436 research outputs found

    Outcome measures and motion capture systems for assessing lower limb orthosis-based interventions after stroke: a systematic review

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    Purpose: To review and categorize, according to the International Classification of Functioning, the outcome measures, and motion capture systems for studying the evidence-based practice of orthotic-based interventions in post-stroke gait rehabilitation. Methods: An electronic literature search was conducted up to February 2018 in Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE and Physiotherapy Evidence Database. Randomized trials measuring activity, impairment or participation outcome measures for studying the evidence-based practice of orthoses in gait rehabilitation after an acute or chronic stroke were identified. The studies were assessed through the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool by three authors. Information about stroke’s stage, assessment protocol (goal, timing and motion capture system), orthosis configuration and outcome measures were extracted. Results: Eighteen randomized trials, including 387 post-stroke adults, mostly in the chronic stage, were selected. They assessed 39 outcomes, mainly activity outcome measures such as spatiotemporal (72.2%), kinematic (44.4%) and functional (33.3%) outcomes. Gait speed was the primary outcome in most studies. Participation (22.2%) and impairment (16.7%) outcome measures were less explored. Mostly, non-portable motion capture systems were employed opposing the freely-use of the wearable orthosis. The detection bias risk and the shortage of baseline and follow-up outcome measures affected the studies’ assessment quality. Conclusions: Studies showed heterogeneity in selecting outcomes and timings for assessment. There is evidence for assessing the evidence of orthosis-based gait rehabilitation after stroke through activity outcome measures, primarily the gait speed, recorded by non-wearable motion capture systems. A unified methodology considering wearable sensors for tracking baseline and follow-up measures is needed.Implications for rehabilitation There is evidence on use activity outcome measures to assess the meaningful evidence-based practice of orthosis-based gait rehabilitatio- (undefined

    Modelling migration from paper into a food simulant

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    The migration of components from paper into Tenax (R) was studied to determine the influence of molecular size and chemical character of the migrant and the influence of paper characteristics in the migration process The Weibull model was applied because Fick s 2nd law of diffusion gave poor fits in some cases The migration pattern depended on the migrants molecular size and was independent of temperature in the studied range The migration rate decreased with the migrant molecular size The influence of the migrants character (polarity and vapour pressure) on the migration behaviour was also studied nonpolar migrants with high vapour pressure presented low relative migration values and polar migrants presented high values of relative migration Results indicated that the apparent partition coefficient between paper and the simulant Tenax (R) increased with the migrant vapour pressure and with both the paper grammage and the recycled pulp contentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Metallurgical production evidences in the chalcolithic settlement of Moita da Ladra (Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal)

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    Poster apresentado na conferência realizada em Madrid de 1-3 de junho de 2015The archaeological site of Moita da Ladra is na emblematic settlement located at Vila Franca de Xira (Portugal), occupied predominantly during the second half of the 3rd millennia BC (Chalcolithic period). The presente study focuses on the chemical and microstructural characterization of selected artefacts and metallic nodules (metallurgical remains) found there. Its goal is to contribute to a better comprehension of the primitive copper-based metallurgy on the Portuguese estremadura, where other importante chalcolithic sites are located

    Estudo das evidências de produção metalúrgica no Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra)

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    O Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra) é um sítio arqueológico importante da Estremadura Portuguesa, predominantemente ocupado durante o Calcolítico Pleno/Final (segunda metade do III Milénio a.C.). Este estudo foca‑se na caracterização elementar e microestrutural de 12 artefactos em liga de cobre e de um fragmento de cadinho provenientes deste sítio, contribuindo assim para o conhecimento da metalurgia primitiva naquela região. A metodologia aplicada consistiu em espectrometria de fluorescência de raios ‑X dispersiva de energias, microscopia óptica, microscopia electrónica de varrimento com microanálise de raios ‑X e microdureza Vickers. O arsénio está presente em todos os fragmentos metálicos, quer como impureza (2 wt%), os quais apresentam constituintes microestruturais característicos de diversos processos termomecânicos. O cadinho mostra evidências de uso em operações metalúrgicas de redução de minérios.The pre‑historic settlement of Outeiro Redondo located near Sesimbra is an important archaeological site of the Portuguese Estremadura region, predominantly occupied during the Full/Late Chalcolithic period (second half of the 3rd millennium B.C.). The present study focuses on the elemental and microstructural characterization of a group of 12 copper ‑based artefacts and a crucible fragment recovered from this settlement, contributing to the understanding of the Chalcolithic metallurgy in this geographic area. The applied methodology consisted of energy dispersive X ‑ray fluorescence spectrometry, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry and Vickers microhardness. Arsenic is present in all the metallic fragments, – whether as impurity (2 wt%) – which exhibit microstructural features characteristic of several thermomechanical processes. The crucible shows evidence of use in metallurgical operations, namely smelting.Patrocinador oficial - Fundação Millennium BCP. Apoio institucional - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal e Parques de Sintra- Monte da Lua. O Projecto Metalurgia Primitiva no Território Português – EarlyMetal (PTDC/HIS ‑ARQ/110442/2008) financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)

    Como estão a ser preparados os futuros professores para o ensino da leitura e da escrita?

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    Este estudo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto de investigação Como estão a ser preparados os futuros professores para o ensino da leitura e da escrita?. As opiniões expressas nesta publicação refletem o posicionamento dos seus autores e não vinculam necessariamente o EDULOG.O estudo “Como estão a ser preparados os futuros professores para o ensino da leitura e da escrita?” aprofunda o conhecimento sobre a formação inicial de professores, debruçando-se especificamente sobre a preparação para o ensino da leitura e escrita no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB). Em concreto, o estudo permite saber se os cursos atualmente em vigor para a formação inicial de professores garantem as condições necessárias (quer ao nível dos planos de estudos, quer do corpo docente que os concretizam) para os futuros professores adquirirem o conhecimento científico e pedagógico necessário a um ensino da leitura e da escrita eficaz.EDULOG/FPLE/2019A11D-C969-8086 | Maria de Fátima de Sousa Pereirainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comportamento voltamétrico de perilenos bismides modificados em GCE e SPE

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    Uma das necessidades mais emergentes no planeta é a deteção e quantificação de diversos analitos prejudiciais aos seres vivos, presentes no meio ambiente, de uma forma rápida, com baixo custo e com elevada seletividade. Os screen printed electrodes (SPE) têm sido usados extensivamente como transdutores de sensores químicos para vários analitos importantes. A modificação da superfície dos SPEs com moléculas capazes de fazer o reconhecimento de diversos analitos traduz-se no aumento da seletividade do elétrodo, devido às interações entre as duas espécies [1]. Entre as técnicas de imobilização (covalente e não covalente) de moléculas na superfície dos SPE, destacamos a modificação não covalente, visto este ser um método rápido, com elevada reprodutibilidade, de baixo custo, e sem a necessidade de reações violentas para a superfície do sensor para formar a ligação covalente. A utilização de moléculas com estruturas capazes de formar ligações π com nanoestruturas de carbono [2] é uma vantagem, pois permite a adsorção de espécies que irão fazer o reconhecimento de analitos sem danificar a superfície da matriz principal mantendo assim as excelentes características das nanoestruras de carbono, como os nanotubos de carbono e as folhas de grafeno. (...

    A factorial design for optimization of the analytical variables on the development of a genoassay for the transgenic soybean detection

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    At the laboratory, analytical method optimizations are performed to achieve the maximum sensitivity and selectivity. Routinely, this procedure is carried out by optimizing one-factor-at-a-time approach until there is no further improvement, where each experimental parameter is optimized separately and independently of the other factors.N/

    Non-covalent modification of voltammetric SPE sensors

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    Screen printed electrodes (SPE) are highly attractive as transducers of chemical sensors for the screening of a number of important analytes. The surface modification of these electrodes is easily carried out in order to achieve higher sensitivity. Carbon nanostructures have been extensively used for this purpose, as the number of active sites can be greatly increased. On the other hand, the immobilization of adequate functional groups is usually carried out to increase sensors selectivity through specific interactions between the immobilised chemical moieties and the analyte of interest. Among the techniques used to functionalize electrodes surface, non-covalent modification offer advantages related to the simplicity of the process and the reproducibility of the sensor operation. Recently a dopamine sensor based a perylene tetracarboxylic acid functionalized graphene sheets was developed [1]. In this work, voltammetric response of SPEs modified with CNTs functionalized by noncovalent bond using perylene modified using amino acids such as L-Tryptophan, L-Tyrosine and L-Cysteine is presented. The effect of the concentration ratio of CNT and perylene modified is studied analysing the response of model compounds, such as ascorbic acid and hydroquinone. The performance of these sensors is characterized regarding their catalytic activity

    Monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 are associated with CD147 in cervical carcinoma

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    Due to the highly glycolytic metabolism of solid tumours, there is an increased acid production, however, cells are able to maintain physiological pH through plasma membrane efflux of the accumulating protons. Acid efflux through MCTs (monocarboxylate transporters) constitutes one of the most important mechanisms involved in tumour intracellular pH maintenance. Still, the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these proteins are not fully understood. We aimed to evaluate the association between CD147 (MCT1 and MCT4 chaperone) and MCT expression in cervical cancer lesions and the clinico-pathological significance of CD147 expression, alone and in combination with MCTs. The series included 83 biopsy samples of precursor lesions and surgical specimens of 126 invasive carcinomas. Analysis of CD147 expression was performed by immunohistochemistry. CD147 expression was higher in squamous and adenocarcinoma tissues than in the non-neoplastic counterparts and, importantly, both MCT1 and MCT4 were more frequently expressed in CD147 positive cases. Additionally, co-expression of CD147 with MCT1 was associated with lymph-node and/or distant metastases in adenocarcinomas. Our results show a close association between CD147 and MCT1 and MCT4 expressions in human cervical cancer and provided evidence for a prognostic value of CD147 and MCT1 co-expression.CP received a PhD fellowship from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (SFRH/BD/27465/2006)