoming 8Li ion and that of both decay products, the 7Li and the neutron were determined for each detected event. The use of the data for the carbon target made it possible to separate the Coulomb and nuclear part of the decay in the case of the lead target. The cross sections for the neutron breakup of 8Li were determined as the function of the decay energy. According to the preliminary results, the breakup cross section of 8Li is in accordance with the experimentally determined cross section of the inverse reaction 7Li(n,?)8Li. The results of the measurements make it possible to investigate the Coulomb-breakup of 8Li as a function of the impact parameter and the comparison of the breakup processes at the two bombarding energy. The publications of the results are in progress

    Isoform-Dependent Changes in Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism after Portal Vein Ligation in Rat

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    Surgical removal of complicated liver tumors may be realized in two stages via selective portal vein ligation, inducing the atrophy of portally ligated lobes and the compensatory hypertrophy of nonligated liver lobes. Unlike morphological changes, functional aspects such as hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP)-mediated drug metabolism remain vaguely understood, despite its critical role in both drug biotransformation and hepatic functional analysis. Our goal was the multilevel characterization of hepatic CYP-mediated drug metabolism after portal vein ligation in the rat.Male Wistar rats (n = 24, 210-230 g) were analyzed either untreated (controls; n = 4) or 24/48/72/168/336 h (n = 4 each) following portal vein ligation affecting approximately 80% of the liver parenchyma. Besides the weights of ligated and nonligated lobes, pentobarbital (30 mg/kg)-induced sleeping time, CYP1A(2), CYP 2B(1/2), CYP2C(6/11/13), CYP3A(1) enzyme activities, and corresponding isoform mRNA expressions, as well as CYP3A1 protein expression were determined by in vivo sleeping test, CYP isoform-selective assays, polymerase chain reaction, and immunohistochemistry, respectively.Portal vein ligation triggered atrophy in ligated lobes and hypertrophy nonligated lobes. Sleeping time was transiently elevated (p = 0.0451). After an initial rise, CYP1A, CYP2B, and CYP3A enzyme activities dropped until 72 h, followed by a potent increase only in the nonligated lobes, paralleled by an early (24-48 h) transcriptional activation only in nonligated lobes. CYP2C enzyme activities and mRNA levels were bilaterally rapidly decreased, showing a late reconvergence only in nonligated lobes. CYP3A1 immunohistochemistry indicated substantial differences in positivity in the early period.Beyond the atrophy-hypertrophy complex, portal vein ligation generated a transient suppression of global and regional drug metabolism, re-established by an adaptive, CYP isoform-dependent transcriptional response of the nonligated lobes

    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Hungary: an overview of recent and historical occurrence

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    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a fungal pathogen which causes the emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis. Bd presents low host specificity and threatens amphibians worldwide, thus systematic inventory is the key in order to detect and mitigate the effects of the disease. Extensive data collection was conducted in Hungary in 2009-2015 from fourteen different areas. Combined data – recent field sampling on sixteen taxa and the examination of archived Bombina spp. specimens – from 1360 individuals were analysed with qPCR. Two sentinel taxa, Bombina variegata and the members of the Pelophylax esculentus complex were marked to monitor the occurrence of Bd in two core areas (Bakony Mts and Hortobágy National Park, respectively) of sampling. Climatic variables were also examined in core areas to test their effect on prevalence and infection intensity. Among the sixteen sampled amphibian taxa seven tested positive for Bd and the overall prevalence in Hungary was 7.46%. Among the ethanol-fixed Bombina spp. individuals Bd was not detected. In the first core area (Bakony Mts) the overall prevalence in B. variegata was 10.32% and juvenile individuals showed significantly higher prevalence than adults. On the other hand there was a significant negative relationship between infection prevalence and monthly mean air temperature. Finally, in the other core area (Hortobágy National Park) the overall prevalence in P. esculentus complex was 13.00%, and no differences were found in prevalence or infection intensity between sexes, sampling years or age classes

    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Hungary: an overview of recent and historical occurrence

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    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a fungal pathogen which causes the emerging infectious disease chytridiomycosis. Bd presents low host specificity and threatens amphibians worldwide thus systematic inventory is the key in order to detect and mitigate the effects of the disease. Extensive data collection was conducted in Hungary in 2009-2015 from fourteen different areas. Combined data – recent field sampling on sixteen taxa and the examination of archived Bombina spp. specimens – from 1360 individuals were analysed with qPCR. Two sentinel taxa, Bombina variegata and the members of the Pelophylax esculentus complex were marked to monitor the occurrence of Bd in two core areas (Bakony Mts and Hortobágy National Park, respectively) of sampling. Climatic variables were also examined in core areas to test their effect on prevalence and infection intensity. Among the sixteen sampled amphibian taxa seven tested positive for Bd and the overall prevalence in Hungary was 7.46%. Among the ethanol-fixed Bombina spp. individuals Bd was not detected. In the first core area (Bakony Mts) the overall prevalence in B. variegata was 10.32% and juvenile individuals showed significantly higher prevalence than adults. On the other hand there was a significant negative relationship between infection prevalence and monthly mean air temperature. Finally, in the other core area (Hortobágy National Park) the overall prevalence in P. esculentus complex was 13.00%, and no differences were found in prevalence or infection intensity between sexes, sampling years or age classes