984 research outputs found

    Impacto do uso de microrganismos em caixas sifonadas de ambientes sanitários

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    A preocupação com a qualidade de operação dos sistemas prediais de esgoto sanitário tem motivado empresas especializadas em biotecnologia a investir em produtos compostos por misturas de microrganismos vivos que atuam no pré-tratamento de efluentes de sistemas prediais para combater odores desagradáveis em ambientes sanitários. O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar o uso de misturas concentradas de microrganismos em caixas sifonadas para eliminar o mau cheiro em ambientes sanitários e o impacto em estações de tratamento de esgotos sanitários. A metodologia consiste em diagnosticar o mau cheiro de um dos sanitários de um edifício escolar de nível superior, que é alvo de constantes reclamações por parte dos usuários. Em seguida, introduzir tabletes de microrganismos nas caixas sifonadas e, por fim, avaliar o impacto do uso desse produto em dois sanitários e em estações de tratamento de esgoto por meio de análises de demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e de testes de respirometria. Os resultados indicam que nestes ambientes sanitários o mau cheiro não foi reduzido com o emprego de tabletes de microrganismos e em Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto, na concentração indicada pelo fabricante, o produto não produziu alterações significativas nas características analisadas do esgoto

    Bonding of universal adhesive system to enamel surrounding real-life carious cavities

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    This study aimed to evaluate the bond strength of a universal adhesive system to enamel surrounding real-life carious cavities. Twentyeight permanent molars (n = 7) with carious lesions in dentin were subjected to selective carious tissue removal to firm dentin and had their crowns sectioned longitudinally. A universal adhesive system (Single Bond Universal [SBU] used in either etch-and-rinse and self-etch strategies) was compared with an etch-and-rinse Adper Single Bond 2 (ASB) and a selfetch Clearfil SE Bond (CSE) adhesive systems (control systems). Adhesives were applied on the enamel, assumed demineralized, surrounding the cavity margins and on sound enamel (control substrate). Composite cylinders were built (0.72 mm2) and microshear bond strength (μSBS) test was performed after 24 h of water storage. The μSBS values (MPa) were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc tests (α = 0.05). Bond strength values obtained in demineralized enamel surrounding carious cavity margins were significantly lower than that obtained in sound enamel (distant from carious cavity margins) (p = 0.035). The bonding strategy of the SBU did not influenced the bond strength values, which were higher than that obtained with ASB. CSE showed similar μSBS values to ASB and SBU in the self-etch mode. In conclusion, the bond strength to enamel assumed demineralized is lower than to sound enamel. The enamel surrounding carious cavities jeopardize the bonding of universal adhesive system. The bond strength of universal adhesive is similar, regardless to bonding strategy

    Absorptive Capacity, Alliance Portfolios and Innovation Performance: an Analytical Model Based on Bibliographic Research

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    The objective of this article is to present a model for analysing the role of absorptive capacity in the relationship between strategic alliance portfolios and innovation performance based on the results of bibliographic research on the subject published between 2000 and 2015. The research was carried out in three stages, involving both quantitative - bibliometric and bibliographic coupling - and qualitative content analyses.  AP management capabilities were found to have a fundamental moderating role in the AP–IP relationship, and amongst these capabilities AC was highlighted by several authors. However, its role was found to vary according to AP characteristics, notably AP diversity – functional, geographic and institutional, but also centrality, size, stability and volume of resources, alliance and partner types as well as country type: emerging versus developed economies. This research formed the basis for the development of the model and the formulation of some propositions that focused on emerging countries

    Mycobacteria em queijos tipo Minas comercializados em feiras-livres de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Mycobacterium bovis is the causative agent of bovine tuberculosis, a disease that affects dairy herds throughout the Brazilian territory, constituting a neglected zoonosis transmitted by raw milk and its derivatives. In this study, we evaluated the presence of M. bovis and other mycobacteria in Minas cheese obtained from open fairs in the city of São Paulo between 2012 and 2013. Samples (n = 133) were decontaminated using hexa-cetylpyridinium chloride and seeded on Stonebrink–Leslie medium. The isolates were submitted to molecular identification by TB Multiplex PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene and amplicon nucleotide sequencing. From 16 cheese samples (12%), we obtained 26 putative colonies of Mycobacterium spp., none of which belonged to any of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium, or Mycobacterium intracellulare complexes. Phylogenetic analysis showed that sample sequences were grouped in a clade that includes only non-tuberculous mycobacteria with proximity to sequences obtained from Mycobacterium novocastrense (3 sequences), Mycobacterium holsaticum (1 sequence), andMycobacterium elephantis (2 sequences). Although no epidemiological evidence was found regarding the importance of oral transmission of mycobacteria in healthy people, their importance in the immunosuppressed population remains uncertain.Mycobacterium bovis é o agente da tuberculose bovina, doença que acomete o rebanho em todo território brasileiro e é uma negligenciada zoonose transmitida pelo leite e seus derivados. Este trabalho avaliou a presença de M. bovis e outras micobactérias, em queijo minas meia-cura, obtidos em feiras-livres na cidade de São Paulo, entre os anos de 2012 e 2013. As amostras (n = 133) foram descontaminadas pelo método HPC (hexa-cetyl-pyridinium chloride) e semeadas em meio Stonebrink Leslie. Os isolados foram submetidos à identificação molecular por PCR TB multiplex, pesquisando-se o gene 16S rRNA, e ao sequenciamento nucleotídico. Dezesseis amostras (12%) possuiam 26 colônias sugestivas de Mycobacterium spp., mas nenhuma delas pertencia aos complexos Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium e Mycobacterium intracellulare. A análise filogenética mostrou que todas as amostras estavam agrupadas em clados que incluem apenas micobactérias não tuberculosas (MNT), sendo que algumas possuiam proximidade com sequências obtidas de Mycobacterium novocastrense (3 sequências), Mycobacterium hosaticum (1 sequência) e Mycobacterium elephantis (2 sequências). Embora no momento não haja evidência epidemiológica da importância da transmissão oral das micobactérias pra indivíduos saudáveis, sua importância na população imunossuprimida ainda é incerta

    Diversidade Estrutural de Bosques de Mangue e sua Relação com Distúrbios de Origem Antrópica: O Caso da Baía de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro)

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    Structural and functional characteristics of mangrove forests are primarily governedby the interaction of environmental characteristics, that act in global, regional or local 102Anuário do Instituto de Geociências - UFRJ Volume 26 / 2003scales. However, in areas submitted to strong influence of human activities, disturbanceshould be considered seriously. In this way, the structural characteristics of mangroves ofGuanabara bay were studied during three years (2000-2002). The studied forests presenteda high structural diversity, reflecting the action of disturbances, that determine differentdegradation levels and regeneration status (different phases of secondary succession) of thestands. The stems density varied from zero (gaps) to 52,800 stems.ha-1. The mean diameterat breast height varied from 1.33 cm to 7.83 cm and the medium tree height varied from1.80 m to 7.27 m. Several structural and dynamics patterns of the studied plants communitieswere identified, as follow: (a) reverse " j " shaped, (b) "normal" distribution, (c) massmortality, (d) overlap of "events", (e) recolonization/gaps, (f) regeneration failure, (g)gaps and, (h) invasion by Acrostichum aureum. The high structural diversity observed inthe studied forests, identified through the use of phytosociological parameters and speciescomposition, which determines a structural mosaic, is due to the overlapping of the followingcharacteristics: (1) variable nature of disturbances, (2) disturbances characteristics (chronicor acute), (3) spatial variability in disturbances action, (4) temporal variability in disturbancesaction, (5) variation in the frequency of disturbances occurrence and (6) capacity of thesystem to recover after a disturbance


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    The susceptibility of limestones to biological colonization can be a significant role in the development of karst relief, since the microbial biofilms formation and exopolymeric compounds produced by different metabolic activities, and can influence the dissolution processes and precipitation of minerals, boosting specific transformations at karst. Study about biological performance in limestone outcrops in Brazil are still scarce, so it was aimed to analyze the role of the cyanobacteria and small animals (rodents and marsupials) in the superficial transformation of limestones and soil formation in the North of Minas Gerais state. Thus, the methods used were the total organic carbon content with fractionation of humic substances, potential acidity, and micromorphological and microchemistry characterization. The results showed a low recovery of total organic carbon, with a predominance of humin, followed by humic and fulvic acids. The potential acidity presented values classified as very low to very high, and the micromorphological and microchemistry images showed some specific features of the limestone. The conclusion is that the cyanobacteria, rodents and marsupials are part of the karst relief evolution, and possibly the effects of their colonization were able to promote the formation of biofilms, which through complex metabolic interactions, stimulated the processes of biokarstification, favoring the surface transformations at limestone and the soil and crust formation, that contribute to the karst relie

    Investigation of the Erosive Potential of Different Types of Alcoholic Beverages

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    Objective: To evaluate the erosive potential of different alcoholic beverages according to pH, titratable acidity and buffering capacity. Material and Methods: Thirteen industrialized alcoholic beverages of different brands were selected and divided into five groups according to their type and composition. The pH measurement and titratable acidity for pH 5.5 and 7.0 were performed in triplicate in 50 mL of each beverage. The buffering capacity was calculated based on pH and titratable acidity for pH 7.0. ANOVA, Tukey, and Pearson correlation, with p<0.05, were used for data analysis. Results: Data showed normal distribution by Shapiro-Wilk test. The pH of alcoholic beverages ranged from 2.49 (Miks Ice Tea - Green Fruits) to 7.64 (Smirnoff). The highest values of acid titration (4.68) and buffer capacity (19.97) were observed in Smirnoff Ice. The following correlations (p<0.01) were noted between: pH and titratable acidity; buffering capacity and pH; buffering capacity and titratable acidity. Conclusion: Some beers and alcopops presented erosive potential due to their lower pH associated with high acid titration values. The whisky and sugarcane liquor examined were not potentially erosive

    Inquérito sobre os casos de miíase por Dermatobia hominis em cães (Canis familiaris) das zonas norte e oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro no ano 2000

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    Foi realizado um inquérito sobre os casos de miíase por larvas de Dermatobia hominis em cães atendidos em 190 clínicas e consultórios veterinários das Zonas Norte e Oeste do Município do Rio de Janeiro em 2000. Casos foram atendidos em 37 de 108 estabelecimentos veterinários da Zona Norte e em 55 de 82 estabelecimentos da Zona Oeste do município. A presença de áreas rurais e animais como bovinos e eqüinos próximos aos cães criou um ambiente adequado à proliferação de moscas, inclusive as vetoras dos ovos da D. hominis. Cães adultos, de raça definida e de pelagem curta e escura foram os mais acometidos. Machos foram os mais infestados na Zona Norte, enquanto não se observou predileção por sexo na Zona Oeste. Cães mantidos em quintais de casas ou sítios, como os adultos e os de raça de grande porte (normalmente utilizados para guarda), foram os mais acometidos. O dorso e a região lombar foram as regiões do corpo mais afetadas, por serem facilmente acessíveis às moscas. Programas preventivos contra miíases devem ser intensificados nos meses de maior incidência, apesar de algumas vezes isso não ser possível, pois vários veterinários relataram que nenhum mês apresentou maior incidência ou não souberam responder à pergunta. Os veterinários devem alertar os proprietários que são necessárias a correção do manejo e a manutenção da higiene do local onde os cães são mantidos, para evitar a presença de moscas. Mais estudos são necessários para identificar outras causas predisponentes às miíases e evitar essa doença.An inquiry about cases of myiasis by Dermatobia hominis larvae on dogs presented to 190 veterinary establishments of the Northern and Western Zones of Rio de Janeiro City in 2000 was performed. Cases were presented to 37 of 108 establishments in the Northern Zone and to 55 of 82 in the Western Zone of the city. Presence of rural or forest areas and coexistence of dogs and farm animals created an adequate ambient to flies proliferation, including the vector flies of Dermatobia hominis eggs. Adult, pure breed, short and dark-haired dogs were most infested. Males were most infested in the Northern Zone, while in the Western Zone no predilection for sex was noticed. Dogs kept in small farms and house yards, as adult and large breed dogs (usually for house guard), were most affected. Dorsal and lumbar regions, which are easily accessible to flies, were most infested body regions. Prevention programs against myiasis should be intensified during months of highest incidence, although sometimes it is not possible, because many clinicians reported that no month presented higher incidence than another or they did not know to answer this question. Clinicians should warn pet owners that it is necessary to correct handling and to maintain hygiene of the place where the dogs are kept, in order to avoid the existence of flies. More studies are necessary in order to identify other predisposing causes to myiasis and avoid this disease

    Can Endodontic Irrigating Solutions Influence the Bond Strength of Adhesives to Coronal Dental Substrates? : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of In Vitro Studies

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    Purpose: To systematically review the literature to analyze the influence of endodontic irrigating solutions on the bond strength of adhesives to coronal enamel or dentin. Materials and Methods: The PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science and Scopus electronic databases were used to select laboratory studies related to the research question, without publication year or language limits. From 2461 potentially eligible studies, 2451 were selected for full-text analysis, and 97 were included in the systematic review. Two authors independently selected the studies, extracted the data, and assessed the risk of bias. Pooling bond strength data were calculated using RevMan5.1 with random effects model (α = 0.05), comparing control (no endodontic irrigating solution) and experimental groups (one or more endodontic solutions). Results: No significant difference was found between the control and experimental groups (p = 0.12) in the overall meta-analysis and in the meta-analysis excluding chlorhexidine (p = 0.06). High heterogeneity was found in the meta-analyses. Most included studies in the systematic review were scored as having a high risk of bias. Conclusion: The different endodontic irrigating solutions evaluated showed no negative influence on the bond strength of dental adhesives to coronal dental substrates