48 research outputs found

    Single-mode waveguides for GRAVITY II. Single-mode fibers and Fiber Control Unit

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    The 2nd generation VLTI instrument GRAVITY is a two-field infrared interferometer operating in the K band between 1.97 and 2.43 μ\mum with either the four 8 m or the four 1.8 m telescopes of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Beams collected by the telescopes are corrected with adaptive optics systems and the fringes are stabilized with a fringe-tracking system. A metrology system allows the measurement of internal path lengths in order to achieve high-accuracy astrometry. High sensitivity and high interferometric accuracy are achieved thanks to (i) correction of the turbulent phase, (ii) the use of low-noise detectors, and (iii) the optimization of photometric and coherence throughput. Beam combination and most of the beam transport are performed with single-mode waveguides in vacuum and at low temperature. In this paper, we present the functions and performance achieved with weakly birefringent standard single-mode fiber systems in GRAVITY. Fibered differential delay lines (FDDLs) are used to dynamically compensate for up to 6 mm of delay between the science and reference targets. Fibered polarization rotators allow us to align polarizations in the instrument and make the single-mode beam combiner close to polarization neutral. The single-mode fiber system exhibits very low birefringence (less than 23{\deg}), very low attenuation (3.6-7 dB/km across the K band), and optimized differential dispersion (less than 2.04 μ\murad cm2 at zero extension of the FDDLs). As a consequence, the typical fringe contrast losses due to the single-mode fibers are 6% to 10% in the lowest-resolution mode and 5% in the medium- and high-resolution modes of the instrument for a photometric throughput of the fiber chain of the order of 90%. There is no equivalent of this fiber system to route and modally filter beams with delay and polarization control in any other K-band beamcombiner.Comment: 14 pages including 2 appendices, 8 figures in the main text plus 2 figures in the appendices, final version published in A&

    First direct detection of an exoplanet by optical interferometry; Astrometry and K-band spectroscopy of HR8799 e

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    To date, infrared interferometry at best achieved contrast ratios of a few times 10410^{-4} on bright targets. GRAVITY, with its dual-field mode, is now capable of high contrast observations, enabling the direct observation of exoplanets. We demonstrate the technique on HR8799, a young planetary system composed of four known giant exoplanets. We used the GRAVITY fringe tracker to lock the fringes on the central star, and integrated off-axis on the HR8799e planet situated at 390 mas from the star. Data reduction included post-processing to remove the flux leaking from the central star and to extract the coherent flux of the planet. The inferred K band spectrum of the planet has a spectral resolution of 500. We also derive the astrometric position of the planet relative to the star with a precision on the order of 100μ\,\muas. The GRAVITY astrometric measurement disfavors perfectly coplanar stable orbital solutions. A small adjustment of a few degrees to the orbital inclination of HR 8799 e can resolve the tension, implying that the orbits are close to, but not strictly coplanar. The spectrum, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5\approx 5 per spectral channel, is compatible with a late-type L brown dwarf. Using Exo-REM synthetic spectra, we derive a temperature of 1150±501150\pm50\,K and a surface gravity of 104.3±0.310^{4.3\pm0.3}\,cm/s2^{2}. This corresponds to a radius of 1.170.11+0.13RJup1.17^{+0.13}_{-0.11}\,R_{\rm Jup} and a mass of 104+7MJup10^{+7}_{-4}\,M_{\rm Jup}, which is an independent confirmation of mass estimates from evolutionary models. Our results demonstrate the power of interferometry for the direct detection and spectroscopic study of exoplanets at close angular separations from their stars.Comment: published in A&

    Submilliarcsecond Optical Interferometry of the High-mass X-Ray Binary BP Cru with VLTI/GRAVITY

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    This is the final version. Available from American Astronomical Society via the DOI in this recordWe observe the high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) BP Cru using interferometry in the near-infrared K band with VLTI/GRAVITY. Continuum visibilities are at most partially resolved, consistent with the predicted size of the hypergiant. Differential visibility amplitude () and phase () signatures are observed across the He i and Brγ lines, the latter seen strongly in emission, unusual for the donor star's spectral type. For a baseline m, the differential phase rms corresponds to an astrometric precision of . We generalize expressions for image centroid displacements and variances in the marginally resolved limit of interferometry to spectrally resolved data, and use them to derive model-independent properties of the emission such as its asymmetry, extension, and strong wavelength dependence. We propose geometric models based on an extended and distorted wind and/or a high-density gas stream, which has long been predicted to be present in this system. The observations show that optical interferometry is now able to resolve HMXBs at the spatial scale where accretion takes place, and therefore to probe the effects of the gravitational and radiation fields of the compact object on its environment

    Detection of the gravitational redshift in the orbit of the star S2 near the Galactic centre massive black hole

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. the final version is available from EDP Sciences via the DOI in this recordThe highly elliptical, 16-year-period orbit of the star S2 around the massive black hole candidate Sgr A∗ is a sensitive probe of the gravitational field in the Galactic centre. Near pericentre at 120 AU ≈ 1400 Schwarzschild radii, the star has an orbital speed of ≈ 7650 km s-1, such that the first-order effects of Special and General Relativity have now become detectable with current capabilities. Over the past 26 years, we have monitored the radial velocity and motion on the sky of S2, mainly with the SINFONI and NACO adaptive optics instruments on the ESO Very Large Telescope, and since 2016 and leading up to the pericentre approach in May 2018, with the four-telescope interferometric beam-combiner instrument GRAVITY. From data up to and including pericentre, we robustly detect the combined gravitational redshift and relativistic transverse Doppler effect for S2 of z = Δλ / λ ≈ 200 km s-1/c with different statistical analysis methods. When parameterising the post-Newtonian contribution from these effects by a factor f, with f = 0 and f = 1 corresponding to the Newtonian and general relativistic limits, respectively, we find from posterior fitting with different weighting schemes f = 0.90 ± 0.09|stat ± 0.15|sys. The S2 data are inconsistent with pure Newtonian dynamics

    Multiple star systems in the Orion nebula

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final fersion is available from EDP Sciences via the DOI in this record.This work presents an interferometric study of the massive-binary fraction in the Orion Trapezium cluster with the recently comissioned GRAVITY instrument. We observed a total of 16 stars of mainly OB spectral type. We find three previously unknown companions for θ1 Ori B, θ2 Ori B, and θ2 Ori C. We determined a separation for the previously suspected companion of NU Ori. We confirm four companions for θ1 Ori A, θ1 Ori C, θ1 Ori D, and θ2 Ori A, all with substantially improved astrometry and photometric mass estimates. We refined the orbit of the eccentric high-mass binary θ1 Ori C and we are able to derive a new orbit for θ1 Ori D. We find a system mass of 21.7 M⊙ and a period of 53 days. Together with other previously detected companions seen in spectroscopy or direct imaging, eleven of the 16 high-mass stars are multiple systems. We obtain a total number of 22 companions with separations up to 600 AU. The companion fraction of the early B and O stars in our sample is about two, significantly higher than in earlier studies of mostly OB associations. The separation distribution hints toward a bimodality. Such a bimodality has been previously found in A stars, but rarely in OB binaries, which up to this point have been assumed to be mostly compact with a tail of wider companions. We also do not find a substantial population of equal-mass binaries. The observed distribution of mass ratios declines steeply with mass, and like the direct star counts, indicates that our companions follow a standard power law initial mass function. Again, this is in contrast to earlier findings of flat mass ratio distributions in OB associations. We excluded collision as a dominant formation mechanism but find no clear preference for core accretion or competitive accretion.Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant AgreementFCT-PortugalERC Starting Gran

    First light for GRAVITY: Phase referencing optical interferometry for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer

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    FIRST, a fibered aperture masking instrument. I. First on-sky test results

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    Aims: In this paper we present the first on-sky results with the fibered aperture masking instrument FIRST. Its principle relies on the combination of spatial filtering and aperture masking using single-mode fibers, a novel technique that is aimed at high dynamic range imaging with high angular resolution. Methods: The prototype has been tested with the Shane 3-m telescope at Lick Observatory. The entrance pupil is divided into sub-pupils feeding single-mode fibers. The flux injection into the fibers is optimized by a segmented mirror. The beams are spectrally dispersed and recombined in a non-redundant exit configuration in order to retrieve all contrasts and phases independently. Results: The instrument works at visible wavelengths between 600 nm and 760 nm and currently uses nine of the 30 43 cm sub-apertures constituting the full pupil. First fringes were obtained on Vega and Deneb. Stable closure phases were measured with standard deviations on the order of 1 degree. Closure phase precision can be further improved by addressing some of the remaining sources of systematic errors. While the number of fibers used in the experiment was too small to reliably estimate visibility amplitudes, we have measured closure amplitudes with a precision of 10% in the best case. Conclusions: These first promising results obtained under real observing conditions validate the concept of the fibered aperture masking instrument and open the way for a new type of ground-based instrument working in the visible. The next steps of the development will be to improve the stability and the sensitivity of the instrument in order to achieve more accurate closure phase and visibility measurements, and to increase the number of sub-pupils to reach full pupil coverage

    The FIRST project: a single-mode fiber-based very high-dynamic range diffraction-limited imaging instrument at visible to near-infrared wavelengths

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    International audienceWe describe the present status of the development of a very high-dynamic range, diffraction limited imaging instrument FIRST (Fibered Imager foR Single Telescope), among which goals is the detection of nearby extra-solar planets at visible to near-infrared wavelengths from the ground. We have started to develop a prototype system which consists of a number of novel designs such as a segmented micro mirror array and silicon micro machined single-mode fiber arrays. Furthermore, we have proposed to build a FIRST instrument for the CFHT, which will be complementary to high-dynamic range instruments developed for 8m class telescopes at near-infrared wavelengths