26 research outputs found

    Green CSR and brand attitude : the role of stereotype content model

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    This study examines the efficacy of Corporate Social Responsibility motives (CSR-m) and Corporate Ability (CA) in developing Brand Attitude (BA) and Customer Loyalty (CL). A Stereotype Content Model (SCM), i.e., a concept of perception toward citizens of other countries in the warm and competence dimension, was used as a moderating variable that affects the relationship among CSR-m, CA, and BA. The survey was conducted in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, in regard to two global brands: Coca-Cola and Toyota. The 173 respondents were customers of those two brands. The data were analyzed with factor analysis, multiple regression, and t-independent tests. The results revealed differences between these two global brands, which have a direct impact on CSR-m on BA but with different motives. Also, it was revealed that SCM moderates the influence of CSR-m toward BA. The implication of this study is CSR-m enhanced BA; therefore, companies must properly choose and manage their type of CSR to increase business performance.peer-reviewe


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    Strategic planning is important for non-profit organization to make sure they have been achieved their missions and take necessary actions to achieve it. And they could achieve greater benefits if they applying strategic planning which outweigh the cost involved in the implementation process. But the relationship between strategic planning and organizational performance has been rarely examined in the public and non-profit sectors, especially in Indonesia. This study empirically examines the effect of strategic planning on one of Indonesian non-profit organization’s performance effectiveness. The performance effectiveness assess by using the multiple perspective of Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Niven (2008) developed the BSC for non-profit organization which has added the fifth perspective, volunteers’ development. We argue that the strategic planning can help to guide the implementation process to achieve organization’s performance effectiveness. A purposive sample of 30 managers and project leaders was selected for participated in this study to measure the impact of strategic planning on this organization’s performance effectiveness. All data will be analyzed through quantitative method. We believe that the result of this study will contribute to strategic management area of research and practices on how to measure the strategic planning implementation on the organization’s performance effectiveness by using balanced scorecard, especially in non-profit sector in Indonesia.Keywords: strategic planning, mission achievement, performance effectiveness, non-profit organizations, the balanced scorecard (BSC


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    The impact of the global financial crisis has highlighted the importance of risk management. The role of risk management was also associated with changes in the business environment. The strategy process is divided into two steps, namely the formulation and implementation. Risk management carried out in the strategy formulation process as a project to identify opportunities and risks in accordance with the company's strategy. Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), which can effectively help the organization achieve its goals, and lead to the creation of value for the organization. Risk management is an activity which integrates recognition of risk, risk assessment, developing strategies to manage and mitigate risk using managerial resources. From previous research, organizational culture is identified as an important key in contextual factors for the success of the company's risk management. Identifying the individual leader's style is central to evaluating the quality of leadership and effectiveness, especially for organizational goals and manage the risk in the company. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual framework of leadership styles, organizational culture and risk management. This study will be discussed at one of the state-owned insurance company with quantitative methods conducted through a survey of middle management and employees. The results of this study will contribute to the company to determine the influence of leadership style and organizational culture adopted by the company for the implementation of risk management.Keywords:  leadership style, organizational culture, risk management

    Analisis Pengaruh Dinamisme Lingkungan dan Faktor Manajerial Terhadap Perencanaan Strategis dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kinerja Organisasi Non-Profit dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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    External environment changes and managerial factors are important to be considered in the preparation of strategic planning. Strategic planning is very important for the organization, not only for profit organizations but also for nonprofit organizations because a formal strategic planning can guide them to assess how far their goals have been achieved and how to achieve them. This study discusses how the dynamism of the external environment and managerial factors influence strategic planning and its implications for WWF Indonesia's performance using the Balanced Scorecard approach. The research method used is to use a survey of employees at WWF Indonesia and processed with SmartPLS 3.0. The results show that external business environment dynamism and managerial factors can influence strategic planning which ultimately affects the improvement of WWF Indonesia's performance

    How Negative eWOM Affects Purchase Intention: Evidence from Indonesian Traveling Apps Users

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    Abstract. Traveling apps are effective tools to search information and purchase tourism products. Online reviews are the most influential information source in the tourism industry. This study determines the effect of eWOM factors: informational determinants (perceived eWOM usefulness and eWOM perceived credibility of online reviews); personal determinants (using experience of eWOM and product involvement); and the effects of negative reviews (perceived diagnosticity of negative reviews and negative review impression) on purchase intention in traveling applications through some mediating variables (attitude toward online review, attitude toward product, attitude toward brand, and eWOM adoption). This study uses Information Adoption Model and integrates consumer attitude. There were 356 respondents collected through online survey and purposive sampling. Further, Structural Equation Modeling was employed to analyze 17 hypotheses. The results showed that only perceived credibility of online review has no indirect impact on purchase intention. It exhibits the importance role of consumers' attitude and eWOM adoption as mediating variables in promoting purchase intention. This study contributes to industry, especially traveling application managers to arrange their eWOM strategies and travel product providers in managing their brand activities. Keywords: Online review, negative eWOM, Information Adoption Model. Abstrak. Aplikasi traveling efektif digunakan untuk mencari informasi dan membeli produk wisata. Ulasan online adalah sumber informasi paling berpengaruh dalam industri pariwisata. Studi ini menganalisis pengaruh faktor eWOM: informational determinants (perceived eWOM usefulness dan perceived eWOM ecredibility of online reviews), personal determinants (using experience of eWOM dan product involvement), serta effects of negative reviews (perceived diagnosticity of negative reviews dan negative review impression) terhadap purchase intention dalam aplikasi traveling dengan beberapa variabel mediasi (attitude terhadap online review, attitude terhadap produk, attitude terhadap brand, dan eWOM adoption). Penelitian ini menggunakan Information Adoption Model. Terdapat 356 respon yang dikumpulkan melalui survei online dengan purposive sampling. Structural Equation Modeling digunakan untuk menganalisis 17 hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya perceived credibility of online review tidak memiliki dampak tidak langsung terhadap purchase intention. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya peran sikap konsumen dan adopsi eWOM sebagai variabel mediasi dalam meningkatkan purchase intention. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi kepada industri, khususnya pengelola aplikasi perjalanan untuk mengatur strategi eWOM mereka dan penyedia produk perjalanan dalam mengelola aktivitas merek mereka. Kata kunci: Online review, eWOM negatif, Information Adoption Model

    Perilaku Konsumen

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    How open innovation strategy and effectuation within platform ecosystem can foster innovation performance: Evidence from digital multi-sided platform startups

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    This article explores how effectuation approaches – entrepreneurial action that deals with a set of means as given and focuses on selecting between possible effects that can be created with that set of means – contribute to digital Multi-Sided Platform (MSP) startups significant growth. The study integrates effectuation theory with an open innovation strategy within the platform ecosystem to understand the innovation process under resource constraint, limited knowledge, and uncertainty. Our inductive multiple-case study findings from three leading digital MSP startups show how their founding team uses the knowledge, ideas, and resources from external parties within the platform ecosystem, including agents, user communities, and supporting partner firms, along with means from the entrepreneurs’ background, in the beginning to produce high growth innovation outcomes. Platform-based entrepreneurship becomes the integrating point of effectuation theory from entrepreneurship research and open innovation strategy through strategic management research. The bridge for these two areas suggests implications for platform-based entrepreneurship research in strategic entrepreneurship

    Advancing Exchanges Of Information In Social Friendship Networks Through Motivation, Opportunity, And Ability

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    This article examines the impact of motivation, opportunity, and ability as antecedents of exchanges of information among members of social friendship networks and also the impact on creating membership value and members’ loyalty including the influence of the system characteristics. The research method employed descriptive multiple crosssectional designs which yielded 256 responses. The Structured Equation Modelling was used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the research reveal that motivation and ability provide the impetus to exchanges of information whereas opportunity does not. Furthermore, exchanges of information impact members’ loyalty through the mediation of membership value and finally the exchanges of information evoke members’ loyalty directly. However, only information quality impacts membership value and members’ loyalty. The rigor of the research concept will result in better insight to future researchers particularly in designing and implementing members’ loyalty program in social friendship networks

    The Role of Community Benefits on Brand Loyalty in Automotive Social Media Brand Community

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    Objective: This study examines the benefits of online brand community interactivity in social media in the Indonesian automotive sector. Design/Methods/Approach: The proposed model was empirically assessed using survey data from 332 Indonesian-based automobile online brand community members on social media. In addition, the link between the constructs in the research model was examined using SEM PLS. Findings: The findings strongly link perceived interactivity and community benefits. In Addition, the results also demonstrate that community members' trust in a brand strongly and positively impacts brand loyalty. Special treatment and a sense of membership increase members' trust in the brand and community satisfaction. However, social influence has negligible effects on community satisfaction. Originality/Value: This study combines value, trust, and satisfaction as the mediating variables in the relationship between interactivity in the online community and loyalty. Practical/Policy implication: Given the results, brands should provide flexibility to access information or content by optimizing the usage of social media features that members can easily access anytime, such as adding links to the Instagram bio or description on Facebook or WhatsApp groups. Enhancing these community benefits can be done by ensuring that the information circulated within the community is accurate and informative


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    Live streaming has become a well-liked way for businesses to boost interaction and consumer engagement, ultimately leading to positive word-of-mouth promotion. Word of mouth is crucial in business since it serves as a reliable gauge for assessing a product's quality prior to purchase, hence reducing uncertainty in decision-making. Previous studies overlooked the benefits of live streaming for word-of-mouth.  Hence, the objective of this study is to examine the emergence of word-of-mouth communication facilitated by live streaming, employing the socio-technical approach and attachment theory. This quantitative research has a total of 12 hypotheses. Data was collected through the distribution of online questionnaires using purposive sampling, by examined 319 TikTok Live Shopping users. The data was collected and analyzed using SmartPLS. Live streaming yields a favorable impact on user engagement and viral marketing. Streamers exert significant effect on audience engagement, fostering strong connections with the platform, user loyalty, and word-of-mouth promotion. Consequently, marketers can optimize the utilization of live streaming by collaborating with the most compatible streamers. Additionally, this study discovered that vicarious expression does not have a beneficial impact on platform attachment. This study suggests using live streaming as a strategy to improve customer retention and build stronger relationships with customers, which offers insightful information for business experts in Indonesia. It addresses the constraints of previous research, which focused mainly on loyalty to brands in terms of transactions, by providing theoretical support for exploring the relationship between user stickiness and word-of-mouth generation on live streaming platforms