87 research outputs found

    Vegetative growth of 28 genotypes of Coffea canephora at 850 meters of altitude

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    Coffea canephora plants grown at low or elevated temperatures undergo changes in photosynthetic processes, which have a direct impact on vegetative growth. This species shows plants with distinct stress tolerance mechanisms and a great genetic diversity; however, there are no studies concerning the study of altitude on plant growth for these genotypes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth rates of orthotropic and plagiotropic branches from 28 Coffea canephora genotypes, ca. 3 years of age, cultivated at 850 m of altitude. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four repetitions. Each repetition was compounded by five plants. The period of the experimental evaluation was from 01/23/2013 to 07/07/2013. We selected and identified the orthotropic and plagiotropic branches, which were evaluated bimonthly according to their length (mm), assessing the growth rates. The results were associated with climatic factors that occurred during the experimental period. The genetic material of Coffea canephora evaluated in the study shows genetic diversity to the characteristics growth rate of orthotropic and plagiotropic branches, thus, it is possible to select genotypes with potential for cultivation at 850 m of altitude. In general, genotypes of Coffea canephora exhibited variations in growth rates, mainly in response to changes in temperature, with a sharp and constant drop in growth rates between the period from 05/05/2013 to 05/ 23/2013, when the recorded temperatures were always below 13 °C. Genotypes A1, NV2 and NV1 can be pointed as the ones which showed the best vegetative growth results at 850 meters of altitude.publishersversionpublishe

    Jovens no mercado de trabalho formal brasileiro: uma análise quantitativa

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    In the 1990s, the high rate of unemployment was part of the reality of the Brazilian labor market. In this scenario, the youth labor was the most penalized by having the lowest employment rates, with most employed in the informal sector and obtaining low income. However, during the first decade of this century, the dynamics of the domestic labor market was different from that observed in the last decade, especially since 2004, with the increase in the creation of formal jobs. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the labor market of children and young people (aged between 14 and 24 years). The time frame of this analysis covers the years 1992, 2002 and 2012; Data refer to the Annual Social Information (RAIS) of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). Methodologically a review of the relative literature on the integration of young people in work activities was performed, and an indicator for the estimation of the participation of young people formally employed in Brazil was calculated. The main results show that between 1990 and 2000 a worsening of the entry of young people in the Brazilian labor market began. In addition, it was found that the formalization promoted during the 2000s, did not reach the youth formal labor.En la década de 1990, la alta tasa de desempleo era parte de la realidad del mercado laboral brasileño. En este escenario, la mano de obra juvenil fue la más penalizada al tener las tasas más bajas de empleo, con la mayoría de ocupados en el sector informal y la obtención de ingresos bajos. Sin embargo, durante la primera década de este siglo, la dinámica del mercado laboral nacional fue distinta de la observada en la última década, sobre todo desde 2004, con el aumento en la creación de puestos de trabajo formales. Por lo tanto, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el mercado de trabajo de menores y jóvenes (en edades entre 14 y 24 años). El marco de tiempo de este análisis cubre los años 1992, 2002 y 2012; los datos corresponden a la Información Social Anual (RAIS), del Ministerio de Trabajo y Empleo (MTE). Metodológicamente se realizó una revisión de la literatura relativa a la inserción de los jóvenes en las actividades de trabajo, y se calculó un indicador para la estimación de la participación de los jóvenes ocupados formalmente en Brasil. Los principales resultados muestran que entre 1990 y 2000 se dio un empeoramiento de la entrada de los jóvenes en el mercado de trabajo brasileño. Además, se encontró que la formalización promovida durante la década del 2000, no alcanzó a la mano de obra formal de jóvenes.Na década de 1990, a alta taxa de desemprego era parte da realidade do mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Neste cenário, a mão de obra juvenil foi a mais penalizada ao ter as taxas mais baixas de emprego, com a maioria de ocupados no setor informal e a obtenção de rendimentos baixos. No entanto, durante a primeira década deste século, a dinâmica do mercado de trabalho nacional foi diferente da observada na última década, sobretudo desde 2004, com o aumento na criação de postos de trabalho formais. Portanto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o mercado de trabalho de menores e jovens (em idades entre 14 e 24 anos). O marco de tempo desta análise cobre nos anos 1992, 2002 e 2012; os dados correspondem à Informação Social Anual (RAIS), do Ministério de Trabalho e Emprego (MTE). Metodologicamente realizou-se uma revisão da literatura relacionada à inserção dos jovens nas atividades de trabalho, e calculou-se um indicador para a estimativa da participação dos jovens ocupados formalmente no Brasil. Os principais resultados mostram que entre 1990 e 2000 piorou a entrada dos jovens no mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Além do mais, encontrou-se que a formalização promovida durante a década do 2000, não atingiu à mão de obra formal de jovens

    Criação e Destruição de Empregos na Indústria Metropolitana do Nordeste

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    O mercado de trabalho metropolitano do Nordeste brasileiro é diferenciado de suas áreas de menor projeção econômica. As metrópoles de Fortaleza, Recife e Salvador são detentoras de elevadas quantidades de unidades produtivas de todos os setores de atividade econômica, distinguindo-se das demais áreas da região. O presente estudo analisa o mercado de trabalho e a criação e destruição de postos de trabalho na atividade industrial nas áreas geográficas especificadas – antes e pós-crise econômica de 2008. Para tanto, foram utilizados os dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais – RAIS e do Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados – CAGED, do Ministério do Trabalho e do Emprego – MTE. Metodologicamente, recorre-se a uma revisão de literatura e, em seguida, à construção de indicadores de criação e destruição de vagas no emprego formal metropolitano nordestino. Os resultados mostram relativo destaque da construção civil em relação às demais atividades, e seletividade por idade, escolaridade e faixa de remuneração As metrópoles apresentaram piora nos indicadores do emprego industrial da região e mantiveram as diferenças entre si

    Repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms with bifurcated endografts: a single-center study

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe our early experience in the treatment of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms with bifurcated endografts. We report on our initial twelve-month experience using this approach. METHODS: Clinical data on patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms treated at a single tertiary center in Brazil were prospectively recorded. The eligibility for endovascular treatment was evaluated by computed tomography scanning and anatomical features were determined based on the method of treatment. RESULTS: From February 2012 to January 2013 (12 months), 28 consecutive patients (mean age 67.2 years, range 45-85 years) underwent treatment for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms at our hospital. Eighteen patients (64.3%) were suitable for and underwent endovascular treatment with bifurcated endografts (16 patients) or aortouniiliac endografts (two patients). Ten patients who were considered unsuitable for endograft repair underwent open repair. Seven patients were classified as hemodynamically unstable (Endovascular, 5; Open, 2), and 21 were classified as stable (Endovascular, 13; Open, 8). The overall 30-day mortality rate associated with endovascular treatment was 27.8% (stable, 18.7%; unstable, 40%) and the rate associated with open repair was 50% (stable, 37.5%; unstable, 100%). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the suitability of patients for endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms was high and the overall results of endovascular treatment remain encouraging. Indeed, bifurcated endografts are a feasible option for treating anatomically eligible ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms


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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a frequência de cordas tendíneas no complexo valvar atrioventricular esquerdo (CVAE) do coração de ovinos da raça Santa Inês. Os ensaios foram realizados em quarenta órgãos preparados com a utilização de solução de formol a 10% e dissecados para a retirada do CVAE, classificando-se e quantificando-se as cordas tendíneas, cujo número variou de 10 a 27, bem como as que se orientavam à comissura entre as válvulas, variando em número de duas a cinco cordas, saindo dos músculos papilares subauricular e subatrial. Corações com três cordas que se orientavam à comissura apresentaram maior frequência. Os resultados sugerem a inexistência de uma padronização anatômica na quantidade de cordas tendíneas no coração do ovino da raça Santa Inês. Palavra-chaveS: Cordas tendíneas, coração, frequência, morfologia, ovino

    Epidemiological study in Brazilian women highlights that syphilis remains a public health problem

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    yphilis, an infectious disease considered a global public health concern, can cause stillbirths and neonatal deaths. This highlights the importance of continuous surveillance studies among women of reproductive age. A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyze the prevalence and risk factors associated with Treponema pallidum infection in women assisted by primary health care units in Dourados, a city located in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, which borders Paraguay. A questionnaire was applied to a population-based sample, blood samples were collected for syphilis testing and multivariable analyses were performed to screen associations with T. pallidum infection. The prevalence of T. pallidum infection was 6.04%. Bivariate analysis showed that women referring multiple sexual partners (c2: 6.97 [p=0.014]), income less 2 minimal wages (c2: 15.93 [p=0.003]), who did not have high school (c2: 12.64 [p=0.005]), and reporting history of STIs (c2: 7.30 [p=0.018]) are more likely to have syphilis. In the multivariate analysis, a highest prevalence ratio was observed in women with income less than 2 minimal wages (PR: 0.96 [95% CI: 0.85 - 0.97]), and who did not have high school (PR: 0.94 [95% CI: 0.90 - 0.98]). In addition, 80% of the women reported irregular use of condoms and 63.89% declared having sexual intercourses with multiple partners, which creates more opportunities for the transmission of the infection. These results highlight the need for healthcare systems to implement initiatives to monitor syphilis screening and the commitment of patients and their sexual partners to the treatment in order to achieve a decrease of new cases

    Artroplastia total do joelho auxiliada por navegação: análise de 200 casos

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    OBJECTIVE:to evaluate the results from surgery with computer-assisted navigation in cases of total knee arthroplasty.METHOD:a total of 196 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty with computer-assisted navigation were evaluated. The extension and flexion spaces (gaps) were evaluated during the operation and the alignment after the operation was assessed. The Knee Society Score (KSS) questionnaire for assessing patient's function was applied preoperatively and postoperatively after a mean follow-up of 22 months.RESULTS:in all, 86.7% of the patients presented good alignment of the mechanical axis (less than 3◦ of varus or valgus in relation to the mechanical axis) and 96.4% of the patients presented balanced flexion and extension gaps. Before the operation, 97% of the patients presented poor or insufficient KSS, but after the operation, 77.6% presented good or excellent KSS.CONCLUSION:the navigation system made it possible to achieve aligned and balanced implants, with notable functional improvement among the patients. It was found to be useful in assessing, understanding and improving knowledge in relation to performing arthroplasty procedures.OBJETIVO:avaliar os resultados das cirurgias assistidas por navegação (CAN) nas artroplastias totais de joelho.MÉTODO:foram avaliados 196 pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho com auxílio da navegação por computador. Avaliados no intraoperatório os espaços (gaps) de extensão e de flexão, o alinhamento pós-operatório e o questionário funcional da Knee Society Score (KSS) pré-operatório e pós-operatório com seguimento médio de 22 meses.RESULTADOS:dos pacientes, 86,7% apresentaram bom alinhamento do eixo mecânico (dentro de 3◦ de varo ou valgo em relação ao eixo mecânico) e 96,4% apresentaram ambos os gaps de flexão e extensão balanceados. No pré-operatório, 97% dos pacientes apresentavam KSS funcional ruim ou insuficiente, no pós-operatório 77,6% apresentavam KSS funcional bom ou excelente.CONCLUSÃO:a navegação proporcionou a obtenção de implantes alinhados e balanceados com importante melhoria da função nos pacientes. Foram evidenciados sua utilidade no estudo, o entendimento e o aperfeiçoamento do conhecimento na execução das artroplastias.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Orthopedics and Traumatology DepartmentUNIFESP, Orthopedics and Traumatology DepartmentSciEL

    COVID-19 infodemic and impacts on the mental health of older people : cross-sectional multicenter survey study

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic received widespread media coverage due to its novelty, an early lack of data, and the rapid rise in deaths and cases. This excessive coverage created a secondary “infodemic” that was considered to be a serious public and mental health problem by the World Health Organization and the international scientific community. The infodemic particularly affected older individuals, specifically those who are vulnerable to misinformation due to political positions, low interpretive and critical analysis capacity, and limited technical-scientific knowledge. Thus, it is important to understand older people’s reaction to COVID-19 information disseminated by the media and the effect on their lives and mental health. Objective: We aimed to describe the profile of exposure to COVID-19 information among older Brazilian individuals and the impact on their mental health, perceived stress, and the presence of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Methods: This cross-sectional, exploratory study surveyed 3307 older Brazilians via the web, social networks, and email between July 2020 and March 2021. Descriptive analysis and bivariate analysis were performed to estimate associations of interest. Results: Major proportions of the 3307 participants were aged 60 to 64 years (n=1285, 38.9%), female (n=2250, 68.4%), and married (n=1835, 55.5%) and self-identified as White (n=2364, 71.5%). Only 295 (8.9%) had never started or completed a basic education. COVID-19 information was mainly accessed on television (n=2680, 81.1%) and social networks (n=1943, 58.8%). Television exposure was ≥3 hours in 1301 (39.3%) participants, social network use was 2 to 5 hours in 1084 (32.8%) participants, and radio exposure was ≥1 hour in 1223 (37%) participants. Frequency of exposure to social networks was significantly associated with perceived stress (P=.04) and GAD (P=.01). A Bonferroni post hoc test revealed significantly different perceived stress in participants who were exposed to social networks for 1 hour (P=.04) and those who had no exposure (P=.04). A crude linear regression showed that “some” social media use (P=.02) and 1 hour of exposure to social media (P<.001) were associated with perceived stress. Adjusting for sociodemographic variables revealed no associations with this outcome variable. In a crude logistic regression, some social media use (P<.001) and 2 to 5 hours of exposure to social media (P=.03) were associated with GAD. Adjusting for the indicated variables showed that some social network use (P<.001) and 1 hour (P=.04) and 2 to 5 hours (P=.03) of exposure to social media were associated with GAD. Conclusions: Older people, especially women, were often exposed to COVID-19–related information through television and social networks; this affected their mental health, specifically GAD and stress. Thus, the impact of the infodemic should be considered during anamnesis for older people, so that they can share their feelings about it and receive appropriate psychosocial care